so they sent a cop and her son cursed at
Maybe he said "Motherfricker gonna catch hell if he try to get in my motherfrickin house".....Idk.
them, so thats a justifiable reason to send a tactical team with assault rifles to kick their door in? doesnt make sense to me. Wonder what wldve happened if he woulda just let em in the first visit....hmmmmm...... who knows. i could be over reacting and there may be more to the story. but i just find it hard to believe they had no other viable option than to kick their door in with a swat team and point guns at their family and shoot their dog. there had to be a more reasonable solution to this. |
It seems to be an over reaction by the cops. Maybe there's more not being told. Probably can understand the reluctance of the Cop,or as a matter of Fact,anyone,turning their backs on a Pitbull! Gangs like Pitbulls, cops don't. i've seen pitbulls that were the sweetest dogs you would ever meet. not all pits are vicious killers. a dog is a dog whether its a labrador or a pit. dogs arent born vicious theyre trained to be that way. a buddy of mine breeds pitbulls, not one of his dogs are mean, theyre all lap dogs. its all how you train them. |
maybe send 1 officer, or some kind of city
Read your own posted article...they tried that first....
employee to talk to them. and have them knock at the door, instead of kicking it in and shooting their pet and trashing their house while their held at gunpoint. "" According to the lawsuit, on April 25, 2014, St. Louis County Police officers came to her house. Her son cussed at them."" Maybe he said something threatening also, Idk. To say that article is biased is a huge understatement. Ill wait on the outcome of the lawsuit, and both sides of the story, before forming an opinion. But you go ahead and get all wound up Mater..... so they sent a cop and her son cursed at them, so thats a justifiable reason to send a tactical team with assault rifles to kick their door in? doesnt make sense to me. im already wound archer. this all started over breaking a city ordinance for not having gas turned on at the house, and ended with swat members kickin the door down. thats just abusing authority. there was no reason for that. |
got another one for you,Fellows! Some Iranian news outlets are claiming that Secretary of State John Kerry was injured this weekend not in Switzerland in a bicycle crash but rather in an assassination attempt during a secret meeting with Islamic State group representatives. The Jerusalem Post reported Wednesday that the Iranian news agency Nasim posted a report on the claim that the alleged secret meeting Sunday culminated in an armed clash and an attempt to kill the top U.S. diplomat. The conspiracy theory was cloaked in an aura of international intrigue with plot twists connecting Switzerland, France, Russia and a U.S.-trained Islamic State loyalist from Tajikistan, which the Jerusalem Post described as follows: Kerry’s meeting, in which the alleged assassination attempt took place, was with Gulmurod Khalimov, a senior Tajik police commander, trained in the United States, who announced his defection to Islamic State in a video released last week, the [Iranian news site] report states. Having received training from the US State Department previously, Khalimov was well aware of State Department security procedures and he used the knowledge to get another member of his entourage into the secret meeting with Kerry, with the intention of assassinating him, the report claims. The Nasim news site – which noted its report was based on another website that claims to cite Russian intelligence reports – quoted an alleged secret message transmitted from France and then intercepted by Russian intelligence which conveyed the report that two others were shot during the altercation, killing one. The Jerusalem Post noted that though the story was first posted by Nasim, it was later picked up by dozens of Iranian news sites. Kerry was in Geneva this weekend for meetings with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif just weeks before a self-imposed deadline to secure a permanent agreement between Iran, the U.S. and five world powers over Iran’s nuclear program. U.S. officials said Kerry’s injury would not stop him from participating in the negotiations. Iranian media often put forth far-fetched conspiracy theories, such as last year when an Iranian news site alleged that Israel was engaged in a “dangerous global plot” to spread the Israeli martial art Krav Maga internationally. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() see i can do that too conrad ![]() |
do you believe there is such things as "Illuminate and NWO"? what do you know? I know they're out to get you. Specifically, you. You'll need to thoroughly wrap your head in saran wrap, to keep them from stealing your thoughts. Do it, before it's too late. I think you know more than you are telling us. ![]() i think gnome gets his orders straight from the top, if we wish to combat the NWO he must first take out the leader.. I take orders from the top? Pfffft... I am the top. ![]() NWO are wussy upstarts. Illuminati rule! hahah i knew it! well played gnome, the old misdirection game. |
"her gas was shut off which is against city ordinance, so a swat team raided her house with assault rifles. and it was a no knock raid so the "responsible" pet owners had no time to restrain their dog. a no knock raid with a swat team is beyond insanity for a violation of city ordinance." t8
I agree. You've made a constructive, enlightening, well reasoned, persuasive argument. Thanks. BUT !! That's only half of it. It's very easy for you and me to sit in our comfortable chairs in our safe secure homes, and back-seat drive the COPs to the dog house. The question isn't merely what the COPs should not have done. The question is, what should have been done instead? Perhaps not a SWAT team, but a social worker, or a banker. But I don't necessarily blame the SWAT COP responders. I think their command, the one or ones that dispatched them to this case. As you say, wtf is that about?! I would sincerely like to know t8: What do you think should have been done instead? And how do you think that would have achieved the objectives of the mission? "if your that deathly afraid of a dog the size of a football you have some serious issues and should not be a cop." t8
It's not that simple. a) Even a scratch from a rabid animal can be deadly. b) Most COPs will tell you, the kind of case they hate to cover most is domestic disturbances. They're tired of having to arrest the guy, and while they're installing the bracelets, the girl friend brains them with a frying pan. It's why COPs sometimes order residents to the floor. c) The dog could be a distraction, while it's menacing, the guy may be reaching for his .38 under the seat cushion. COPs do NOT like distractions. what do i think could have been done instead? how about for starters not sending guys armed with assault rifles on a no knock raid because someone doesnt have gas turned on in their house, that would be good for starters. maybe send 1 officer, or some kind of city employee to talk to them. and have them knock at the door, instead of kicking it in and shooting their pet and trashing their house while their held at gunpoint. it would be pretty easy actually IMO. i could think of 10 different ways to do it all without pointing guns at people while shooting their pet and trashing their house. and the rabid dog part is kind of ridiculous IMO, who the hell would keep a rabid animal in their home with their family, that makes 0 sense. me and you usually think alike in most situations, but this is definitely one where we disagree. im finding it hard to believe that your even trying to justify this. that amount of force was in no way needed AT ALL. you dont need assault rifles to ***** at someone over not having their gas turned on, thats just ridiculous. they could have easily send ONE cop there, had him knock on the door and ask the lady to come outside, or ask if he can come in and give her time to put the dog away. this situation could have EASILY been prevented. |
" Unable to Pay Utility Bill " Lead
Around here, if a customer gets too far in arrears on an electric bill, the power company simply removed the power meter. This opens the circuit, cutting off electric service. "they are unable to pay their natural gas bill."
For natural gas customers, I thought gas meters had main valves with integrated hasp, so the service can be shut off, and locked. "this happens all the time, even to peaceful pets who pose no threat."
This is an amazingly silly comment. a) Most dogs are keen to identify the "Alpha". Most dogs already know the alpha in their own "pack" (known to humans as "family"). A dog that may generally have a docile disposition, can become aggressive if it perceives it's own pack's alpha is threatened. Dogs recognize the threat. Very real. BUT !! They're just not sophisticated enough to understand it's not like the COP is going to sniff the husband's butt, and then bite his leg. Dogs don't understand our legal system. b) It is very sad that pet custodians (aka "owners") are so commonly irresponsible. When the COPs arrive, the dog should be chained out of reach. It's shocking how frequently this spectacularly sensible protocol is ignored; to the detriment of all involved! Simply failing to chain the dog out of reach proved fatal in this case, and according to t8, in many other cases. c) I put 60 miles a week on my Schwinn. It's an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise, but there are risks: - road hazards: I've gotten flat tires more than once - mechanical failure: cable snap, chain break, etc. - being caught out in bad weather, including downpour & lightning - wild deer bolting, most dangerous at dawn and dusk - wild turkey could easily knock a rider off his ride - wild bear, less common than deer, but more threatening - drunken rednecks in rusty pickup trucks - * being chased down by automobiles and accosted - By far the most severe danger is ostensibly domesticated canids. We have both fox & coyote here. I've never had a problem with them. The nearest problem I've ever had was a coyote trotting toward me (perhaps it neither saw nor smelled me). It got within about 20', and then turned 90 degrees and disappeared in the vegetation. It is the ostensibly domesticated dog that is so dangerous. Don't take my word for it. Ask any postman you know. And in fact, dogs are so dangerous, they're more dangerous than all these other bicycling risks combined. And if you put 1,500 miles a year on a bicycle, you'll soon discover that. The police don't shoot dogs for sport. Most COPs I know are professionals. And if it's as common as t8 says, there's likely to be a reason for it. * In every case, in conjunction with my defending myself against a dog attack. In all cases the angry owner, the criminal sociopath has been perfectly content to break the leash law, and allow their cute little fluffy to threaten human life. They don't have a problem with their dog attacking me. They're angry with me for defending myself. And the saddest thing of all is; it's the irresponsible pet custodians that deserve the penalty; but it's the dog that loses. How terribly, and entirely NEEDLESSLY sad! her gas was shut off which is against city ordinance, so a swat team raided her house with assault rifles. and it was a no knock raid so the "responsible" pet owners had no time to restrain their dog. a no knock raid with a swat team is beyond insanity for a violation of city ordinance. they act like this lady was on the FBI top 10 most wanted list. SHE VIOLATED A CITY ORDINANCE FOR NOT HAVING GAS IN HER HOUSE. that in no way justifies having a phuking swat team kicking the door in, that is just absurd. there has been cases where they have shot chihuahuas. any cop who is that afraid of a chihuahua should not be a cop. if your that deathly afraid of a dog the size of a football you have some serious issues and should not be a cop. a cop has NEVER been killed by a dog in the line of duty, but yet kill thousands of dogs every year because they fear that much for their "safety" bull$h1t. and sometimes they arent even at the right house, and they kill the persons pet. or they go onto property that is marked as private and shoot a dog that approaches them, when they shouldnt even be on the property in the first place. like i said i watched a video of a cop who had a dog restrained in one of those catchpole things, the dog schitzed out at first, but eventually calms down. after the dog calms down and is no threat, the cop pulls his weapon and shoots it in the head from 3 feet away. thats f'ing bull$h1t. some people got some serious issues. |
its just funny to me how conrad always try to trash other peoples news sources as if theyre un trustworthy. but then he posts stuff from other news sites that i never heard of, but somehow his are always more reliable than anyone elses. like if i post something from reuters, he will post
Conrad_73: reuters ![]() ![]() ![]() than an hour later he will post something from a site nobody has ever heard of and pass it off as 100% fact. and he tries to say conspiracy theories arent true, so i show him 10 examples of conspiracy theories that ARE true. and what he does answer with? rofl rofl rofl
Pine-Apples ain't Apples,you know!laughing as if somehow that proves his point and somehow discredits me. i just find that funny. i guess conrad just has some sort of superior knowledge the rest of us dont have. because he only knows the good news sources and says that things that are facts arent facts and believes himself. |
funny conrad, you claim conspiracy theories are just theories. yet i just showed you 10 "conspiracy theories" that were actually true. and what do you do? same exact BS you always do
![]() ![]() ![]() post a couple laughing smileys and act like that somehow proves your point? |
Is the coast clear?
January, 2017, can't get here soon enough. gnome, you implying that something will change when that date comes? The presidential election, November, 2016... The inauguration of the next potus will be in January, 2017. I openly mocked the chicken littles of the world, who panicked "the sky is falling", Y2K. I cruelly mocked the believers in the Mayan calender... "the world is gonna end, and oh em gee, we're all gonna die." We're all still here. ![]() When martial law is declared, and obonzo slithers into his ninth year as potus... feel free to mock me. haha no mocking, just saying. no matter who gets voted in nothing ever changes. the same BS we see today will still continue after oboma is gone. i dissagree , a lot has been changing sadly its all been changing for the worse <face palm> thats the thing, yea $h1t changes, but it always changes for the worse, never the better. thats what i meant when i said nothing will change, we're going to keep going down. |
this is ridiculous though, all because her gas was turned off, that justifies a swat team raiding your house? and cops wonder why people hate them?
Edited by
Sun 06/07/15 02:42 AM
![]() ![]() 1 The Gulf of Tonkin Incident, escalator of the Vietnam War, never happened Conspiracy theory: The Gulf of Tonkin incident, a major escalator of US involvement in the Vietnam War, never actually occurred. It's true. The original incident – also sometimes referred to as the USS Maddox Incident(s) –involved the destroyer USS Maddox supposedly engaging three North Vietnamese Navy torpedo boats as part of an intelligence patrol. The Maddox fired almost 300 shells. President Lyndon B. Johnson promptly drafted the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which became his administration's legal justification for military involvement in Vietnam. Problem is, the event never happened. In 2005, a declassified internal National Security Agency study revealed that there were NO North Vietnamese naval vessels present during the incident. So, what was the Maddox firing at? In 1965, President Johnson commented: “For all I know, our Navy was shooting at whales out there.” Worth pointing out: The NSA's own historian, Robert J. Hanyok, wrote a report stating that the agency had deliberately distorted intelligence reports in 1964. He concluded: “The parallels between the faulty intelligence on Tonkin Gulf and the manipulated intelligence used to justify the Iraq War make it all the more worthwhile to re-examine the events of August 1964." (Source 1 | Source 2) 2 Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment: Deliberate Non-treatment of Syphilis-Infected Patients Conspiracy theory: Between 1932 and 1972, the US Public Health Service conducted a clinical study on rural African American men who had contracted syphilis. The Public Health Service never informed these men they had a sexually transmitted disease, nor did they offer treatment, even after penicillin became available as a cure in the 1940s. Sadly, it's true. Rather than receiving treatment, the subjects of these studies were told they had “bad blood." When World War II began, 250 of the men registered for the draft and were only then, for the first time, informed they had syphilis. Even then, the PHS denied them treatment. By the early 1970s, 128 of the original 399 men had died of syphilis and syphilis-related complications, 40 of their wives had the disease and 19 of their children were born with congenital syphilis. Worth pointing out: A similar experiment conducted on prisoners, soldiers, and patients of a mental hospital in Guatemala actually involved the PHS deliberately infecting the patients and then treating them with antibiotics. (Source 1 | Source 2) 3 Project MKUltra: CIA Mind Control Program Conspiracy theory: the CIA ran secret mind control experiments on US citizens from the 1950s until 1973. It's so true that in 1995 President Clinton actually issued a formal apology on behalf of the US government. Essentially, the CIA used drugs, electronics, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, verbal and sexual abuse, and torture to conduct experimental behavioral engineering experiments on subjects. The program subcontracted hundreds of these projects to over 80 different institutions, including universities, hospitals, prisons, and pharmaceutical companies. Most of this was uncovered in 1977, when a Freedom of Information Act exposed 20,000 previously classified documents and triggered a series of Senate hearings. Because CIA Director Richard Helms had most of the more damning MKUltra files destroyed in 1973, much of what actually occurred during these experiments is still unknown and, of course, not a single person was brought to justice. Worth pointing out: There is growing evidence that Theodore Kaczynski, otherwise known as the Unabomber, was a subject of the Project MK Ultra while he was at Harvard in the late 1950s. (Source 1 | Source 2 | Photo) 4 Operation Northwoods: US military had plans for ‘false flag' Cuban provocation Conspiracy theory: The Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US military drew up and approved plans to create acts of terrorism on US soil in order to sway the American public into supporting a war against Cuba. It's true and the documents are out there. Fortunately, President Kennedy rejected the plan, which included: innocent Americans being shot dead on the streets; boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere; people being framed for bombings they did not commit; and planes being hijacked. Additionally, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, led by Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer, planned to fabricate evidence that would implicate Fidel Castro and Cuban refugees as being behind the attacks. Perhaps most horrifyingly, Lemnitzer planned for an elaborately staged incident whereby a Cuban aircraft would attack and shoot down a plane full of college students. (Source 1 | Source 2) 5 CIA drug trafficking in Los Angeles Conspiracy theory: During the 1980s, the CIA facilitated the sale of cocaine to the Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in drug profits to a Latin American guerrilla army. It's convoluted and complex, but it's true. Gary Webb's book Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion outlines how CIA-backed Contras smuggled cocaine into the U.S. and then distributed crack to Los Angeles gangs, pocketing the profits. The CIA directly aided the drug dealers to raise money for the Contras. “This drug network,” Webb wrote in a 1996 San Jose Mercury News article, “opened the first pipeline between Colombia's cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles, a city now known as the 'crack' capital of the world. The cocaine that flooded in helped spark a crack explosion in urban America . . . and provided the cash and connections needed for L.A.'s gangs to buy automatic weapons.” Worth pointing out: On December 10, 2004, Webb committed suicide under suspicious circumstances, namely the fact that he used two bullets to shoot himself in the head. (Source | Photo) 6 Operation Mockingbird: Early incarnation of media contro In the late 1940s, as the Cold War was just getting underway, the CIA launched a top secret project called Operation Mockingbird. Their goal was to buy influence and control among the major media outlets. They also planned to put journalists and reporters directly on the CIA payroll, which some claim is ongoing to this day. The architects of this plan were Frank Wisner, Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, and Philip Graham (publisher of The Washington Post), who planned to enlist American news organizations and journalists to basically become spies and propagandists. Their list of entrenched agents eventually included journalists from ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, Associated Press, United Press International (UPI), Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Copley News Service, etc. By the 1950s, the CIA had infiltrated the nation's businesses, media, and universities with tens of thousands of on-call operatives. Fortunately, our media is no longer lured in by corporations and governments to disseminate propaganda and disinformation! (Source 1 | Source 2 | Photo) 7 COINTELPRO: 1960s Counter Intelligence Programs Against Activists COINTELPRO was a series of clandestine, illegal FBI projects that infiltrated domestic political organizations to discredit and smear them. This included critics of the Vietnam War, civil rights leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King and wide variety of activists and journalists. The acts committed against them included psychological warfare, slander using forged documents and false reports in the media, harassment, wrongful imprisonment and, according to some, intimidation and possibly violence and assassination. Similar and possibly more sophisticated tactics are still used today, including NSA monitoring (see #10) (Source 1 | Source 2 | Photo) 8 Operation Snow White: The Church of Scientology infiltrated the government and stole information Operation Snow White is the name given to an unprecedented infiltration of the US government by the Church of Scientology during the 1970s. They stole classified government files regarding Scientology from dozens of government agencies. In 1977, the FBI finally cracked Snow White open, which led to the arrest and imprisonment of a senior Church official. The core mission of the program was to expose and legally expunge "all false and secret files of the nations of operating areas" and to enable Church seniors and L. Ron Hubbard himself to "frequent all Western nations without threat." By the end, of course, there was nothing legal about their endeavors. (Source 1 | Source 2 | Photo) 9 National governments/corporations determine global economic policy in secret (TPP, TISA, etc.) For years, activists who feared a sinister globalist corporatocracy were told they were being paranoid. Maybe they were, and whether you want to call it the New World Order or not: they were right. On November 13, WikiLeaks released the secret negotiated draft text for the entire TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) Intellectual Property Rights Chapter. It revealed a closed-door regional free trade agreement being negotiated by countries in the Asia-Pacific region, including Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States, and Vietnam. The Electronic Frontier Foundation says TPP has "extensive negative ramifications for users' freedom of speech, right to privacy and due process, and [will] hinder peoples' abilities to innovate.” Worth pointing out: In Jun 2014, WikiLeaks revealed the even more far-reaching Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), a 50-country agreement that will promote unprecedented levels of privatization across the world. The agreement will essentially prevent governments from returning public services into public hands. This could dramatically affect our ability to enact environmental regulations and keep workers safe. (Source 1 | Source 2) 10 The US Government Illegally Spies On Its Own Citizens The US Government Illegally Spies On Its Own Citizens This used to be laughed at as a dystopian fantasy derived from overactive imagination, Orwell's 1984, and a juvenile distrust of the government. When you claimed ‘they' were spying on you, people labeled you a paranoid conspiracy theorist, a tinfoil hat-wearing loon. Even after it was revealed that the NSA has been illegally eavesdropping on us and collecting our cellphone metadata for over a decade, people hedged on the meaning of it. Yes, they are analyzing our transmissions, but it's under the auspices of national security. ‘In a post 9/11 world,' certain liberties must be sacrificed for the sake of security, right? It turns out that is patently untrue. Not only is there no evidence that the NSA has protected us from terrorism, there is growing evidence that it makes us more vulnerable. Thanks to revelations about the NSA and their Prism project, we know that the scope of the NSA's eavesdropping is even beyond what many conspiracy theorists originally believed. In early June of 2014, the Washington Post reported that almost 90% of the data being collected by NSA surveillance programs is from Internet users with NO connection to terrorist activities. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, this is in clear violation of the constitution. The ACLU is pursuing a lawsuit against the NSA, claiming that the dragnet-style mass collection of data violates the Fourth Amendment right of privacy as well as the First Amendment rights of free speech and association. (Source | Photo) so there ya go spielburg, 10 "conspiracy theories" that were actually true. |
just when you thought we where at the top of the craziness , it keeps getting crazier just waiting for someone (pet owner) to trip out i wouldn't blame them at all if a cop ever shot my dog, they would probably end up shooting me as well because i don think i would be able to hold back from trying to kill them. like i said though i watched a video on youtube and these cops had a dog in one of those "catchpole" things and AFTER the dog calms down, the cops shoots it in the head for no apparent reason. like WTF is wrong with these people? any cop that shoots an innocent animal is a grade a scumbag in my book and IMO i would say i hope they go to hell, but i think hell would be too nice for them. and its a fact that over 10,000 dogs per year get killed by police and its also a fact that a cop has NEVER been killed in the line of duty from being attacked by a dog. phucking sickens me to no end. and another funny thing i learned recently, did you know that certain police departments have actually banned cops from having a high IQ rating? its like they want dumb retards patrolling the streets. |
Family Raided by SWAT and their Dog Shot for Being Unable to Pay Utility Bill
“This is an example of police overreaching and using excessive force to get a family out of their house" by Matt Agorist | Free Thought Project | June 6, 2015 Share on Facebook238Tweet about this on Twitter65Share on Google+0Email this to someonePrint this page Nothing says Police State USA quite like a SWAT team raiding a family home and killing their dog because they are unable to pay their natural gas bill. The woman whose dog was killed and home destroyed by SWAT officers is Angela Zorich, and her story about her police state experience will shock the conscious. According to a federal lawsuit filed this month, Zorich was the victim of a massive military-style raid and subsequent puppycide. The raid was carried out because police said they needed “to check if her home had electricity and natural gas service.” “This is an example of police overreaching and using excessive force to get a family out of their house,” said Kenneth Chackes to the Riverfront Times, the attorney who represents Zorich. According to the lawsuit, on April 25, 2014, St. Louis County Police officers came to her house. Her son cussed at them. They inspected the home’s exterior and placed a “Problem Properties” sticker on the front window. Days after being publicly shamed and labeled by the St. Louis Police Department as a “Problem,” on April 28, Zorich called them to follow up. She was told by police that she was being investigated for failing to have natural gas or electric service; two violations against city code. Zorich admitted to the police that she did not have gas, but said that she did have electricity. Zorich asked for another inspection to prove that she had the utilities. The officer told her that was fine, but that the investigation would continue. The next day, on April 29, 2014, the home of Angela Zorich was raided by multiple officers from the St. Louis County Police Tactical Response Unit. The Riverfront Times outlines the details of the lawsuit: Zorich was at home with several family members and her pit bull, Kiya, when a St. Louis County Police Tactical Response Unit burst through the door without knocking, according to her suit. The unit had at least five officers with M-4 rifles, supported by at least eight uniformed officers. The officers entered so quickly, Zorich’s suit alleges, that Kiya didn’t even have time to bark. A tactical officer fired three shots into the dog, and the dog’s “bladder and bowels released and she fell to the floor.” The dog “was laying on the floor in her own waste and blood struggling to breathe. She had a gaping hole in her chest.” Zorich claims the officers kept trying to talk to her about the natural gas, but she was focused on her dog, whom she’d raised as a puppy and who (she says) had “never shown agression to any person.” At one point in the raid, Zorich alleges, an officer pointed his firearm at her son’s head and said “One word, motherfucker, and I’ll put three in you.” Zorich was subsequently taken into custody at the police station. When she was finally let go and allowed to return to her home, she found to be completely trashed. Beds had been overturned, and items that were once on shelves had been thrown to the floor. The citations issued to Zorich, which had allegedly justified the heavily militarized raid on her home, were for substandard siding, guard rail, screens, window glass and deck. A dozen armed men dressed for war, were dispatched to a woman’s home, killed her dog, and kidnapped her because of some moldy wood and her inability to pay her gas bill. In what world is this considered “justice”? The apologists will say that Angela Zorich provoked police into this action against her. If she didn’t want to be raided, they will say, she should have just paid her gas bill. The thought of the raid being retaliatory in nature won’t enter their minds. Named in the lawsuit is the county of St. Louis and two officers, Corey Zavorka and Robert M. Rinck. Her allegations include unlawful seizure and unlawful infliction of emotional distress (for the killing of the dog) and unlawful retaliation. Hopefully, with her legal team, Zorich gets the actual justice she deserves. WTF is with police and shooting peoples pets, this happens all the time, even to peaceful pets who pose no threat. i just saw a video on youtube where a cop caught a dog with one of those poles with the loop on the end (not sure what they are called) and after he already caught the dog, shot it in the head for no reason. the dog was a bit schitzed out at first but then completely calmed down, and this @$$hole pulls out his gun and shoots the poor dog right in the head for no reason. and why the phuck are these clowns in costumes military style raiding peoples houses for an unpaid gas bill? anybody who thinks we dont live in a police state, this is a prime example. the link is a video to a trailer of a movie called "Of dogs and men" based on the epidemic of police killing peoples pets, alot of time for no reason. over 10,000 dogs are killed every year by police, i wonder how many police are killed by dogs every year? NONE, not 1 law enforcement officer has ever been killed by a dog and yet they shoot peoples pets because they "fear for their life". this $h1t is sickening. maybe its just me cause im an animal lover but cops like this should be locked in a straightjacket in a room with padded walls, or die by firing squad like they do to these poor pets. |
Is the coast clear?
January, 2017, can't get here soon enough. gnome, you implying that something will change when that date comes? The presidential election, November, 2016... The inauguration of the next potus will be in January, 2017. I openly mocked the chicken littles of the world, who panicked "the sky is falling", Y2K. I cruelly mocked the believers in the Mayan calender... "the world is gonna end, and oh em gee, we're all gonna die." We're all still here. ![]() When martial law is declared, and obonzo slithers into his ninth year as potus... feel free to mock me. haha no mocking, just saying. no matter who gets voted in nothing ever changes. the same BS we see today will still continue after oboma is gone. |
hahahahhahaa |
Is the coast clear?
There's no way to go but up! ![]() i hope thats true. |
do you believe there is such things as "Illuminate and NWO"? what do you know? I know they're out to get you. Specifically, you. You'll need to thoroughly wrap your head in saran wrap, to keep them from stealing your thoughts. Do it, before it's too late. I think you know more than you are telling us. ![]() i think gnome gets his orders straight from the top, if we wish to combat the NWO he must first take out the leader.. |
why is it so hard to believe, that there is people beyond government who really pull the strings. albeit some of the theories on this get pretty out there, but i personally believe theres a group of super wealthy people who have too much influence over government. who do you think JFK was talking about when he was saying about "secret societies". im not saying they are shapeshifting reptilian aliens, im saying theyre people who have too much money and are sociopaths. "The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know." Back in the 70's, when I first became interested in sociology. WE just referred to THEM as "ELITIST." So yes.. as far as "pulling the strings " NOW- * and anyone can check * , the latest is that " Conspiracy Theorists " have a mental disorder. ![]() ![]() I think NOT. I think their is a very wealthy %10 with major control issues. ![]() i agree, alot of theories on this issue are pretty out there, but i do there think there is some people who have way too much money and control issues. |
Is the coast clear?
January, 2017, can't get here soon enough. gnome, you implying that something will change when that date comes? |