SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 07/09/23 04:14 PM
Resisting the temptation to smoke a bit. Still so dammed difficult!
And getting ready to go to bed, really tired, which I feel so tempted to smoke. Not going to do it. Bed it is....

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 07/09/23 04:13 PM
Silo - 2023
I've seen 1 episode so far and it's really promising.

People living in a huge underground silo, 300+ stories deep, but no one knows why nor what happened.
140 yrs earlier a group of so called rebels wanted to go out and there was upheaval that got sorted.
One woman goes out, convinced there's nothing wrong with the outside world. Her husband needs 2 years to decide he also wants to go outside, and find his wife, or not.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 07/09/23 07:06 AM
Finished my painting this afternoon when little Roosje was sleeping :)
All that I had to do was paint the deer in the archway.
Since it's Diana's Temple, a deer had to be on it too.

Diana's Temple

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 07/09/23 04:43 AM
25C started with sun, now cloudy, as forecast.
Code Yellow for thunder, hail, lots of rainfall in short time.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 07/08/23 01:33 PM

Currently watching Star Trek: Discovery which is set before Cpt Pike ends up on the Enterprise in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.

It didn't draw me in as fast as ST:Strange New Worlds did. At first I thought of finding something else to watch as a lot was about Klingons that look like the Neanderthal version of them in this series.
I've never been keen on Klingon stuff.
Thank goodness it soon became very interesting regardless!

I actually liked Discovery more than Strange New Worlds. At least the first season of Strange New Worlds. I'm currently watching season 2 and it's much better, got me hooked right away.

For me it's the other way round!
I began watching season 1 of Star Trek Strange NW and LOVED it right away!~
Then went to ST Discovery and it really took time for me to appreciate it, almost gave up on it.
In the meantime eps from ST Strange NW were out and I watched those, but suddenly didn't like it much? The 1st season was much better than the 2nd, so far.

So for me it's exactly opposite hihi.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 07/08/23 02:54 AM
Warm and getting used to waking up 'kitten style' meaning I gotta be active and on yellow alert right away as li'l Roosje is exploring, being naughty, discovering new gaps she fits into that I cannot reach if she cannot get out anymore.
Many of those gaps are still filled up with something from when Nila got here 2 yrs ago, but this li'l one is a tad more inventive, hihi.

Apart from all that she's as a button!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 07/08/23 02:12 AM
33C sunny & blue skies, a tropical hot day.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 07/07/23 10:32 AM
The Witcher season 3, first 5 episodes are out.
Now it's waiting for the rest until July 27th, grrrr.
It is good!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 07/07/23 06:42 AM
28C sunny & blue skies, not much wind :)

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 07/07/23 06:38 AM
I'm never really quite sure what that means, coffee houses. I know of Starbucks, but over here we only have that in the bigger city area.
We Dutchies make our own coffee at home with a normal coffee machine, although these days many people have more fancy ones that grind beans or with cups.
I only have a normal coffee machine.

As for coffee houses, the Dutch generally drink lots of coffee but when we go out and about we don't go to a specific coffee house. Coffee is served in every restaurant, brasserie, etc. These aren't just coffee houses though as they also sell other drinks, food & snacks, and so on.

As far as I know people over here don't do weird coffee flavours either. Just coffee, cappuccino, espresso, latte, macchiato.

But if I understand correctly over there a coffee house is just coffee in all kinds of odd flavours and that's your lot?

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 07/07/23 04:28 AM
Hell yes I'd go! Totally exciting and I'd be eager to see who they'd match me with. What a way it'd be to end up with the love of my life! love smooched

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 07/06/23 12:26 PM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Thu 07/06/23 12:29 PM
Yesterday I brought my little Roosje home. Yup, calling her Roosje after all, haha. When she was here it seemed to suit her better than Stella.
In any case, she was so cute & sweet, and when I had her in my lap we really bonded! It felt she truly belongs with me, she's home with me.
She ate well, I find her rather skinny so I hope she gets a bit more meat on her. She played, slept, cuddled, purred etc. etc.
But Nila... the first meeting seemed okay. Nila went to Roosje and they stood nose touching nose without hissing or raised hairs. I thought, wow, this is promising!!!
But then later on Nila started hissing, growling (NEVER heard her do that before!!!) and she was completely stressed out.
Roosje wasn't phased in the slightest though? Although when Nila came closer she did crawl under something.
Around 11 I took Roosje upstairs so Nila could relax as she was totally upset. And I do not want to lose my bond and trust with her.

Roosje slept well last night, not a peep. When I got her out of the front bedroom she immediately began to purr love smooched
Later on another meeting with Nila who'd been outdoors most of the morning & afternoon. Again upset.
Then I remembered I still had the Feliway spray from when Nila was a kitten and Bramble was totally upset.
I got it, checked the date, half a year past its sell-by date, dammmm!!!
I decided to spray it round regardless to see what'd happen before investing in new stuff as it ain't cheap.

And lo' and behold... Nila came in about an hour later, got on her cat tree's top platform, bit of washing, short hissing direction Roosje but already showing disinterest. Then she curled up and fell fast asleep???

I could NOT believe it?!?!
The first time EVER I've seen Feliway do what it's supposed to do and I certainly had not expected this big effect and difference?
We may not be out of the woods yet, but this is dammed promising!
Both cats sound asleep in their own basket now.
Peace and quiet whereas Nila had been fussing and stressing all night yesterday until Roosje was upstairs!

My eyes feel a bit sting-y, they've easily been very dry & sore of late and I think the Feliway is irritating them. But if this buys me a ZENNNN evening with the cats, it's worth it, for now, haha.

Oh, and Roosje... she's incredibly sweet and cuddly, but also incredibly naughty!! I don't think I've ever had a naughtier and more strong-willed cat!
What one would call a cute li'l devil, haha.
I am not sure that Nila is going to be able to be the dominant cat in tha house with her. It's already taken a lot of patience from me to teach her to not get on the settee.
As soon as I turn around she's back on it again, 7 times on end!!! Looking at me like "Well, whatcha gonna do bout it?!" And a hint of guilt, clearly knowing she's not supposed to do that.
I won, this time, but a serious clash of willpower, hihi.
Feisty li'l thing!

She's got big ears, long legs, totally adorable!

This morning, right after I had my breakfast... she fell asleep in my lap, completely gone, head dropping back a bit as all her muscles relaxed, hihi.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 07/05/23 02:11 AM
19C sunny, stormy with strong storm gusts.
In the NE they even got Code Red!! People have gotten an NL-alert on their phones telling them to stay indoors unless absolutely necessary.
They've got Storm Poly there.

I have NEVER even seen a Code Red!? And since the real bad ones are still 'only' Code Orange, it must be pretty bad up there now.
I'm guesstimating our national airport Schiphol is also shut for the moment.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 07/04/23 02:03 PM

Very cool, Crystal, thanks! I also love the confirmation, haha.

When I first started my journey learning about the cosmic energies, I would purposely wait until a week after the forecasts, readings, or event. I'd do this so not to be influenced by what I read or listened to. I would stay consciously aware of what I was feeling during that week, then read about it. It was always spot on.

Now I keep up with it beforehand so I am able to work with the energies rather than against them. A much better flow, haha. And I'm able to share with others who are confused or struggling with what's going on in their lives or surroundings. This past Friday, I reminded a friend about Neptune going into retrograde. Everything suddenly made sense to her.

It's always nice to share with others :)
I decided a few months ago to more often attend events that are done by a great woman, a priestess of Avalon, trained in the UK. She lives on the next island up so I do have to drive, but I feel 30-45 mins (depending on location) is worthwhile to participate in these group events.
I did a Samhain one 2 yrs ago, then nothing for a while, but decided to go more regularly. I've been to the Beltane event and now I'm going to the Lammas one end of this month.
Basically because for some reason I'm not doing much myself anymore concerning those things, but also because I enjoy learning things from her and celebrating in a group.

At the beginning of my own spiritual path I was very much into Avalon. Someone told me I've had a past life there, a strong connection with it so I began reading about it and then felt that connection myself.
It got me going on my path, Goddesses, ritual work, paganism, etc. etc.
I even tried to dye fabric with woad! Failed, but at least I tried, hihi.
And then after I moved house it faded into the background.
Through the events by this woman I reconnect to it again. And it feels great :)

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 07/04/23 10:13 AM
21C quite sunny.
Now overcast, dark clouds, dead silent, no wind.
We're headed for Code Yellow tonight and tomorrow morning for storm gusts of up to 10 Beaufort and heavy rainfall.

This current silence feels like the calm before the storm. It feels really odd outside. Even the birds and swallows are quiet.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 07/02/23 04:31 PM
Learn what exactly?
I am.
Recently had to tell a man 'no' because he's on the rebound. Been there, done that, not going there again!
He again contacted me about an hour ago as he really wants to meet me etc. Serious interest in relationship.
But I stood my ground. Not going there with someone who's recently out of a long term relationship.
Personal rule, made the mistake to not stick to it, paid a heavy price.
Not again.
So yes, I have learnt.

On many other areas as well, but I'm guesstimating you mean in the arena of love.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 07/02/23 01:16 PM

Traffic / travel can be a nightmare in any well populated area. But hey, if I thought it might be worth it, or I had nothing better to do I'd spend a day on the road. I love to drive.

Oh wow, that's an option too of course, haha.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 07/02/23 11:34 AM
Info from Celia Fenn and she mentions/explains why we feel this weird brain fog/spacey!!
I LOVE confirmation, haha.
The entire text (energy report) is very much worth it, so I'll share it and bold the section on the brain stuff.

Sirius Rising and the Lions Gate 2023
Today is the first day of July, a very powerful and wonderful month for Earth. The Sun is in Cancer, a water sign that focusses on home and family, but moves into Leo, the sign of the Lions Gate later in the month.
Important also is the Bright Star Sirius, which moves towards its heliacal rising with our Sun. This means that Sirius is seen in the sky alongside the Sun at dawn, creating the impression of two suns. These were called the White Sun and the Blue sun by the ancient Egyptians.

Sirius is the home star of the wise Star Teachers who worked with the Egyptians to remind them of the knowledge that was lost at the fall of Atlantis. They continue to bring us Light Codes and Wisdom at the time of the Lions Gate, which are amplified by our Sun. And of course, as the Sun is very active right now these Light Code energies are intensified.
The Royal Star Lions and the Solar Fire Lions are also very active, preparing for the Lions Gate, that Sacred Portal that begins another spiral and cycle of our journey on Earth.
Archangel Michael speaks of the emergence now also of the Galactic Deep Human, who can dive deep into the Earth layers and rise high up to Source, gathering many levels of wisdom. This new ability is why so many of us feel weird and spacey, as our brains are operating on all frequencies from alpha to delta and omega, and all in our waking state. We will learn to integrate this with "normal" life.

Also exciting is the emergence of a new generational wave of incoming souls called the Diamond Starfire children, or Starfire children. They have been incoming since 2017 to assist us to raise our frequencies to New Earth level. They are powerful and sensitive and deeply connected to the Earth and to their Galactic and Angelic Roots. They are compassionate and pure souls whose mission is to assist us to create New Earth and New Earth communities.

So we can expect July and August to be full of Magic and Mystery and a little weirdness as we welcome Star Lions, Starfire children and the Sirian Star Teachers into the energies! And of course, I will be offering my usual Lions Gate webinars, which are up on my website right now.
Have a great week end everybody!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 07/02/23 10:55 AM

Hi Crystal. I agree on the stress subject, it affects us in all kinds of ways. I work at the less busier store today, so I think I'll perform a little experiment with working with the energies in my workplace. Now I'm excited to go to work, on this crazy busy holiday weekend, haha. Thanks!

Fingers crossed that you do as well. :heart:

Thank you, and enjoy the experimenting, hihi!:thumbsup: :heart:

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 07/02/23 03:30 AM
Hi River!
I switched back to my normal breakfast today instead of the porridge I'd been eating in the mornings the last 1,5 - 2 weeks and I feel much clearer and better today?
Not sure if it was that, although it was supposed to be so much healthier for many reasons, or simply the shifting energies.
Regardless the cause, I'm happy to have a clearer head today, haha!

Stress is a big cause for dizziness and so on. Stress causes a lot of health issues. My dizziness & tinnitus is also most easily triggered by stress. Thank goodness I don't work, in that sense anyways, as stress is almost always a big cause of stress for people.
The man I've been talking to for months now -also a Taurus funny enough, haha- has the same thing.
He does like his work but the work load is too much. As such he has a lot of stress which in turn triggers his tinnitus and sometimes dizziness.
He's currently on sick leave and immediately his problems got much less.

Great that you have found your way with the energy work!
I've recently had an enormous growth spurt, deep dive, during which I did many transmissions.
Since about a week it petered out again. I guess I needed to integrate it all, or maybe simply prepare for the upcoming energies?

In any case, enjoy the full moon!
I hope I get to see it tonight :) Last chance for this one. Last night was cloudy after a day of drizzle and clouds.
Fingers crossed!