Community > Posts By > SunshineLadybug
I have my tail between my legs tied up to a tree outside for peeing on the floor, I was Barking at the Neighbor Lady because I could not reach the cat. So I put my head on her lap and nudged her, to say I am sorry. then I went outside and whinnied. it made so much noise that I got locked up to the tree and now I'm going to sleep!
Wow! we have not had an Earthquake in almost 2 years. and at 4:26 pm it just rolled under the ground a little pick me up and sake the rug out you can say. That was fun!
have you ever been in a Natural Disaster? What Kind and in What YEAR! Unless North Korea just set off another Nuke that is what happened last time and it took a few hours to get to us but it did last time took the entire Apartment. Today we live in a house and you would think Mountains would slow the impact but NOPE it was as if it went right under them as if a tidal wave was under the land. I have been through so many that it seems Fun to me. But It is 1000% better than a Tornadoes, 10yrs living in the ally of Tornadoes and you try getting 7 children into an understair closet or into a bathtub. All the crying and fear grabbing mattress off of the bed. every month the Creepy Tornado Sirens Going Off as in Germany is attacking. the fear was massive for not only young kids but for teenagers and ME! But when that Tornadoes was over my head and green sky's swarming as a swarm of bees about to engulf the entire city. That I had enough of. The next year it flew through the College and did some damage. |
obarry reports for jury duty
Question: My Daugther had to do Jury Duty does he get paid the same amount as the others. On top of that, her boss didn't pay her for the day and every day that she had to attend because she was not at work it was not considered a sick pay or leave of absence. It could not be used for Holliday pay either or vacation pay.
Juror Pay Petit Jury Federal jurors are paid $40 a day. While the majority of jury trials last less than a week, jurors can receive up to $50 a day after serving 10 days on a trial. (Employees of the federal government are paid their regular salary in lieu of this fee.) Jurors also are reimbursed for reasonable transportation expenses and parking fees. Jurors also receive a subsistence allowance covering their meals and lodging if they are required to stay overnight. Your employer may continue your salary during all or part of your jury service, (but federal law does not require an employer to do so). Nonetheless, the Jury Act forbids any employer from firing, intimidating, or coercing any permanent employee because of their federal jury service. You should check whether your company or employer has a policy for employees serving on jury duty. Grand Jury Services & Forms Jury Service National eJuror Program Learn About Jury Service Types of Juries Juror Qualifications Juror Pay Juror Scams FAQs: Juror Information Share This Page Related Downloads Petit Jury Handbook (pdf, 897.34 KB) Grand Juror Handbook (pdf, 459.84 KB) Court Locator Find a Courthouse Select Court Type State, City or Zip Video Learn why jury service is important and the role of a jury in the courts. Related Links Know more about jury service. Juror Experiences Letter to Editor: Jury Duty Court Shorts: Trial by Jury Educational Activity: Batson v. Kentucky |
How did your last relationship, Husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, or partner see you, did they write you any Poems that you kept or letters telling you how much they loved you? If so find them and post them here please.
I thought I would Remind Myself why a Man Loved me! These poemss of many he wrote to me. My beloved husband! it really shows me why I never searched for another guy and after 13yrs being brave enough to try again, I was rudely given a wake-up call to remind my self why I would never "date a man"! Thank you all so much, but I think my husband said it all who passed away in 2010. To my sexy and amazing wife: Castles in the Sand You are all my hopes and dreams You are everything to me You are the only Love in my life And that's all you have to be I will never leave you or cause you pain You doubt yourself at times I see I Love you just the way you are You don't have to prove anything to me Whatever you do I will Love you I will help you all I can Your Love is my reward for my deeds You are the reason I'm a Man If you could only see yourself through me Maybe then you could understand Why I am so in Love with you Why I help you build your Castles in the sand I Love you, Gary --------------------------------- Hey Girl, Of all the experiences in my life, the time I spend with you, I cherish the most. I love the way you love me. I love the way you appreciate me. You have indeed, made a profound change in my life. In my very being. I have a peace of mind I have never had before with anyone. I feel as though I finally found my place in life. That place, being by your side. You and me together are whole. Now "THAT" is how "LOVE" is supposed to be. I Love You Baby! With all my heart and soul. SeeYa'ByeBaby Gary :) How has the experience on Mingle2 the place I found my husband 13yrs ago, changed! I think this says it all... How men really have changed only lust on the mind, not marriage. Funny, last time I did this I was on for 3 days, that Is all i gave ONE MAN to Marry me! I came on this site, Said I would Marry any man if he was willing to devote his life to me! Day went by and so did time, Nothing, the next day I got a message it was simple and it said: I will marry you and be the best husband you have ever had! I wrote back, Said great I will delete my site, He asked me the size of my ring finger and I told him, we made plans to meet that weekend, I choose camping. He took one look at me did not judge he was more scared because he had a colostomy bags and was afraid I wouldn't accept him as all the other women before I turned him away. He said he had been single for 5 years. My daughter also came with me so to make sure of safety, we talked and later we had dinner. In front of my daughter, he proposed and placed a ring on my finger and asked me to marry him. My daughter thought I was NUTS! But after her father? Well, I had nothing to lose now, did I? So That was my life! Just a simple man looking for a woman to love and yet he found a wife! If it was not for Parkinsons years later took him to heaven. I would not be on here. never thought I would return but 13yrs is a long time without a man. Why 13, because in 2008 is when he got sick we only had a few years together. Maybe he knew and never told me that is why he had nothing to lose whatever it was it was a great time in my life! Can a person see a Player on here a mile away, I have so many times in 3 days! But to be Chewed up and spit out over I would not TEXT or CALL a man that to me is just Rude! Using all Harsh words of cursing and swearing it sure showed the double face of a man in this day and age! I will not get married not in this year and not from this site! That is ok after what I have been through I will Stay Married to God it is safer that way and I know he will love me with all his heart and soul and never cheat or lie or deceive me. Amen |
Art imitating life
Art, The Distruction of Mankind! Or ONE RACE!
is the video game that is teaching young kids to go around and K#ll is that an art, or an afterschool special that shows a jv hall with a broomstick in the bathroom with 5 girls. Is a Movie Theater filled with young men and women and underaged boys and girls who snuck in through the back door being exposed to Mechanical devices to be used to mass murder a household of teenagers. what about a car who takes over and goes on a rampage racking up numbers from infants to seniors only points count is the game. If one put a human in a cage and then outside of the cage showed how to torcher and harm animals. How long would it take for this human to learn the same thing if it is all he was subjected to for 18yrs. When the human was released into society he was unable to function for all he had was a craving for death. Tv has created death in our world but what no one understands is it is an easy way to Genocide without the USA Military in our streets. The Government just sits back and waits, today this happens, it is a game for some like as a Man hunts a tiger, instead, he hunts a human one by one or hundred at a time. He sits and waits, he plans, he gathers his weapons than when the right time it becomes his Art left behind while the mass distraction is left behind for others to clean up the mess. what did it teach, because that is what art is about is teaching the next generation to create an image out of nothing. If I was to listen to music from this day an age it would cause a person to go out and demolish a vehical, a person, a dog or a child to end all life as he or she knows it the glory of death as they seem to call it. Wepons are a form of Art they say! what the Night people do not understand is they are the target and have been since 1930- when it was put into the plan, to make a great race but the "rebellion nature and the lack of understanding" to educate could not be taught so the breeding was stopped and in the 1950's it was placed on the presidents' desk. (he got shot)November 22, 1963. They have taught Iraq, the NK Well: United States is deployed in more than 150 countries around the world, with nearly 300,000 of its active-duty Introducing (DoDIPP). The Hercules!!! Plastic Caskets!! (Fema Camp Coffins Investigated) You can look it up on YOUTUBE it's not a JOKE! Now going along with this you might say skeptical view at our “honest” governments “good intentions” to be prepared for perhaps viral infection, … Today just waiting for the right president to sign it. It was signed! Coffins away in Georgia 500,000 to persist on a piece of land. there is a document that has taught Korea NORTH KOREA COUNTRY HANDBOOK fas . org / nu ke / guide / dp rk / nk or . pdf This product is published under the auspices of the. Department of Defense Intelligence Production Program. (DoDIPP). since the 1970's how to eliminate only one race the night race in America. This document teaches young kids at 14yrs old to 30yrs old. Next year they will step foot on US Grounds and head out to many cities near New York. from 2018 to 2027 a Mass about of people one by one group settings all over the USA will die. Is this Art! do you ask why! Its because Mankind is tired of the Destruction of one race that has overpowered another race and brought hate to all art, Preachers teach it, Teachers teach it, Music teaches it, Movies teaches it. "now we are about to live it". To make a massive change brings ORDER to a Government! Burn the f and P and tear down all the S you can start from scratch. Make a NEW HUMAN RACE! This world that has taken "away" Pride, Work ethics, and Integrity, Morals and most of all LOVE for a Human Soul is gone to only leaving behind a race that could not forget the past so loneliness and laziness is left. so the USA can be taken over by One country leaving another behind. The young men and women have no idea but as old as I am I fear I am a dying breed, as we sat down by a tree and learned about life, the next generation sits at a table on a computer and zones out on pharmasudical medical permitted Legal Drugs. Humans becoming fat and forgetful, sidetracked and has no idea what is outside of his or her house. But the computer is ART, the Cellphone is ART, the TV is ART and yet a bike and rollerskates are only for elementary kids. Mankind has created an Art that I am afraid he cannot hide any longer there is a future that no secrets shell be the truth or death. What once was hidden will be open to the entire world. the world is making (Mankind Responsible for his actions) and in this comes a "New World the EVE"! 2030, In this world mankind, has lost all words, he himself cannot live with himself. While Women Rebuild the world. Wait and See without you noticing all the Sensoring, and all the facts of an immoral man will be exposed to each city, town, or neighborhood they will not be able to run and hide. I never thought my Art Teacher or my History Teacher understood life but I see after 40yrs that they were more in tuned to the creation of life then we thought! What we were taught is playing out today and perhaps what our grandchildren will learn will also have some thought! By 3000' the world will be nothing like it is today for we will have destroyed and rebuilt so many times to genocide, to create jobs and to make a "New HUMAN RACE" in 2070. Art, we are not teaching ART we are teaching Death mass death, in clay, photo's, music, glass, tv, radio, colledges, schools, business, goverment all these places are creating death but the worst of them all is the Media this is the true art for it uses an imagination to fear all of the mankind making them believe that the end is near when the truth is all land on earth is free, all creater is free, all people are free and all nations are controled by media or the USA! One Nation under ONE MAN! and all religion will be faded away as dust to dust for faith and hope, brilliance must die for one to go back in time and learn how to survive. |
Terms of endearment ....
Good question, as My Great Grandmother said, Any man that calls you sweetie, honey, darling, babe, sexy, is a man who can not remember your name, itis a smooth talker who will have many on the side, it shows no respect for the women and no self-respect for himself as a man.
Because you do not know the man you have never met the man so he in all rights has no reason to be so friendly to a stranger. In my days they were called sex offenders. but that was the 1980's when all that started. today women want to be respected and unless it is a husband a man should not ever call you an enduring name especially if its the first time contact or first on a dating site. But lady's Good News, You know that this man is a player and he plays on every walking, breathing women on this site he is a Plage to all other men for he spoils a rotten apple faster then it can fall to the ground. I will leave you with this: I think it is time for all women to learn that Self Respect is better than a man between your legs. No wonder so many women have become Lesbians and gay. Mankind has become unreasonable and self-destructive. I guess living my entire life in a household I have not seen how the world has changed and in 13yrs, the world has been trashed! I blame this on the 1960's man who wanted to use drugs, and have free s e x. have no job and have no responsibilities at all, have not faith in God, and have not Honor to serve in the military! They just wanted Rock and Roll, Smoking, Drinking, and orgies with Women and MEN! who suffered the women and the children and grandparents. I'm glad the women on here are standing up to men, and holding their ground it shows we have not lost or dignity in any way! Keep it up Lady's and One Day in 2030 You will Own the World! Keep having Girls and Make sure they are DNA Genicly Created so you can have a Girl. The more Girls that are created on earth in the USA the fewer Men will be left to destroy the world! and the HUMAN RACE! I was taught to see courage and honor in a man, to love a man with all my heart but I see no way to do this not even with my own generation or the 40's Generation the Computer Dating site has left these men only wanting apple pie and then they split it among them, they go from cherry to berry, to peach and apricot, to blueberry to lemon and then back to apple pie but when they are done the pie is gone and nothing for the Husband is left except a Divorce because he got caught for who wants an empty dish. |
Has Mingle Changed You?
Dear God! How do you do it, you created the world 6000 years ago and in that, you have never given up on ManKind, Not EVE but Adam.
It has only taken me 55yr and I have found out this week the truth about mankind in the 21st Century! I thank you, lord for bringing a man for me to create 2 children and the time to raise them to be adults. I also thank you for Gary a man not like others one of a kind! I was hoping to find a 3rd man in my life Gary would have wanted that but I guess waiting 13yrs was too long after all. Love is such a deep emotion that people are so fearful of it, and The 50's women were born in the 1930's I guess I was born 30yrs too late. I thank you, God, because you have your reasons why no man wanted to get married it's just a game to fool a woman. As the Serpent did to Eve. I guess I will finish my autobiography, and maybe paint a picture, I will listen to some LP's from the 1940's and watch a little Netflix or Hulu to fill up my day. Not much I can do anymore, my kids are grown and I live in their home. I guess I will sit in a rocking chair and grow old alone. |
Do you believe in Attraction at first sight, then YES! most look with the eyes.
But the Question is LOVE! and the Answer is YES! The moment I laid eyes on my husband at 9 years old I fell in love. The moment I lied eyes on my Daughter in my arms I fell in love. The moment I lied eyes on my Son in my arms I fell in love. The moment God gave me life he fell in love with me. The moment my own mother gave me life she fell in love with me the moment my father held me in his arms for the first time he was in love with me. The moment my Grandfathers and Grandmothers held me, looked at me they fell in love with me. the moment Gary saw me he fell head over heels for me. so YES! I think our Eyes Tell us what we like and what we don't like. If I was a cavewoman looking for food for my husband I would not want him to get sick so I would have had to use my eyes to find foods that would be pleasing and not be sicking. Trust your Eyes if you don't you will end up in divorce. If you can not see the beauty in a person's eyes, not their body's but the Eyes to the soul! even in a arranged marriage, the parents made sure that the Boy and Girl would find each other attractive, for one week they would see each other at the parent's house. they got to talk and answer questions but after that one week, they were committed to a marriage with no divorce. You make the best of it. Only the Bible gives a man a right to divorce his wife if she is a drippy faucet. In other country's this is not allowed you it is for better or worse in sickness or health death do us apart. Today with the Dating sites fewer Men and Women are Divorcing because the internet has created a Arranged marriage, they talk and type for months or years before they ever get married. most talk on the computer for almost 6 months and never use a cell phone for the words are more important than a voice. its the Mind that matters not the distorted sound of an electronic device that deceives the sound of people. as for TEXT that's a no-no! that will be the biggest bust and break up that the world ever created. More fights come from TEXTING. 72% of Men has had a fight or hanged up the cell phone on a woman, while 41% was a women hanging up the cellphone. But god help the man when he got home. |
At 3pm my Dinner was 1 1/2 cup of Homemade Hamhocks and Beans without Farts because I was taught to put a dash of baking soda while they are soaking overnight! 4 hours and no Farts yet!
With a glass of beet, juice! |
ideal woman /guy
Which is $6.56 American I believe? Well, I don't know about other places, but here you get what you pay for. $6.56 wouldn't even start it. lol. Women can be expensive here.
![]() They are only expensive if you're going to marry them then they ask you for the Sun, Moon, and Stars to start a New LIFE! But for what you get in return for the next 30yrs is far outweighing the home she created for her husband and all the romantic nights and all the great homecooked meals. |
ideal woman /guy
This is wonderful I get to make a computer image of a GREAT MAN! why didn't someone think of this before~
Faithful £2 Confident £1 Funny £2 Beautiful £2 I do not need a vain man Can cook £1 I can cook so he can help Brains £1 Brains can be too complicated to cook! Great sex £1 At my age or his age he already understands this! Faithful £2 Very Important at my age no cheater, please Confident £1 YES Number ONE! To trust God one must have Faith Great body £1 NO~ we are humans we all are created differently Funny £2 YES, I want to pee my pants and laugh. Wealthy £2 No! What is wealthy A million a Trillion or only enough to survive and buy his wife a home so they can be happy and live a comfortable life. is Wealthy considered a $60k a year or $130k a year. This is such a fine point. most homes in this generation are $250.000 and that is a cheap home on the average. Most jobs pay $32hr if you have a BS, or BA or Masters, or Ph.D. that will bring you $230k a year you would be a General Manager. not a person working at Walmart or jack in the box. or staples or a gas station. Most people in this day and age stay at home and work. or they own business with their wife's. |
Computer problem
Step1. Power on your computer and tap "F2" button to enter your PC BIOS interface.
Step2. Select "BIOS Setup Utility" option to choose "Advanced BIOS Features". Step3. Highlight "Hard Disk Boot Priority" and check or reset your bootable hard disk as the first in the boot device list. Step4. Press "Esc" to get back and restart your computer to have a try. Generally, your computer will set up and run well as you expect when this computer no boot device available error problem really happens due to setting wrong boot device. that hurt my brain it was so simple: Sorry! it took less then 1 min to find it on the web! People that is what the google search is for! |
Some Have Called It LOVE
Great Question:
Mine is not on your list: 6. confrontations: a hostile or argumentative meeting or situation between opposing parties. Do you walk into your room and shut the door and cry. do you stand up to your partner and shout back. Do you slam the door as you are leaving the room and get into your car and leave for a few hours? I will walk into my room or a room that is empty, and I will listen to music, watch tv or Typeset all my hurt into words and then deleted it all then type it again a few more times until I have what I want to say to the person who hurt me. Most of the time it is sitting in my computer unread for only my eyes after a few weeks or months maybe even years I will delete everything for the hurt has disappeared. I have no reason to fight with a man I will only get hurt so I am smart enough to know when to walk away and let him handle it himself. It was not about me in the first place he just had a bad day! My ex-husband and I never had a fight until he told me he cheated, 3 yrs into the marriage. After that, all trust was gone and I lived my life for my kids, not my husband. When they graduated we got a divorce. end of story. With Gary, who I met on this site 13yrs ago, we never had a fight not once, he wanted to be loved and that is what I did I loved him the best I could. he had a lot of health problems and I guess he knew I was the only women who would put up with him. he had already been married 3 times he didn't want to risk a 4th time. He had nothing and I asked for nothing, I even signed my rights away to anything a prenup agreement so he knew I loved him. he only made $12.00 an hr and when he got his S.S. he only brought home $1800 a month. He died the next year. I got nothing when he died and I didn't want anything. I moved so the Memories would fade over time. Other then words the years have passed and I have mourned enough for his grave. |
Edited by
Wed 11/08/17 01:50 PM
. Earth's first animal was the ocean-drifting comb jelly Roaming the earth some 230 million years ago.
You can look up Animal List A to Z! if you need help! |
I want to thank your distant grandfather for "building" my distant grandmother a beautiful stone home and giving her beautiful, well mannered and respectful children. For giving us a wonderful life, I am so glad your family took her in and made her part of your family.
Thank you very much and thank your long distant family members for all the teachings, and educations they gave to us Vikings, also for not being anything but GREAT PEOPLE! |
God's perfect timing
Proverbs 18:22 - [Whoso] findeth a wife findeth a good [thing], and obtaineth favour of the LORD.
Psalms 37:4 - Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Proverbs 31:10-31 - Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price [is] far above rubies. Proverbs 19:14 - House and riches [are] the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife [is] from the LORD. wise or judicious in practical affairs; sagacious; discreet or circumspect; sober. 2. careful in providing for the future; provident: a prudent decision. Genesis 2:18 - And the LORD God said, [It is] not good that the man should be alone; I will make a helper suitable for him.” Proverbs 12:4 - A virtuous woman [is] a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed [is] as rottenness in his bones. 1 Corinthians 7:1-40 - Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: [It is] good for a man not to touch a woman. The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. I wish that all of you were as I am. But each of you has your own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that. 1 Corinthians 7:2 - Nevertheless, [to avoid] fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Ephesians 5:22 - Husbands and Wives, submit yourselves unto your own wife and husband, as unto the Lord. and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. 9 But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion. |
Nibiru Move Up From Behind Our Sun
Revelation 12:1-17 And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth. And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great red dragon, with seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads seven diadems. His tail swept down a third of the stars of heaven and cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she bore her child he might devour it. She gave birth to a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was "caught-up" in earthly Humans. But to God and to his throne, he was taken! Away from earth humans want to to live in war, hate, and fear. Revelation 3:10 Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth. Revelation 6:15-17 (March 3rd 3333) Then the kings of the earth and the great ones and the generals and the rich and the powerful, and everyone, slave and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, calling to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?” |
THE Recipe Thread - part 2
Ham Hocks and Beans
Ingredients 1 bag dry beans my favorite is a 15 bean mix 4 -6 ham hocks 1 large onion chopped 6 cloves garlic minced (more if desired) 1 large bay leaf 1 teaspoon oregano 1 teaspoon pepper salt Instructions Wash the beans and remove all gravel and such. let soak overnight Place the beans, onions, and garlic in a slow cooker filled with water. Add the all the spices you like don't limit yourself. Place on high until bubbling then turn down to 2 1/2 to simmer Reduce heat to simmer on med-low heat and cook for 2 hours, adding more water as needed. Place in ham hocks until they are tender and falling apart; allow to cool so they can be handled. Remove meat from ham hocks (discarding fat) Put bones in the freezer after cooled) and return all the chopped meat to the beans. Simmer another 2 or 4 hours. Let sit until it is completely cooled then enjoy with cornbread, don't forget the banana peppers! |
YEA! My family history for 500yrs I am the last women viking warrior I guess in my family, they are all dead and I am 1/2 way through my life maybe 30 or 40 or less.
My family was from Norway, Around 1608, Jones purchased the Mayflower and became its Master, what we would call a captain today, Jones’ first voyage on the Mayflower was to Norway in 1609 where the ship transported fish, lumber, and tar. The ship began leaking during a storm on the way back to England and the crew had to dump some of its cargo overboard to save it. On that ship was an ancestor of mine she was a young woman in her 20's they told me, and she was off to marry an English man. She was a teacher. She had 12 children. One of these children moved to North Dakota gained statehood in 1889. The railroads became the engine of settlement in the state so many men and women moved to start new lives. This wonderful woman became a school teacher just like her grandmothers, he had also 9 children. In 1888, my Great Grandmother was born, in 1915 she gave birth to her first daughter, my grandmother, at this time they moved to Minnesota she married a nice man who was in the laundry business and she was a seamstress. They had 2 sons. One was my father. In June 10, 1950 he married a sweetheart while he was working at a gas station. He had into the Korean war, after serving when he got out, the young women cheated and broke my father's heart. On September 1st he met my mother who was a waitress, he was still working at a gas station starting to become a contractor. He married her only because a baby was on the way! I was on the way! His brother got married had a son but he could never have kids so they adopted. I had 2 children who are grown. But I am the last Viking in 500yrs who's ancessors came from Norway! |
Tomato Soup - True Mishap!
She asked for your address so she can send you a pretty paper in an envelope to visit the courtroom!