Community > Posts By > trublu4u

trublu4u's photo
Thu 10/01/09 02:34 PM

Can fat guys come inwhoa

Let's toast your visit with two, triple thick shakes!drinker

trublu4u's photo
Thu 10/01/09 02:33 PM

Dude, I'm ugly, too! There's got to be some group somewhere...

i dunno if there is or isn't a group already out there, but what if u n me start our own club? u wanna?

I'll start by posting in the General Discussion: "All Ugly Guys check in"!

also the "ugly reject room" but you guys don't belong there!blushing

Yo, dude! Let's make a "Holly sandwich", THEN we'll start our "Fugly Guys Club"!

trublu4u's photo
Thu 10/01/09 02:26 PM
Edited by trublu4u on Thu 10/01/09 02:43 PM
NOTE: We here at "FUGLY GUYS UNITED" need an insignia, logo, whatever, for our leather club jackets. Please submit your ideas in this thread.
It would be great if you would include two, hot women puking in your design.
Thank you.

trublu4u's photo
Thu 10/01/09 02:25 PM

Dude, I'm ugly, too! There's got to be some group somewhere...

i dunno if there is or isn't a group already out there, but what if u n me start our own club? u wanna?

I'll start by posting in the General Discussion: "All Ugly Guys check in"!

trublu4u's photo
Thu 10/01/09 12:53 PM this still going?

It's either this or talk about "fat", I guess...whoa

Dammit, can't win this one...can we?

I guess we could discuss whether or not size matters...


trublu4u's photo
Thu 10/01/09 12:41 PM

People with ugly attitudes are fat.....

fat heads.grumble

Hi Lee! Miss you girl! flowerforyou

I just stumbled across this thread. This topic is very close to my heart since I am fitness trainer.

I deal with the gamut of people who want to change their body image. Most are typical, but some people are so distorted in their thinking because of the media.

The mantra and lifestyle I implore to my clients is to exercise for health. If you have good physicals, blood work-ups, etc, and you like the way you look in the mirror naked -- then be happy! (hoping they have a healthy expectation of body image). I play counselor more times than fitness guru.

I encourage my clients to think in terms of BMI or body fat percentage rather than using the scale.

My biggest, daily hurdles include deprogramming the young girls from the myths of diets, eating disorders, and those infomercial exercise divas!

This is a subjective discussion. Everyone remember to play nice and try not to hurt anyone’s feelings regarding their bodies. Beauty is meant for broad interpretation.

i don't like the way i looked naked in the mirror. i look fat... i am fat. i'm working on it, but then i'm also ugly and u can't fix ugly.

Dude, I'm ugly, too! There's got to be some group somewhere...

trublu4u's photo
Thu 10/01/09 03:47 AM

im a size 6 and sometimes a 4



...and then there's the OPPOSITE EXTREME...where a view of your back is like looking at a catfish carcass that someone has picked clean.
"Different strokes for different folks!"
Sorry folks, this is a long one, but chock-full of good, tested advice:
Any or all the following may be making you fat:
1) ...salt (water retention)surprised
2) ...sugar surprised
3) ...ALCOHOLdrinks
4) ...well, uhm...FAT. Try to keep your fat intake below thirty grams, unless you happen to be nursing
5) ...caffeine.drinker If the first thing you dump into your stomach each morning is coffee, then any resulting low-blood sugar issues causes you to binge on fatty foods AND sugar in an attempt to bring your blood sugar back up. This, of course, makes you fat.
6) ...comfort foods.sad If you must eat this, try making your own pita chips! Just toss a few whole pitas into your oven, set to 400 degrees. Bake for around five minutes in a preheated oven. Take out and break apart. Make hummus out of two cans of garbanzo beans ("chick" peas)/one cup of vegetable broth/one teaspoon olive oil/one fourth cup parmesan cheese/season to taste with no-salt seasoning/I like fresh cilantro in mine. Blend in a food processor. The idea is to eat low-to-no fat comfort foods.
7) ...eating too few meals.slaphead Eat like a diabetic! Never let yourself get should always be on your stomach. Funny, huh? Eat around 8-7 small meals each day. I keep my meals around 300 calories each. Check the internet on what your optimal caloric intake might be, taking height, body-type, and age into consideration. More on this:
8) ...drink lots of water.drinker
9) Keep up with your glycemic load. Very, very important! It should be low. Different foods have a different glycemic index.:banana: More on this:
10) If you get hunger pangs, tell yourself this is the feeling of the fat melting off your body.frustrated
11) MelodyGirl seems to have her fat-fighting game down.:wink:
12) Beware those who want to persuade you to sabotage your diet!rant They WANT YOU TO FAIL, so they will have an excuse NOT to diet!pitchfork
Your own willpower will piss off others. Keep this in mind.
13) Never go to the grocery store hungry.:tongue:
14) If you MUST eat butter (which is just not a healthy food, period), put HALF the amount described on the container on the side of your plate, take a bite of potato, etc., then eat just a tiny bit of butter. NEVER just slog it onto your food!noway The idea is to be mindful of every tiny bit of it you eat, while still allowing yourself to enjoy it, yet trying to come BELOW the amount described on the container. Gradually diminish the actual amount you eat, until you no longer crave it.:wink:
15) Eat high fiber foods. These make you feel more full, longer, and the other benefits are many, including the absorption and elimination of cholesterol.happy happy happy
16) Eat as you do normally, then introduce an every-third-day approach toward changing your eating habits. On the third day you employ these and any other methods of reducing your caloric/fat intake, as well as the fat-inducing foods listed above. Then, after you are comfortable with this, change this schedule to a "every-second-day" routine. When comfortable with this, change to a "every day" routine, having ONE designated day when you eat what you've been accustomed to eating...BUT NO BINGING.bigsmile
If you have the opportunity, SWIM!shades Fat seems to dissolve off me very, very quickly when I swim around 3-7.5 miles per week. RESIST THE URGE TO EAT AFTER YOUR SWIM, BECAUSE YOU WILL BE STARVING AFTERWARDS! Have some designated snack waiting for you after your swim.:banana: :banana: :banana:
Contrary to the notion that swimming DOES NOT make you lose weight, YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT! GOBS OF IT! The reason why swimming may NOT make you lose weight is because of the intense HUNGER and resultant BINGING afterwards, UNLESS YOU HAVE A PLAN TO RESIST THIS.
And no cheating! One lap = from one end AND BACK.
Thirty three laps are required in your typical fitness club pool to equal one mile. Ask the pool attendant to be sure.:smile:

Only do this if you really want to and only to please yourself. Never do it for others or to make yourself something others want you to be.

If eating fatty foods makes you happy and you like your roll and you are healthy then do what you do. Don't let anyone tell ya different.

There are people who will love you regardless to your body type and or weight.

Adhering to this ONLY to please others, or some significant other, is quite difficult.
Adhering to this ONLY to please YOURSELF, is quite difficult, or virtually IMPOSSIBLE to do.
If someone in the gym told me they were only doing it for themselves,
I'd be very skeptical, unless they were fighting some chronic illness, like heart disease. There is ALWAYS someone out there they seek to impress.
IMHO, it takes BOTH, and this occurs naturally in your subconscious, but not until later, when you come to this realization...hoping that someone you see every day might notice your new muscularity and fitness...hoping you may come to feel better and be more healthy.
Stay with it, and a balance will be struck, all on its' own.
There is a difference, you know...being FIT as opposed to being HEALTHY. Go for both. Don't sacrifice your cardio exercise for the benefit of building muscle. Don't sacrifice the maintenance/building of muscular strength, as well as bone density (which is increased by lifting weights) for cardio. Recent studies strongly suggest that the body turns to existing muscle to repair any damage to the heart. Increased muscle mass encourages the body to burn more fat, even when the body is at rest.

trublu4u's photo
Wed 09/30/09 08:06 PM

a nice tush and nice eyes:heart:

I have a very nice one of those.

I took a look,u have two pretty eyes.


trublu4u's photo
Wed 09/30/09 08:03 PM

Men are just sexy without even trying!pitchfork

Their cute little smiles-

the way they toss on any old shirt to wear

the way they eat a piece of pizza-pretending it's not scalding hot
as they burn their mouth on itohwell

when they hold a door open for me-

oh- and when they flash that little twinkle in their

...and will you promise to laugh at all my stupid jokes?

trublu4u's photo
Wed 09/30/09 06:51 PM

The most awesome persons here are Jesus, Karl Marx and John Lennon. And Madonna, both of them, as token representatives from the sexual minorities.

doood i didn't know we had the option of choosing dead people.

well in that case Mike Jackson is the awesomest who ever walked the face of the earth :banana:

I don't care what people say.
The kid who accused M.J. confessed his dad put him up to lying for cash.
I grew up with Michael...probably most of us here did, as well.
He was robbed of his childhood, and, by attempting to reclaim some part of it, and allowing himself to actually TRUST some of these people who screamed, "I LOVE YOU, MICHAEL!!!" (despite his better judgement), HE WAS DESTROYED.
It's no wonder that, through plastic surgery, he attempted to make himself look like Peter Pan...the boy who never grew up.
"We bring people up for the purpose of tearing them down." I've seen that true.
Michael was finally beaten down by the "Enquiring minds" and their actions to the point where he just gave in, and began to endanger himself to THE TRUE FREAKS IN OUR SOCIETY. And they, millions strong, were quick to attack, to rend and tear his reputation and self-esteem.
He made me laugh, sing, and dance.
His music was present during some of the most memorable moments of my life.
I miss him terribly.
Good-bye, my friend.
A HOIST!drinker

trublu4u's photo
Wed 09/30/09 05:27 PM
Edited by trublu4u on Wed 09/30/09 06:22 PM

im a size 6 and sometimes a 4



...and then there's the OPPOSITE EXTREME...where a view of your back is like looking at a catfish carcass that someone has picked clean.
"Different strokes for different folks!"
Sorry folks, this is a long one, but chock-full of good, tested advice:
Any or all the following may be making you fat:
1) ...salt (water retention)surprised
2) ...sugar surprised
3) ...ALCOHOLdrinks
4) ...well, uhm...FAT. Try to keep your fat intake below thirty grams, unless you happen to be nursing
5) ...caffeine.drinker If the first thing you dump into your stomach each morning is coffee, then any resulting low-blood sugar issues causes you to binge on fatty foods AND sugar in an attempt to bring your blood sugar back up. This, of course, makes you fat.
6) ...comfort foods.sad If you must eat this, try making your own pita chips! Just toss a few whole pitas into your oven, set to 400 degrees. Bake for around five minutes in a preheated oven. Take out and break apart. Make hummus out of two cans of garbanzo beans ("chick" peas)/one cup of vegetable broth/one teaspoon olive oil/one fourth cup parmesan cheese/season to taste with no-salt seasoning/I like fresh cilantro in mine. Blend in a food processor. The idea is to eat low-to-no fat comfort foods.
7) ...eating too few meals.slaphead Eat like a diabetic! Never let yourself get should always be on your stomach. Funny, huh? Eat around 8-7 small meals each day. I keep my meals around 300 calories each. Check the internet on what your optimal caloric intake might be, taking height, body-type, and age into consideration. More on this:
8) ...drink lots of water.drinker
9) Keep up with your glycemic load. Very, very important! It should be low. Different foods have a different glycemic index.:banana: More on this:
10) If you get hunger pangs, tell yourself this is the feeling of the fat melting off your body.frustrated
11) MelodyGirl seems to have her fat-fighting game down.:wink:
12) Beware those who want to persuade you to sabotage your diet!rant They WANT YOU TO FAIL, so they will have an excuse NOT to diet!pitchfork
Your own willpower will piss off others. Keep this in mind.
13) Never go to the grocery store hungry.:tongue:
14) If you MUST eat butter (which is just not a healthy food, period), put HALF the amount described on the container on the side of your plate, take a bite of potato, etc., then eat just a tiny bit of butter. NEVER just slog it onto your food!noway The idea is to be mindful of every tiny bit of it you eat, while still allowing yourself to enjoy it, yet trying to come BELOW the amount described on the container. Gradually diminish the actual amount you eat, until you no longer crave it.:wink:
15) Eat high fiber foods. These make you feel more full, longer, and the other benefits are many, including the absorption and elimination of cholesterol.happy happy happy
16) Eat as you do normally, then introduce an every-third-day approach toward changing your eating habits. On the third day you employ these and any other methods of reducing your caloric/fat intake, as well as the fat-inducing foods listed above. Then, after you are comfortable with this, change this schedule to a "every-second-day" routine. When comfortable with this, change to a "every day" routine, having ONE designated day when you eat what you've been accustomed to eating...BUT NO BINGING.bigsmile
If you have the opportunity, SWIM!shades Fat seems to dissolve off me very, very quickly when I swim around 3-7.5 miles per week. RESIST THE URGE TO EAT AFTER YOUR SWIM, BECAUSE YOU WILL BE STARVING AFTERWARDS! Have some designated snack waiting for you after your swim.:banana: :banana: :banana:
Contrary to the notion that swimming DOES NOT make you lose weight, YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT! GOBS OF IT! The reason why swimming may NOT make you lose weight is because of the intense HUNGER and resultant BINGING afterwards, UNLESS YOU HAVE A PLAN TO RESIST THIS.
And no cheating! One lap = from one end AND BACK.
Thirty three laps are required in your typical fitness club pool to equal one mile. Ask the pool attendant to be sure.:smile:

trublu4u's photo
Wed 09/30/09 05:23 PM

I'm a size 12, and by entertainment standards, that's fat.

Someone told me men don't care so much about sizes or inches, just a good bust-waist-hip ratio.

But that's just one guy. Some men like their girls slim. So just throwing the question out there, what do you consider "fat"?

Overhang, period.
Being able to insert more than the first digit of your index finger in her belly button. Check 'er for lice while you're at it...AND hoof and mouth disease...
When she jogs with you, whatever bounces, other than her breasts and hair, is fat. Pull out the ole "fat-caliper" to be sure...
1) fun.happy
2) funny.:laughing:
3) approachable (GIRL-NEXT-DOOR!)waving
4) compassionate to alLflowerforyou
5) intelligentthink
6) ...(drum-roll, please) HAVE A GOOD ATTITUDE:angel:
7) ...have no lice, or hoof-and-mouth diseasenoway

I have no lice and my hair bounce really good when I jog and oh, my tummy bounces back and forth when I jog... I am fat...yes, I am fat...sad

Coconut milk is heavily laden with fat...just cut back on your mai-tais...
...and please take careful note of the disclaimer under: "PLEASE NOTE: THE FOLLOWING ATTRIBUTES OF THIS SAME WOMAN MAY FAR "OUT-WEIGH" ANY OF THE ABOVE."

I don't drink alcohol...laugh laugh laugh laugh
Haven't you read my profile....rofl rofl rofl rofl's been a long time...I guess I forgot.

trublu4u's photo
Wed 09/30/09 04:59 PM

I'm a size 12, and by entertainment standards, that's fat.

Someone told me men don't care so much about sizes or inches, just a good bust-waist-hip ratio.

But that's just one guy. Some men like their girls slim. So just throwing the question out there, what do you consider "fat"?

Overhang, period.
Being able to insert more than the first digit of your index finger in her belly button. Check 'er for lice while you're at it...AND hoof and mouth disease...
When she jogs with you, whatever bounces, other than her breasts and hair, is fat. Pull out the ole "fat-caliper" to be sure...
1) fun.happy
2) funny.:laughing:
3) approachable (GIRL-NEXT-DOOR!)waving
4) compassionate to alLflowerforyou
5) intelligentthink
6) ...(drum-roll, please) HAVE A GOOD ATTITUDE:angel:
7) ...have no lice, or hoof-and-mouth diseasenoway

I have no lice and my hair bounce really good when I jog and oh, my tummy bounces back and forth when I jog... I am fat...yes, I am fat...sad

Coconut milk is heavily laden with fat...just cut back on your mai-tais...
...and please take careful note of the disclaimer under: "PLEASE NOTE: THE FOLLOWING ATTRIBUTES OF THIS SAME WOMAN MAY FAR "OUT-WEIGH" ANY OF THE ABOVE."

I don't drink alcohol...laugh laugh laugh laugh
Haven't you read my profile....rofl rofl rofl rofl

Everybody on dee island drinks dee mai-tais, 'mon!drinker
(...sorry; Jamaican)

trublu4u's photo
Wed 09/30/09 04:54 PM

I've come to notice that ppl use the word f@ck like they would use "and" and "the". I'm no prude and have certainly dropped the f-bomb many times in my life, but it's not part of my everyday vocabulary. What happened to class? Do ppl not care anymore how they come across to others? Use it when it really means something, whatever the situation. I find that when someone uses it too often, it makes them seem like less than what they are, and it doesn't have the same impact it should have anymore.

I use, "effin", as in "The effin Dell tech won't call me about my laptop!", or "eff", as in "What the eff are you doing, calling me at 3 a.m. Mr. Dell tech?"
"Frickin'" seems more powerful, I'm guessing in part due to the hard "F" at the beginning..."Are you out of your FRICKIN' MIND?"
In more conservative environs, I substitute "stinkin'": "I wish that STINKIN' Dell tech would call!"
Admittedly, I have used a "God bless America!" on too many occasions.
It's still taking Gods' name in vain, me thinks.
I cringe when I hear a kid younger than fifteen say "WTF?"!

trublu4u's photo
Wed 09/30/09 04:44 PM

I'm a size 12, and by entertainment standards, that's fat.

Someone told me men don't care so much about sizes or inches, just a good bust-waist-hip ratio.

But that's just one guy. Some men like their girls slim. So just throwing the question out there, what do you consider "fat"?

Overhang, period.
Being able to insert more than the first digit of your index finger in her belly button. Check 'er for lice while you're at it...AND hoof and mouth disease...
When she jogs with you, whatever bounces, other than her breasts and hair, is fat. Pull out the ole "fat-caliper" to be sure...
1) fun.happy
2) funny.:laughing:
3) approachable (GIRL-NEXT-DOOR!)waving
4) compassionate to alLflowerforyou
5) intelligentthink
6) ...(drum-roll, please) HAVE A GOOD ATTITUDE:angel:
7) ...have no lice, or hoof-and-mouth diseasenoway

I have no lice and my hair bounce really good when I jog and oh, my tummy bounces back and forth when I jog... I am fat...yes, I am fat...sad

Coconut milk is heavily laden with fat...just cut back on your mai-tais...
...and please take careful note of the disclaimer under: "PLEASE NOTE: THE FOLLOWING ATTRIBUTES OF THIS SAME WOMAN MAY FAR "OUT-WEIGH" ANY OF THE ABOVE."

trublu4u's photo
Wed 09/30/09 04:40 PM

I'm 164 and 5"4.

Chubby for my height but Ive got huge kahunas to distract people from my pudge. go ahead and post a pic (two pix, if necessary) of 'em, we won't mind...drool

trublu4u's photo
Wed 09/30/09 04:33 PM

I'm a size 12, and by entertainment standards, that's fat.

Someone told me men don't care so much about sizes or inches, just a good bust-waist-hip ratio.

But that's just one guy. Some men like their girls slim. So just throwing the question out there, what do you consider "fat"?

Overhang, period.
Being able to insert more than the first digit of your index finger in her belly button. Check 'er for lice while you're at it...AND hoof and mouth disease...
When she jogs with you, whatever bounces, other than her breasts and hair, is fat. Pull out the ole "fat-caliper" to be sure...
1) fun.happy
2) funny.:laughing:
3) approachable (GIRL-NEXT-DOOR!)waving
4) compassionate to alLflowerforyou
5) intelligentthink
6) ...(drum-roll, please) HAVE A GOOD ATTITUDE:angel:
7) ...have no lice, or hoof-and-mouth diseasenoway

trublu4u's photo
Wed 09/30/09 03:18 AM
Edited by trublu4u on Wed 09/30/09 03:19 AM

I much prefer the "girl next door". What do you say, guys?
Too often, "sexy girl" went to so much trouble to be sexy, yet only comes across as arrogant, predatory, cold, and downright mean.
What's your preference?

I agree, I'm with you....:banana:
Next door is safe and no competition....

drinker Modela--Sexy Girl categorydrinker

If we could coax a full smile out of her, she'd be at the top of "sexy girl" category, hands down!
Or, hands "up-and-down-up-and-down-up-and..."!:tongue: :banana: :tongue:

trublu4u's photo
Tue 09/29/09 06:40 PM

yeah ...toenailslove big thick yellow ones!smitten

Dreamy! smitten nails aren't that far along yet, Phuque, sorry....

trublu4u's photo
Tue 09/29/09 06:39 PM

I have posted this before..but,,,the sexiest man I have ever known was very open and honest about his likes and dislikes and very attentive and interested in mine. We talked about EVERYTHING under the sun that was going on in our individual lives and when we considered sharing a life together, we spoke honestly about that too. Before we ever got physically involved, he was very open and discussed the type of partner he is and the type he enjoys so I didnt have to guess or be surprised. He even took me with him to get the results of an HIV Test he had taken prior to meeting me (he was in the medical field and it was a required test). He cared enough about my health to make sure he was clean before anything intimate ever went down. I had great respect for him and he is probably the ONLY male to ever drive me crazy enough to INITIATE intimacy whenever I got the chance....


ps. Oh and it didnt hurt that he was VERY tall, brown and handsome with a swagger like Maxwell, opened car doors, offered his coat up, pulled out chairs,,,sigh,,,let me

One question...
Hows' about YOUR HIV TEST?
It's called a "partnership", right?

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