and my other cousin (the one who died's brother) was right there telling the cop "HES NOT ARMED, HES NOT ARMED" and she tazed him some more before actually shooting him.
o well it will all come out in court, and she will be found guilty, its on video of her tazing him 4 times while hes laying on his stomach and then shooting him twice while the camera was still on. shes got a complaint list going back 10 years or more. eveyrone in this town knows her and hates her. if shes found not guilty, ill be the first one protesting outside the courthouse. and by protesting i dont mean burning CVS's down or lighting cars on fire.
It's obvious, the little b@st@rd was lying in wait. Poised to lob a loaded diaper at cowering law enforcement agents. HAHAHA ya never know, infants be crazy nowadays. thats messed up though, they coulda killed that baby. they burned the $h1t out of it. over 1 mil in hospital bills, and they settled for 964,000. half now half when boo boo turns 18. i woulda never settle, you no knock raid my house and throw a flashbang into my babies crib im suing for alot more than 1 mil. so that means theyll get 400,000+ now to pay some of the hospital bills, how the hell thye gunna pay the rest of the medical bills? |
the only bad thing about open carry is that for some reason people nowadays get so scared at the sight of a gun. an armed society is a polite society, till you get them people that freak out and start crying at the sight of a gun.
Senate approves Texas open carry bill, handing it off to House AUSTIN — An hours-long debate over gun legislation once again roiled the Senate on Friday, as Republicans moved closer to allowing Texans with the appropriate license to carry handguns openly in a shoulder or belt holster. That step on a 19-12 vote came despite some continued Democratic opposition and the drama of an extended debate about adding a divisive amendment to bar police officers from stopping someone who is openly carrying just to see if they had the proper license. The House now just needs to concur with some minor changes before the bill can be sent to Republican Gov. Greg Abbott. “This bill has been worked on and worked on,” said Sen. Craig Estes, R-Wichita Falls, who sponsored the legislation. “This is something the people of Texas can use and need.” Opponents said it could endanger police officers and effectively allow for unlicensed open carry. But supporters said it would protect basic rights and stop racial profiling. “This amendment should not be that complicated. It shouldn’t be controversial,” said Huffines, R-Dallas. “It simply clarifies what we have in the Constitution.” The biggest question heading into Friday’s open carry debate was whether Republicans would try to add a measure to allow the licensed concealed carrying of handguns in most public university buildings. Hot Dam! All we need now is alcohol, handguns and hot dog night at the Ranger games. atleast you will be safe while eating your hot dog at the rangers game. |
why? illuminati tryin to smear him |
What is the point. Many people of all colors and economic classes sue all of the time. One thing that I know living in Florida, is that the lawyer business is really huge. I don't know exactly how much damage Dominique has suffered, she may have a legitimate complaint. That is what juries are for. Even though I am for tort reform, I am not going to let my prejudices judge someone unfairly. well very PC of you. So since you won't I will She ( and anyone else who does this is a fraud). She is high lighted because supposingly she ( and her father ) stand for " the truth.. righteousness, justice and honesty". But her she is trying to extort $4.5 million from the city for a sprained ankle. But it also appears this " devastating life changing" injury has not stopped her from living a normal life. To include, work, wearing high heels while climbing a ladder, or vacationing in exotic places. What a role model to the " ace bandage " population!!... able to forge ahead under the toughest of physical and mental duress. My God!!... what a great example for her cause... makes me proud And I am sure Pops is proud too...doesn't he owe about that much in back taxes? $4.5 million for a sprained ankle... yeah.. nothing wrong with that. I never heard of her , IM not sure how many people have her in their list of 'role models',, what is she known for before this besides who her father happens to be? but she is a grown woman and not her father two separate entities Yes, I considered that- " two separate entities ", because I don't carry the sins of my relatives & my children won't carry mine. But when you ride on the coat tails of the famous or infamous everyone is a reflection or everyone else. Look at The Kennedys , The Clintons , The Hitons, The Jacksons, The Cosbeys , The Jenner- Kardasians Criminals, drunks, fornicators , rapists, child molesters , homosexuals huh? Bill clinton cheated, not hilary or chelsea The Hitons, I never heard of The jacksons, their father was a slave driver and MJ was the most sensitive sole on earth Bill Cosby stands accused but not proven of any wrongdoing and noone else in his family is even acccused Bruce Jenner hates his appearance and the kardashians are in love with theirs,, they are all different INDIVIDUALS, and not carbon copies because they share blood,,,certainly not responsible for what the others in their family do once they are in adulthood google bill cosby illuminati |
And, personal issues aside, none of that has any bearing ahead of the trial. That's why we HAVE trials. A jury of our peers, sequestration from potentially biasing information and, in the end, justice. You're fond of the Constitution; is that only when it doesn't affect you personally? no i am always fond of it, im confident justice will prevail. |
wow, some winners they are! then try to attack a cop with a skateboard. ill be waiting to see this on Fox's Worlds Dumbest Criminals Vol. 374739
As it should be. The court is where trial should be held and evidence presented. The court of public opinion is both unregulated and ignorant of all the related facts. No doubt, the vid will be a part of the official proceedings and that's the way it ought to be. To put it into the public domain ahead of the trial potentially taints the jury pool. dude was my cousin, she tazed him 4 times, then shot him twice. she claimed there was an "altercation" which there wasnt. this cop got a complaint list a mile long going back how many years for harassing people. |
I live up there 60 miles west of olympia it's true. really, so they didnt steal beer, they stole watermelons? |
"Conspiracy Theorists"
those are some frickin sweet hats! amazon? Wait a gosh darn minute! Those two look familiar.... I think my cat & I double dated them. what a lucky lady you are. |
Pennsylvania judge bars release of police shooting video before trial
Judge said making video public before trial was "highly unusual" by David Dekok | Reuters | May 20, 2015 A Pennsylvania judge on Tuesday barred the release of a video that allegedly shows a Hummelstown police officer shooting a traffic-stop suspect to death earlier this year as the man lay face down on the ground. Judge Deborah Curcillo of Dauphin County Court of Common Pleas said making the video public before trial was “highly unusual” and would jeopardize the ability of Officer Lisa Mearkle to receive a fair trial for criminal homicide. “This ruling only prevents the public from viewing the video and forming opinions about it prior to a constitutionally protected proceeding,” Curcillo wrote in her 11-page ruling. “The limitation this Court now places upon release is merely that the video shall not be released prior to trial.” RIP cousin, we will get justice for you! |
They have them on camera stealing a watermelon! HAHA are you being racially sarcastic? |
"Conspiracy Theorists"
those are some frickin sweet hats! amazon? i made them... it was a bit tricky getting the antennas just right... can i purchase a couple off ya? one for me and one for my doberman. antennas are key tho, i only went them if the antennas are legit! 49.95 each, plus shipping... of course they're legit...but they only come in sets of 5... ill take em, ill just go adopt 3 more dobys |
"Conspiracy Theorists"
I think they should open a special section for conspiracy theories.. kinda, but alot of CT's relate to politics so i guess it could go either way. we'll call it mysterious politics! |
"Conspiracy Theorists"
I think they should open a special section for conspiracy theories.. kinda, but alot of CT's relate to politics so i guess it could go either way. |
"Conspiracy Theorists"
those are some frickin sweet hats! amazon? i made them... it was a bit tricky getting the antennas just right... can i purchase a couple off ya? one for me and one for my doberman. antennas are key tho, i only went them if the antennas are legit! |
Edited by
Fri 05/22/15 08:29 PM
shoulda pulled a jackie chan, karate chopped the board in half, and then beat them with it.
"Conspiracy Theorists"
those are some frickin sweet hats! amazon? |