Community > Posts By > tomato86

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Fri 06/12/15 09:28 PM

"If all guns were destroyed, you'd have people with swords" id

Outlay blades, they'll use clubs and throw stones.
Outlaw them, they'll use fists.
Outlaw them, and we're in prison.

BUT !!
"If all guns were destroyed, you'd have people with swords" id

In that circumstance, the massacres at Columbine, & Sandy Hook, would not have happened.

i disagree, if they had their mind made up they were going to kill people, what would stop them from walking into school with katana's and stabbing everything in sight. or making some kind of IED and taking it into school in a bookbag and blowing it up in a classroom full of kids. point is, humans are violent by nature, some of us anyway. if people want to kill people and they dont have guns they will just get more creative on how they go about killing.

2A. will always be important, probably the most important. if there was no 2A and government and law enforcement were the only people allowed to have guns, how would we be able to ensure we stay a "free" society? people who say the 2A is obsolete and doesnt apply to todays world needs a history lesson. theres far too many guns out there to ever confiscate every single one of them. so if you take away normal peoples right to own, only criminals will then. and if a criminal is going to have one, i will make damn sure i have one as well, illegal or not.

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Fri 06/12/15 01:08 PM

Seems its more than just police corruption in Santa Ana....

"" Voice of OC also requested the full unedited
video, but was told that it was taken from
a digital video recording machine and isn’t
in “a recognizable format,” making it
difficult to transfer.
Pappas added that he would soon be filing
a lawsuit aimed at invalidating a voter-
approved measure permitting 20 marijuana
collectives to operate in an industrial
section of the city.
“I’m filing a lawsuit, so [the police] can get
the raw footage in discovery,” Pappas said.
Pappas claims the lawsuit will include
evidence of a “high ranking city official”
having a “pecuniary interest in the
operations of a lottery winning collective,”
and that this official, whom Pappas
declined to name, likely had a hand in
directing the police raids.
According to dispensary operators and city
officials, dozens of marijuana shops had
been operating in the city in recent years.
Under the measure passed last November,
the city held a lottery for collectives to win
a chance at applying for a permit. The city
deems all dispensaries without a permit to
be operating illegally.""

somehow that doesnt surprise me.

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Fri 06/12/15 01:06 PM

These cops seem to be some of the worst examples but what happened to them?

not sure think its still being investigated.

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Fri 06/12/15 10:57 AM

Has human nature fundamentally changed since the U.S. Founding?
Did we have homicidal maniacs shooting up schools back then?

a) In our 3rd Millennium, how many people do this, per capita?

Preparatory to our Revolution:

"Tyranny like hell, is not easily conquered." Common Sense author Thomas Paine NOTE: This publication sold ~500K copies among an ~1.5M population, :. ~33% of population owned a copy, believed influential in persuading colonists to revolt against KG3

b) So how often do such massacres as Columbine, or Sandy Hook happen? One per year, out of a population of ~320,000,000?
We've grown by orders of magnitude since then, hundreds of times bigger.
So if it's the same proclivity then as now within their per capita population, we'd expect it one 212th as often.
Human nature hasn't changed that much Ud. There's probably another explanation.

c) Our Founders were meticulous about avoiding democracy, or what some Founders called "mob rule".
Instead, our Constitutional republic is designed to spare us punishing the many for the sins of the few; which is precisely what "gun control" is all about.

d) "I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of society but the people themselves, and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion." Thomas Jefferson

BUT !!!

There has been a paradigm shift.
A punk like Clebold couldn't march into his 1 room schoolhouse, and shoot the place up with a muzzle-loader.
Fire one round, and then a 40 second pause while he:
- measures out the next charge from powder horn
- replaces the charge
- places the patch over the muzzle
- places the next ball on the patch
- extracts the ramrod, and drives patch and ball to the bottom
- replaces the rod
- cocks the hammer
- takes aim, and ... *

By the time he got all that done, the other 7 students would have kicked his @$$ half way to Peoria.

The recessed flange cartridge has automated / revolutionized this.
So instead having a rate of fire of 1.5 rounds per minute, rate of fire with a semi-auto-fire
auto-loader is as fast as the trigger can be pulled; more than one per second.

Bitter history has proved the rate of fire with an AR-15 style weapon is enough to keep a class of kindergarten students at bay as they're massacred.
The Founders COULD NOT POSSIBLY have taken this into account when 2A was drafted.

BUT !!

"... shall not be infringed" is fairly unambiguous.
So it seems to me; rather than pretending the law is one thing (noting the supremacy clause, Art.6 Sect.2), but continuing to compound its infringement:

2 This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; ... shall be the supreme Law of the Land ...

But in reality, in practice it is not.

* I do not own a muzzle-loader. I've never fired one. I've made an educated guess about what's required, and may have left out a step at the striker / hammer.

False logic does not an argument make!

One could have walked into a one room schoolhouse with a pistol, rifle or musket, and a sword. One could then shoot the schoolmaster with the rifle, finish him or her off with the pistol, then proceed to cut the throats of every child.

An infinite number of scary scenarios can be made as to how one or more people can kill many. None have anything to do with the second amendment which is about the right to protect one's self and family from danger which may include the government.

NO metalwing! its for shooting targets! and hunting ducks! government wouldnt EVER harm their own citizens!.....

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Fri 06/12/15 10:36 AM
rofl rofl rofl slaphead

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Fri 06/12/15 10:34 AM

Santa Ana pot shop raid sparks investigation

more fine police work here. police raid a pot dispensary that was operating without a license, then after they think they remove all the cameras, proceed to eat and steal pot edibles from the store. one of the customers inside was an older female amputee, and once all the customers are removed a male cop says to a female cop, "did you punch that one legged old benita" and the female cop replies "i was about to kick her in her phucking nub". just more blatant abuse of authority in the police state we call america. dont take my word for it though, watch the video yourself. cops destroy evidence (or so they think), then proceed to eat marijuana edibles while on the job and joke about physically abusing an amputee in a wheelchair. like i said though, watch the video for yourself before you call me a "cop bashing @$$hole".

guess some people just don't like to be gaped at while they are eating,especially not on YouTube!laugh

HAH you aint kidding. that video made me sick. our tax dollars are paying these thugs to bust people for for marijuana (a harmless herb used for thousands of years), and after they bust them proceed to eat marijuana edibles ON DUTY and joke about beating handicapped people. every single cop that was present in that video should be fired. and the ones who actually ate the edibles should be prosecuted. i dont hate all cops and i think alot of them join the force with the right intent, but then the other half of me hates all of em because all they are doing is forcing us to conform to unconstitutional laws by threat of violence and imprisonment.

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Fri 06/12/15 08:41 AM
Edited by tomato86 on Fri 06/12/15 08:42 AM
the 2nd amendment is actually the MOST important, without 2a theres no way to guarantee your other rights are respected. whether it be from an individual, or the government itself. as long as theres humans and governments, the 2a will NEVER be obsolete.

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Thu 06/11/15 11:42 PM

Just F...en Pathetic and thats your tax dollars at work for you
and just think how much safer life is now after the hero's swooped
in and rid us of the evil

hahah i know right, these phucks sponge up tax dollars, and for what? to act like a bunch of lawless hard @$$es. its phucking sickening it really is. i know not every single cop is bad, but day by day im starting to question that. that video pi$$ed me off. they go in their to bust people for marijuana, rip the cameras out and start eating the edibles and talking $h1t about the customers. the video made me sick.

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Thu 06/11/15 09:18 PM
Santa Ana pot shop raid sparks investigation

more fine police work here. police raid a pot dispensary that was operating without a license, then after they think they remove all the cameras, proceed to eat and steal pot edibles from the store. one of the customers inside was an older female amputee, and once all the customers are removed a male cop says to a female cop, "did you punch that one legged old benita" and the female cop replies "i was about to kick her in her phucking nub". just more blatant abuse of authority in the police state we call america. dont take my word for it though, watch the video yourself. cops destroy evidence (or so they think), then proceed to eat marijuana edibles while on the job and joke about physically abusing an amputee in a wheelchair. like i said though, watch the video for yourself before you call me a "cop bashing @$$hole".

no photo
Thu 06/11/15 08:15 PM

I think a good cop lost his job because of some unruly teenagers who have no respect for the law. Maybe he was a little rough on the girl but if she had left when told, she wouldn't have been treated that way.

All this crap about the cops being the bad guys seems to miss who the bad guys really are...

... it's the ones committing the crimes.

blacks want to live in a society where they can do whatever they want with no repercussions... maybe there is some truth about the martial law/jade helm ct's going around...

or they want to live where the punishment fits the crime and is consistent with the punishment of others committing the same crimes,,,

a 170 pound grown man throwing a 100 pound bikini clad girl to the ground with his KNEES in her back, is not a fitting punishment for not like what she was saying as she walked away,,,,as hard as one may try to justify it,,,

then don't commit crimes... don't yell and scream at a cop when he tells you to move along...a cop tells you to leave, leave with running the mouth... if a cop says stop, then stop... why is that hard?

so you are seriously condoning manhandling teen girls because they 'talk back'? well

did freedom of speech become suspended in front of cops,, if you do what they tell you but they don't like what you say while you do it?,,,,

I guess everybody has their thing,,,,

its hard because its ******** in a country where we are free to say whatever we want if it is not inducing harm or a danger to others,,,

and because even if THAT were not ********, it wouldnt condone poor behavior on the part of a grown man because of some excuse about what a teenager said,,,

your just as ignorant as she is if you think freedom of speech has anything to do with this...

freedom of speech has everything to do with whether any stranger in any position should have authority to be manhandle someone for what they have SAID,, if it isnt involving threatening others or inciting danger,,,

no, you don't have freedom of speech when your talking to a cop, especially when your screeching like a harpy at them...

no freedom of speech because a cop is present, hmm i wasnt aware of that one.

no photo
Thu 06/11/15 07:56 PM
heres some more

Senate Bill: ‘Must Retrofit’ Handgun with Smart Gun Tech Before Sale

By Eric Scheiner | June 11, 2015 | 11:04 AM EDT

( - Democratic Senators Ed Markey (D-Mass.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) have put forth a bill that could drastically impact gun sales in America.

Last week Markey and Warren introduced The “Handgun Trigger Safety Act”. It would mandate that in 10 years “anyone selling a handgun must retrofit it with personalization technology before that sale can be completed.”

It would also ban the “manufacture in the United States a handgun that is not a personalized handgun” within 5 years of the measure being enacted.

Smart gun technology allows a handgun to only be operated by an authorized user. It generally works through finger or palm print recognition, electronic password or coded lock, or a gun that needs to be in proximity to a specific watch or bracelet in order to operate.

Currently smart gun technology is pricey. The Armatix iP1 is the first smart handgun to be sold in the U.S. with a reported price of $1,800.

In a press release Markey says, the measure would also “authorize grants to develop and improve ‘personalized’ handgun technology to increase efficacy and decrease costs.”

It would also “provide reimbursement to manufacturers for the costs of retrofitting handguns through the Department of Justice Assets Forfeiture Fund.”

i dont trust this BS one bit...

no photo
Thu 06/11/15 06:59 PM

still waiting on your explanation conrad of how 2 PLANES KNOCKED DOWN 3 BUILDINGS? you cant do it can you? didnt think so.

you really need to do your own Research my Man!laugh
those little Jabs are of yours show how little you actually know about Demolition and Engineering!

im not throwing any jabs conrad, im simply asking you, how 2 planes knocked down 3 buildings? why dont you enlighten me as to how that would happen. im not trying to be a d1ck about it, but i dont see how 2 planes could knock down 3 buildings. and why did they collapse in on themselves, instead of tipping to the side? like i said im not trying to be a d1ck about it but i just dont understand it.

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Thu 06/11/15 06:43 PM

Thank you C7.
It's a sharp point well worth making.

It's a little annoying that so many ostensible 2A defenders turn a blind eye to all the infringements of 2A there are already!

To my knowledge, open carry is not permitted in New York State.
There may be an exception during hunting season.

Concealed carry is virtually prohibited in NYC, a jurisdiction where millions of potential crime victims live.

In the rest of New York State, concealed carry must be applied for; involving government forms, fingerprinting, judicial "permission", etc.

How in the HE11 can we pretend that's not an infringement?!
If applying for a license is a prerequisite, and that license can be denied, then it is an infringement BY DEFINITION!!!

2A is ALREADY infringed !!!
If it's against the law to walk into the local United States Post Office, and mail a letter while carrying my loaded 12 ga. Winchester Pump, then 2A is infringed.

2A is infringed.

Where the heck have you complainers been?

i agree, there has already been too many infringements on it. but as long as we allow them to take, they will keep taking.

no photo
Thu 06/11/15 01:24 PM

Okay, you are missing what I am conveying, 2OLD.

But, yes, I do think this police officer exercised poor judgement throughout the event.

probably why he resigned, admitted he was wrong and apologized.

slaphead rofl

no photo
Thu 06/11/15 01:21 PM
waving waving waving :banana: :banana: :banana: drinker drinker drinker Happy Birthday!waving waving waving :banana: :banana: :banana: drinker drinker drinker

no photo
Thu 06/11/15 12:47 PM

What part
of the 2nd Amendment don't they get?
Oh they get it....they just want to get rid of all of it. And a part of the linked article explains how they are going about getting rid of it....

"" Small, incremental reductions in the ability of
Americans to own guns would begin the
eventual waterfall of legislation limiting our
ability to own guns completely.""

And lest we forget Obama's true stance on firearms ownership...

"" On Friday, gun rights advocate John Lott told
radio talk show host Laura Ingraham that
Barack Obama once told him that people
should not be able to own guns.
According to Lott, Obama made the
statement the first time the two met.
"He said to me, 'I don't believe people should
be able to own guns,'" he recalled.
Lott said he offered to meet with him over
lunch to discuss the issue.
"But he just wrinkled his face and turned
around and walked away. And that was the
end of our first conversation on that," he
Ingraham asked Lott to verify that Obama
said "people," and not just "criminals."
Lott said Obama was "very clear" in his
"He said, 'I don't believe people should be
able to own guns,'" he reiterated.
Lott said that he had told the New York
Times about the incident in 2008.
"But they never used it in their story on him
with regard to his time in Chicago," he
"I think that's the way he still feels,"
Ingraham responded, comparing Obama to
committed leftists she knew at Dartmouth.
Ingraham added that she did not find the
news surprising "at all."
Lott also said that the two people Obama put
on the Supreme Court do not believe
individuals have a right to own guns.
Last May, Obama told gun control advocate
Sarah Brady that he was working on gun
control " under the radar ."
“'I just want you to know that we are working
on it,' Brady recalled the president telling
them. 'We have to go through a few
processes, but under the radar,'” the
Washington Post reported.""

how can people still believe anything that comes out of his mouth?

no photo
Thu 06/11/15 12:35 PM
still waiting on your explanation conrad of how 2 PLANES KNOCKED DOWN 3 BUILDINGS? you cant do it can you? didnt think so.

no photo
Thu 06/11/15 12:32 PM

Well because all of this is under wraps, the conspiracy people are having a field day. I would say though there are troubling issues regarding the legislation. For example,

1) The treaty has been in negotiation for SIX YEARS. So essentially from Day 1 of his presidency Obama has been working on this deal, and its only the last couple months where things have started to percolate out about it. Seems he kinda forgot to mention it during the last election cycle. You know when the White House fudged the unemployment numbers? How it's failed to calculate the true number of unemployed for years now?
2) People are saying that ONE copy of the bill has been made available for congress and the senate to read. It's essentially under guard, you cannot make copies, and you cannot take notes and then leave the room with the notes. That's a level of secrecy that NO politician should be agreeing to in regards to a trade document. This is not national security stuff on what size of figs the head of ISIS enjoys.
3) Immigration issues will be mandated by the treaty.
4) Personal information will be shared without your consent with other countries signed to the treaty.
5) Much has been made of congress no longer being able to change Medicare, as that will be illegal under the new law.
6) Apparently the content of the bill cannot even be made available to the general public until FOUR YEARS after it's passed into law.

Really? So the American taxpayer will become subject to laws it gave no permission via the ballot box to negotiate (Obama's 6 year long secret), whose elected officials likely haven't even read (uninformed consent), AND they can't even KNOW the details of those laws for four years? SERIOUSLY????

Will SOMEONE please explain to me WHY the GOP has NOT impeached Obama????

probably because they are all bought and paid for, theyre on the same phucking team. the sooner we realize this and get ALL these traitors out of office, the better off we will be.

no photo
Thu 06/11/15 12:30 PM

What part
of the 2nd Amendment don't they get?
Oh they get it....they just want to get rid of all of it. And a part of the linked article explains how they are going about getting rid of it....

"" Small, incremental reductions in the ability of
Americans to own guns would begin the
eventual waterfall of legislation limiting our
ability to own guns completely.""

And lest we forget Obama's true stance on firearms ownership...

"" On Friday, gun rights advocate John Lott told
radio talk show host Laura Ingraham that
Barack Obama once told him that people
should not be able to own guns.
According to Lott, Obama made the
statement the first time the two met.
"He said to me, 'I don't believe people should
be able to own guns,'" he recalled.
Lott said he offered to meet with him over
lunch to discuss the issue.
"But he just wrinkled his face and turned
around and walked away. And that was the
end of our first conversation on that," he
Ingraham asked Lott to verify that Obama
said "people," and not just "criminals."
Lott said Obama was "very clear" in his
"He said, 'I don't believe people should be
able to own guns,'" he reiterated.
Lott said that he had told the New York
Times about the incident in 2008.
"But they never used it in their story on him
with regard to his time in Chicago," he
"I think that's the way he still feels,"
Ingraham responded, comparing Obama to
committed leftists she knew at Dartmouth.
Ingraham added that she did not find the
news surprising "at all."
Lott also said that the two people Obama put
on the Supreme Court do not believe
individuals have a right to own guns.
Last May, Obama told gun control advocate
Sarah Brady that he was working on gun
control " under the radar ."
“'I just want you to know that we are working
on it,' Brady recalled the president telling
them. 'We have to go through a few
processes, but under the radar,'” the
Washington Post reported.""

yep, hes smart enough to know americans wont tolerate an all at once ban, thats why slowly they are just going to keep adding restrictions so that eventually noone will be able to own them. ANY american who doesnt think we should be able to own firearms whether it be ar-15's or glocks, needs a history lesson.

no photo
Thu 06/11/15 12:38 AM
2 planes somehow knocked down 3 buildings?
plane crashes into pentagon, miraculously no wreckage of a plane is anywhere to be found.

2 PLANES KNOCKED DOWN 3 BUILDINGS, god damn how much more proof do you need? like seriously, you can all say "o you and your dumb conspiracy theories" but yet i dont see any of you explaining HOW 2 PLANES CAN KNOCK DOWN 3 BUILDINGS.

The 9/11 terrorist attack on America which left almost 3,000 people dead was an “inside job”, according to a group of leading academics.

Around 75 top professors and leading scientists believe the attacks were puppeteered by war mongers in the White House to justify the invasion and the occupation of oil-rich Arab countries.

leading scientists say the facts of their investigations cannot be ignored and say they have evidence that points to one of the biggest conspiracies ever perpetrated.

Professor Steven Jones, who lectures in physics at the Brigham Young University in Utah, says the official version of events is the biggest and most evil cover up in history.

He has joined the 9/11 Scholars for Truth whose membership includes up to 75 leading scientists and experts from universities across the US.

Prof Jones said: We don’t believe that 19 hijackers and a few others in a cave in Afghanistan pulled this off acting alone.

“We challenge this official conspiracy theory and, by God, we’re going to get to the bottom of this.”

In essays and journals, the scientists are giving credence to many of the conspiracy theories that have circulated on the internet in the past five years.

They believe a group of US neo-conservatives called the Project for a New American Century, set on US world dominance, orchestrated the 9/11 attacks as an excuse to hit Iraq, Afghanistan and later Iran.

The group says scientific evidence over the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon is conclusive proof.

Professor Jones said it was impossible for the twin towers to have collapsed in the way they did from the collision of two aeroplanes.

He maintains jet fuel does not burn at temperatures high enough to melt steel beams and claims horizontal puffs of smoke seen during the collapse of the towers are indicative of controlled explosions used to bring down the towers.

The group also maintains World Trade Centre 7 – a neighbouring building which caught fire and collapsed later in the day – was only partially damaged but had to be destroyed because it housed a clandestine CIA station.

Professor James Fetzer, 65, a retired philosopher of science at the University of Minnesota, said: “The evidence is so overwhelming, but most Americans don’t have time to take a look at this.”

The 9/11 Commission dismissed the numerous conspiracy theories after its exhaustive investigation into the terror attacks.

Subsequent examinations of the towers’ structure have sought to prove they were significantly weakened by the impact which tore off fire retardant materials and led the steel beams bending under heat and then collapsing.

Christopher Pyle, professor of constitutional law at Mt Holyoake College in Massachusetts, has dismissed the academic group.

He said: “To plant bombs in three buildings with enough bomb materials and wiring? It’s too huge a project and would require far too many people to keep it a secret afterwards.

“After every major crisis, like the assassinations of JFK or Martin Luther King, we’ve had conspiracy theorists who come up with plausible scenarios for gullible people. It’s a waste of time.”

But University of Wisconsin assistant professor, Kevin Barrett, said experts are unwilling to believe theories which don’t fit into their belief systems.

He said: “People will disregard evidence it if causes their faith to be shattered. I think we were all shocked. And then, when the voice of authority told us what happened, we just believed it.”

im going to assume that all the doubters are smarter than these people right?

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