maybe he saw bill getin freaky in the kitchen one night
Walter Scheib, the former White House executive chef who had been missing for over a week, was found dead Sunday in New Mexico. He was 61. The Taos News reported that Scheib's body was found in a river approximately 20 to 30 feet off a hiking trail in the mountains above the Taos Ski Valley. The New Mexico State Police said the spot where the body was found was approximately 1.7 miles from the Yerba Canyon trail head where Scheib's car was located. Authorities said that they did not believe Scheib had not informed anyone of his hiking plans and was not believed to have been prepared for more than a day outdoors. Scheib had recently moved from Florida to New Mexico, and reportedly went for a hike June 13. His girlfriend reported him missing the next day. The 4-mile Yerba Canyon trail follows a canyon bottom before climbing to 3,700 feet in elevation, according to the U.S. Forest Service website. Search coordinators said cell phone data showed that Scheib was last connected to a cellular signal at around 3 p.m. local time near a peak. They said that suggests that Scheib either reached the summit of the trail or came close to it before encountering trouble on his descent. The National Weather Service reported that storms had pounded the area around the time Scheib's cellular signal was lost. Scheib, who graduated from New York's Culinary Institute of America in 1979 and later worked at grand hotels in Florida and West Virginia, became White House executive chef in April 1994 when then-First Lady Hillary Clinton hired him. He was in charge of a full-time staff of five and oversaw a part-time staff of 20. Scheib was known for refocusing the White House kitchen on distinctly American cuisine with seasonal ingredients and contemporary flavors. He was responsible for preparing everything from First Family meals to formal State Dinners. Last month, Scheib cooked dinner for a cancer charity's fundraiser at a hotel in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He told the Times Leader newspaper that preparing meals at the White House had required him to have a different outlook on food and cooking. "When you're working at the White House, it's not a hotel or a restaurant, or a private club. It's a personal home," Scheib said. "Our goal wasn't just to cook food at the White House, it was to give the First Family an island of normal in a very, very crazy world." His creations were served to many world leaders including Tony Blair, Jacques Chirac, Vicente Fox, Nelson Mandela and Boris Yeltsin. Add this to the Clinton Body Count! These two will do anything for money and power! so the clintons had their former chef murdered? and what purpose would that serve? i do believe the clintons have had people murdered before, but i dont see why they would have a chef killed. |
Exactly.laugh "We hold some truths to be self evident!" --metalwing
Again, if you want to debate about what the Constitution does or doesn't say, then quote the Constitution. Not the Declaration of Independence, which NO party has ever been willing to vote into having any legal standing in the U.S. what do you think the Bill of Rights is for?laugh--conrad_73
This is a non-answer response. A rhetorical question with no answer included. The point I am trying to make, since this subject IS important to us all, is that too many people are neither reading or thinking through what they read, before leaping to declare that something in the Constitution says something they want to believe it says. I am not saying that I support any and all, or even any specific regulations being proposed. I'm trying to get more people to argue more accurately, and stop playing the same repetitive and false rationalizations, which are standing in the way of doing anything at all, to respond to real challenges facing Americans. As for the above idea that mass killings are a small proportion of deaths, and should therefore be entirely accepted and ignored as acceptable, I call nonsense on that altogether. noone said mass shooting are accepted or ignored, i sure didnt. i was saying for the government to try to take a constitutionally protected right, because of something that causes that small amount of annual deaths, is ridiculous. gun control is not about guns, its about control. |
so,he thinks the 2nd is about Hunting and Sportmanship? Interesting,for a Guy who is supposed to be a Constitutional Expert of sorts! did he ever specify what constitution he was an expert of? cause i dont think its ours. |
Private prisons
this is just sick tho, profiting off people suffering is just sick. granted there are some people that do belong in prison, but this is just ridiculous. people arrested for drug offenses should not be sittin in prison. unless you committed some kind of heinous crime while on the drug. way i feel its your body, you should be able to decide that you ingest. the fact that like 70% of people in prison are there for drug offenses is sickening. Not as sickening as the systematic release of rapists and child abusers to make room for the drug offending middlemen. There are points of origin for cocaine and heroin that aren't in the US which means every bit of it in the US was grown processed packaged and imported from abroad by a cartel in another country. The people incarcerated here are for the most part the people who make small sales to users. None of them control the source, no matter how much they trafficked or profited. yea statistically, most drug offenders in jail, are users, not even dealers. |
Private prisons
this is just sick tho, profiting off people suffering is just sick. granted there are some people that do belong in prison, but this is just ridiculous. people arrested for drug offenses should not be sittin in prison. unless you committed some kind of heinous crime while on the drug. way i feel its your body, you should be able to decide that you ingest. the fact that like 70% of people in prison are there for drug offenses is sickening. Mj, I agree. Actual narcotics, no. Heroin cocaine, crack, meth, they deserve to rot or fry. Anyway the war on drugs is the most expensive extensive longest and most deadly war the US ever lost and it's not even over yet. see my whole thing is, i could care less if someone sits in there house and smoke crack or shoots heroin, its when they go out and rob people to support their habit that gets me. but if it were legal, i dont think there would be as much crime associated with it. look at portugal, they decriminalized all drugs, and there drug problem is lower than its been for a long time. i believe in peoples freedom of choice. if crack was legal, would i go smoke it tomorrow? hell no of course not, but i dont feel like i should be able to tell someone else they cant. as long as theyre not causing me any harm, have fun go at it hit the pipe all ya want. i smoke mj, and i love it. some people like crack, so phuck it lettem smoke it, as long as theyre not bothering me i could care less. if it was all legal an easier to get, price would go down, more people would have it. instead of crackheads going out and robbing people to get a rock, since if legal it would be cheaper and more available, they can just ask one of their crackhead buddies for a little bit. |
Private prisons
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Mon 06/22/15 01:08 AM
Black, white, red... It shouldn't matter, they're still convicts and the Prison system's gonna make its bucks on them regardless of gender or color. Yes but at least when the States were operating them that money was going back into the state's budgets. We pretty much all know that the money wasn't going back into the corrections facilities but infrastructure or schools is better than lining some already rich bastards pockets while the state's doing all the costly work of investigation arresting and trials and appeals. That would be like writing your boss a check for the hours you work for him then he sues you for it not being big enough. That's what's going on here. Some of them are hardened career criminals, some got unfairly sentenced or denied parole to fill a quota. What would happen if a company (ex. car dealership) stopped sending in money? The cars can't pay for themselves but the factories can't sell them without dealers. The company would go belly up like many have in recent years. Our (in)justice system isn't something we need going belly up corrupt or not this is just sick tho, profiting off people suffering is just sick. granted there are some people that do belong in prison, but this is just ridiculous. people arrested for drug offenses should not be sittin in prison. unless you committed some kind of heinous crime while on the drug. way i feel its your body, you should be able to decide that you ingest. the fact that like 70% of people in prison are there for drug offenses is sickening. |
Private prisons
How corporate interests have revived slavery in America
private prison industryThe absolutely dismal state of our prison system is a significant cause for alarm. The number of prisoners grows every year, seemingly out of proportion to the overall increase in population. As corporate activity within the private prison industry has infected the process of incarceration it is clear that the market dictates that the supply of prisoners be constant and ever-increasing. The ever-prevalent corporatism of the private prison industry serves to disgust any truly progressive individual. The question that arises is: Why aren’t more people up in arms about this bastardization of the criminal justice system? The answer should be obvious. Money talks. The private prison industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the American economy. The modern private prison system began in the mid-1980s when the CCA (Corrections Corporation of America) assumed the first contract ever awarded to a private corporation in the United States. Other companies which propagate the awful practice are the GEO Group and Community Education Centers of America. These corporations more often than not send their prisoners to work for near-slave wages. They make everything from paintbrushes to helmets for the US military, all for cents per hour. If this doesn’t scream “Military Industrial Complex” I don’t know what does. The very existence of private prisons is an insult to the guiding principles of progressive society. Allowing the corporate sector to stick its filthy hands into any part of the government, let alone the criminal justice and penal systems should be the cause of mass outrage. The only problem is that regular people have absolutely no say in the process. Sure we’re told that our votes count but let’s get real, the corporations are the ones with the wallets. They have armies of lobbyists, lawyers, and PR agents to spin public perception. This is power that exists on a level far beyond that of the average American citizen, even any significant group of citizens. This is a systemic problem that must be solved through systemic means. The corporate masters of the United States have their wretched tentacles in every single part of Americans’ lives, from the moment they’re born to the moment they die. Americans live in an artificial, plastic world of labels, advertisements, and mass-marketing; is it unfitting that their penal experience should come with a corporate stamp as well? It is evident that this trend will only persist owing to the unending profit-motive of any corporate entity. The market dictates that where there is profit to be made, the demand for that profit will spring up. The financial sector has already gotten in the door and invested millions. Even companies like General Electric are intertwined with this perverted system. The ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) represents the (metaphorical) fattened, golden, screaming piglet of the right wing establishment. The group consists of Republican lawmakers as well as “representatives” of the corporate sector. They work together in order to “advance” the interests of free market capitalism as well as to promote Federal idealism on the state level. In other words, they figure out how much it will cost to buy votes and pick which bills pass. The ALEC assured that private prison legislation entered the common law. It has also consistently worked against the interests of the American worker by trying to replace many unionized positions with the slave labor of prisoners. In the past the ALEC has also supported the implementation of minimum mandatory sentencing. The War on Drugs has vastly increased the reach of the prison system. It is obvious that the for-profit sector of this industry benefits itself whenever possible. This is why many state governments as well as the federal government have an incentive to keep drugs illegal. The ridiculous drug laws in this country, while they are improving at a painfully slow rate, necessarily draw an ever-widening stream of prisoners (mostly African American and Hispanic) into their jaws. private prison industry, african americansThese types of laws have served to destroy the stability of many African American and Hispanic communities in the United States. This has only acted to drive them further away from the law and towards occupations which tend to land them in prison. It truly is a brilliant piece of business ingenuity. Prison guard unions try to insure that those who are District Attorneys are disproportionately appointed as judges. These judges can then further the cause of the drug war. The system that has been created is self-perpetuating in the sense that it is able to lobby to change the laws that have an effect on its bottom line (The ALEC is proof enough of this). The rise of private prisons in connection to this has certainly done no favors to efforts at reform. As of 2013, the prison system contains some 2.3 million individuals. This process costs the US Federal government $55 Billion per year. 10% of these prisons are controlled fully by corporate entities. Between 1990 and 2010 the number of privately operated prisons in the U.S. increased 1600%. Private prisons have increased both in numbers and individuals incarcerated within them. The massive behemoth that is the American prison system must be dismantled. By this I mean that the arbitrarily-enforced and for-corporate-and-government-benefit monster must be deprived of its life-blood: prisoners. The drug war must end and those currently in prison serving for non-violent drug offenses must be released nation-wide. The current state of our penal system is no less than embarrassing. Its very structure has lent itself to the destruction of the lives of innocent individuals who did no more than possess a substance that has been (for obvious reasons) banned by the establishment. Of course it is important to note that these laws extend far beyond just the Drug War. The system is inherently interested in self propagation and, by extension, gluttonous abuse of American citizens. It is a “survival of the fittest” supply and demand situation where incentive dictates that revenue be generated through the unwarranted application of the law. |
Private prisons
Not at all. I said it doesn't matter who the stockholders are. You mean that black men, statistically, are incarcerated at a higher rate than white men. That doesn't mean that they are guilty 100% of the time. Nor is that true for Hispanics Asians or Caucasian inmates. The point is regardless of color they are ALL slaves. I don't watch msnbc, and I'm not liberal. I'm for death penalty when it fits and there is conclusive videos photographic and or DNA evidence and the crime fits the punishment. You're reading what you think is there not what I said. Prisons are college for criminals, in many cases career criminals. What we were talking about is that instead of an institution which had many issues before its now an industry. An industrial criminal complex (or organization) that's has 48 states by the balls. An industry where the lives of millions of human souls are bought and sold on wall street, and they're robbing our state's respective governments blind. again i agree, this is terrible. apparently private prisons is one of the fastest growing industries in america, which means its growing, which means its goin to get even worse. SMH |
Private prisons
I've always said, that allowing privately owned and operated prisons is a mistake, that never should have been made. agreed, nice phucking mullet brah! hahaahah |
o crap, we better get the guns ASAP! I see a pattern there. god damn all these 0.6% murders and 0.2% mass shootings, please obomba save us, take all of our firearms. |
Private prisons
To much corruption in Prison Corps. i'd say. thats insane that they can sue the city for not keeping the prisons filled, just insane. so if theres no bad guys, the police will be pushed into making arrests for anything they can just to get people in prison. and if they dont, the taxpayers have to pay the bill for unused facilities, or the state gets sued for millions more. just crazy |
Private prisons
Political scandals
What?!? Private prisons suing states for millions if they don’t stay full Sep 26, 2013 8:44 AM by Terry Shropshire Low crime rates bad for business for white-owned private prisons; they demand states keep them full The prison-industrial complex is so out of control that private prisons have the sheer audacity to order states to keep beds full or face their wrath with stiff financial penalties, according to reports. Private prisons in some states have language in their contracts that state if they fall below a certain percentage of capacity that the states must pay the private prisons millions of dollars, lest they face a lawsuit for millions more. And guess what? The private prisons, which are holding cash-starved states hostage, are getting away with it, says advocacy group, In the Public Interest. In the Public Interest has reviewed more than 60 contracts between private prison companies and state and local governments across the country, and found language mentioning “quotas” for prisoners in nearly two-thirds of those contracts reviewed. Those quotas can range from a mandatory occupancy of, for example, 70 percent occupancy in California to up to 100 percent in some prisons in Arizona. It is very interesting and telling that so few major national news organization are willing to report on the monstrous, ravenous and criminal system that is devouring hundreds of thousands of black and brown boys. Even those who do not subscribe to conspiracy theories have looked askance at this shocking report. Welcome to the greatest manifestation of modern-day slavery, ladies and gentlemen. One of those private prisons, The Corrections Corporation of America, made an offer last year to the governors of 48 states to operate their prisons on 20-year contracts, according to In the Public Interest. What makes these deals so odious and unscrupulous? Take a look: 1) The offer included a demand that those prisons remain 90 percent full for the duration of the operating agreement. You know what that means: if there are not enough prisoners then there will be an unspoken push for police to arrest more people and to have the courts send more to prison for petty, frivolous and nonviolent crimes. There will also be a “nudge” for judges to hand down longer or maximum sentences to satisfy this “quota.” 2) Private prison companies have also backed measures such as “three-strike” laws to maintain high prison occupancy. 3) When the crime rate drops so low that the occupancy requirements can’t be met, taxpayers are left footing the bill for unused facilities. The report found that 41 of 62 contracts reviewed contained occupancy requirements, with the highest occupancy rates found in Arizona, Oklahoma and Virginia. In Colorado, Democratic Gov. John Hinklooper agreed to close down five state-run prisons and instead send inmates to CCA’s three corrections facilities. That cost taxpayers at least $2 million to maintain the unused facilities. It is getting more difficult to rationalize the societal cost of keeping prisons full just to satisfy private investors who treat prisoners as commodity and cattle . no wonder why america has become a police state. |
o crap, we better get the guns ASAP! |
tomato posted >>>
of course they deny it, they probably didnt get paid till afterwards. and if they admittedly said they got paid for it, the donald prolly woulda stiffed em. Oh, they most likely got paid...but it was probably in 20 of these >>> hahah |
of course they deny it, they probably didnt get paid till afterwards. and if they admittedly said they got paid for it, the donald prolly woulda stiffed em.
Donald Trump reportedly paid actors $50 to cheer for him at his 2016 announcement
Real-estate mogul Donald Trump is being accused of hiring actors to cheer for him at his 2016 presidential-campaign announcement in New York City on Tuesday. The allegations first surfaced in a post by anti-Trump activist and liberal blogger Angelo Carusone that was published on Medium shortly after Trump's event. On Wednesday, The Hollywood Reporter said it obtained an email that came from a casting company named Extra Mile offering actors $50 to attend the announcement and pose as Trump supporters. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the email was sent Friday. "We are looking to cast people for the event to wear T-shirts and carry signs and help cheer him in support of his announcement," the email said. "We understand this is not a traditional 'background job,' but we believe acting comes in all forms and this is inclusive of that school of thought." Business Insider called Extra Mile about the accusation. The woman who answered the phone hung up after we asked our question. Subsequent calls to the company reached an answering machine. Trump and his campaign representative did not respond to requests for comment. In a statement to The Hollywood Reporter, Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski denied hiring actors and said he had never heard of Extra Mile Casting. "Mr. Trump draws record crowds at almost every venue at which he is a featured speaker," Lewandowski said. "The crowds are large, often record-setting, and enthusiastic, often with standing ovations. Mr. Trump's message is, 'Make America great again.'" Business Insider attended Trump's announcement and spoke with some of the people who were there cheering him on. They said they were not paid by the campaign. As he began his speech, Trump remarked that there were "thousands" at the event. In our estimate the crowd was much smaller. A Trump representative, however, said the audience included many people in his headquarters, Trump Tower, who may not have been visible to the press in front of the podium. "There were a lot of people probably that you couldn't see," the representative said. o yea lpdon, best candidate BY FAR! has to pay people just to show up and clap for him. |
"Conspiracy Theorists"
Edited by
Sat 06/20/15 12:26 AM
still waiting on your explanation conrad of how 2 PLANES KNOCKED DOWN 3 BUILDINGS? you cant do it can you? didnt think so. you really need to do your own Research my Man! those little Jabs are of yours show how little you actually know about Demolition and Engineering! im not throwing any jabs conrad, im simply asking you, how 2 planes knocked down 3 buildings? why dont you enlighten me as to how that would happen. im not trying to be a d1ck about it, but i dont see how 2 planes could knock down 3 buildings. and why did they collapse in on themselves, instead of tipping to the side? like i said im not trying to be a d1ck about it but i just dont understand it. if you can't understand, we can't force you to understand... some people just can't get physics or science... your mind is made up, there's no changing that, no matter how much logic anyone applies here... this is about the 1,314 9/11 post on here... your not the only one who can't get it... well then moe, help me understand it. tell me how a building, that wasn't hit by anything, simply collapsed in on itself? if you understand it so well, then explain to me how that would happen. building 7 was not hit by anything, and yet it fell it the same style as a controlled demolition. enlighten me as to how that would happen. WTC7 was hit by falling debris from WTC1. There are plenty of pictures showing damage to WTC7 before it collapsed. The idea that 'nothing' hit WTC7 is not reality. ok, so it got hit by some debris, is that enough to cause it to collapse in on itself, just as a controlled demo would? dont know about you, but that looks like a controlled demo to me. not to mention, nano thermite was found at ground zero. |
Edited by
Fri 06/19/15 11:42 PM
one of the ladies who was supposedly killed, this is an interview with her kids, neither of them seem sad at all despite losing their mother 24 hours earlier. 2 of them even smirking while they are being interviewed. now if you just lost your mom 24 hours earlier, why wouldnt you be visibly upset, and be smirking while you are being interviewed. im sure 99% of you will call me crazy, but this whole shooting just doesnt add up for some reason. do some research on "crisis actors", and you will see what i mean. also another funny thing about this roof character. notice anything funny about the jacket? here is the original photo the media posted. now, im sure you see some difference in those 2 pictures right? theres a website called, from theyre analysis of the 2 pictures, seems like the 1 with the obama logo is the real picture, and the one with the other flags has been edited and faked. maybe its just me, but something about this whole story just doesnt add up. |
i beg to differ, i'd say our government is pretty irrelevant, thats why only 30 % of the country votes. and also without government i dont see "chaos" destroying the country. most people are civilized and would be able to handle themselves perfectly fine without the retarted federal government. government is what is ruining this country...