Community > Posts By > Lady_Absintheur

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 08:02 PM
Are we slapping to be mean or sexy?

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 07:45 PM
So you are wondering what prompts the need for religion in the first

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 07:17 PM

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:59 PM
Woohoo; that just made finding it easier! Thanks bunches!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:57 PM

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:56 PM
Come with, Glen! :wink:

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:53 PM
Jenn, I'm there...we'll have to convince Christina!! :wink:

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:52 PM

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:49 PM
Thank you Fanta! I'll have to watch that one before I see the new

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:44 PM
If you trust wikipedia enough; here's a link!!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:43 PM
Thndr, you are a Kansan too?!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:41 PM
Yes, the premise is true; Greeks vs Persians at Thermopylae.

Glen, tell me of the older version!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:37 PM
Christina, all of my friends are married or engaged. We all go out and I
am "the single one". *sigh* Otherwise I'd be hooking both of us up with
my guy friends! lol!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:34 PM
I want a Maine Coon badly, alas they are out of my price range. You are
a lucky lady there thndr!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:33 PM
I so want to see 300! That Gerard Butler...*swoon*! lol!

Christina, no one I know would pressure you to drink. I mean we're all
over 21, so we do drink when we go out, but we're responsible and
respectful of others. I am having fun now without alcohol!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:30 PM
Oh yeah, Christina you are right! A big cat; a Maine Coon?

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:30 PM
*hugs Fanta*

Thndr, it's ok to enjoy HP!! I don't have kids either and I think they
are great books/movies!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:28 PM
Christina, I have you out of your shell in no time!! The most fun people
are those who are shy; I've no doubt you'd end up being the life of the

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:26 PM
Aw Glen, you flatter me! I'm not that smart at all; I pretend to be!

Lady_Absintheur's photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:24 PM
Christina, I get asked the same thing except in a very vulgar way e.g.
carpet and drapes. *sigh* I'm all for the dirty talk but come on, give
it a few months! geez!

My mom told me Autumn Dawn was a strippers name, what do you think?

Anyhoo, I like Elizabeth! Elizabeth I was quite the woman, I enjoy
learning about her; great namesake.