Topic: More fine police work in America, Land of the "free" | |
Santa Ana pot shop raid sparks investigation
more fine police work here. police raid a pot dispensary that was operating without a license, then after they think they remove all the cameras, proceed to eat and steal pot edibles from the store. one of the customers inside was an older female amputee, and once all the customers are removed a male cop says to a female cop, "did you punch that one legged old benita" and the female cop replies "i was about to kick her in her phucking nub". just more blatant abuse of authority in the police state we call america. dont take my word for it though, watch the video yourself. cops destroy evidence (or so they think), then proceed to eat marijuana edibles while on the job and joke about physically abusing an amputee in a wheelchair. like i said though, watch the video for yourself before you call me a "cop bashing @$$hole". |
Just F...en Pathetic and thats your tax dollars at work for you and just think how much safer life is now after the hero's swooped in and rid us of the evil |
Just F...en Pathetic and thats your tax dollars at work for you and just think how much safer life is now after the hero's swooped in and rid us of the evil hahah i know right, these phucks sponge up tax dollars, and for what? to act like a bunch of lawless hard @$$es. its phucking sickening it really is. i know not every single cop is bad, but day by day im starting to question that. that video pi$$ed me off. they go in their to bust people for marijuana, rip the cameras out and start eating the edibles and talking $h1t about the customers. the video made me sick. |
Them cops caught themselves.... We need cameras on EVERY cop...
Santa Ana pot shop raid sparks investigation more fine police work here. police raid a pot dispensary that was operating without a license, then after they think they remove all the cameras, proceed to eat and steal pot edibles from the store. one of the customers inside was an older female amputee, and once all the customers are removed a male cop says to a female cop, "did you punch that one legged old benita" and the female cop replies "i was about to kick her in her phucking nub". just more blatant abuse of authority in the police state we call america. dont take my word for it though, watch the video yourself. cops destroy evidence (or so they think), then proceed to eat marijuana edibles while on the job and joke about physically abusing an amputee in a wheelchair. like i said though, watch the video for yourself before you call me a "cop bashing @$$hole". guess some people just don't like to be gaped at while they are eating,especially not on YouTube! ![]() |
Santa Ana pot shop raid sparks investigation more fine police work here. police raid a pot dispensary that was operating without a license, then after they think they remove all the cameras, proceed to eat and steal pot edibles from the store. one of the customers inside was an older female amputee, and once all the customers are removed a male cop says to a female cop, "did you punch that one legged old benita" and the female cop replies "i was about to kick her in her phucking nub". just more blatant abuse of authority in the police state we call america. dont take my word for it though, watch the video yourself. cops destroy evidence (or so they think), then proceed to eat marijuana edibles while on the job and joke about physically abusing an amputee in a wheelchair. like i said though, watch the video for yourself before you call me a "cop bashing @$$hole". guess some people just don't like to be gaped at while they are eating,especially not on YouTube! ![]() HAH you aint kidding. that video made me sick. our tax dollars are paying these thugs to bust people for for marijuana (a harmless herb used for thousands of years), and after they bust them proceed to eat marijuana edibles ON DUTY and joke about beating handicapped people. every single cop that was present in that video should be fired. and the ones who actually ate the edibles should be prosecuted. i dont hate all cops and i think alot of them join the force with the right intent, but then the other half of me hates all of em because all they are doing is forcing us to conform to unconstitutional laws by threat of violence and imprisonment. |
These cops seem to be some of the worst examples but what happened to them?
Seems its more than just police corruption in Santa Ana....
"" Voice of OC also requested the full unedited video, but was told that it was taken from a digital video recording machine and isn’t in “a recognizable format,” making it difficult to transfer. Pappas added that he would soon be filing a lawsuit aimed at invalidating a voter- approved measure permitting 20 marijuana collectives to operate in an industrial section of the city. “I’m filing a lawsuit, so [the police] can get the raw footage in discovery,” Pappas said. Pappas claims the lawsuit will include evidence of a “high ranking city official” having a “pecuniary interest in the operations of a lottery winning collective,” and that this official, whom Pappas declined to name, likely had a hand in directing the police raids. According to dispensary operators and city officials, dozens of marijuana shops had been operating in the city in recent years. Under the measure passed last November, the city held a lottery for collectives to win a chance at applying for a permit. The city deems all dispensaries without a permit to be operating illegally."" |
These cops seem to be some of the worst examples but what happened to them? not sure think its still being investigated. |
Seems its more than just police corruption in Santa Ana.... "" Voice of OC also requested the full unedited video, but was told that it was taken from a digital video recording machine and isn’t in “a recognizable format,” making it difficult to transfer. Pappas added that he would soon be filing a lawsuit aimed at invalidating a voter- approved measure permitting 20 marijuana collectives to operate in an industrial section of the city. “I’m filing a lawsuit, so [the police] can get the raw footage in discovery,” Pappas said. Pappas claims the lawsuit will include evidence of a “high ranking city official” having a “pecuniary interest in the operations of a lottery winning collective,” and that this official, whom Pappas declined to name, likely had a hand in directing the police raids. According to dispensary operators and city officials, dozens of marijuana shops had been operating in the city in recent years. Under the measure passed last November, the city held a lottery for collectives to win a chance at applying for a permit. The city deems all dispensaries without a permit to be operating illegally."" somehow that doesnt surprise me. |
Updated at 2:12 AM PDT on Tuesday, Jun 16, 2015
The mayor of Santa Ana is named in a lawsuit which alleges the city was clawing in money from bribes in return for guaranteeing a licence to distribute marijuana. It comes nearly three weeks after the raid of pot shop Sky High Holistic was caught on surveillance video that appeared to show questionable behavior by 10 officers. Santa Ana mayor Miguel Pulido was named in the suit along with city employee Yvette Aguilar and the city itself. It alleges the city solicited $25,000 payments and gifts from marijuana dispensaries which would guarantee businesses would be granted a license in a lottery system. It also claims police were used to shut down operations that did not pay up. "It's deplorable that city officials and people seeking financial gain would use the police to accomplish their self-serving goals, " attorney Matthew Pappas, who is representing the raided shop, said. However Pulido has fired back, saying the claims in the suit are "catagorically and unequivocally... false." "There is no money, there is no influencing any process in any manner I think (Pappas) is trying to protect his client and trying to just keep operating illegally. Sometimes the best defense is offense," Pulido added. In surveillance video received by nonprofit group Voice of OC and captured on May 27, three loud bangs can be heard before at least eight officials enter through double doors with guns drawn at Sky High medical marijuana dispensary. The officers appeared to proceed to another door where patrons were and began yelling, "everybody on the ground, hands over your head." At one point, Marla James, who is wheelchair bound with an amputated leg, was escorted out of the shop by a female officer. The same officer is later heard on the profanity-laced edited video saying she wanted to kick her in the "nub." At least two of the officers wore ski masks and several of them dismantled surveillance videos and a DVR in the store. After most of the cameras were taken down, an officer played darts while others joked around and at least one allegedly ate marijuana-laced edible products from the shop. Santa Ana Police Department said all the officers will be interviewed as part of an internal investigation. Commander Chris Revere said he is "concerned" about what the behavior demonstrated in the video. |