Community > Posts By > aussieguy288
If you have concerns he's not showing you that he's into you then he isn't. He's probably keeping you on the back burner.
So what about your photo?
I totally agree with Blondey on this one.. except for the Russian roulette. I like to see who I maybe talking with from the start.
How many women
I can cook but it's pretty basic by a woman's standards.
I've managed to stay alive after 19 years on my own so my cooking can't be too bad. I go to the pub for a meal now and then and rarely have fast food. |
All the nice things that two people in love enjoy doing.
I feel it's not going to happen for me again as I had prostate cancer in 2011. I had it removed and even thought it was successful it has also left me feeling less of a man because of the side effects. I also live in a small country town which doesn't help. |
Im desperate...for a lay
I think you get them from the Hawaiian shop..
Persuasion Dating?
In short.. Maybe..If I felt there was something about the lady that I liked, otherwise no. No.. once the lady said no that would be it. A second try is not at all intimidating or creepy. It simply tells them you are really interested and not just tossing bait around. I understand what your saying Jan, I hadn't looked at it like that. I've always felt if a lady says no she means no and I wouldn't push it any further. But you did say you might if you really liked her. So, that just shows her you do. I added this later in previous post.. I could always use the line.. I'm just a boy, standing in front of a girl, asking her to..well you know the rest. I think it could be that I don't read a woman's signals very well. I think many guys are like that and actually miss out because of it. It’s a good line, because it’s usually true. I think a lot of us are the same way. People are so different it makes trying to guess what they’re thinking so difficult. But we wouldn’t want them to all be the same either. Hi Jan. ![]() I thought that line in the movie was so convincing, but it didn't work then but it made him think and she got her man in the end.. loved that movie. |
Persuasion Dating?
I'm with you Blondey. if there is no attraction it's a no. If the lady looked like she had class I would feel intimidated. I read somewhere awhile back.. If you don't ask the answers always no. ![]() ![]() Hi Blondey.. ![]() |
Persuasion Dating?
In short.. Maybe..If I felt there was something about the lady that I liked, otherwise no. No.. once the lady said no that would be it. A second try is not at all intimidating or creepy. It simply tells them you are really interested and not just tossing bait around. I understand what your saying Jan, I hadn't looked at it like that. I've always felt if a lady says no she means no and I wouldn't push it any further. But you did say you might if you really liked her. So, that just shows her you do. I added this later in previous post.. I could always use the line.. I'm just a boy, standing in front of a girl, asking her to..well you know the rest. I think it could be that I don't read a woman's signals very well. I think many guys are like that and actually miss out because of it. |
Persuasion Dating?
Edited by
Tue 03/13/18 02:11 PM
In short.. Maybe..If I felt there was something about the lady that I liked, otherwise no. No.. once the lady said no that would be it. A second try is not at all intimidating or creepy. It simply tells them you are really interested and not just tossing bait around. I understand what your saying Jan, I hadn't looked at it like that. I've always felt if a lady says no she means no and I wouldn't push it any further. I could always use the line.. I'm just a boy, standing in front of a girl, asking her to..well you know the rest. |
Persuasion Dating?
I'm with you Blondey. if there is no attraction it's a no.
If the lady looked like she had class I would feel intimidated. I read somewhere awhile back.. If you don't ask the answers always no. |
Persuasion Dating?
Edited by
Tue 03/13/18 01:57 PM
In short..
Maybe..If I felt there was something about the lady that I liked, otherwise no. No.. once the lady said no that would be it. |
I Wish I Had Said
I did most of the talking in an effort to safe our marriage but you didn't say much at all. I know I was critical at times in thinking it was mostly your fault that we were on the slide. Maybe it was mostly me.. I'm sorry. I feel I have learnt from the past which is all anyone can do.. or should do.
You won the lottery!
I buy lottery tickets and if I won big the first thing I would do is not tell anyone. I'd quietly tell my close family and share it with them first Then with people who had treated me well. Then I would move to where no one knew me. Good Plan! ![]() I’m with you Aussieguy! No, seriously...take me with you! ![]() You seem pretty genuine Jan so keep your fingers crossed.. I've been on my lonesome for 19 years and you never know your luck.. well I guess I've got to get lucky first. |
The virtual kiss 😘
Edited by
Sat 03/10/18 02:00 AM
Not sure what you mean by you are in a very long queue, I take that as a line of people.
Well I've read and responded to a few of your posts and you speak a lot of sense. I think a few compliments now and then is good for everyone, that someone is thinking of us in a nice way. Most times the recipient is surprised to receive them which puts a smile on their face. It's what it's all about..making someones day. Please call me Laurie.. sir makes me feel like a school teacher. |
The virtual kiss 😘
Edited by
Sat 03/10/18 01:26 AM
The only one I've heard of and used on the odd occasion is mmmwah..
ssm.. I think most of us are bored now and then.. you'll snap out of it soon enough. House all clean, ironing all done, everything ship shape. yep.. your bored alright. The best thing though is that your not boring. |
You won the lottery!
I buy lottery tickets and if I won big the first thing I would do is not tell anyone. I'd quietly tell my close family and share it with them first Then with people who had treated me well. Then I would move to where no one knew me.
Through my experience , my ex husband did not give me a hint of his passion waning. This is the reason why I did not find out about his cheating sooner ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I think being in a relationship whether married or not I feel each has to do things together most of the time without the thought of a reward. I feel doing the little things for each other goes a long way in keeping the passion alive. I think once you stop doing those little things your passion has start to wane. I also think just sitting back and waiting for things to be done for you is selfish and will eventually cause resentment from the doer. It's about the give and take. Soulmate.. maybe your ex thought you weren't doing things for him that he liked so started to look elsewhere. I think we get complacent and just accept things will slow down so to speak between couples. Both have to be mindful to keep doing the little things for each other.. it builds love and trust. Hello sir. A failed marriage I admit does not only involve one but two. Each has a contribution why it didn’t work out. I have my flaws as he does too but I feel the love was never enough even when the passion was there, if he felt that I was not satisfying him then he should’ve loved me enough to have told me made me understand but obviously he didn’t. He cheated on me not only once and I am a forgiving person but not a saint ![]() You are absolutely right soulmate.. Although I don't know either of you I feel he is the one losing out with you as you have a level head on your shoulders and speak a lot of sense.. Something else I was told many years ago about young people getting married.. and that was this man thought many people get married for the wrong reasons.. I think many males (and possibly some females) maybe just looking at the free sex side but once the initial thoughts ware off things start to change and that's the end of the relationship. He was on his second marriage and he said it was great as they both knew what they wanted at that later age. |
Through my experience , my ex husband did not give me a hint of his passion waning. This is the reason why I did not find out about his cheating sooner ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I think being in a relationship whether married or not I feel each has to do things together most of the time without the thought of a reward. I feel doing the little things for each other goes a long way in keeping the passion alive. I think once you stop doing those little things your passion has start to wane. I also think just sitting back and waiting for things to be done for you is selfish and will eventually cause resentment from the doer. It's about the give and take. Soulmate.. maybe your ex thought you weren't doing things for him that he liked so started to look elsewhere. I think we get complacent and just accept things will slow down so to speak between couples. Both have to be mindful to keep doing the little things for each other.. it builds love and trust. |
Is it a lost art?
If a man were to lay down his coat over a puddle for me .. or the modern day equivalent .. carry me across a puddle .. . I just might jump his bones ![]() ![]() ![]() Whenever I see a puddle now Blondey I'll be thinking of you. ![]() Oh yes it does... and plenty of puddles. There's a big puddle between the South and West Islands of NZ. |
Is it a lost art?
If a man were to lay down his coat over a puddle for me .. or the modern day equivalent .. carry me across a puddle .. . I just might jump his bones ![]() ![]() ![]() Whenever I see a puddle now Blondey I'll be thinking of you. |