Community > Posts By > JaneBond

JaneBond's photo
Sat 04/21/07 10:18 AM
Kiss that? Ummmmm, nope. But I would ride you to market to pick up some

JaneBond's photo
Sat 04/21/07 10:17 AM
Welcome to JSH! flowerforyou

JaneBond's photo
Sat 04/21/07 10:15 AM
Well glad you popped by on your world tour! Must be
difficult being so famous, lol. laugh

JaneBond's photo
Sat 04/21/07 09:59 AM
You know, 10 years ago I gagged at the smell of lavender. Now, I have
the bath oils and bubble bath adn candles and use them all the time. I
even use the bath products from Johnson and johnson for babies...they
work. Aromatherapy works.

I use cinnamon and vanilla alot, mixed together, even cinnamon, vanilla
and rose mixed together......Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, smells so nice.

JaneBond's photo
Sat 04/21/07 09:51 AM
Well, hello stranger. Scouser, where hvae you been hiding? Off globe
trotting around the world, looking for Minnie? lol. Where you been
hiding sweetie?

JaneBond's photo
Sat 04/21/07 09:39 AM
OMG, lol. CLients thought I was tipping the bottle at work, so did
coworkers, before I jsut came out and explained to them what is going
on. Thank god for spell check at work. Is too bad there is nothing for
when we speak, and words come out backwards, jumbled up. But thats when
the fun begins adn the phone calls start coming in at work, lol.

JaneBond's photo
Sat 04/21/07 08:59 AM
Well put adj, yes indeed.

JaneBond's photo
Sat 04/21/07 08:49 AM
LMAO Nene... sometimes by the time I actually post a reply, several
pages have been posted and they are already talking about something
else. Is like walking into a room and forgetting why you went there,
lol. Sometimes typos so bad, I jsut give up and not post

My left hand has been bad, damaged nerves acting up and all wonky, three
fingers don't work with brain that is telling them to move and press on
the keys. Very frustrating some days. Have to revert to single hand
typing or be a rebel, ohhh, live on the edge and let them go as tehy

JaneBond's photo
Sat 04/21/07 08:32 AM
Over here, our schools are "leaving no child behind". That's their
mission. Some graduates applying for job's can barely spell, cannot
solve or articulate scenerio's, can't do extended math problems and alot
of them fail the english comprehension testing that is required. While
the public educational systems can be found at fault, they are not
entirely to blame. Kids today have internal and social tangles most of
us never had to deal with while growing up and going to school. Life
was much more simple back in the days. Many have problems in the home,
within their family, in their peer groups....

Education as well as everything else needs to keep up with the changing
times, in a postive and progressive manner so that quality is not tossed
over for quantity. The world is a different place now than it was 15-20
years ago and it will continue to change.

Davinci...I read the online reviews about that book you
mentioned....Earth Abides. It sounds very interesting, something I
would most like to read. About a depopulated world that takes back the
marks of man, the erasure of mans influence, and the importance of the
relationship between the past and future is part of what I am reading
about it. Apparently it is next to impossible to find a copy and amazon
may be the only place to get one, will keep searching online.........

JaneBond's photo
Sat 04/21/07 07:29 AM
Whooooop, there it is. Good for her! Sharp shooter from her that wasn't on her Miss America application, lol.

JaneBond's photo
Sat 04/21/07 07:10 AM
*American Red Cross
*Boys & Girls Clubs of America
*National AIDS Fund
*National Multiple Sclerosis Society
*Sierra Club
*Susan G. Komen for the Cure (breast cancer)
*The US fund for UNICEF

are the one's they have so far.....

JaneBond's photo
Sat 04/21/07 07:05 AM
When you signup there is a list of the charities/organizations that they
are giving the monies to, in drop down box that you can select from.

JaneBond's photo
Sat 04/21/07 06:54 AM
((((((sweet)))))) You have so much strength and so many friends who love
and care for you girl. I wish I could be there to give you a great big
hug flowerforyou You are an amazing woman with kids that love and need
you..... Posting this took courage, strength and the will to get the
help and support that you need. I am here, as are other
friend's......flowerforyou :heart:

JaneBond's photo
Sat 04/21/07 06:42 AM sure is jess and bulldog. No different than sitting and having
coffee with friends. Just that our friends are scattered all over the
world, lol. How great is that?!

JaneBond's photo
Sat 04/21/07 06:39 AM
lol nene...watered down kool-aid, had flashback. When on the farm,
working out in the fields, our lunches were cucumber sandwhiches and
watered down kool-aid. Green was my favorite..... My Ba-Ba would make
two pitchers from one package, LMAO.

Was hoping to spend the day in the sun today but is all dark and soggy
from raining :cry: Will be taking a nice long, hot bath or shower to get
the joints moving today. Feels like I got hit by a truck....jsut have to
laugh some days. My spelling ahs just been terrible and posting takes
forever when its that bad, correcting all the typos. Just for shts and
giggles I should just let a post go, no corrections....bigsmile

JaneBond's photo
Sat 04/21/07 06:26 AM
Not really, but there are fleeting moments in which I have felt a
loneliness....not having the companionship and intimacy of someone
special in my life. Surrounding self with great friends and postive
energies, being staisfied with myself and life in general fill me with
happiness. bigsmile

JaneBond's photo
Sat 04/21/07 06:04 AM
Very, very true girl......flowerforyou

JaneBond's photo
Sat 04/21/07 05:57 AM
Christians and Catholics have their nut jobs, in the public eye,
screaming at the top of their lungs, wanting to be heard, to be noticed.
Some probably have mental health issues or substance abuse issues, and
who knows what else. These people have tarnished and jaded everyone's
immediate perception that everyone who is of that faith is as they are.
Corrupt and twisted leaders also add to that mix.

Most Christians and Catholics are peaceful and mind their own business,
quite happy and content in what brings them warmth, comfort and peace.
Regardless of what another thinks about the bible or the faith, they are
not all out to force their belief's onto other's. Be realistic and not
paint them all with the same brush.

While I don't know and don't claim to know every word in the bible, nor
can I say I completely understand or agree with everything written in
it.......aside from the bible and the many arguments and debates over
it's content's, Christians and Catholic's have contributed to societies
for thousands and thousands of years, in peaceful and giving manner's,
as human being's, not as a religious body. Lest we forget all the

There are other religions, other than Christian and Catholic, that are
force feeding onto other's. Filing thousands and thousands and
thousands of complaints with the Canadian Human Right's Commission and
the court's, that their right's are being violated because they cannot
practice their religion in school or the workplace. Some people are so
consumed with being against the Christian or Catholic faith, other
religions with their Gods are being forced onto other's. One religion
even states it wants to turn the world into thier religion, that is
thier agenda. Yet we speak nothing about that.

People have the right to not believe in what other's do. There is
nothing wrong with that. What gives you peace, comfort and warmth is
what's important. Being adult's, we have that right, to believe or not.
Good one can "force" us to do anything or to believe in
what we do not. In saying that, look around to what is going on in our
world. It is not the Christians or Catholics that are out to change the
world by force feeding anyone. Fanatics and extremists are everywhere
and have many names and many faces.

Look at your neighbor, look at your friends, your family,
yourself.....home is where the heart is. Do onto other's......

JaneBond's photo
Sat 04/21/07 05:09 AM
Maybe chat in the forum threads propoboy.....that's where everyone is,

JaneBond's photo
Sat 04/21/07 05:08 AM
Welcome to JSH...good luck and have fun! flowerforyou

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