xxkonstantine125xx's photo
Mon 05/11/09 09:54 AM
Thank you all for your kind words and advice I read them all but replying to them would take me all day.

and the title..it was kind of intentional..lol


xxkonstantine125xx's photo
Mon 05/11/09 09:50 AM

That letter is way too long.

Just tell him that you like girls for the same reason he likes girls. Tell him you don't like boys the same reason he doesn't like boys.

Of course, this would backfire if he is closet gay himself.

Very not funny.

btw you're a dbag

xxkonstantine125xx's photo
Mon 05/11/09 01:24 AM
Thank you captain :) I hope so too.

xxkonstantine125xx's photo
Mon 05/11/09 12:51 AM
thanks princess :]

same to you..how good are you at pool btw?

xxkonstantine125xx's photo
Mon 05/11/09 12:48 AM

Most of my family sucks and I'm straight so sometimes it doesn't matter.. If you're good it doesn't matter, real, honest, etc... some family just sucks.. I can tell you're close to your dad and I'm sorry he's hurt you... I had my last hurt from my mom and my real dad years ago... Now I expect no realness from family...

My father an I were really close when I played soccer, since I was almost pro he was happy but when I dropped soccer because I picked up new interests it hurt him, n he still holds it against me. but im done its my life. I'm sorry about your situation, yeah i feel i need to move out before I end up resenting my family.

xxkonstantine125xx's photo
Mon 05/11/09 12:41 AM

Kons (I shorten names).. Lifes a ***** then you die... Honestly hon we all deal with so much ****.. Those that succeed are the one's that don't let others bring them down... Letting people's remarks control your thoughts and feelings is letting them control you.. Don't let them win that way.. Be you, be happy with the you that you are.. As long as you're not hurting people you're the best you that can be and F the rest of them... drinker

I don't care what people think, but he's my father it is different, but after the feud me and him had I'm living my life i dont throw it in his face but i make it clear that this is me.

xxkonstantine125xx's photo
Mon 05/11/09 12:40 AM

My heart goes out to you, as do my prayers that your father's eyes can be opened, and you can both find your way back to each other. I know if you were my daughter, along with the unconditional love that you're supposed to have and feel, I would hug you just a little tighter knowing what you have to go through when your away from me, and let you know that it was okay whatever you chose to be or do. flowerforyou :heart:

I really appreciate your words thanks.
I love my father, and I will never say he's a bad person I just think he cares too much about what his relatives think, the same relatives whose 21 yr old daughters have 4 kids by 4 baby daddies..

I dont want a pity party I just want my dad to treat me like he did when i played soccer n before he found out I was a lesbian :/

xxkonstantine125xx's photo
Mon 05/11/09 12:35 AM

best of luck.. I'm sorry your were hurt by you dad.. but try to remember ignorance hurts people of all types and I truly thing that the ignorant ones don't intend to do it, they just do it without malicious intent...

Thank you :) I know especially with my father's background. But he makes me feel like I'm a disease. I get **** for being Mexican every day, I get **** for being the only supervisor at my job and being a woman, and also every day talk because of my sexuality..people have too much free time.

xxkonstantine125xx's photo
Mon 05/11/09 12:32 AM
Thank you :] I hope he wakes up.

I'd also like to Clarify that I am now single, I found out she was cheating on me and I dumped her..

SO just making sure people don't think I'm trying to find hook ups while being with some1

xxkonstantine125xx's photo
Mon 05/11/09 12:23 AM
Edited by xxkonstantine125xx on Mon 05/11/09 12:24 AM

I guess today your harsh words finally broke all the good feelings I had left for you. Dad, today you showed me who you really are and I'm so disappointed. I can't believe you called me "those people" that was really low. You refer to heterosexuals as "normal people" and your lesbian daughter as "those people", do you know how heartbreaking that is? I have to deal with that every day of my life through society and their ignorance for fearing something they do not understand but feel necessary to judge. You stated that 95-98 % of gays are drug users and alcoholics. Which isn't true. You said you were surprised that I was in that scene and didn't do any of that "stuff", that was a really low blow.

I don't associate with individuals who have issues with substance abuse nor do I go and get ****faced and drive home. but you sat there and spoke as if you were so sure of what I was doing. It's sad how other people, including my girlfriend of a month know me better than you do. I'm pretty straight-edge and everyone that KNOWS me knows that. I rarely drink, I never do anything I shouldn't. You are right I party all the time, yeah since once a week I head to Woodland Hills to spend the day with my girlfriend. Since you want to assume, let me tell you what we really do; I pick her up we go to the park and talk, we get some dinner maybe go watch a movie and then I take her home. Geez dad you're so right I party like a ****ing rock star.

I don't ever go out in the Inland Empire just so you don't *****. Nothing I have ever done was good enough in your eyes, every single compliment you gave was always followed with a suggestion for improvement. You were never satisfied. In soccer I could ALWAYS do better. I tried to be good for you, and I'm tired of it. Anytime my friends want to hang out I always say "I'll let you know let me ask my parents" EVERY SINGLE TIME. I'm the only 21 year old I know who does this, yet according to you I am the most irresponsible and ungrateful being.

When was the last time you paid for something of mine? When was the last time you gave me gas money? Paid for my cell phone? oh dear father, I asked my mom and you if I could take up a bill. You said no to focus on my school loan, then a month or two later you asked me to pick up the car insurance bill for everyone in the household who drives and did I hesitate or give you crap? No, I was more than happy to help you. You don't need to tell me to pay it, I bring it up myself and fill out the checks and give you the money. I'm at home by 1 am if I go out. I rarely have a drink when I'm out. I never miss work, I'm always on time and I'm always appraised. Will I ever be good enough dad? No, not in your eyes. I will always be able to do better.

My sexuality is who I am and not a choice, I don't touch the subject because I don't want to make you uncomfortable. Do you ever think of that? How I keep my life to myself to spare your feelings? Scratch that I also keep my life to myself so your family doesn't talk. I hide who I am so you don't deal with ****. I hate hiding who I am, but I do it because I hate seeing you be disappointed, but I'm also tired of silencing myself to keep the pretend image alive. Apparently your self-comfort is more important than my happiness. I'm done dad. I've had enough of this. Things will change for the better. I will finally be happy. I don't want you to parade or be proud of my lifestyle, I just want you to want MY happiness and be happy for me. How long do I have to wait for that? The hourglass is running out.

xxkonstantine125xx's photo
Sun 05/10/09 08:21 PM
Hello :] thank you how are you doing?

xxkonstantine125xx's photo
Sun 05/10/09 07:59 PM
:] thank you.

xxkonstantine125xx's photo
Sun 05/10/09 07:47 PM
I hate how you can’t forgive me.

I hate how you resent me for my mistakes.

I hate how you act like the Virgin Mary,

Despite of all of your retakes.

I hate how you smile and laugh

When all I do is frown and cry

And how you can’t let go

Of my stupid pathetic lover’s lie.

I hate how you want forgiveness

But you can’t preach what you don’t reflect

And how you make me feel like ****

I don’t know what to expect.

I hate myself for hurting you

More than you’ll ever know

But you make me feel so worthless,

Like you don’t love me anymore.

I’m sorry for my mistake

My apology is true

I never meant to hurt

Or break down anything of you.

I forgave you for hurting me

And for breaking me in two

For lying to my face,

For messing with him too.

I forgave you for the unexcused break ups

For leaving me every other day

For telling me you loved me,

and driving me insane.

You won’t be able to stop me

Or plead for another chance

I’m done playing your game

I’m done doing this dance.

You tell me you don’t play games

Well what the **** are we playing?

Because you’re so pissed off

And I’m going insane!

Get your **** together

Or ill get it done for you

Ill walk out your life

And what the hell will you do?

You will do nothing

Just like the past 6 years

Don’t feed me your bull****

I’m not buying your tears.

Grow the **** up and realize

That everyone makes mistakes

Noble, worthless people,

Even all the greats.

What’s sad is you’ll never let go

I can see it in your eyes.

So long my lost lover….

It’s time to say goodbye.

xxkonstantine125xx's photo
Sun 05/10/09 07:43 PM
I'm looking to meet ladies whether it be for friendship or whatever it leads to :]

I'm pretty mellow so let me know if you'd like to talk.

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