Community > Posts By > Lady_Absintheur

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Fri 03/30/07 09:42 PM
Piano and singing, I would think...although some may beg to differ!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Fri 03/30/07 09:39 PM
To my knowledge, which is admittedly limited in this area,
incapacitation due to drugs and/or alcohol cannot be a legal defense. It
can however be a mitigating circumstance at sentencing phases, along
with other factors such as childhood abuse, trauma, etc.

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Fri 03/30/07 09:31 PM
I like the Absinthe!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Fri 03/30/07 12:17 PM

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Fri 03/30/07 12:14 PM

The YMCA offers grants and scholarships which would give him an
opportunity to join some sporting activites, camps, and the like.

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Fri 03/30/07 12:04 PM
Jessica Rabbit! No, no I jest!!

I think I'm like the Brain; intent on world domination!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Fri 03/30/07 11:00 AM
Sounds as though he needs some therapy. Should the counselor, you, and
your son approve, Big Brothers, Big Sisters may be a good resource for
him by offering some male interaction and bonding.

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Fri 03/30/07 10:58 AM
Currently work in a library, and I will begin student counseling this

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Wed 03/28/07 04:32 PM
Firstly, I would get a second opinion on the diagnosis and rule out
allergies, hearing and vision loss, etc. Secondly, I would talk to your
dr about finding alternative meds, especially any generics, that are
approved by your state's medcaid program and are a viable, safe
treatment option for your child. A good dr should work with you on this
anyway. Once your dr has given you a list of all the accpetable meds,
research each one thoroughly.

Diet, exercise, herbals, etc. have worked for some children, I would
research that as well. Routine also goes a long way to help with
attention and hyperactivity issues.

I hope that helps some...Good luck!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Wed 03/28/07 07:33 AM

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Wed 03/28/07 06:08 AM
While I agree that way too much attention has been paid to her via the
news, it is not fair to judge her simply as a some drugged up whore.

It's easy to stick to one's morals when they are not being tested. It's
also easy to judge people based on the few facts the media decides to
report. This is why it is unethical to make such statements of people
one does not know. Some here would be wise to consider his or her own
life and what people would think of them were they the ones on stage.

In my experience, people who die so young and tragically are rarely ever
the ones who deserve it.

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Mon 03/26/07 08:41 PM
No one else's business as far as I am concerned.

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Mon 03/26/07 08:09 PM
Sure! I like friends!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Mon 03/26/07 07:49 PM

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Mon 03/26/07 07:46 PM
I absolutely adore my job! lol!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Mon 03/26/07 11:47 AM's quicker.

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Mon 03/26/07 09:48 AM
No, but I believe in lust at first sight.

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Mon 03/26/07 09:24 AM
Sex, money, and family, I would guess.

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Mon 03/26/07 09:22 AM
A man need not be rich but being employed is important, excluding things
like disabilities. It just shows responsibility and other desirable
attributes when a man has stable employment. How much he makes at said
job matters not!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Mon 03/26/07 08:16 AM
Such is the price we pay for having free press; it is easily manipulated
by outside sources. Although without free press, it'd simply be
manipulated by the state, so I suppose it's a wash.

And the media can be biased in either direction: right or left. For
myself, the biggest issue with media is not it's bias, as I am smart
enough to research and make up my own mind, but that it's a for profit
organization. It doesn't matter which party is in power or how unworthy
the subject, if it generates ratings, even if it's the most trivial
headline of the day, you'll see it on the news. For example, Anna Nicole
Smith's passing...I am saddened she died at such a young age and that
her daughter is left without her mother, but was it worth all the that
time on the news? Not in the least. This is the norm when running a
business, I suppose.

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