Community > Posts By > maseygirl

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:30 AM
i tried being single too.. i was single for 2 and a half years ..but didnt date anybody and just focused on work and career.. i ended up miserable and started drinking wine by myself.. now i have this guy..and hes driving me insane... now im thinking.. which would i rather have?.. but im not sure if hes the "one" .. like worthy enough for me to make the effort.. so im asking people.. of cors.. good old reliable JSH people :)

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:23 AM
hey unsure.. how've you been?.. im still at it.. another failed relationship...

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:21 AM
and yes are fascinating...drinker drinker

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:20 AM
gosh, if i really am in love then i would have to relocate with him and drop everything here, my career, friends and family.. hmmmm.. and risk everything.. now if im not..then life goes on.. start a new again alone..

all for the so called LOVE.. i wish that there was a manual or something to follow..but i guess then that would take the excitement out of it,confussion and the human errors that some people find fascinating.

UUUUUUUuuuuuuuuurgggghhhhh!!!! so, should i go?.. take a risk? he did, he came over here for me..but he's going back to his country now that things didnt work out for us..

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:06 AM

And goofball had a good point about arranged marriages and freedoms of choice. Masey are you residing in P.I.? Do they still have arranged marriages there at all? I know they had some in class and caste there maybe 80 years ago. I was just curious.

nope, i dont think so, not unless you live in the mountains sweety (i think..).. happy

and yes i do have the freedom of choice.. just having a hard time making one..:tongue:

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 11:02 AM

Allow me to suggest also to not go looking for love....cause you never find it and it is frustrating as all get out. Sit back, and one day while you are contemplating the dynamics of the sponge, love will find you. It just happens that way.:wink:

Wow.. you seem to fascinate me each time.. hmmmm....interesting..

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 10:44 AM
love the input in the products.. thanks guys.. you just gave me an idea for an ad :)

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 10:43 AM
thanks longhair.. i shall remember that..

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 10:37 AM

Just be thankful we don't live in a country where your marriage is planned out. I mean, how would you like to be arranged to some guy who is uglier than sin, has bad acne, but he is the Prince (for some f*cked up reason) and you were always meant for him cause you dumb ass parents couldn't pay there land taxes? So be grateful.:wink:

Point taken.. im gratefull happy

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 10:36 AM
im learning...see ladies.. if we are nice to them they sing to you.. :)

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 10:34 AM
aaawwww... thats sweet, thank you.. now if men could just be their sweetest selves everyday for the rest of my life then i would be the happiest girl in the whole world..

why dont men just be like that?.. spout each day undyling love to their spouses and better halves instead of just playing cool .. i mean, thats why were women, your suppose to be gentle when it comes to us, can be your rowdy selves with the other menfolk, but be different with us..

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 10:28 AM
drinker drinker drinker

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 10:19 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 10:18 AM
drinker im dumbfounded..

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 10:14 AM

Uh oh masey I think I figured this out. Do your freinds and family call you ice princess for the reason you stated or because you are the type of person who over anylizes everything and intentionally puts excuses and obstacles in your own way of having a decent relationship?

hmmmm...maybe I do overanalize.. and maybe I keep comparing myself and my relationships with others.. is that bad?

. Only if it becomes habitual. Mr. Rights not going to have much patience with it. I don't feel you are drastic about it. I have seen others make a habit out of putting obstacles in the way and its monotonous and unproductive and becomes overbearing. Masey you are very smart. You are highly educated. You are fairly set in your directions in your life. I don't see you being too analytical. I see you being selective just like the rest of us which makes you wonderfully normal in my opinion. And thanks goofball for going easy on her. She's legitimate and refreshing compared to other posts. Don't you agree?

See that's my point..if he thinks he is Mr. Right, then he should have the patience for me..

Thanks for the all the compliment, its nice to see that some people still see that in me, thanks for seing that..and being sensitive enough to go on easy on a girl whos just lost in thougt and is just completely clueless on this LOVE thing.. I mean sometimes I think that work is easier than heartly matters. Conflicts in work can be defined, measured, set a limit to.. but heartly matters.. tsk tsk tsk..

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:39 AM
nah.. thanks .. i'll play the better person and just be decent about it.. i'll just take on the advise most of you guys put on in here and move on.. hoping to one day recognize the right person when i meet him..

thanks for the offer tho.. if they do it again i will let you know :)

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:34 AM

Uh oh masey I think I figured this out. Do your freinds and family call you ice princess for the reason you stated or because you are the type of person who over anylizes everything and intentionally puts excuses and obstacles in your own way of having a decent relationship?
. Don't do that to yourself. You don't deserve mild self abuse either. Noone does. Like yourself a little more. We like you.

thank you, its comforting to hear that now if you only know.. people who knows me are starting to judge me for my last failed relationship. they are actually talking behind my back .. its good to know that on here i can just be myself and be liked.. :cry:

Sorry hun....but those people you know just are pieces of sh*t. Sorry...had to be said. You don't judge people on anything.

Thank you..thats what I thought of them too (but of course I only said that to myself...)lol..

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:32 AM
Thanks guys for all the tips and advise.. I shall re-read and learn from it, absorb, ponder and hope to apply them one day to the chosen one who will make me fall in love..

Until then.. flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:25 AM
I'm single because.. my relationships just didnt work out.. and I need to work on myself first and mature enough to realize that when i am ready for a relationship.

maseygirl's photo
Wed 01/02/08 09:22 AM

Uh oh masey I think I figured this out. Do your freinds and family call you ice princess for the reason you stated or because you are the type of person who over anylizes everything and intentionally puts excuses and obstacles in your own way of having a decent relationship?
. Don't do that to yourself. You don't deserve mild self abuse either. Noone does. Like yourself a little more. We like you.

thank you, its comforting to hear that now if you only know.. people who knows me are starting to judge me for my last failed relationship. they are actually talking behind my back .. its good to know that on here i can just be myself and be liked.. :cry:

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