Community > Posts By > Moblodite

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Fri 01/01/10 11:12 PM

recently something happened to my PC and some of the Windows programs were deleted.

Is this what happened?

when I restarted the computer, many programs and files were gone.
it wouldnt let me start the task manager, wouldnt let me run regedit, or msconfig.
it would let me run an antivirus- but when I tried to remove what it found, it kept telling me that engine couldnt start to remove them.
as soon as the welcome screen came up, it would restart the computer over and over, till I tapped the f8 to get into safe mode.
then when it started up in safe mode it said."your computer is infected with a danger worm netsky"
even in safe mode it would almost let me run nothing.

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Fri 01/01/10 11:07 PM
And NO, I was not on a porn site. I was watching regular movies from divxstage when I got it.

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Fri 01/01/10 11:04 PM
It is nice to be back, Have been gone almost a week, By no choice of mine. I recently got the worst Worm (virus) I have had yet.
This one was a stronger worm.
Completely took over my computer, had to disconnect the internet and could only start up the computer in safe mode. Was able to save most data before I had to do a complete hard drive format and reinstall of the factory original programs, then reinstall 5 years worth of programs.. what a nightmare !! reinstall 83 windows updates and 40+ programs.hours and hours.
got the worm from watching movies online.
I have watched movies online for years, never had a problem till now.
Warning.. it can just as easily happen to you!
If you get an immediate indication of computer problems, security warnings everywhere that you cant close, first thing..pull the internet plug immediately, DO NOT RESTART YOUR COMPUTER!! do a system restore to an earlier time, then restart.

here is what is said on some sites about this worm: Worm.NetSky Description
Worm.NetSky is a nasty worm that distributes itself through email. Once installed, Worm.NetSky will add itself to the Windows registry, ensuring that it loads each time you boot Windows. Worm.NetSky is capable to email itself as an attachment to any email addresses that it can locate on your machine. Worm.NetSky will also open up a backdoor on your PC allowing remote attackers to import and install additional malware to your system. This worm is highly dangerous and should be removed with no delay.

In over 10 years of computing, I have always been able to fix it, not this time till I did a recovery, This is the worst one I have ever had. Be safe.
Create a recovery tools disk and a system recovery disk *right now*

no photo
Mon 12/28/09 11:05 PM
So this spring was close to the "Chernobyl nuclear accident"

Don't think I want to drink it, might make my Peter Popoff!happy

no photo
Mon 12/28/09 09:51 AM

I would think if that questions was asked and the answer was yes then it would be followed by "Would you like to have dinner next Friday around 7:00" or whatever. I haven't dated in over 20 years so you might not want to listen to anything I say...laugh

Wow, That makes to much sense.
and just way too easylaugh

no photo
Mon 12/28/09 09:41 AM

I will not dignify that question with an answer:tongue:

see my first reply aboveflowers


no photo
Mon 12/28/09 09:35 AM
Just no pleasing some women.

This is just an ice breaker, allowing discussion for when and where.

if this is really such a problem, saying no would definitely be the best.
This will save him from going on a date with a nutcase.whoa

no photo
Mon 12/28/09 09:26 AM
You are right, it is way too vague.

He should have just ask "Would you like to just have sex right here on the floor"

right to the point and not vague!!

no photo
Mon 12/28/09 09:02 AM
To Moberly?
I have lived here for almost 3 years and...
Women that don't do drugs seems as rare as hens teeth.

no photo
Mon 12/28/09 08:54 AM

I have to say that it's not just men that do this. Women do the same thing too and its sad.

I had a friend that had absolutely no problem moving in on her friends husbands. When I said, aren't you friends with his wife, she said, "yes, so what does one have to do with the other."

I'm not friends with her any longer because in all honesty I would never trust her

I guess ya might look at the other side of it.

She is doing her friend a favor and showing her what a dog her husband is, and what a hoe she is!
With friends like these.. Who needs friends!

no photo
Mon 12/28/09 08:47 AM
And whats up with goatees anyway??

Did the guys just wake one morning, look in the mirror and think to themselves "gosh... I just don't look enough like a goat?"

rofl all in fun, don't get serious

no photo
Sun 12/27/09 11:03 PM

I'm trying to figure out a couple of things, maybe some of you ladies are having the same experience. It seems that the men I have the most things in common with are not interested in me. The men who I have little in common with are the ones who want to meet me. I'm surprised how many men on these dating sites have motorcycles and/or goatees. The bad boys want to meet me, what do I have to do to attract nice guys? Do I have to be a homebody in order to find a nice guy?

Not unless you already have a nice guy hidden away somewhere at home.

But I am a bit puzzled, A goatee makes a guy a bad boy???

I wouldnt thing so unless it is blue and tied with a rubber band.

BTW.. as some have already said, Try filling in your profile, It basically says nothing.

no photo
Sun 12/27/09 10:50 PM

some guys are just jerks !!!!
why do some guys get offended when u dont want to be friends? i mean are we in 5th grade lol

whats with the "friend" thing anywayz isnt this a dating site?
is it a fear of committing because u were screwed over b4?
if so sad times...

rejection is apart of life people! so lets take it easy

Thats just how us dirty old men are:tongue: laugh

Seriously, I don't have one friend in my friends list, Not because I don't have friends.. just because I don't feel a need to announce to the entire world who my friends are.

As for why other guys would be offended.. because they are boys.. not men.

no photo
Sun 12/27/09 10:38 PM
Did the OP say evil or-- medieval ?drool

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Sun 12/27/09 09:08 AM

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Sun 12/27/09 09:02 AM
Edited by Moblodite on Sun 12/27/09 09:06 AM
Seriously.. one really good question might be.. Can I see you nakid?!
Who knows.. could be a deal breakerhappy devil

We could speed up this process though, all of the Women here email me your nude photos right away!!!pitchfork drool :banana: :banana: :banana:

no photo
Sun 12/27/09 08:58 AM


no photo
Sun 12/27/09 08:44 AM
If she likes me, I would ask...

In other words.. is this the real you or the drug induced you??

no photo
Sun 12/27/09 08:30 AM

As one of our members puts it; chat globally, date local..........

I disagree completely!
I don't need a reality check right now :smile:

:thumbsup: Reality checks usually bounce anyway.

No LDR's here.
I've got to be able to touch them to make sure they are real

no photo
Sat 12/26/09 11:02 PM

Does anyone else find it hard sometimes to figure out what they did 'wrong' in the relationship that didnt work out?

I am a firm believer that it takes two to make a relationship work and that both are responsible, in some way or another, if it does not work. Sometimes it is just very hard to see your own mistakes. I know in my first marriage, I should have considered some counseling to work through the infidelity and drinking(his). This second failure , though, is killing me because I Really cant see what I did or didnt do.....besides marrying without really knowing someone but that seems like a copout excuse (shrugs)

We were not there to witness the situation but it seems like you already answered the most common reason.
"marrying without really knowing someone "

Did the same myself years ago. and that was all I did wrong!!
knew her for 4 months. She kept pushing to get married and I gave in.... BIG mistake, I soon found out she was pushing so hard to get married so quick because she couldn't keep up the front much longer.
She soon started yelling about small things and quickly became out of control and screaming constantly about everything.
Kept trying to get her to get help, told her over and over that I wasn't going to live like that, but she refused and it kept getting worse.
finally one day she followed me around the yard as I mowed, screaming over the mower.
That was the last straw.

It is not always both parties fault that it failed!!!!

But it takes BOTH- to make it work!

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