Community > Posts By > needsum12luv

needsum12luv's photo
Sun 04/12/15 07:07 PM

In my mindscared
Ego, is a false impression one has about themself.
Self esteem is knowing ourself well enough to honestly know our good
attributes, and our faults.

Well spoken Panch

needsum12luv's photo
Sun 04/12/15 05:02 PM

Three old ladies are sitting on a park bench. Suddenly a man comes along, flings open his trench coat and flashes them. Two have a stroke... but the third doesn't 'cause her arms aren't long enough :-)

Now THAT is funny rofl rofl rofl

needsum12luv's photo
Sun 04/12/15 10:32 AM

did you know.. when I was diagnosed with cancer at 15 the doctors said I wouldn't make it to 20?

did you know.. I'm gonna be celebrating my 57th birthday in 2 months?? bigsmile

did you know.. at 25 the doc's said I'd never have kids?

did you know.. I gave birth to TWO of'em? :angel:

did you know.. the mind is SUCH a powerful tool, that with the right mindset.. you can beat ANY odds? smokin

Congratulations, Brave heart and strong mind, you have overcome.

needsum12luv's photo
Sun 04/12/15 09:29 AM

I could do with another cup is never enough!
And I think I'll have toast and the bacon looks delicious.
Hmmmmmm....I'm famished!

(I shrug off my disappointment and start to bus the table) Yes ma'am. Bacon and Toast coming right up

Here you are ma'am, will there be anything else?

No coffee......... AGAIN????? whoa slaphead

(snaps my fingers....... calling needsum calling needsum, come back to earth... don't worry, she'll be back!!!)

I'm so sorry Ma'am............IAM!!............IAM!!!!!!..........(guess I need to put the help wanted sign in the window again)

needsum12luv's photo
Sun 04/12/15 09:19 AM

I could do with another cup is never enough!
And I think I'll have toast and the bacon looks delicious.
Hmmmmmm....I'm famished!

(I shrug off my disappointment and start to bus the table) Yes ma'am. Bacon and Toast coming right up

Here you are ma'am, will there be anything else?

needsum12luv's photo
Sun 04/12/15 09:12 AM

I could do with another cup is never enough!
And I think I'll have toast and the bacon looks delicious.
Hmmmmmm....I'm famished!

(I shrug off my disappointment and start to bus the table) Yes ma'am. Bacon and Toast coming right up

needsum12luv's photo
Sun 04/12/15 09:01 AM
Edited by needsum12luv on Sun 04/12/15 09:08 AM
Is everything ok, does anyone need more coffee or mimosas
(sitting at the now empty table I pull a fork up and start tearing tines off one at a time) She loves me, she loves me not, she loves me (damn four tine forks)

needsum12luv's photo
Sun 04/12/15 08:48 AM

(pulls up a chair next to Sky).....hi, are you from around here?
No First time here. Im from the land of Oz. Quite a nice place here. Good food good friends.

(the tines interlock as we both go for a bite of french toast, I pick a bite dripping with syrup and feed it to her)

Yes, great location with a marvelous view of the bay.

(a drip of syrup at the corner of her lip, i grab her napkin and gently dab it off for her)
hmmmm I must say the service here is A+. Food is not bad either. Thank you. Have to dash now taxes to file. (Smiles demurely and walks out)

(runs after her fumbling for a business card and finally catches up and hands her the card) Please come back again, would be delighted to hear from you.

needsum12luv's photo
Sun 04/12/15 08:39 AM

(pulls up a chair next to Sky).....hi, are you from around here?
No First time here. Im from the land of Oz. Quite a nice place here. Good food good friends.

(the tines interlock as we both go for a bite of french toast, I pick a bite dripping with syrup and feed it to her)

Yes, great location with a marvelous view of the bay.

(a drip of syrup at the corner of her lip, i grab her napkin and gently dab it off for her)

needsum12luv's photo
Sun 04/12/15 08:15 AM
(pulls up a chair next to Sky).....hi, are you from around here?

needsum12luv's photo
Sun 04/12/15 08:12 AM

Where's my extra butter?....rant

Terribly sorry Ma'am, I didn't hear you

Thank you. But, that's not enough'll have to wait, we're churning fresh butter as we speak

needsum12luv's photo
Sun 04/12/15 08:11 AM

thank you I will just have my coffee and I am munching on cold pizza breakfast for the champions lol

IAM!!!, WE GOT CUSTOMERS OUT HERE!!!!........someone will be with you shortly

needsum12luv's photo
Sun 04/12/15 08:09 AM

No hurry. Take your time. I'll give to 10 minutes. Lol

Here you are ma'am (what a cutie)

can I please get you anything else? and excuse the french on your toast, thought I'd give it a little
Wow so delicious looking. Come share with me. No way can I eat all of this.

(delicious looking, that's just what I was thinking) Um....I would be delighted..........Iam..........could you cover for me a moment........

Iam............IAM!!!..............where is that girl

needsum12luv's photo
Sun 04/12/15 08:05 AM

Where's my extra butter?....rant

Terribly sorry Ma'am, I didn't hear you

needsum12luv's photo
Sun 04/12/15 07:57 AM
Edited by needsum12luv on Sun 04/12/15 07:58 AM

No hurry. Take your time. I'll give to 10 minutes. Lol

Here you are ma'am (what a cutie)

can I please get you anything else? and excuse the french on your toast, thought I'd give it a little

needsum12luv's photo
Sun 04/12/15 07:53 AM

Good Morning all. Now I'm hungry looking at all the delicious food. Scrambled eggs, toast and bacon for me..*please*

Stammering and stuttering:heart: ........uh.........yes ma'am.......coming right up

needsum12luv's photo
Sun 04/12/15 07:48 AM

Exits thread.............(muttering under her breath ..........)

Don't let the door hit you on the way out! rofl

needsum12luv's photo
Sun 04/12/15 07:40 AM

I give you $10 keep the rest for tip. great service and food!

you are too kind........please come back again

needsum12luv's photo
Sun 04/12/15 07:38 AM

Well then guess I will go somewhere else, I don't do buffets, I want to be served...........tongue2

you can certainly order off the menu. I'll have that right up for you (walks away with a mutter under breath.......'geeesh')

No no, that's ok.....I'd prefer my breakfast without any spit in it.....

Wanna share my English muffin, bunny?....flowerforyou

Awe thx least you got service, they wouldn't serve me......ohwell

Hey now, I said I would service y.........uh......serve you

It's ok, I know lots of others who would service....I mean serve me......:angel:

Well, if that's all your after is quantity not quality

needsum12luv's photo
Sun 04/12/15 07:32 AM

Well then guess I will go somewhere else, I don't do buffets, I want to be served...........tongue2

you can certainly order off the menu. I'll have that right up for you (walks away with a mutter under breath.......'geeesh')

No no, that's ok.....I'd prefer my breakfast without any spit in it.....

Wanna share my English muffin, bunny?....flowerforyou

Awe thx least you got service, they wouldn't serve me......ohwell

Hey now, I said I would service y.........uh......serve you