Ever wonder Why most (if not all) of Natural Disasters tend to happen more frequently at the poorest areas of the world???
Apparently, those areas, where most of the population is suffering from various social and economic misfortunes, are affected the most by the society's general outcry (and damnations)!!! That, in turn, creates various geodesic turbulences, or accidents. {as though Earth reacts to those damnations)! For that reason, the popular "scare stories" -- as, for instance, that of "2012" -- are very dangerous: _____ if enough people believe it, that might (and probably will) invoke some tragic events!!! (as if justifying those rumours) We, humans, are affecting reality much more than we realize!!! |
Gay-ism n Lesbian-ism
"Proving this would require doing brain scans on many thousand newborns and following them for 25 years in the hope of correlating birth structures with later sexual activity. The theory is inherently unlikely and experimentally a nightmare." Sure souds like Dr. Whitehead is looking for a grant for yet another study -- for 25 years!!! |
Edited by
Sat 04/10/10 10:48 PM
Both pairs of my lips are dead sealed!!!
_________________ ___________________ |
My Doggy
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Sat 04/10/10 10:41 PM
I seriously doubt any of the mortals' open-mindedness and expertise in Spiritual realm (except, possibly, that of SkyHook's)!!!
You sure seem to be trying to play it down, somehow. I don't know about you, but I got dumb-struck when I discoved so many coincidences!
According to statistics, some coincidences are inevitable.
But so many at once -- seems a bit eery!!! . __________________________ ________________________________ . However, that's NOT the only historical coincidence! |
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Sat 04/10/10 06:17 PM
( * deep inside you know who you are * ) |
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Sat 04/10/10 05:40 PM
Intuitively, I'm quite aware of the fact that some of you may want to request me proving myself with cold hard (and verifyable) facts! But, please, be aware of my pre-emptive respose:
................ (or ask your professor, ..................if your content with ..................the same stale answers!!!) ...... |
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Sat 04/10/10 03:40 PM
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know -- creativity is envied and discourage!
However, the amazing (confirmed & verified) coincidences are evident: . ***************** A. Lincoln and J.F. Kennedy: 1. Both presidents had 7 letters in their last name. 2. Both were over 6 feet tall. 3. Both men studied law. 4. Both seemed to have lazy eye muscles, which would sometimes cause one to deviate. 5. Both suffered from genetic diseases: it is suspected that Lincoln had Marfan's disease, and Kennedy suffered from Addison's disease. 6. Both had no fear of their mortality and disdained bodyguards. 7. both presidents were were killed with a shot in the head, on a Friday. - both were seated beside their wives when shot. Both wives held the bullet-torn heads of their husbands. 8. Lincoln was shot at Ford's Theatre. Kennedy was shot in a Lincoln limousine (a Ford product). 9. Booth shoot Lincoln at a theatre and was cornered in a warehouse. Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and was cornered in a theatre. 10. Each assassin detained by an officer named Baker: Lt. B.Baker was leader of the cavalry patrol which trapped Booth at Garrett's Barn. Officer Marion L. Baker, a Dallas motorcycle patrolman, briefly detained Oswald on the 2nd floor of the School Book Depository until he learned that Oswald worked there. 11. Both presidents were succeeeded by their vice-presidents, with the same last name: Lincoln - by Andrew Johnson, and Kennedy - by Lyndon Baines Johnson. 12. Both Johnsons were former southern senators. 13. Both Johnsons had urethral stones, the only presidents to have them. **** But the moost amazing coincidence is that Both Booth and Oswald were patsys: * Booth did not kill Lincoln. * Oswald did not kill Kennedy. |
My Doggy
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Sat 04/10/10 12:40 AM
I don't think it has anything to do with our memories,
but with -- as much as I hate the word (because it carries religious connotations) -- the SPIRIT!!! (i.e. an all-inclusive essence of the personality) |
Everybody Complain!
.................... NEVERMIND,
Edited by
Sat 04/10/10 12:11 AM
I CAN HELP YOU REALIZE ALL OF YOUR DREAMS!!! p.s. $100/HOUR!!! _____________ ______________ |
Everybody Complain!
Oh,cut it out, guys --
This isn't a site of MUTUAL ADMIRATIONS!!! |
Gay-ism n Lesbian-ism
Edited by
Fri 04/09/10 11:53 PM
It is apparent that homosexuality does not have one particular "cause." It is not purely genetic in origin, for instance, because the very twin studies that some interpreted as "proving" a purely genetic origin of homosexuality actually "disproved" it, because only 52% of identical twins of homosexual persons were also homosexual. If homosexuality were dependent on a particular "gay gene," both twins should have possess that gene, and thus there should have been a 100% correspondence.
A person finds him/herself with a homosexual orientation as a result of the interplay of several factors, including heredity, prenatal influence (a controversial subject, but with not only animal studies but some human studies to back it up), and environmental factors such as childhood trauma or being brought up and conditioned as a member of the opposite sex. The latter is the background of a significant number of lesbians, for instance. (in other words, Nature & Nurture). *** "Homosexuality & heterosexuality are likely to be the result of an interaction of several different factors, including genetics, hormonal & environmental factors. *** While there seems to be strong evidence to point to a biological link to a homosexual orientation, it is also very likely that, for some people, a homosexual orientation develops as a result of psycho-sociological factors. In other words, for some, homosexual orientation may be altogether environmentally caused. *** Studies show that genes play a significant role in determining homosexual orientation. Also, studies consistently show that male homosexual orientation is mainly (perhaps entirely) determined at conception by a person's genes. In fact, brain scans have provided the most compelling evidence yet that being gay or straight is a biologically fixed trait." Other studies used neural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on a group composed of both heterosexual and homosexual men and women. They found key similarities between the brains of: Gay males and heterosexual females, and Lesbians and heterosexual males. That is, homosexual and heterosexual orientation seem to be linked to pre-birth brain structures, and are not caused by factors after birth, including parenting styles, sexual molestation during childhood, or a choice by the individual. In a subsequent experiment, the researchers concentrated on the amygdala (medical name: corpus amygdaloideum). This is a structure in the lower part of the brain that directs the individual's response to emotional stimuli. It is located at the center of the brain -- roughly halfway between one's eyeballs and the back of the head, and about halfway between the neck and the top of the head. It is active when danger is present and the person has to decide between "fight or flight." It is also active when sizing up a potential love interest or mate, and in many other emotional situations. The studies used PET scans to measure blood flow to the amygdala. Results demostrated, again, that heterosexual men and lesbians shared a similarity: they had more nerve connections on the right side of the amygdala than on the left. Meanwhile, gay males and heterosexual women had more neural connections on the left side of the amygdala than on the right. That might be anticipated, because straight men and lesbians are both sexually attracted to women, while straight women and gay males are both sexually attracted to men. So in fact there's a (genetic) predisposition. |
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Fri 04/09/10 09:54 PM
Dear TxsGal3333:
Thank you very much for your message, which confirms many similarities -- although I confused a few facts (at 2 AM that's expected!) Nevertheless, the general idea is correct! (especially about Napoleon/Hitler). Thank you once again for confirming my post (at least, some of it)! Sincerely, JaneStar1 p.s. I got pleasantly dismayed how some of the readers enjoy putting others down because they (the latter) have found a few insignificant inconsistencies in the former's presentation!!! _____________________ ___________________ |
You'll never know what your missing
ubless you miss what I know!!! |
My Doggy
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Fri 04/09/10 02:48 AM
You have my respect!
Thanx, though my doubt (whether we will ever be ready to accept the fact of our spirit's Immortality) reffers exactly to the matter of the lack of solid evidence -- since everything we have so far is quite questionable! On the other hand, I seem to contradict myself: after all, I was the one suggesting Never say NEVER!
May be, some day, the official Science will prove it??? (Actually, I suspect they already know that, but disclosing such an info might lead to apathy lack of effort -- if everything falls apart, there's no reason in trying fixing it, since there's always the next time... (although one just have to realize how much easier it will be the next time, if one achieves the optimum result in the present!) Thanx GOD I'm an atheist, otherwise I could swear the Devil's confused the Hell out of me!!! |
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Fri 04/09/10 01:41 AM
Manny facts of life are so strange and mind-boggling, make one wonder whether everything is predetermined, or we actually have an illusion of the Free Will? Consider some peculiar facts:
*** Napoleon / Hitler: 1st one was born in 1760, 2nd one was born in 1889 --- difference: 129 years Napoleon came to power in 1804, Hitler achived the same in 1933 -- difference: .........................................................................................................129 years (Napoleon was 44 years old! . . . . . Hitler was 44 years old!) Napoleon entered Viena in 1812, Hitler did the same in 1941 --- difference: ..................................................................................,,,,,,............129 years Napoleon lost the war in 1816, Hitler suffered the same fate in 1945 -- difference: .........................................................................................................129 years Napoleon attacked Russia when was 52 years old, Hitler did the same at the same age! * Napoleon lost the war when was 56 years old, Hitler suffered the same fate at the same age of 56! * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Lincoln / Kennedy: 1st one was born in 1818, 2nd one was born in 1918 .............. ................................................................................... difference: 100 years Lincoln became a USA president in 1860, Kennedy accomplished the in 1960 ........................................................ ....................................difference: 100 years (Both were Southerners, both Democrats, both have been senatord.) Lincoln was killed on Friday with a shot in the head in presence of his wife, Kennedy -- same fate, same circustances * Lincoln was killed at the "Kennedy" theatre, Kennedy was killed in the "Lincoln" automobile * * * Before his death, Lincoln visited Monroe town in Meriland, Kennedy had an affair with Marrylin Monroe * Lincoln's killer, John Wilkes Booth, was born in 1939, Kennedy's killer (Lee Harvey Oswald) was born in 1939 ----------------- difference: 100 years Both killers' names consist of 15 letters * After the assasination, Booth escaped to the attic where he was captured, Oswald escaped from the attic and was arrested at the theatre * After the murder, Lincoln was succeeded by Johnson, After the murder, Kennedy was succeeded by Johnson: -- the first successor, Andrew Johnson, was born in 1808, the second -- in 1908 * ------------------------------------------------ difference: 100 years ***>>>> Simple calculation allows for estimating the birth of the next "Anti-Christ" (i.e. dictator): Hitler was born in 1889, plus 129 year = 2018!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * But that's not the most fascinating. That same year will witness the arrival of the other pair, "Lincoln / Kennedy"!!! Judge for yourself: Kennedy was born in 1918, plus 129 year = 2018!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (which means "next Kennedy" will come to power in 2060. By the same token, in 2062 the next Napoleon will come to power!!! Certainly, these strange (mind-boggling) parallels defy any logical exolanations.... And history is full of similar cases! Of corse, such coincidences prove noting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....(But who knows? ? ?) |
The world is still full of mystrieries -- new ones are unearthed as we speak (i.e. like the skeleton of un upright prehistoric person)... We might be in for a couple of surprises that will redefine our beliefs (and maybe even our history)!
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Everybody Complain!
Edited by
Thu 04/08/10 09:55 PM
Why do some people assume things?
For example: I thought this thread was supposed to be about complaints of dating...
If it doesn't explicitely say so in the topig, doesn't make sense assuming things... Cus when you ASSuME, your making anASS out of U and ME!!! In other words, any kind of complaints goes... ***though complaints of dating are preferred!!! |