Community > Posts By > Oceanladysea

Oceanladysea's photo
Thu 03/22/07 02:16 AM
Okay, I already know I'm probably going to get some negative feedback
from this, but oh well, life is not all puppies and roses, sometimes its
puddles and thorns.
What I want to bring up today, and probably many more times is the state
of the world. We all know that things are changing, but are we paying
attention? Are we prepared for the inevitable outcome that awaits us in
the near future?
No, I'm not talking about just war. I'm talking about the changes that
mother earth is going through and the thousands of us that she
eliminating along the way.
One of the problems humans have is that unlike the rest of the animal
kingdom we have been allowed to grow in population with no natural
controls until we have overgrown our natural habitat. And the result of
that is that there are more of us than can be comfortably supported by
the planet upon which we live. So what is happening? Look around?
Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, mine cave-ins, mudslides, tornadoes,
hurricanes, plagues, etc., etc. Yes we have had all these things before.
Except that the strength and frequency is increasing. The amount of
people dying each time is growing larger. So what is the end result? You
know as well as I do. My question is: are you prepared? Not just
physically, but mentally, emotionally, spiritually? If we as a species
had to start all over again, could you do it? Just something to think

Oceanladysea's photo
Thu 03/22/07 01:44 AM
Slowly raising my face to the world
As from death I always return.
Away from the fire of brother sun
His birth my death as he constantly burns.
With our sight a beauty fair
Delicate and fragile so purely bright.
Like a candle that never ends
The purest energy a single light.
Down upon it we sit and watch
As you toil from one to another.
Like eternal slaves without a master
Forever ruled by me and my brother.

Oceanladysea's photo
Thu 03/22/07 01:41 AM
The sun has fallen from the sky
The moon is racing with the wind
The earth revolves in wider circles
The time is closer to the end.
Forgotten moments suddenly remembered
Too late to be of consequence
Life is hanging by a silver thread
Ending and beginning make no sense.
Childhood abruptly denied those who've come
Old age will never cause pain
Emotions will not again be experienced
In silent rows the bodies lain.
This total destruction we alone have wrought
Always in greed we reacted
And now the final price must be paid
The ending toll is now exacted.

Oceanladysea's photo
Thu 03/22/07 01:38 AM
Into the deep internal bowels of time
Beyond existence forgotten ages to come.
Reaching into nothingness eternal
Finding hope for life beyond dreams of love.
Fingers groping for the oneness
Searching for the terrible sameness.
Unlife life yet far away from death
Embodiment of hate like love ever less.
Crying in the all-encompassing dark
For that which never again shall be.
The simple touch of humankind
The lonely sun that lets us see.

Oceanladysea's photo
Thu 03/22/07 01:34 AM
He looked upon the darkness with the sweetness of wine
He beheld her timeless beauty with eyes of eternal life.
He knew the path down which they walked
Was one from which no end was in sight.
And yet he was drawn like the moth to the fire
To her sapphire eyes and flaming hair.
She stood entranced by his dark and sinister stare
She could see the pool of eternal fire deep within his eyes.
He seemed to stare deep within her very soul
And touch the beginning of her being.
Though they knew the path before lay littered with death
The force that carried them was beyond reason or even life.
Like a tide that washed upon hidden shores
They were carried away on the carrion of death
To experience what life could never provide.
As their souls rose beyond the boundaries of earth
The flame that was their very being
Reshaped and reformed into a new creation.
A life that was never imagined
A life that had never been beheld
A new beginning from a nonexistent ending
Never to have been never again to be.

Oceanladysea's photo
Thu 03/22/07 01:29 AM
I opened my eyes and you were there
Simply standing there holding out your hand
You looked at me with eyes of innocence
Doorways opened before me finally seem from within
Your energy enveloped me and slowly warmed my soul
I know the value of what I offer you
My eyes are truly open as they have never been
Your eyes see me as I truly am
An understanding of beauty beyond that of normal man
Engulfs me when you look deep into my eyes
I feel an acceptance of body, mind and soul
That touches me deeply beyond my very core
My life carries within it a kaleidoscope of beauty
My wish for this time to share with you
For the fates have foreseen that this path we shall share
Willingly I take that step beginning a journey of beauty
To you I offer simplicity reaching my hand to you
We may soar to the stars or never leave the earth
Whatever courses our paths may take us upon
It shall be an adventure of glorious, beautiful exploration.

Oceanladysea's photo
Thu 03/22/07 01:23 AM
The cafe' fills with strangers
Slowly filing in
Soldiers from the war without
Searching for peace within.
Eyes glazed over slowly light
With sparks of recognition
As the soldiers of the worldly war
See souls akin.
And the reading gently starts
Soldiers sharing themselves
As they describe the evils
That the world has heaped.
And when the last soldier
Steps from the podium
They slowly file out again.
Each carrying a small arsenal
In their backpack of life
That will help them
Make it through the week
'Till once again
The cafe' fills with strangers.

Oceanladysea's photo
Thu 03/22/07 01:19 AM
The children see what we cannot
They hear the sounds that we forgot.
They see the beauty lying everywhere
They feel no jealousy, hate or despair.
Their eyes and ears are open wide
To the world which lies just outside.
Their hearts are young and eager to feel
All they encounter which has appeal.
Brought into this world from out of the dark
A book of blank pages wiating to be marked.
Make an impression upon these children of mine
Give them hope and love and peace of mind.
Let them feel what has been created
Never let their curiousity be sated.
For the future, my firend, you will see
Is in the hands of the children
Brought forth by you and me.

Oceanladysea's photo
Thu 03/22/07 01:16 AM
This child of mine I give to you
With fearful heart and trembling hand
I know that you will not be kind
Living as you do on tarnished land.
But please remember, while you can
This child is special, sprung from me
Raised with knowledge, love and truth
And eyes wide open so she'll see.
Do not a fool of her try to make
She knows what games you'll play
A life is such a precious thing
Too high a price for you to pay.
So treat her gently and with care
This priceless gift to you I give
Let her teach you strength and wisdom
That all upon this earth might live.

Oceanladysea's photo
Thu 03/22/07 01:10 AM
I'm feeling a little prolific tonight so thought I'd share a few things
in several different categories. Hope you enjoy.

Oceanladysea's photo
Sat 03/17/07 08:58 PM
So beautiful your message
So wonderful your thoughts
So near to happiness forever
So touching your heart to words.

Oceanladysea's photo
Sat 03/17/07 08:53 PM
Keep it up girl. The more you write the more you will want to write. And
don't be surprised if you find your style changing over time. It's a
good thing, don't be afraid of it.

Oceanladysea's photo
Sat 03/17/07 08:50 PM
You have a great talent. It is truly a blessing to be able to express
yourself with words. Keep it up, and don't forget to save everything.
You will find them speaking to you 20 years from now, and the words will
be the same but the meanings will change.

Oceanladysea's photo
Sat 03/17/07 08:47 PM
I intend to. I have been writing most of my life and finally got
published. So will pick different categories and try to keep it fresh.

Oceanladysea's photo
Sat 03/17/07 08:45 PM
Hey thanks. Will try to keep everyone entertained and get you in touch
with yourself.

Oceanladysea's photo
Sat 03/17/07 08:44 PM
Thanks. I have a variety of topics. I'll try to keep it fresh.

Oceanladysea's photo
Sat 03/17/07 08:41 PM
He slowly caresses her tender skin
Folding himself softly to where she begins
Their passions rising like seas pounding the shore.
Tenderly reaching from within to without
Tendrils of love forming fiery clouds.
The lightning and thunder
Beginning to roll across the sky
Erupting with explosive power.
Sending flames soaring
Reaching out to the stars
Sights and sounds roaring
Culminating at last upon heavens floor.
Emotions and passions spent and more
The beginning and ending of both life and death.

Oceanladysea's photo
Sat 03/17/07 08:38 PM
I come to you with outstretched hand
Asking only for your touch
A gentle caressing of my soul
By the one I love so much.
We share an intermingling love
Both you and I and us
Never a selfish thought is passed
Only our loving touch.
From the very beginning of time
When only light existed
Our life together was meant to be
Upon this we insisted.
And never separate will we ever be
Though sun and sky may part
For love such as we have always shared
Goes deeper than only the heart.
Eternal love can never be quelled
It goes beyond understanding
When what we are has long since passed
Our love with be withstanding.

Oceanladysea's photo
Sat 03/17/07 08:31 PM
Nursery rhymes from childhood days
Can carry words to shock or amaze.
All life becomes the same to us
From bears that cook to a talking bus.
Great joy this brings throughout our youth
To think all beings are equal on earth.
And then comes the day when youth shall fade
Our eyes no longer behold the parade.
Of life we once took for granted
With growth and maturity we lose our enchantment.
So come with me now to the play land of life
And watch once again as the unicorns ride.
The fairies take wing and the dragons fly
Look with me now again through child's eyes.
See all of the beauty and none of the pain
Celebrate the glory of enchantment again.
Don't be afraid it really is grand
To stand on the shore with feet in the sand.
And speak again with the dolphins and whales
Of life that's becoming no longer pale.
The colors of rainbows much brighter shall be
When you see through the eyes of children like me.

Oceanladysea's photo
Sat 03/17/07 08:24 PM
It came upon a midnight clear
That screaming beast of my dreams.
Eternal anguish never before seen
Always felt and always heard.
Why has it come like a leech
Sucking the very soul from my life?
This screaming beast has held me
In it's arms for all of my life.
It shows me a silent bitter love
That I've never lived without.
Please don't come into my mind
Give me just this night of peace.
Let me open my eyes and free
My ears and behold the sight.
The glorious horror I see in you
The ecstasy none ever knows.
The pain with the pleasure
Is my only desire
My merciless master.
So tear me limb from limb
And spread my steaming entrails
Across the merciless sky.
And carry me to my place of being
My death
My escape
My freedom.

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