Community > Posts By > JaneBond

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 07:00 PM
Respect my right to believe in what I choose to believe in just as I do
the same for you. Who's to say my belief is wrong and another's is
right and vice versa?

I don't want or need someone to change my mind or convince me otherwise.
What I have is mine and always will be. What you have is your's and
always will be. Respect that.

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 04:18 PM
While my response may have been general, they were in keeping with the
thread topic. My apologies, but I am too simple minded to even discuss
posts that are so far over my head, it makes my head spin where some of
them came from.

What I said, it was pretty clear and I was not speaking to anything
other than the Lords Prayer, in schools. It disgusts me how issues that
are so personal and important to each and every one person is a platform
to spew such anger and venom. It absolutely sickens me. People need to
be accepting and understanding not intolerant and hostile, nor
disrespectful or attacking another or thier beliefs.

When I speak to "whatever their beliefs may be" I am speaking to the
Lord's Prayer, in schools.

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 05:50 AM
Thanks everyone. I think I'm going to write Mike and Van. I am
confused as to thier intent on having a Relgion forum. I came into them
with the thought that it was for belief, faith, discussion, even heated
discussion, reasoning, support, learning different cultural beliefs,
etc. A place for everyone and every belief, whatever it may be. I
respect and accept what I may believe in is not what the next person
does and their right to do so.

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 05:22 AM
Thank you TTO...some day the booger's bother me, more than I should let
them. But, good and bad day's, we all have them. Sure don't want the
bad day's to out number the good days!

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 05:17 AM
Just so I understand the concept or intent of the Religion forums, are
they to post and/or discuss belief and faith, whatever it may be, or is
it to criticize or ridicule one over the other? Discredit? Force another
belief process on another? Or all of the above?

Respect to all and what they believe.flowerforyou

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 05:06 AM
lol, am a slow duck....everyone is bouncing faster than I can keep up
this morning. Shen, we'll bump into eachother tonight, check out that
site, lots of info.

Grey, the fire went out and my lips are turning blue over here, lol.

Karma and Tall......have a great day.

Phew...have to finish getting ready for work.

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 04:34 AM
yes, sorry sage...was sending shenadra email....takes a bit to type some
days. Will be here while getting ready for work and having morning
coffee. :smile:

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 04:10 AM
Thank you tiger're a sweetie.

Morning CAT...I hear you. Except it's our boss that is always calling
in sick, coming in late or leaving early. Every Friday and Monday and
every second Wednesday. Has really kicked the poop out of moral in the

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 04:00 AM
Monday was not the best day tiger tiger. But, today will be better

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 03:52 AM
Good morning everyone.....drinker

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 03:38 AM
lol kariz...sorry, but the no pain, no gain concept is just not so in
this case. But all the power to ya for riding your bike with a cast on.
Is something I would do, lol.

Nene.....I am so waiting for warm, hot weather. Actually, Mexico is
calling, can you hear it?!glasses bigsmile

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 03:24 AM
OK, now I better understand your post.

Each is free and allowed to believe in what they do or don't. Schools
should be accepting of those that do and those that don't. To disallow
or disrepect any and all is not a solution. Respect for eachother's
belief's, whatever they may be.

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 03:13 AM
Hi freaky...welcome to JSH. Hope you have fun and enjoy it here!

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 03:12 AM
Hi Icu, welcome to JSH! Jump's a great community flowerforyou

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 03:10 AM
Hi John and welcome to the community. Hope you get comfortable and enjoy
the place! bigsmile

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 03:09 AM
Welcome to JSH Nicole! Good luck and have fun!flowerforyou

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 03:08 AM
Happy B'Day music flowerforyou

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 03:01 AM
Ta ta grey, get that yellow bus fired up! Have a great
morning!drinker flowerforyou

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 02:47 AM
Got bumped off, lol. Site was doing maintenance.... back nowbigsmile

Morning Karma!drinker

JaneBond's photo
Tue 04/17/07 02:40 AM
I know's not the "root" but was a snowball affect
thereafter. I agree that in today's society we cannot say one religion
is right over another but, each is allowed to believe or not in what
they do, and schools should at least allow those that have their
religion/faith, to pray in school should they want to, and those that
don't don't.

Removing prayer altogether is not a solution to solving the diversity
and faith issue. I am surprised that in todays world, that it was not
amended to accommodate all, as one would think, in acceptance and
understanding. Those that want to are allowed and those that don't,
don't. How complicated is that?

Personal responsibility, discipline and respect left schools long ago.
Kid's no longer fear consequences for their actions in school.

Do they even stand and sing the national anthem's anymore in schools?