Ohhh, that sucks hot. Hope you get nicer weather out there. Its
beautiful in the day over here but really cools down in the night still. Have to cuddle up with a big comforter, lol. |
Angels on Earth
Thanks for posting this Kojack......so sweet, I loved it!
Just great hot, thanks. Not a nice day over at your end?
ouch baby, ouch!
Now see slow....now shen is crying too, lol. Not suppose to say the
four lettered dirty word on sundays or monday mornings, LMAO! Now we have to go back to threapy....traumatized, great, back to square one |
Why do you have to be so mean like that slow
Just kidding! Cheeky boy.......say a prayer for us now will you?! |
lol, yep, the four letter dirty word! ....been in and out, cleaning up
the yard all day. Think I am too pooped to pop now, lol. Might jump bag out on the couch and watch a movie tonight...... How was the weather at your end of the globe today girl |
Hi shen. Pretty good, thanks. Is too short though, lol. I hate
Monday's! How are ya? |
Hey.....anyone around?!
No dropped calls?! Now, that is definately something to heavily
consider! Thanks for the post toyotagirl. |
Where are the members that used to post such kind, warm, thoughtful and
postive posts in the religion forum? I miss them and reading the posts, the sharing of good, the sharing of positve. I for one would greatly appreciate the return of positive and mutual contributions in this forum. I know, I know, everyone has an opinion, views that differ, and am well aware of that but there used to be a respect in these threads and people with faith were not afraid to share their thoughts and posted on a regular basis. Am not looking to debate or argue this post or the existence of God or the Bible, just asking, that if any of those members read this.....please consider posting, contributing and sharing again |
For The Men
Well, the top results were that most men surveyed picked saturday out to
dinner as their top preference, with friday night pizza as second, then third was a big sunday dinner and last but not least, was sunday morning pancakes! Was disappointed there was no breakfast in bed option, lol |
Ten Commandments
Thanks for responding Abra. I understand what you say, about kids
forced to attend church. It's just not Christian or Catholic parents/famalies that do that. Being raised Catholic, I was "made" to go to church, was baptized, the whole nine yards, as a very yound child. Being a child, I had no knowledge, view or opinion of anything other than what I was being raised as. Many kids were raised as I was, with the parents/family raising their children according to what they were raised as. I am still believing, as an adult and certainly do not apologize or shame for it. I cannot quote random pages or text from the Bible or have a debate about it. Nor do I live each and every word literally as stated in the Bible. I would hope that makes me less of a believer of what is important to me. That was long ago and much has changed within the family, society and the world. Most children raised in that manner are now, as adults, open minded, flexible, educated, understanding of diversity and aware of other faiths, views and opinions, options, etc. and raise/would raise their children in a more diverse manner than we were. I am sure there are some that carry on the family tradition with no understanding, acceptance or tolerance for anything other than their own faith. I am also sure some have turned their back on God and their faith because that way is not in agreeance (is that a word, lol) with their life choices or way of life and hold it against everyone who does believe. Or, converted to something else, or nothing at all, as an adult, because we are now responsible for our selves, and have the ability and right to make our own decisions. I have friends who are teaching their children of the different faiths and do not "force" them to a specific faith, are allowing them to deicde for themselves when they become young adults. I think Jess spoke of such a manner, with her children. If I'm wrong, sorry Jess. Far too many threads and posts to troll back on to confirm, but am pretty certain you had. |
For The Men
I hear ya lex....microwave, fast, easy, done, lol.
I hear you....think it's time to flip a coin and decide if it's yard
work today, of just stay in jammies and watch movies, lol. Should get off butt and get outside....is looking like it might just be a grand day! |
Ten Commandments
Abra..... No one is "forced" to follow any path, nor forced to chose
any path via the 10 Commandments. If a person chooses to follow a path, the 10 Commandments, the Bible, the word of God......it is what feels right to them and is hardly "pathetic". I am certainly learning from your opinions, as well as others, why or how people think or believe as they do because there are many that are different from myself. Why must there always be the innuendo and snide remarks with your posts to those that believe in something that is not as you do? A man of such intelligence, yet finds the need to do that, in order to get a point across, is difficult to understand. |
Sorry to disappoint you karma, lol. Still waking up over here. Good
morning |
I am Canadian, lol. And thanks Native for finding the Canadian
rant......how cool is that 'eh?! |
A Laugh for the Ladies.....
Yep....we sure do!!!
Ahhhhhh, no one around, but soon as I say NUDE ya come out from hiding,
lol Wonder if playing water sports in the nude is popular also. |