Community > Posts By > EquusDancer
Just a quiet day putseying around.
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Grrrr. A giant orange spider tried to land on me a week ago, being a light sleeper that i am, I felt the wind of his whisp flying down towards me and grabbed him in the dark and popped his body with my hand. I didnt even mean too. I acted spontaneously when i felt something hitting my forehead at 2am. I heard his body snap when i popped it like a pimple and when i turned the light on, his legs were all curled up on my quilt. GROSS! Ugh! I almost did that to a pet rat. She'd gotten out of her cage in the middle of the night, came to burrow in the bed with me, felt her whiskers and almost threw her. Fortunately, didn't happen. |
Beverly Clery
Wow! That's been a long while. I vaguely remember reading his books, and don't think the folks have any of his. Rats of NIMH, for me. LOL! Not rats of Nimh, Beverly Clery's mouse...he's gotta motorbike and goes on adventures. Ralph S. Mouse is THE mouse! ![]() LOL! I know! But I liked the Rats of NIMH more, by Robert O'Brien. |
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I hate them, and if you've ever been bitten, you know why i hate them. The beneficial ones, that's ok, but the potential loss of my leg, and the sickness was not funny. Recluse bite? Definitely understandable. Dad got bit in the leg, still has a divot where it ate away the muscle and that. |
Had a visitor today...
you know what kind of spider is in that pic? i have lots of them out back in the pasture. black ones with yellow markings and they make webs just like that. Orb-weaver spider. Yeah, we call them garden spiders here. They're all over the place, and usually eat grasshoppers. Love them! I'll swipe their web with a broom if they build over the doors, and they just move higher. |
Lawsuit! And that's works for me!
If they want some sort of counseling, then let them choose a shrink. There's plenty of religious and non-religious psychologists out there who work far better then a Christian church. Helps with anyone who is and isn't a Christian! |
Nervous Men
Well, like Lowered wrote, it's a confidence thing, mostly. Probably a self-esteem issue too. I personally don't have problems with someone who is nervous, if he or she is honest about it. That's probably why I can be an extrovert well enough to make people comfortable. Get them to relax, and they'll get over being nervous.
A lot of it is family upbringing. Someone who was shy, yelled at for it, or in general etc. will be more obviously nervous then others. It's a lot of why I prefer people with animals, who are comfortable with them. You can't really be nervous around animals, because they'll getting upset themselves. Cool confidence wins every day. After all, nervous up on a 1200lb horse could get ya killed. And we won't even go into cattle and their reactions. ![]() It's what gets people in trouble with dog bites. |
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wish i hadn't read this post , now i need to go strip the bed sheets and shake em before i got to bed tonight. spiders & snakes... no thanks!!! Rolls laughing. My family is horrible about pranking each other with rubber snakes and spiders. I just pulled a tarantula toy out of my car yesterday. |
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No it's not posionous ![]() ![]() I doubt we have hardly any dangerous spiders in the UK, if we do, then they've hitched a ride from elsewhere. By the way, talking to spiders up the wall?... I think you're going up the wall with them ![]() ![]() If I see a spider, I've got to catch it or I will keep thinking about it all night. Nah, I didn't mean testing it out. General know-how, internet and books keep one informed. I keep a Texas snakes website saved after I saw a speckled kingsnake in the woods (think black snake with yellow polka dots). Came in handy after I got bit by the yellow-bellied water snake (non-poisonous fortunately). Ditto with spiders. I squash black widows and brown recluse, no if ands or buts, but I don't worry too much about others. LOL! And I can wholeheartedly agree about being odd talking to spiders. As one friend mentioned, my oldest horse is about the sanest one in my family, and that's not saying much. LMAO! |
OBAMA 2012
He also reversed the law that funding wouldn't be provided to medical facilities overseas that mentioned abortion as a form of birth control, even with something so simple as a poster. Bush had put that in to effect, and Obama reversed it.
Had a visitor today...
So Simon, what kind is it? Poisonous or not?
I let the black fuzzy spiders stay in the house, as long as they stay halfway up the wall or on the ceiling. Otherwise I toss them back outside. And yes, I have been known to verbally tell the spiders that if I see them down the wall. They scuttle back up and stay up. |
I think "bigoted" implies a sort of negative value judgment re: whatever group is in question. A preference is more along the lines of "I'm not interested in anyone who is _________" but doesn't say that those people are bad or worth less than others in any way. There are lots of people here who fall into categories I wouldn't date, but I value them as good friends nonetheless. Thats what I meant, thanx. There are many people I wouldnt want to pass up on getting to know as friends, even though I wouldnt want to 'share' a life with them. I'd have to agree with Lex here. It's a preference of mine, and I don't consider it bigoted. As long as one isn't nasty or derogatory about why they prefer it the way they do, then it shouldn't be a problem. |
Are you unconventional?
I am!
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Single or Divorced?
Doesn't matter. Just as long as they aren't still married when/if we get serious.
Beverly Clery
Wow! That's been a long while. I vaguely remember reading his books, and don't think the folks have any of his.
Rats of NIMH, for me. LOL! |
Star Wars on Blu Ray
I'm not wasting the money. I have the 6 and am happy. I rarely watch all the extras anyways.
Netflix NOW
Nope! Not boring at all! I found it a bit irritating with the "womn should be housewives" thing, but that was the time period. Thoroughly enjoyed it, however, will probably buy the disc.
The Modern Dog by Stanley Coren.
Netflix NOW
Secretariat and the two Daniel Craig/James Bond movies. Really enjoyed them all.
Beverly Clery
Yep, yep. My parents still have those books. I'm currently collecting the entire Black Stallion series by Walter Farley and the various horse books by Marguerite Henry. It's fun re-reading some of the childhood books.