Community > Posts By > 2OLD2MESSAROUND
AnnieRooRoo asked >>>
I am curious, What is the law of your county say about guns? Do you have to sit for a gun licence? Is there an age that someone has to be to have a gun? Can I come into your country and buy a gun and go hunting? Is it that easy? We hear so much of this sort of thing over the years and I just wanted to know. Here in NZ we have very strict rules with guns and yes accidents do happen in the bush and we have had our fair share of people doing the wrong thing. We also have to practise a lock down in the schools for this sort of thing. AlleOops stated >>>
If you go to Mexico, become a member of a drug gang, our justice department will give you as many as you want. Oh...come on; you won't have to drive that far. ![]() Just do some simple 'Breaking & Entering' and most of those NRA - GUN NUTS won't/don't own a GUN SAFE to keep their plethora of weapons in --- easy-peasy and there no cost to the Thieving Thug either! ![]() ![]() |
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new ten dollar bill?
"no one uses that coin" 2A
LTme stated >>>
That's true, but immaterial. I gather it's still legal tender for all debts both public and private. The point is, it exists. So having the Sac-meister on two different forms of U.S. currency would trump Washington, and all the rest. It would be a protocol breach. Did you forget about that Indian Head Nickel we used to have mented...nothing about our currency is written in STONE! |
germanchocolate stated >>>
Excuse me, I wasn't aware it was illegal to be part of a dysfunctional family or have an identity crisis. Kindly direct me to the General Statute that states the illegality to check a race other than what the public considers you to be. I have not been able to find it. R U talking to me...about my post ![]() I was agreeing with U...but upset about Rachael's habitual lies! |
sex on a first date or naw?
![]() Not even if it was my ![]() |
new ten dollar bill?
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new ten dollar bill?
LTme stated >>>
Sure 2A. Sacajawea is a superb choice. But we've already got a $dollar $coin with her on it. But she was a remarkable, perhaps heroic woman. one uses that coin; not like our paper currency ![]() |
jerribear stated >>>
how about Cadillac nobody likes a badass CadillacCadillac ![]() ![]() |
new ten dollar bill?
LTme stated >>>
Harriet Tubman beat out Eleanor Roosevelt in a popularity contest for it. That's fine. But in all candor, I think Hamilton is the better looking woman. t8, Problem is, the "green back" is quite easily counterfeited. More so than many other popular currencies. North Korea is believed to be a major source of counterfeit U.S. currency; a direct impact on the U.S. economy. I understand. I'm somewhat of a traditionalist as well. BUT !!! There's more people on this planet than dead White guys. I don't think having a woman on our currency is such a bad idea. But I'd have thought Dolly Madison might have been the more obvious choice. IMHO...should've been a 'Native American' Sacagawea! She helped the white man map this country! Just say'n. ![]() |
A lot of "professional" ladies of the NIGHT do it!!!
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germanchocolate stated >>>
This isn't news. It's a publicity stunt brought about by ignorance and being further perpetuated by more ignorant people. They're not supporting her by saying that making the announcement on ABC News with David Muir that her race was not an issue and played no part in her position. She was not fired, she resigned because some idiots who never payed enough attention realized that she was the chapter President and her 'parents' are hypocritical enough to adopt black foster children but willing to publicly embarrass and ruin the professional career of their 'birth daughter'. That is not an act of love. No decent human being would do that to their child. EXACTLY...why after all this time are her wonderful birth parents solo adamantly burning her at the perverble charred earth? It's not like they haven't known that Rachael didn't have a serious problem with TRUTH & REALITY! |
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Thu 06/18/15 05:39 PM
Annierooroo asked >>>
I am curious, What is the law of your county say about guns? Do you have to sit for a gun licence? Is there an age that someone has to be to have a gun? Can I come into your country and buy a gun and go hunting? Is it that easy? We hear so much of this sort of thing over the years and I just wanted to know. Here in NZ we have very strict rules with guns and yes accidents do happen in the bush and we have had our fair share of people doing the wrong thing. We also have to practise a lock down in the schools for this sort of thing. I can only speak for my state of much has changed within just the past 5 yrs about the CCW {concealed weapon} laws. Hunting: I have my dad's 22 rifle, I also own a 410 shotgun that was special made for me - light weight and I primarily use it for skeet shooting/target practice or competition shooting! Both of those have never been registered; they are locked up in a gun safe in my basement...they predate that rule/guideline for Kansas. I have a small caliber hand gun that was my husbands - in a lock box safe in my night stand - I do not carry it with me! We still have those highly contested 'Gun Shows' that have been busted for not following the proper protocol about - selling weapons - waiting for the proper permits - and checking out their backgrounds. **** happens and it still happening about those shows; we have gun shops that basically follow the state mandates for selling - doing the proper paper work and the waiting period. But now everyone and their 2-headed cousin is allowed to pack a concealed weapon around with them once they've met the criteria for legal ownership. BUT - BUT...there's still those 'underworld' thugs that are able to steal someone's weapons and sell them under the table! Hope that helps --- I'm quite sure that Tomato or Metalwing or even RebelArcher have some differences where they live. |
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Thu 06/18/15 05:17 PM
Florida man checks if gun is loaded by putting it to head, pulling trigger; kills self
4:55 a.m. Wednesday, June 17, 2015 A 49-year-old man from Mims is dead after shooting himself in the head accidentally on Sunday, police said. According to WKMG-TV, Charles Cooper and a female friend were on property that he owns in Mims, a town in North Florida, when the gun went off. The two were having a barbeque at the time and had been drinking, according to police. The police report stated that Cooper retrieved his handgun and removed the magazine. His friend said that she was unsure if a round was in the chamber and when Cooper raised the handgun and pulled the trigger, it discharged, and he fell next to the fire. According to police, Cooper was pronounced dead at the scene. The Volusia County Medical Examiner'�s Office is set to perform an autopsy. Read more at WKMG-TV. Tomato posted >>>
yepp, none of us should have guns because of what THIS guy did. 99.99999% of us are smarter than to put a gun to our head and pull the trigger to see if its loaded. Amazing - and here I was thinking that you would see the 'HUMOR' in that article! Geeze, didn't hand that MORON the hand gun! ![]() But I just happen to have some data about those incidents; and I just knew you'd love to read about them too! LMAO >>> Abstract This study compares other-inflicted and self-inflicted unintentional firearm fatalities. Data come from the National Violent Death Reporting System, a new surveillance system from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Data are currently available from 16 states and parts of California for various years 2003 �- 2006. Of the 363 unintentional firearm fatalities, about half (49%) were other-inflicted, ranging from 78% of child (aged 0 - ��14) deaths to 19% of older adult (aged 55+) deaths. In other-inflicted shooting deaths, the shooters were overwhelmingly young (81% under age 25). The shooters in the other-inflicted deaths were primarily friends (43%) or family (47%); brothers were the most common family shooter. To learn how to prevent unintentional injuries, it is critical to have information not only on the victim, but also on the person who inflicted the injury. Just in case you're wanting to make hard copies for your file! ![]() ![]() |
SassyEuro posted >>> " The Most Hated Man In America " 2old2 stated >>>
Quite the dichotomy between our nations headlines and what they publish over the pond in the UK...isn't it! FB is blowing up about the 'white officers' wrapping him up in a bullet proof vest {as seen in the photo's}...but there really is something medically off with Dylan; and to have his father purchase that weapon for him just a month ago!!! OMG...some parents! ![]() tomato posted >>>
OMG and american father, bought his american son a gun for his birthday, OMG what a tragedy. people buy guns for family members all the time. we should ban fathers and sons, that way this type of thing wont happen again. NOW - NOW...don't go getting all 'GIRLY HYSTERIA' about that; ![]() YOU were then one that posted Dylann's prior drug issue - RIGHT? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
SassyEuro posted >>> " The Most Hated Man In America " Quite the dichotomy between our nations headlines and what they publish over the pond in the UK...isn't it! FB is blowing up about the 'white officers' wrapping him up in a bullet proof vest {as seen in the photo's}...but there really is something medically off with Dylan; and to have his father purchase that weapon for him just a month ago!!! OMG...some parents! ![]() |
You should go take a shower after defending him for that.
![]() You need a chalk board and stick figures - you A$$umed yet again; my post...DUH LMAO This just can't get any better...and yet here's the best way to truly get rid of all the 'self-inflicted STUPID humans'>>> Florida man checks if gun is loaded by putting it to head, pulling trigger; kills self
4:55 a.m. Wednesday, June 17, 2015 A 49-year-old man from Mims is dead after shooting himself in the head accidentally on Sunday, police said. According to WKMG-TV, Charles Cooper and a female friend were on property that he owns in Mims, a town in North Florida, when the gun went off. The two were having a barbeque at the time and had been drinking, according to police. The police report stated that Cooper retrieved his handgun and removed the magazine. His friend said that she was unsure if a round was in the chamber and when Cooper raised the handgun and pulled the trigger, it discharged, and he fell next to the fire. According to police, Cooper was pronounced dead at the scene. The Volusia County Medical Examiner’s Office is set to perform an autopsy. Read more at WKMG-TV. Not something the NRA likes to admit - like squawking about data that they can't prove when there's no data to support what they claim either! NRA = Slightly skewed but if the 'Lesser thinking' humans don't question what the NRA spews then there's no descent either! LOL |
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Thu 06/18/15 04:13 PM
crystal fairy posted >>>
I decided yesterday to go and try find me a real publisher for my book/sequel after all, as opposed to self-publishing. Got the letter ready to send out. Now gotta find me a list of possible publishers and start pumping it out. So I feel pretty danged good! ![]() ![]() Book(s) aren't done yet, but I know it'll be hard to find a publisher and will prolly take time, so best get on with it and try to get the show on the road. 2old2 stated >>>
Say, there...I'd asked about your auto, and what they decided was wrong; if you don't mind me asking? CrystalFairy posted >>>
Oh, I must have missed that :) My car wasn't too bad. Some reasonably minor things, and they tweaked the spark plugs and engine, 2 new brake blocks. Tuesday I'm gonna go back for two new tyres, then the car should be okay. The MOT is in August, I don't expect any huge costs then. I can feel it runs different now, and it accelerates a whole lot better too, which was one of the things that told me something wasn't right. And I feel a lot safer driving, knowing everything's been checked. NP...there's quite a few repetitive threads similar to this named one; it's easy enough to slide by a question! But TY...I was just wondering what if any the major problem was - and as it turned out nothing major at all! GREAT...good news is nice to hear ![]() |
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Thu 06/18/15 04:04 PM
OMG - still trashing our president...and yet if he didn't comment there'd still be cynical comments about his
'lack of caring'! RebelArcher stated >>>
You dont know that for certain....because your dear president keeps making dumbazz comments. It hadnt even been 24hrs since the shooting and he makes that statement. You should go take a shower after defending him for that. Ive seen nothing but support for the victims families....and hope for justice to be people of ALL races and political affiliations....all agreeing that an appropriate time would come to discuss anything outside of caring for the families and bringing the shooter to justice. Defend that hack all you want, but that political whoring at that moment was disgusting. And Ill beat that dead horse til it rots. Your 'Right Leaning POV' seems to cause issues with what people say: but that's seems often the major malfunction from the 'RIGHT'!!! Inability to listen - just make CR*P up! ![]() I posted what I did because the THASHING has zero limits; disrespecting our POTUS seems the only consistent mantra that 'TEAM I HATE OBAMA' can do! ![]() Oddly your 'SELECTIVE' hearing must cause you to ignore all those humans that have been calling/pushing for better gun control and they DO CONTACT THEIR ELECTED REPRESENATIVES! And now here they are speaking out 'AGAIN'! ![]() And here's the perfect place to dump this --- the other side to your POV...>>> Gun owners not likely to use firearms for self-defense, study claims
A new study attempts to debunk the claim that gun owners rely on their firearms for self-defense. Updated at 6:15 p.m. The left-leaning Violence Policy Center released a study Wednesday that finds people are much more likely to use a gun to kill someone without cause than to protect themselves. According to the study, gun owners committed 259 justifiable homicides compared to 8,342 criminal homicides in 2012, the most recent year data was available. That means gun owners are 32 times more likely to kill someone without cause than to act in self-defense, the study reasoned. 'We hope legislators in every state will stop believing the self-defense myth and look at the facts,'�� says Julia Wyman, executive director of States United to Prevent Gun Violence. '��Guns do not make our families or communities safer.'�� But the National Rifle Association (NRA) called the study into question. "This 'so-called' study, which was paid for and promoted by gun control advocates is rubbish," NRA spokeswoman Jennifer Baker said. "VPC fails to note that only a fraction of defensive firearm homicides are reported to the FBI and the study doesn't account for the many crimes deterred by a firearm that do not result in a homicide. Recent polling shows that most Americans believe exercising their constitutional right to self-protection makes them safer and this is just another transparent attempt to push gun control."�� BTW - my daily shower really isn't any part of this thread; but when the lack of data/facts...always fall back on vitriol! ![]() |
Portion of Highway Between Dallas-Fort Worth and Oklahoma City Closes Indefinitely
Updated 2 hours ago Tropical Depression Bill has forced the closure of several Oklahoma highways including Interstate 35 from Ardmore to Davis. According to Captain Paul Timmons with the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety, I-35 is closed for a undetermined amount of time due to high water and a rock slide. The highway connects Oklahoma City to Dallas-Forth Worth, and state troopers are helping clear dislodged boulders from the roadway. As of 3 p.m. only northbound I-35 is closed from exit 47 to exit 51, just south of Davis, and will remain closed for an undetermined amount of time. Traffic is being diverted to U.S. 77, according to Timmons. The Caddo Creek Bridge on U.S. 77 is down to one lane, so it could be slow going for many drivers. Authorities recommend people who drive between Dallas and Oklahoma City seek an alternate route, such as Highway 69/75 through Durant or Interstate 44 through Lawton. A state official said no storm-related injuries have been reported, but authorities are still searching for a 2-year-old boy who was swept away by a swollen creek Wednesday. Forecasters say 6 to 11 inches of rain have fallen on southern Oklahoma in the past 24 hours. ![]() ****************************** There are signs in Colorado - 'Watch For Falling Rocks'; this was just a really bad rock avalanche! UGH 2 much rain! |
Tomato stated >>>
Charleston shooter Dylan Storm Roof was reportedly taking a drug that has been linked with sudden outbursts of violence, fitting the pattern of innumerable other mass shooters who were on or had recently come off pharmaceutical drugs linked to aggression. Another case of unsupervised meds or patient not taking his prescription as directed or he was having really - really bad side affects but didn't communicate that to his physician! But let's allow him access to a weapon --- ![]() Those heavy duty prescription drugs --- bad a$$ things to be mess'n around with! And for those 'broken record' humans >>> ![]() ![]() |