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Texas vs Arkansas
How about what is red and green and goes 300 m.p.h.
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Texas vs Arkansas
Also can anyone tell me the origin of the word "politic"???
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Texas vs Arkansas
A veteran truck driver from Texas was training a rookie driver from Arkansas. As the two were driving across Arkansas on interstate hwy 40 the Texan saw a deer in the ditch and asked "Is that a deer?" The man from Ar replied "Yes, why?" "Well, becuase deer in Texas are twice that big" said the Texan. A little while later they he saw a turkey in a field and asked "Now don't tell me that's a turkey?" The man from Ar looked and said "Yes, why?" "Well, becuase we have turkeys twice that big in Texas." said the Texan. About an hour later, well after the man from Ar was tired of this the Texan saw an alligator snapping turtle that was roughly the size of a donut spare tire. Then he said "And I guess that's a turtle huh?" The man from Ar looked at him and said with a completely strait face "NO...That's a tick."
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Edited by
Mon 05/18/09 11:35 PM
What is red and green and goes 300 m.p.h.
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The three chinese tortures
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Mon 05/18/09 11:15 PM
A man is walking through China town looking for a job and a place to stay. He finds this old three story chinese luandry shop with a sign in the window about a job. He goes inside and finds the owner who is a very old wise looking chinese fellow. So he asks about the job and the old man says, "Yes, you can work for me." Then he asks, "Well do you happen to have a place for me to stay also?" "Oh yes" says the old man "On the third floor but one rule, no sex with my daughter or you will suffer the three chinese tortures." So the man agrees and figures how hard can this be his daughters probably ugly anyway but the next day when he meets her he realizes how wrong he was. She turns out to be beautiful and one thing leads to another and he ends up sleeping with her. The next morning he wakes up and finds a 35 pound rock on his chest with a note that reads "chinese torture number one, big rock on chest." So he figures well this isn't that bad and he throws the rock out the window hoping it would land in the dumpster. But right at the moment the rock leaves his hands he sees another note wrote on the window seal that says "chinese torture number two, rock tried to left nut." So instinctively he jumps out the window right after the rock thinking how bad can a three story fall be when you land on a big pile of trash. But as he fell he saw written on the wall "chinese torture number three, right nut tried to bed post."
Personal mottos
"When young men seek to be like you, When lazy men resent you, When powerful men look over their shoulder at you, When cowardly men plot behind your back, When corrupt men wish you were gone and evil men want you dead... Only then will you have done your share." Phil Messina
Anyone in or close to the Northwest Arkansas area? Say hello!
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Monster Quest
I can relate to that!!
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Monster Quest
We got any Monster Quest fans out there? How about any one done any of their own research or gone on any expeditions? Any one with a unique monster related exsperience? Anything??
Personal mottos
"When you speak the truth you better have one foot in the stirrup." old west adage "Never attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by stupidity."
I also like Third Day. They are a great band with a great message and also probably the primary band that influenced my switch from mainstream music to christian music. Thanks for the post CyPoet.
Favorite movie lines
Go away or I'll call the brute squad
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Personal mottos
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Mon 05/18/09 12:26 AM
Heed the warning, focus not on what's seen and stand above weakness for all who know him stand to gain eternity.- Without pain I would never know what comfort is.- I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. PH 4:13
3 bullets
Very good story and very good to live by. Thanks for sharing it, I'm going to remember it.
Two Christian Singles....
I have had my problems with alcohol in the past and I can honestly say that no good EVER, EVER came of it. Except for maybe when the Lord warned me (quite strongly I might add) that alcohol was the wrong road, even in moderation. Moderation almost always leads to abuse of alcohol...I don't really share my story of how God warned me very often but it seems fitting to mention it here, so here goes. Please keep in mind that I am not proud of my youthful ignorance in the past and I no longer drink ANY AT ALL. When I was about 18 I decided to go out drinking with my friends even though God had given me many less severe warning earlier in life. So at the end of the night I drove a friend home and felt fine to drive on to my house (bad idea). Ten minutes later I completly passed out at the wheel, drove off the wrong side of the road and got stuck in a ditch less than half a mile from my house. Needless to say I was arrested and fined for DUI, I lost what was left of my car, and broke my nose. The next morning though the only thing I could think of was if there would of been someone else coming the other way when I crossed the center line. I don't know how I could of handled it if I hurt or killed anyone else and just the thought of that scares me even to this day. GLORY BE TO GOD there wasn't anyone else involved and I was the only one that suffered for my ignorance. I am very ashamed of what I did and don't like to share about it but if my story can help just one person make a better choice than me then I will tell it gladly. I thank God everytime I think about it that know one else was injured and for showing me the error of my ways. May God Bless All.
Hiking/backpacking anyone??
Looking for someone to go hiking or backpacking with around the Northwest Arkansas area.
Anyone into Demon Hunter or any other christian hardcore bands??