Community > Posts By > JaneBond

JaneBond's photo
Thu 04/19/07 05:41 AM
Thanks for posting. I am learning from past mistakes and do make an
effort, when I completly disagree with something, to be mindful of the
other person, or step off for a bit if that's what it takes.

I do not agree with or condone the atrocities being committed everyday,
in our own backyards or around the world. I do not agree with or condon
force feeding one's belief or faith onto another but we are each
entitled to what makes us feel complete and with a sense of warmth and
being. I am not speaking to the fanatic's, the extremists, those who
hate, harm, maime or kill in the name of their religion or their God.
We could fill volumes of forums with the horrific and tragic things that
are happening everday.

I guess my point is, there is so much wrong with the world today, tragic
and horrific wrongs, worse than someones faith, and we should be
respectful of eachother and not contribute to it further, but instead
learn to accept and understand eachother and work together, each in our
own small way, to change those wrongs, make this a better place not only
for ourselves, but our children, and their children and so on. If that
makes me naieve, then so be it. But instead of turning on a neighbour I
will continue to do what I can to make whatever small changes I can and
leave positive footprints behind. Even when I disagree with somone or

In regards to having the right to pray in school or the workplace, I saw
a special last night, there are religions other than Christian and
Catholic's that are force feeding their faith, and taking it to the
courts, for their right to pray and practice their religion but I don't
see anyone speaking to that, only against Christians and Catholics that
wish to pray in peace. Why is that?

JaneBond's photo
Wed 04/18/07 03:18 PM
While everyone is free to post, discuss and debate, there is no need for
sarcasm, ridicule, mockery, cheap shots, name calling and the such.
It's spreading like herpes in here. I try to keep an open mind,
understand and learn from other's by what they post but only shut down
when people do that. I respect those that disagree or debate without
making another feel what they have, think or believe is worthless and
they are so right.

Understanding, acceptance, respect, and tolerance of another person and
what is important to a person, even if you do not agree with it. We are
each different. We each have our pain, sorrow, and hurt. We also have
our happiness, compassion and love. When people in society learn to
accept that the world would be much better off.

JaneBond's photo
Wed 04/18/07 02:39 PM

JaneBond's photo
Wed 04/18/07 02:39 PM
Hey star! Welcome to the place...hope you get settled and have fun

JaneBond's photo
Wed 04/18/07 02:38 PM
Welcome back beachbigsmile

JaneBond's photo
Wed 04/18/07 06:01 AM
lol morning TTO. I thought I would see snow out the window it was so
nippy this morning. Woke up late too, lol.....trying to get self
together to get to work.sad Hope you're monring is off to a good
start :cry: :smile:

JaneBond's photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:55 AM
((((((denise)))))) Miss you girl! flowerforyou :heart: smooched

JaneBond's photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:40 AM
Morning devin....hope it's off to a good start drinker

JaneBond's photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:33 AM
Gooood morning daniel.....I think she's just too fast for me some
mornings...... Not enough coffee over here.

JaneBond's photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:32 AM
Morning uk drinker

Ok, thanks, she asked me to IM her, been trying.....

JaneBond's photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:29 AM
lol, cake and coffee for everyone. Gotta love this place.

Now, where is shenadra.....that girl is playing hide and go seek this

JaneBond's photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:25 AM
Ahhhhh, ok, now I see, lol. I was wishing klugman a belated b'day this
morning..... Nope mine's not til July 21st.

BTW...still want to know if I can eat the cake anyway, lol

JaneBond's photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:22 AM
Can I eat the cake anyway? embarassed bigsmile

JaneBond's photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:21 AM least I don't think so, lol. Is not until

JaneBond's photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:19 AM
Don't make me older, faster than I am sad sad sad :cry:

JaneBond's photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:17 AM's not my b'day. I msut still be half asleep. What did I miss
hun, lol ohwell

JaneBond's photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:16 AM
lol shen....I need operator assistance! Tried to get you on IM, you no
answer, lol. If you need get out of jail free card, just holler,

JaneBond's photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:12 AM
Gooooood morning everyoneyawn drinker flowerforyou bigsmile

JaneBond's photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:10 AM
Hi and welcome! Hope you have fun!

JaneBond's photo
Wed 04/18/07 05:10 AM
Happy belated welcome then, lolflowerforyou