Community > Posts By > alexiateigra
Best cartoon ever?
Thundercats Silverhawks He-man She-ra Smurfs Gummie Bears???? Dungeons & Dragons VOLTRON!!!!!! |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Nope...........can't say I have............... |
Edited by
Tue 02/10/09 06:31 PM
![]() ![]() human nature dictates that we, as animals, should change partners about every seven years... That is just a cop out to avoid taking personal accountability of our actions. A person eitehr chooses to cheat or not. On the hand, if you believe that you are not the type to settle down, then there is nothing wrong with that as long as you honest with the other person & he/she does not have any false hope. It becomes just a matter of what level of commitment you are able to give. no one said anything about cheating, and its observations by people with nothing better to do....people do grow apart and can have more than one partner in a life time as they grow and develop, without ever having to be a cheater...just so you know.... You make a valid point however, the question was "Are MEN polygamous by nature?" It said nothing of people in general but, a direct reference to one gender. Thus, implying men are unable to be faithful. Granted this was done in a comical matter & should not have been taken at face value. I believe that both men & women are capable of being faithful. I also believe that there are some women & men that incapable of any long term relationships. I do agree that people can grow apart but, we fail to realize that we grow apart by the choices we make. Far to often we simply accept that the relationship is over without ever trying to work at it. All relationships require work. It is simply a matter of how much we are willing to dedicate. At the same time, the kindest thing we can do in a relationship sometimes is to end it. I suggest that we ask ourselves what we want out of a relationship truly. Society should not tells us what we need. Marriage, kids, or forever after may not be for some. There is nothing wrong with that so, long as we are honest with ourselves & others. When we are honest with ourselves, we can then choose relationships that are right for us and the other person. Sorry for being so long winded. I did truly appreciate your feedback. Thank goodness that we all do not think alike otherwise it would be very very dull! ![]() |
I just need to vent.....
I am a 37 year old woman who has a full time job, a 4 year old child and has been married three times (once right out of high school - ended in divorce; once 5 years after my divorce but he was killed 6 months later in a car wreck and once again but am getting a divorce). I have my own home and car, pay my own bills and am a great mother. I am responsible, have a good head on my shoulders & am a good person. I spend my days waking in the morning, heading out & dropping my daughter off at school, then work until 5:00 at night, where I get home, cook, give her a bath & play until her bedtime. Then, I escape. I get online to meet with & chat with people, some who have come to be very good friends. I have kept my walls up for so long - not letting anyone in and then I do. Now, I get a guilt trip from my parents that i am loosing my focus on what is important - all that I have....everything, they call it. Well, it isn't everything! It is alot, I am very, very blessed, but they don't understand that I am still human and I need that human connection, a shoulder to lean on, someone to make me feel alive. Now, my parents won't speak to me and to make matters worse, I haven't heard from that other person in a while . I know he is busy and has his life, but the little peace on earth I have found feels like it is slipping away. I miss him. I feel all alone. Your parents and you may not see eye to eye on this. I am sure that their intentions were good. They may be giving you the silent treatment but, it doesn't mean that you can't open the door for them. Let them know that it is okay for them to have a different opinion but, it is your life & it is up to you to make decisions for yourself. ![]() ![]() ![]() In regards to the guy, it depends on the stage of the relationship. Go with what your heart tells you to do. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() human nature dictates that we, as animals, should change partners about every seven years... That is just a cop out to avoid taking personal accountability of our actions. A person eitehr chooses to cheat or not. On the hand, if you believe that you are not the type to settle down, then there is nothing wrong with that as long as you honest with the other person & he/she does not have any false hope. It becomes just a matter of what level of commitment you are able to give. |
![]() ![]() No, one should judge the individual based upon his or her actions; do not judge the entire group based upon one person's action. There are just as many women as men that cheat and vice versa. There are just as many men as women that remain honest and committed in a relationship who never cheat. |
The Fairy Tale Dream
![]() ![]() I think that we all know that love isn't easy. I think the reason it fails so often is that people are in love with FALLING in love. We all know those warm fuzzy feelings at a beginning of relationship. Those feelings can become addictive for some. ...................... |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I am fortunate. I like my own company, but I too have felt that loniness creep into my life at one time. My advice to all of those that are feeling lonely this holiday season, embrace it. It is part of you. Indulge in sappy movies, music, a little bit of ice cream or frozen yogart. Have a good cry, then begin a new the next day. The next day follow these steps: 1. Take a deep breath. 2. Smile. 3. Today is a new day. Good Luck & Take Care. |
ANY person will teach how they would like to be treated. So not listen to the words, but watch the actions that follow. Every one likes a little adventure. MEN and WOMEN. They key is how to balance it. ???????? I don't disagree with you necessarily. To judge a person, it is best to understand their actions. With that being said, a person's words still have power and still have meaning. Thus it is still important to listen to their words but, also listen to what they are not verbally saying. I think the user that began this thread has some unresolved issues. For instance, he isn't actually sincerly seeking advice but, is using this thread as an excuse to treat women badly or at the very least without thought or consideration because he is pissed at his ex. It is okay to be mad or angry. All is fair in love and war but, the person that he is doing the most arm to is himself. What he needs is ...........Be mad, Be angry, But be honest w/ himself. |
Well Ummm the Violent Sex comment is a little disturbing but if that's what you were into when you were together then well whatever floats your boat- having sex with the ex is tricky- if you are only looking for a physical release- you need to be clear on that so noone gets the wrong idea. I had a deal with my ex- we had sex with each other til one of us found someone we wanted to be with and then we stopped being with each other- it worked out fine but we set boundaries- it can work but you have to be clear in what you want. My ex did like some kink and violence when we had sex. But the difference is that there was love before (or so I thought). I do not love her anymore but I am still angry with her. That anger is most likely to come out during sex. I would never hurt her (or any women for that matter), but there is this strong desire to have intense angry sex with her. Bad Idea, but it is understandable that you want some angry sex but, that would only cheapen her and you. Truthfully, even the lowest of scum deserves better treatment than that. Best thing to do is put on the plastic glove & get out the vaseline and use your imagination. |
Thundercats - awesome.
Inspector Gadget - pretty cool. 'nothin' beats Voltron or Robotech! Just kiddin' - sorta! ![]() |
i gave my wife everything and anything and always tried to be nice. I made the same mistake and it was a mistake.Giving a woman that constantly complains and is never happy is telling her that her behavior is acceptable. I know now "DO NOT REWARD BAD BEHAVIOR". <Shakes Head> The fact that you are obviously oversimplifying indicates lack of understanding the basic requirement of all relationships - communication. I strongly suspect that you may have thought you gave her everything but, in reality completely ignored her needs. |
I think i have brain damage
ive know one for 18 years hes my best friend or was and the other i use to work with and was married too iam just so tired of it i feel really bad because iam buring out but i dont know how to help 1st: Before you can even take care of anyone else, you 1st need to take care of yourself. 2nd: It is not you. It is them. Other than probably being a nice person, it more likely that you were simply there for them (like a good friend would be). Don't beat yourself up. Just step back from the situation because you can't help them . They need someone who can be objective about their issues. 3rd: Sometimes, people are sad. I think historically it has been more difficult for men to let out their emotions & are more willing to attempt suicide in a violent manner which is why they have a higher suicide rate. If you know anyone that is currently going through this, call the authorities or a crisis hot-line. Take Care, Alexia |
Op.. It's rather sad huh man,Anyway (Socratease) shot you the best advice I feel! What he's sating is true man, If your a nice fella and want the same in return, You have to be careful man... Cuss the days of Women wanting to be treated like a Queen is as used up as a box of Crispy Cream Donuts in a police station! Just be prepared to punt the evil ones through the up rights, at anytime! But like he said,They don't wan't a tater-tot, And Don't sell out neither man. Usually I've found it that women who want to be treated nice will just "Tell You" Example; C'Mon take me out, lets go to dinner, Or grab a drink perhaps... It's like the whole Wall Mart VS. Mall thing actually. Keep it simple and real. You take a chick to the Mall and lets her have whatever, She'll only browse around...But man, You drop them off at Wall Mart, Dude there's baskets coming outta that store, They only need you to open the Trunk up! That's Right ![]() ![]() ![]() In this case, it is about the quality of the person - not an apt description of all women. I can honestly say that this kind of behavior does not reflect the majority of my sex. If this is the kind of woman that you are attracked to you than I think you are getting what you deserve. ![]() |
Beat the girl senseless till she likes ya ;) along with cheat, lie, whore her out and then do the same to her bestfriend seems like the thing to do. ![]() Any male that believes this load of $#@% isn't looking for a real woman but, a Barbie Doll!. Don't waste our time whinning about being nice doesn't get you anywhere. The truth is that it takes more than simply being "nice". It is about being sincere, honest, kind, and compassionate. |
I think we need to have some nice MN debates.
What was the best cartoon that you watched while growing up? |
Dad for Sale !!!!!
Edited by
Thu 08/28/08 06:19 PM
Ummmm,how much do I have to pay you to take him off my hands??? ![]() ![]() He is driving me freaking nuts. I raised my daughter, am helping raise my grandbabies as much as I can, now I am raising him too. Enough is enough, I want out. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The more I think about it, living in my car really doesn't sound that bad and we have lots of beach around here. ![]() ![]() ![]() Sorry for the rant, he is just making me crazy. Thanks for listening. ![]() ![]() ![]() We love them to pieces but, we prefer a bit of buffer between them and us. Yeah, parents are like that but, as I always say.................. It is not what they (parents) do wrong, but what they do right that matters most. Maybe you could get a parent sitter??????? Only partially joking. Get him in involved in activities outside of the house like volunteer work or social activities. |
Moving in together
When it feels right.
![]() ![]() ![]() Being single is state of affairs. Life isn't non-existent or lack luster simply because one is single. There is still life out there. It is simply a matter of how you choose to live it. Good Luck. P.S. It is better to be too picky than simply grab any Tom, ****, or Harry. (Or so my mom would say!!!!!) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Old loves.........
What do you do when an old love wants to come back into your life? But keep in mind....things never did "end badly"....just "seemed to end". There are few questions that you need to ask yourself. 1). Do you still love him? 2). Was he a good friend before, during, and after the relation ship ended. If the your answer yes to ALL the above questions proceed to the next set of questions. If the answer is no, to ANY of the above questions, forget him. 3). Was he a mistake? 4). Is he best forgotten? 5). Did he betray your trust? If the answer is yes to ANY of the questions from 3-5, then run as fast as you can from him. If the answer is NO, then you have a decision to make. ![]() ![]() Well, maybe then you are better as just friends ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |