Community > Posts By > won111

won111's photo
Thu 01/07/10 02:52 PM

I'm in California! Live right on the San Andreas fault. I am ready. :smile:

awesome! Tell your family and friends to get ready!


won111's photo
Thu 01/07/10 02:50 PM

Historic Earthquakes

Near Denver, Colorado
1882 11 08 01:30 UTC
Magnitude 6.6
Intensity VII

Largest Earthquake in Colorado

We're not really known for temblors here, so it seems unlikely we'll see one like this again. What some are concerned about is if Yellowstone blows, like some scientists are saying. Ash will spread over 600 miles, and will affect Denver and most of NE Colorado.

That's the problem...too many be people say "seems unlikely" but who would have thought....Katrina, Indian Ocean Tsunami, etc...disasters happen, better to be prepared...earthshiver dot (com)

won111's photo
Thu 01/07/10 02:34 PM

When an earthquake is near.......I see DEAD PEOPLE. scared

I see survivors! hahahahaha

won111's photo
Thu 01/07/10 02:24 PM

I'm confused.. how do you know one is coming?

if you live in California...there are studies that indicate the San Andreas fault is stressed....which means a magnitude 7 or greater....

won111's photo
Thu 01/07/10 02:11 PM

Nah...I'm on the east coast. I could care less.

ah, not so fast:

-A 5.0 temblor in 1737, for example, knocked down chimneys in New York City and was felt from Boston to Philadelphia.

-A magnitude-5.5 quake in 1884 did similar damage in a wider region around New York.

-The most widely felt temblors in North America were a series of four that hit near New Madrid, Missouri from December 16, 1811 through February 7, 1812. They ranged from magnitude 7.6 to 8.2. The largest was felt from the East Coast to the Rocky Mountains and from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. New Madrid also represents an intracontinental fault system.

-1886 - Charleston, South Carolina

* Felt All over East Coast, Killed Several Hundred.
* First Widely-known U.S. Earthquake

-and if not quakes, then hurricanes, tornadoes....etc...just get yourself prepared for a disaster...too many people put it off..


won111's photo
Thu 01/07/10 01:55 PM
I am....are you? If you have any question please free to contact me....


won111's photo
Wed 01/06/10 10:23 PM
it's going...welcome...

won111's photo
Wed 01/06/10 10:03 PM

won111's photo
Tue 01/05/10 09:47 PM

Can it be posible to meet a everlasting friend at this age what do u think ?:smile:

stop thinking about age...and think about finding a's that simple!

won111's photo
Tue 01/05/10 09:23 PM
of course life is difficult! Just don't take things too obviously want your mother to show more concern for you, but sometimes parents are caught up in their own dilemma's. Just focus on want you want in life and go for it....It took my father 20 years before he figured out he was losing out on his he calls me at least once a week to see how things are....your mother may never come around, but if you are in a bad situation, get out of it...

won111's photo
Tue 01/05/10 09:06 PM
Sometimes you have to take control of your own life...your mother may come around to her senses some day, but for now, worry about you...period!

won111's photo
Fri 04/10/09 01:03 AM

Hold off on the sex for a while & get to know the the guyhuh

That's the line we hate...but you can tell if we lose interest right away, then maybe that is all we had in mind to begin with...

But this is touchy (risky) as well....we may think that you are only interested in us a we get gun shy about showing you any lust (passion). If we are truly interested then we will try to keep in contact with you in the hopes that one day we might get lucky....but, the longer we get to know you only as a friend, then we may or may not like what we see ....if we are still interested after that, then we can go into step one mode right away... but you still take the chance, because even though we might know you better and like you, we may lose that lusting feeling after we've had sex a few still it's a risk either way....the bottom line: no easy way to some point you have to take a chance and see where the cards fall....

won111's photo
Fri 04/10/09 12:47 AM

I am a single dad of two great teen girls. In the last few years I have yet to date a woman that is worthy of a second date! They are all to self indulged, and incapable of anything more than a superficial relationship. Like you they are only interested in what I can do for them. How I can fit into their lifestyle. They are so wrapped up in looking for the faults in others, that they have escalated themselves (at least in their own minds) to the status of “Perfect Woman”. You do not lump people into one big category! If I have learned anything from my girls, it is that you deal with people one at a time (as individuals) and if that person isn’t someone you care to continue seeing, you move on until you find exactly what you are looking for. If you don’t find that perfect person, you where never meant to. I personally have never had sex with a woman that I didn’t have a deep emotional attachment to. If you are finding nothing but one night standers, maybe you are hanging with the wrong crowd.

See my step one: The truth comes out here: "I personally have never had sex with a woman that I didn’t have a deep emotional attachment to."

The rest is all about telling the female what she wants to hear into order to get in her pants....

Let's stop playing games with women...give them honesty!

won111's photo
Fri 04/10/09 12:40 AM
ok, here goes...brutally honest...and don't let any guy fool's how it works: hmmmmm, wow, she's really sexy, I'd definitely like to hit that for hips, lovely eye's, nice tight arse, firm breast, love those legs and those big beautiful eye's staring back at me...yes, I want to get into that...I lust to get into that...I've got that warm fuzzy feeling again right between my this point, we confuse lust with a false sense of emotional attachment. Our heart skips a beat, we feel "love"...but we really don't know you for you....this is the danger zone! We're only lusting after you...and that lust covers and hides your true personality. We confuse physical attraction with "love".

-and that was step 1.

-Step two (we got a date): All we can think about is getting into your this point we really don't care about your personality. We are still lusting...we will tell you anything you want to hear...

-step three: We play the game with the focus of getting into into your pants as fast as we can. Thinking about a long term relationship is in the distance...maybe we want it, maybe we don't....maybe we want to keep you around for as long as we can without much of a commitment....

All we can think about is sex, sex, sex!

-step four (critical step-we bail out or stay=flight or fight) : ok, she's a nice person...nice personality...she's funny....gosh, I like her...I really want to spend more time with her...lust has changed to more infatuation as we begin to learn about you...this is the point when we stop looking only at your arse...and start looking at your soul....we begin to feel connected to you in the true sense of the word....some guys get scared at this point and immediately bail...some guys know what they want...and seek out a long-term relationship....especially once they realize you are much more than a lust thing. And this is the point we fall in love...real committed for you as a person...

-but the problem with all that it can break down any takes two to tango....if all works out, then the next thing you are getting married...then, maybe after six years of marriage, you hate each other and talk is a house of cards for sure....

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