There is no God?
None, I was just pointing out the inconsistencies. If everyone used that line you referenced the would would be a much better place.
Which is exactly why I point it out every chance I get. Until they see the contradiction they can't change. I can't enlighten everyone, but I'll die trying.
Maybe I am misunderstanding because these 2 statements seem to contradict each other. In the 1st you agree that people shouldn't force your belief. In the 2nd you are trying to force your belief Not trying to force my beliefs. Just trying to educate. If after being informed of what it is the bible says their beliefs change. Great. If not, so be it. Isn't that the same thing religious people do? Just educating what they believe like you do. The above posts are still contradictions Religious people don't just educate. They preach. They threaten with hell. They try to change laws to support their religion. Many times they even break the law to push their religion onto people. I simply show them things in their religious text they may not know about. I would like to show every religious person in the world every horrible thing their own books advocate. Since I don't have a long enough life to accomplish this goal I will die trying. Once I show someone the parts they may not know about and they no longer are receptive to a conversation I leave it alone. Which is infact the idea of the verse you referenced. Therefore, the both statements simultaneously possible and in fact part of each other. |
There is no God?
None, I was just pointing out the inconsistencies. If everyone used that line you referenced the would would be a much better place.
Which is exactly why I point it out every chance I get. Until they see the contradiction they can't change. I can't enlighten everyone, but I'll die trying.
Maybe I am misunderstanding because these 2 statements seem to contradict each other. In the 1st you agree that people shouldn't force your belief. In the 2nd you are trying to force your belief Not trying to force my beliefs. Just trying to educate. If after being informed of what it is the bible says their beliefs change. Great. If not, so be it. |
There is no God?
Great....don't live it then. Damn. Seems you are completely missing what I am saying and wanting to twist it? Oh I got your point. My point however, was to point out that you can take anything from the bible. It's a big book of multiple choice that few people really read. so you focus on the "bad" parts? I'm atheist, but i see where the bibles have some really good philosophies... i just skip over the the rest, isn't worth looking at... I don't focus on the bad, but I can't just overlook it when there are people that use the bible as a justification for all their actions. What actions did I justify with that scripture? It says if people aren't receptive to listen then walk away. None, I was just pointing out the inconsistencies. If everyone used that line you referenced the would would be a much better place. Then don't twist what I posted into an arguement. I posted what I posted. Do you not agree with what I posted? I wasn't trying to twist it at all. All I did was post another line from the same page. I think you misunderstood my intention. |
There is no God?
Great....don't live it then. Damn. Seems you are completely missing what I am saying and wanting to twist it? Oh I got your point. My point however, was to point out that you can take anything from the bible. It's a big book of multiple choice that few people really read. so you focus on the "bad" parts? I'm atheist, but i see where the bibles have some really good philosophies... i just skip over the the rest, isn't worth looking at... I don't focus on the bad, but I can't just overlook it when there are people that use the bible as a justification for all their actions. What actions did I justify with that scripture? It says if people aren't receptive to listen then walk away. None, I was just pointing out the inconsistencies. If everyone used that line you referenced the would would be a much better place. |
There is no God?
Great....don't live it then. Damn. Seems you are completely missing what I am saying and wanting to twist it? Oh I got your point. My point however, was to point out that you can take anything from the bible. It's a big book of multiple choice that few people really read. so you focus on the "bad" parts? I'm atheist, but i see where the bibles have some really good philosophies... i just skip over the the rest, isn't worth looking at... I don't focus on the bad, but I can't just overlook it when there are people that use the bible as a justification for all their actions. lol, i hear ya... but we know the bible is chalked full of contradictions, but they won't listen to it... it all makes perfect sense to them... Which is exactly why I point it out every chance I get. Until they see the contradiction they can't change. I can't enlighten everyone, but I'll die trying. well, then you're as bad as they are if you're trying to "change" people... you really think you're going to change a fundamentalist? i mean, why? it's their life, who cares that they believe in a magical being with omniscient powers that controls everything in the known universes from the beginning of time till the end of time? I'm not trying to change them. I'm trying to educate them. Though people do tend to change with more education. I know many people that were fundamentalist that have changed their minds and much more. I don't care what they believe except when their beliefs affect more than just them. Like for instance schools not teaching evolution to teach creationism as science. It's been a major issues in many places. ![]() ![]() good luck with that... HAHAHAHA I'm gonna have to save these. Thanks. |
There is no God?
Great....don't live it then. Damn. Seems you are completely missing what I am saying and wanting to twist it? Oh I got your point. My point however, was to point out that you can take anything from the bible. It's a big book of multiple choice that few people really read. so you focus on the "bad" parts? I'm atheist, but i see where the bibles have some really good philosophies... i just skip over the the rest, isn't worth looking at... I don't focus on the bad, but I can't just overlook it when there are people that use the bible as a justification for all their actions. lol, i hear ya... but we know the bible is chalked full of contradictions, but they won't listen to it... it all makes perfect sense to them... Which is exactly why I point it out every chance I get. Until they see the contradiction they can't change. I can't enlighten everyone, but I'll die trying. well, then you're as bad as they are if you're trying to "change" people... you really think you're going to change a fundamentalist? i mean, why? it's their life, who cares that they believe in a magical being with omniscient powers that controls everything in the known universes from the beginning of time till the end of time? I'm not trying to change them. I'm trying to educate them. Though people do tend to change with more education. I know many people that were fundamentalist that have changed their minds and much more. I don't care what they believe except when their beliefs affect more than just them. Like for instance schools not teaching evolution to teach creationism as science. It's been a major issues in many places. |
There is no God?
Great....don't live it then. Damn. Seems you are completely missing what I am saying and wanting to twist it? Oh I got your point. My point however, was to point out that you can take anything from the bible. It's a big book of multiple choice that few people really read. so you focus on the "bad" parts? I'm atheist, but i see where the bibles have some really good philosophies... i just skip over the the rest, isn't worth looking at... I don't focus on the bad, but I can't just overlook it when there are people that use the bible as a justification for all their actions. lol, i hear ya... but we know the bible is chalked full of contradictions, but they won't listen to it... it all makes perfect sense to them... Which is exactly why I point it out every chance I get. Until they see the contradiction they can't change. I can't enlighten everyone, but I'll die trying. |
There is no God?
Great....don't live it then. Damn. Seems you are completely missing what I am saying and wanting to twist it? Oh I got your point. My point however, was to point out that you can take anything from the bible. It's a big book of multiple choice that few people really read. so you focus on the "bad" parts? I'm atheist, but i see where the bibles have some really good philosophies... i just skip over the the rest, isn't worth looking at... I don't focus on the bad, but I can't just overlook it when there are people that use the bible as a justification for all their actions. |
There is no God?
Great....don't live it then. Damn. Seems you are completely missing what I am saying and wanting to twist it? Oh I got your point. My point however, was to point out that you can take anything from the bible. It's a big book of multiple choice that few people really read. |
There is no God?
Matthew 10:14 Whenever someone quotes a bible passage I like to read the passage as well as some before and after to get the full context of the quote. It's amazing to me how many time I see something like Matthew 10:21 "“Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death." On the same page as the loving Jesus quotes they intended. "If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet." That is what I am referring to. It is saying basically don't force views on others....sheesh Right, that sounds like a great way to live life. But on the same page it talks about killing family members. Which doesn't sound like a great way to live life. |
There is no God?
Matthew 10:14 Whenever someone quotes a bible passage I like to read the passage as well as some before and after to get the full context of the quote. It's amazing to me how many time I see something like Matthew 10:21 "“Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child; children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death." On the same page as the loving Jesus quotes they intended. |
There is no God?
My statement here was on based on the accounts of the gods I have read about in many religious text over the years and about the god character in these text. For example, the bible says god is the highest good then he kills almost everyone on the planet. That is a combination of an absurdity, an immoral behavior, and a contradiction of himself. I would think that a book that is even inspired by god would be free of these contradictions. are we talking about Noah and the flood, here? Yes, that was the reference. Though it is by no means the only one I could point to. I'm looking for anything that could not be explained by someone just writing a story. you want to prove God as a scientifically reproducible concept? Anything that exist can be proven to exist. i dunno...sometimes i think...if we want to prove anything as a scientifically reproducible concept...then that means we can induce it.... Observation is a huge part of science. Much like studying apes in the wild you don't have to interact or induce anything. Just watch and see what happens. In fact, you are doing science wrong if you are inducing the outcome. so to prove God as the same, you are saying that we can induce God? No, I'm saying if prayer worked then it would do statistically better than chance. Which it has failed over and over. so take for example the concepts of justice, love, integrity...etc...and their prove the existence of all of these, it should be explained by something that is not on the grounds of someone just writing a story about these things....that we would have to be able to show that these are reproducible and inducible, to say that they actually exist...otherwise, they really don't exist but are just figments of our overactive imagination... Are you saying god is just a concept? If so, then it doesn't matter if I believe it or not as it was made up to begin with. Just like every other concept out there. I agree that god is used as an scapegoat. Of course the existence of god doesn't depend on what people do. However, when the people that are telling me god exist are the same people that treat others terribly it hurts the credibility of their claims. well yes. because people are terribly terribly flawed. say for example, if someone were to tell you and explain to you what virtue is, but live their life in vice, then does that mean that what they claim virtue to be is not credible? same as with the opposite...if someone were to tell you how it is to be bad, but live their lives above par...does that mean their entire explanation of vice is not acceptable? i doesn't seem right, nor fair to judge God based on the credibility of people...people will always fall short, not just because of being flawed, but also because the person looking also has their own expectation of people. So you are telling me that I should believe a claim made by person that has a history of lying without evidence? That would be completely illogical. Someone's character does not make their claim true or false. However, it can help or hurt their credibility. Even if it's the best person in the world, god existing would be an extraordinary claim. Like Carl Sagan said. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" Science is the only thing that has been proven time and time again to produce an accurate picture of reality. This is because of the self correcting nature of science. It would also stand to reason that any god that answers prayers would be messerable. Prayer could be shown to work statistically better than chance. However, when these studies have been done. Prayer does no better than chance. i don't see it. yes, science produce an accurate picture of the physical world we live in. all of it are governed by laws, and we did not know it first. it was set upon as such before we even knew of it. hence, it becomes the question of what came first, the chicken or the egg. Science has answered that one. The Tyrannosaurus Rex wish is almost an exact genetic match with chickens. you are saying that science came first, and we created the concept of God because of a lack of understanding in science...and the more we discover scientifically, the less is the power of God... The fact of reality came first. We are just stumbling through time trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Religion came about as a way to explain things. However, some people realised saying god did it doesn't give you an real understanding of what is going on. Since humans are curious creatures we look for the answers. Science is nothing the than the proven method to get valid answers. whereas the flipside is, God created it all, set with order and balance and such is what we discovered to be science...and the discoveries will be unending because we can only come to discover what has already been there since the beginning of time. If that is the case, then there should be evidence of it somewhere. Maybe it's only a matter of time before we find it. Maybe we never will. Until we find some, then I'm not going to accept a claim without it. do you believe that it is possible for us to discover ALL that there is to be discovered in science to prove beyond doubt that God does not exist? Not in any foreseeable future. I would put that up there as a possibility on the same level as god existing. Though enough lack of evidence is a kind of evidence itself. Though, it is impossible to prove a negative. Most of the time that doesn't happen when they have been raised to question and examine everything. i think, those who were raised to question and examine everything are probably more likely to find God... whereas those who think that they have found all the answers they need, are the ones who won't bother too much to examine who God really is... I'm rather sure you have that backwards because of the lack of evidence for god's existence. If god exist and wants to have a relationship with you. Wouldn't it make sense for him to first establish the fact that he exist? Neither of your analogies are the same as what Mr. Dillahunty said. The child's parents have already been proven to exist as far as the child is concerned. Same goes for the toxic relationships analogy. A closer analogy is like being in school and the boy that has never had a girlfriend says he has a girlfriend, but you wouldn't know her because she goes to another school. Then provides no other credible evidence. While it could be true, is anyone likely to believe him? but you are already assuming that he doesn't have a i think he has been establishing that for sometime. but some people don't want to acknowledge it for what it is, and gives different meaning to it. Do you have any evidence to back that claim up? like say a guy who loves a girl and does what he can accordingly... she could ignore it completely, acknowledge that it is there but reject it, wait and see if she develops feelings, try to take advantage of him, learn to trust and love him as well....or whatever else she chooses to do in between. But at least she would know he exist. When you love someone you tend to want them to know you exist. its a two way street...recognition is part of it. That is exactly what I have been attempting to do most of my life. Recognize reality for what it is. If that includes god. Fine, but I need evidence to make me believe it. Just like I didn't believe two objects of different sizes would fall to the ground and hit at the same time in a vacuum until it was shown to me. One of my many goals in life is to rid myself of all false beliefs. That simply means I need evidence to believe anything. Since I have found none for god, I don't believe in god. Much like, I didn't find any evidence for the tooth fairy, so I don't believe in the tooth fairy. |
There is no God?
if there is a god, that god should know exactly what it would take to change my mind...and that god should be capable of doing whatever it would take. The fact that this hasn't happened can only mean one of two things: 1. No such god exists. 2. Whatever god exists doesn't care to convince me, at this time. Since all other evidence has fallen short, I go with option 1. Why shall god change your mind...... ...Just to prove his capability? I can't tell you how many times I have been told that if I try god will reveal himself. Is your mind an unique & universally acceptable entity? Unique - Possibly Universally acceptable entity - Nope ....some certifying agency?? Nope Why shall he care to convince everyone for accepting his existence...particularly when he himself has created differently minded living beings..?? I have no idea. I'm not the one that thinks he exist, nor am I the one that thinks he has/will reveal himself, nor am I the one that thinks he wants to have a relationship with me. Whatever our thoughts are....those are originated from the one has yet proved the existence of soul too....that invisible driving power too is god's gift to you & god is making you think that he doesn't exist. Going with that logic, it would be god's will I don't believe in him. If that is the case then he should tell his followers to stop trying to convert me. |
There is no God?
Edited by
Thu 10/01/15 02:10 AM
I only want to find out and understand why some people choose to believe that there is no such thing as God. I can only comment on my own point of view and how I got to being an atheist. First off, I do not discount the possibility of god. However, I have not seen any reason to believe in one. I have studied religious text most of my life and I find constrictions, immoral behavior, and many just plain absurdities from god in all that I have studied. Therefore, I cannot believe in it. Absurd, how so? Even people, governments, societies have absurdities, constrictions, immoral behavior...doesnt make any of it untrue, or unreal or unbelievable...? Doesnt even make it unacceptable, i think.. My statement here was on based on the accounts of the gods I have read about in many religious text over the years and about the god character in these text. For example, the bible says god is the highest good then he kills almost everyone on the planet. That is a combination of an absurdity, an immoral behavior, and a contradiction of himself. I would think that a book that is even inspired by god would be free of these contradictions. I have researched all the known historical evidence of how the religious text I have studied came into being and how the came into use. I have not found evidence for any divine intervention with this research. Therefore, I cannot believe in it. What kind of evidence are you looking for? I'm looking for anything that could not be explained by someone just writing a story. I look at history and see all the horrible things that have been done in the name of god. I look at current events and see all the horrible things that are currently being done in the name of god. Therefore, I cannot believe in it. I think God is mostly just used as a scapegoat for both ends... If someone were to do something as evil in the name of a god they believe in, but in reality only wanted to advance themselves...How is it different from someone who does something good in the name of a god, but in reality, suffers for it? Is the existence of God dependent on what other people do? I agree that god is used as an scapegoat. Of course the existence of god doesn't depend on what people do. However, when the people that are telling me god exist are the same people that treat others terribly it hurts the credibility of their claims. I look at every "scientific proof" of god's existence and find it to be deeply flawed to the point I cannot justify calling it science. This is true if your concept of God is one that hinges solely on science. Science is the only thing that has been proven time and time again to produce an accurate picture of reality. This is because of the self correcting nature of science. It would also stand to reason that any god that answers prayers would be messerable. Prayer could be shown to work statistically better than chance. However, when these studies have been done. Prayer does no better than chance. I talk to religious people and see that most of their beliefs come from one of two things. 1 - It's how they was raised and taught from a very young age. 2 - Personal revelation. I have also found it is mainly a combination of both. While I was raised to believe in god, it fell apart when I studied. I agree, it is a mix of both. Some who were raised without learning any measure of faith in God, can eventually find him after all, God-willing. Most of the time that doesn't happen when they have been raised to question and examine everything. As for the personal revelation I think Matt Dillahunty summed it up much better than I ever could. if there is a god, that god should know exactly what it would take to change my mind...and that god should be capable of doing whatever it would take. The fact that this hasn't happened can only mean one of two things: 1. No such god exists. 2. Whatever god exists doesn't care to convince me, at this time. Since all other evidence has fallen short, I go with option 1. His assumption actually removes personal accountability. Seems selfish and childish to be one sided and to put all the blame on God for something Matt chose on his own. Kinda like how kids sometimes tell their parents " if i am important to you, then you should do ____ to convince me, otherwise you are just full of it and there is no reason for me to believe you anymore " Same reasoning with some toxic relationships..." If you love me, you'd do ___ to prove it " So no matter what he does, if you dont want to believe or acknowledge it, nothing he does will ever convince you anyways...? If god exist and wants to have a relationship with you. Wouldn't it make sense for him to first establish the fact that he exist? Neither of your analogies are the same as what Mr. Dillahunty said. The child's parents have already been proven to exist as far as the child is concerned. Same goes for the toxic relationships analogy. A closer analogy is like being in school and the boy that has never had a girlfriend says he has a girlfriend, but you wouldn't know her because she goes to another school. Then provides no other credible evidence. While it could be true, is anyone likely to believe him? |
There is no God?
Edited by
Wed 09/30/15 01:36 PM
I only want to find out and understand why some people choose to believe that there is no such thing as God. I can only comment on my own point of view and how I got to being an atheist. First off, I do not discount the possibility of god. However, I have not seen any reason to believe in one. I have studied religious text most of my life and I find constrictions, immoral behavior, and many just plain absurdities from god in all that I have studied. Therefore, I cannot believe in it. I have researched all the known historical evidence of how the religious text I have studied came into being and how the came into use. I have not found evidence for any divine intervention with this research. Therefore, I cannot believe in it. I look at history and see all the horrible things that have been done in the name of god. I look at current events and see all the horrible things that are currently being done in the name of god. Therefore, I cannot believe in it. I look at every "scientific proof" of god's existence and find it to be deeply flawed to the point I cannot justify calling it science. I talk to religious people and see that most of their beliefs come from one of two things. 1 - It's how they was raised and taught from a very young age. 2 - Personal revelation. I have also found it is mainly a combination of both. While I was raised to believe in god, it fell apart when I studied. As for the personal revelation I think Matt Dillahunty summed it up much better than I ever could. if there is a god, that god should know exactly what it would take to change my mind...and that god should be capable of doing whatever it would take. The fact that this hasn't happened can only mean one of two things: 1. No such god exists. 2. Whatever god exists doesn't care to convince me, at this time. Since all other evidence has fallen short, I go with option 1. |
I like the idea of birth control without parental consent in the case of condoms, birth control pills, and even the morning after pill. Teen pregnancies are not good for anyone involved and no one is going to be able to prevent them from having sex if they want to. Plus, very few of the teens having sex want to tell their parents about it. However, it's my understanding implants basically require surgery. In this case I would like to see parental consent required.
I don't understand why people would freak out about someone even as young as 7 or 8 getting any type of hormonal birth control. The same hormones that prevent pregnancy is also used to treat many issues with menstrual cycles. Some girls start their cycles as early as 7 years old. Therefore, they could be getting treatments for some issue with their cycle at the same age. |
yes and he did, for the wages of sin are DEATH , and he fulfilled the wage through his Ah but it doesn't say the punishment is death. It said they are to be put to death. Therefore, it says they should be killed. Anyway, the whole rambling conversation comes down to the fact that Kim Davis is refusing to do her job (breaking the law in the process) and still wants her paycheck. Booo Hooo This conversation is becoming filled with more and more logical fallacies, it's starting to make me nauseous. So I leave you to whatever beliefs you have, thoughts you call reality, and happiness you may find. |
where are all these extreme leaps coming from? The Bible, that's where the extremes came from. Maybe you should read it if you want to call yourself a christian. I have read it, I doubt you have I have read it, many, many times in fact. I do believe I may have read it a bit more closely than you have. "'If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." Leviticus 20:13 Christians follow the example of Christ, adultery is another sexual sin, but jesus refused to STONE anyone, he simply corrected them, educated them, and tried to guide them in the right direction,,, Sure, let's see what he said about the old laws.... "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." Matthew 5:17 |
actually you can declare a marriage to have never been valid if there is no sex,,,its called consummation and the invalidation is called an annulment,, so yes, sex is a part of the EXPECTATIONS of marriage A couple only gets an annulment when one is requested. It's never imposed. Therefore, sex isn't a requirement of marriage. no one is protesting anyones FEELINGS, once again its about disagreeing with their ACTIONS Well, they feel as if they should marry the person they are in love with. Their behavior is directly from what they CHOOSE TO DO So you are saying acting on a feeling is wrong. Nice to know. she is not treating anyone differently either, she stopped issuing licenses to ANYONE That is only after she tried to only issue licenses to htrosexral couples and got informed that discrimination is also illegal. if homosexuals married opposite sex they could have already been married Could you marry someone if you are not attracted to them? in fact, homosexual marriage does affect heterosexuals,,,,heterosexual owners are being forced to operate against their religious convictions and fined heavily for not doing so, heterosexual employees and students are being forced into silence for fear of being fined or fired for expressing religious values that are generations old,,,,, No one is forcing anyone to do anything. No one is saying people have to be silent. People can protest all they want. I am very empathetic,, I feel the pain of being forced to be 'who you are' in private and who you are told you have to be everyplace else,,,, You are not forced to be anything except a law abiding citizen. |
where are all these extreme leaps coming from? The Bible, that's where the extremes came from. Maybe you should read it if you want to call yourself a christian. |