Community > Posts By > SunshineLadybug
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Thor: Ragnarok
Now! I would have gone and seen "Murder on the Orient Express". My husband could have taken me to see "Thank You for Your Service" Then next week we would go and see "Let There Be Light". I don't know what my husband would have like to see so I can not answer for him. Sorry! I could try to guess but I'm not going to! |
sorry, I can't pick just one:
Propositional attitudes: Incentive salience, desire, psychology or sociology, economics, capitalist, consumerism, secular, Four Noble Truths, Protestantism, ethic, production, consumption. "Wish" |
I like "Dreams", I rarely have them but when I do I want to remember them.
But I had one the other week and I fell out of bed. I think I was Dreaming of "Ron White" again. Yes! I have a lot of dreams about him. |
Phd You get a Gold Star for your answers!
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Best answers ever! |
I was asked a good Question: What does one seek the most:
Do you look at the Face: Body: To judge if you like this person? No! looks do not matter to me it never did, I like the Odd set men who no other women find attractive, the quirky kind, Goofie Kind, Nerdy kind. I fit better with them, I never date an attractive man he's too pretty for me. Do you look at his Age: HECK YES! YES! I like them at least 10 to 20yrs older I could never date a man my age or younger then me, the best fit is 10yrs old so If I am 55 then I need a man 65 to 75 yrs old please. I'm old fashion like that, women are 7 to 12 yrs older then a man in the first place. To date the same age I would be dating a ( 55-12=43yr old) OMG NO! they are crazy! Do you look at Personality: Women V Men V Opinions? what do you think? Yes! Shy, Giddy, Funny, Deepin thought, creative in words and emotions, set in his ways, God-Wife-HIM, inventor, or the computer genius, writer, scriptwriter, ma and pa, Me and You=Us, songwriter plays guitar, Spontaneous, romantic in words, planner, carpenter, mechanic. Handyman: Each one of these can be in ONE MAN or Pick one and be yourself. Do you look for Wealth: If a man has no pennies? If a man has a buck? Yes! If a man cannot afford a wife and a home a car he doesn't need me! he can sleep on the floor, go to the Libary and use the computer and eat out of the trashcan. But he will never date me! |
What kind of Questions you would rather be asked then the simple uneducated, non-related, generalization questions you are sent to your mailbox that you DELETE!
1. …why…? 2. What do you find interesting? 3. What do you value most? 4. What do you find inspirational? 5. Do you have any long-term goals or dreams? 6. What brings you peace or joy? 7. What would you do with your life if you had no restrictions? |
I guess being a teacher for so many years and watching a lot of news and I will add in age. Got it! Noted: All Make it Funnier!
Meaningless Thread - part 2
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Meaningless Thread - part 2
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Fri 11/10/17 08:58 AM
Meaningless Thread - part 2
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Fri 11/10/17 08:47 AM
Ladies / Gentleman: would you date a man with ED or a Man or women with any of this Illness: Crohn's, Cancer, Alzheimer's, Bi-Polar, Pid, or if he had a Terminal Illness, Would you date a Military Vet. Or a person in a wheelchair, and or limbs missing. The list is long:
Have you been married to a man or women with an illness or known anyone in your family or friends? And if so would you date or marry another women or man with the same illness? Would you ever got through that again? Most will say "HELL NO" but some will say, if I date the person and later they get it then I am fine: Add your 20cents in. Now why did I ask this question: 1. Gary my husband who passed away in 2010, with Parkinson's he became ED in 2008, it was very hard on him who could not understand how I could love him regardless if he could not love me physically in return. He could not comprehend that "I loved him for who he was" not for how he made me feel. He had a great and funny personality so Masculant! So confident and maybe a little vain but in a good way. 2. My Stepfather developed Colon Cancer at 58yrs old ago and it changed my parent's life. For all the years my stepfather loved my mother it was a turning point for the both of them. They learned to love each other from the heart and mind instead of skin-deep. To cuddle and hold instead of sweat! 3. My Husband had a compulsive behavior, from the time he was 15 he said. Sometimes 5 to 8 if not more times a day. It was because of a hernia he had as a child the doctor said. The tightness needed to disappear. I know it made me feel less than in the 18yrs. One chooses one over the other was hard and having both just left nothing for a wife. 4. My Uncle married his High School Sweetheart the only women he ever loved. After she gave birth to his son, she developed "MS" and 3 years later became a Diabetic. For the next (1950 they got married- she died 2006 =56yrs) This wonderful man took the best of all care of his wife... The greatest man I have known to love a wife and be so dedicated. But I do want to mention this: His wife loved him so much she let him have a mistress on the side) for 30yrs this mistress waited for my Uncle and in 2006 he married her just 3months after my aunt's death. This was Pure Love! Devotion to Two Women! His son never had children in fear of passing on the genes so he married his elementary /high school girlfriend and made her his wife they adopted children instead. 5. My grandfather had Emphysema, he in ran a laundromat and the lent filled his lungs. for 30yr + years my grandmother took care of him and gave him a great life till the end. 1919 to 1976 6. While running a daycare center out of my house, I had a mother who was a nurse, she met this man who was diagnosed with Brain Cancer he was only 28yrs old. The Man's only wish was to have a wife and child. This lovely lady made that happen for him, She married him 3 weeks later and 9months later had his child. I was blessed to also have their child, the child had water on the brain, and could not walk or talk or hear. It was a gamble but you never know until a child is born. This wonderful lady loved her husband until the end, he died in 2007. They got 4yrs together. Two of my uncles died of brain cancer they both worked at (McDonald Douglas Aircraft: Santa Monica, California) they started at the same time and died within months from each other. The wifes were twins. both my aunts. |
Husband: "Want a quickie?"
Wife: "As opposed to what?" My husband said he wanted more space. So I locked him outside. Why are husbands like lawn mowers? They're hard to get started, emit foul odors, and don't work half the time. What do you do if your best friend runs off with your husband? Miss her. Pity her. I think the only reason my husband likes to go fishing so much is that it's the only time he hears someone tell him, "Wow, that's a big one!" If your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is yelling at the front door, who do you let in first? The Dog of course ... at least he'll shut up after you let him in! A businessman enters a tavern, sits down at the bar, and orders a double martini on the rocks. After he finishes the drink, he peeks inside his shirt pocket, then orders another double martini. After he finishes that it, he again peeks inside his shirt pocket and orders another one. The bartender says: "Look, buddy, I'll bring you martini's all night long - but you got to tell me why you look inside your shirt pocket before you order a refill." The customer replies: "I'm peeking at a photo of my wife. When she starts to look good, I will know it's time to go home!" ( I said No Laughing) Now STOP IT! A man inserted an advertisement in the classifieds "Wife Wanted". The next day, he received hundreds of replies, all reading the same thing: "You can have mine." Really people Stop Laughing! men are always trying to give away their wifes. If your wife and your lawyer were drowning and you had to choose, would you go to lunch or to the cinema? |
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Fri 11/10/17 07:03 AM
Ladies, do you remember Sadie Hawkins Dances! Did you ask out a boy or did you have a friend "aske" them for you:
Gentleman, have you ever been asked during a Sadie Hawkins Dance or even today in this generation "Do women ask you out". All the girls in the bathroom talking Who their gonna take to the Sadie Hawkins My ears are hurting but I kept on walking A smile on my face and air guitar rocking The Sadie Hawkins dance In my khaki pants There's nothing better Oh oh oh The girls ask the guys Its always a surprise There's nothing better baby Do you like my sweater Sitting in the back of my next class nappin' Gotta give a speech Then bowed to the clappin' Then told a funny joke And the whole class laughing Think I got a tan from the light in which I was baskin' The Sadie Hawkins dance In my khaki pants There's nothing better Oh oh oh The girls ask the guys Its always a surprise There's nothing better baby Do you like my sweater |
List of Signs of the Zodiac
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Fri 11/10/17 06:55 AM
List of Signs of the Zodiac. Which one are you and Do you read your horoscope every day? When was the first time you ever read a horoscope? Do you think Personalities and Actions can be related to your birthday? Which one do you keep marrying? dating? (you can look at the birthdays and answer the question) Do you Date a women or man who's Birthday is the same month or have you Dated every one of them in the last year? The Zodiac. The zodiac (which is derived from the Greek word meaning "circle of animals") is believed to have developed in ancient Egypt and later adopted by the Babylonians. Early astrologers knew it took 12 lunar cycles (i.e., months) for the sun to return to its original position. Signs.---------Name-----------Symbol----Dates Aries.---------The Ram.---------♈-------Mar.-----21–Apr. 19 Taurus.--------The Bull.--------♉-------Apr.-----20–May 20 Gemini.--------The Twins.-------♊-------May------21–June 21 Cancer.--------The Crab.--------♋-------June-----22–July 22 Leo.-----------The Lion.--------♌-------July-----23–Aug. 22 Virgo.---------The Virgin.------♍-------Aug.-----23–Sept. 22 Libra.---------The Balance.-----♎-------Sept.----23–Oct. 23 Scorpio.-------The Scorpion.----♏-------Oct.-----24–Nov. 21 Sagittarius.---The Archer.------♐-------Nov.-----22–Dec. 21 Capricorn.-----The Goat.--------♑------Dec.------22–Jan. 19 Aquarius.------The Water.-------♒------Jan.------20–Feb. 18 Pisces.--------The Fishes.------♓-------Feb.------19–Mar. 20 A form of astrology was practiced in the first dynasty of Mesopotamia (1950–1651 BCE). Chinese astrology was elaborated in the Zhou dynasty (1046–256 BCE). Hellenistic astrology after 332 BCE mixed Babylonian astrology with Egyptian Decanic astrology in Alexandria, creating horoscopic astrology. |
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Fri 11/10/17 06:33 AM
I'm not really a question person, I don't ask you questions it's just not in my nature: Scorpios love a trillion Questions, Capricorns will drive you crazy with Questions, But to ask Questions one learns about the other: did I stereotype? YES! yes, I did, My son! and a grandchild.
"Why Do you want to get married", I miss being in love being a wife. "Why are you looking after 13yrs" are they the same questions? So many things a person can ask another person. Because my children are adults and have family's, I have devoted my entire life to them. I have never had a Life of My Own! and if I did I would want to spend it with a Husband! "Why do you expect a man to not date you". The answer! (he can judge a woman by her looks, clothes, and personality) while having a cup of coffee or dinner for 1hr. he is their only to see if he can get nookie and if so he moves on to the next women). instead of who she really is, it takes time to get to know a person and dating is not the way. That is just an easy way to get a "need met" and move on to the next women. So I will not DATE! What kind of Questions you would rather be asked then the simple uneducated, non-related, generalization questions you are sent in your mailbox that you DELETE! 1. …why…? 2. What do you find interesting? 3. What do you value most? 4. What do you find inspirational? 5. Do you have any long-term goals or dreams? 6. What brings you peace or joy? 7. What would you do with your life if you had no restrictions? |
NOTE: I put the Male's point of view on the last one and then I posted this one which is the Female Point of view: So all Genders can answer these questions being Politically correct.
Which one have you Dated or Married or Divorced... 1. Mr. or Miss: "Oh No! What's My Job? I Don't Have a Job!" 2. Mr. or Miss: "Lives with Parents" 3. Mr. or Miss: "Nyeeehhhhhhh, I Work for the Phone Company and I'm Wearing a Windbreaker" 4. Mr. or Miss: "Shipwrecked on a Deserted Island" 5. Mr. or Miss: "I Have Bee Beard and I'm Jealous of Other People with Better Bee Beards" 6. Mr. or Miss: "Pretends to Be a Suit of Armor with a Guy Inside but Instead Is Just an Empty Suit of Armor Animated By a Ghost" 7. Mr. or Miss: "Has a Close Relationship with His Family and Friends and Often Puts Others' Happiness Before His Own but Not in a Destructive Way, Just a Nice Way" 8. Mr. or Miss: "Bag of Hair Who Can't Stand Your Mother" 9. Mr. or Miss: "Always Makes You Be Both Halves of the Two-Person Horse Costume" Then he calls you "Mrs. Horse" in front of the neighbors. 10. Mr. or Miss: "Belvedere" |
Which One do you Keep Dating? Or Marrying? or Divorcing?
Post the Number or Numbers you have dated! and why you keep dating the same women or man? 1. Miss or Mr. “Bossy Pants”: 2. Miss or Mr. “Playing Games With His/Her Heart”: 3. Miss or Mr. “I Want To Change You”: 4. Miss or Mr. “Suspiciously Jealous”: 5. Miss or Mr. “I Live For You And I Have Nothing Else Going On”: 6. Miss or Mr. “I Have Daddy / Mommy Issues”: 7. Miss or Mr. “I Speak To My Father /Mother Five Times A Day About Everything”: 8. Miss or Mr. “Shhh, I Shouldn’t Really Be Saying This, But...”: 9. Miss or Mr. “Keeping Up With The Joneses”: 10. Miss or Mr. “I Don’t Eat” or "I Over Eat": |