SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 08/29/23 04:26 PM
I think age is a big factor in this.
Up until men are 40-ish they're ready, able, and willing to sexercise anyone anytime anywhere as 'it' still works really well and sex drive is still high.
Once they hit 40-45 'its' functioning begins to decline for most. That's the time men say "I've finally mastered it!!"
They haven't, it just doesn't work the way it used to anymore and this decline tends to increase with the years.
It still functions, but the steel has gone out of it and it takes (much) longer to reach the finish line.

I guesstimate that's also when it becomes easier to say "I got a headache".
Maybe they just don't feel like the hassle of attempting to wake it up or to take a pill for that...

And I know some are lucky and don't have these issue but generally speaking...

Just Google "Kegels". You will mostly find exercises and tips for men, NOT women, in order to improve the function of 'it' or to not lose that.

Never met a men under 40 that wasn't interested in an opportunity to have sex. Being very attracted to the receiving party doesn't matter so much at that age, just the chance to get their rocks off.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 08/24/23 12:46 PM
Thanks all for your sympathy and support!


I almost daren't say it, hihi... I changed my mind and I AM KEEPING ROOSJE!!!

I was still upset about the idea, troubled me when having to fall asleep, dreaming etc. etc.
And the way she's attached to me, I felt sorry for her too.
Talked to my cousin, bit of a cat expert, and she also advised against doing it. Said Roosje could get traumatised by it.

So I cancelled the whole thing and decided to keep her. Might not be the easiest thing, having to keep both cats mostly separate, at least for now while Roosje is a kitten.

Thing that also bothered me, now Roosje is just a kitten, very playful, naughty etc.
But there's no knowing what's she's going to be like in half a year - 1 years time. Nila was pretty much the same when she was 3,5 months old, als li'l Miss Naughty and quite fiery. Now, having turned 2 yrs old in June, she's not like that anymore.
Could be that once Roosje gets to go outside, has been spayed, a wee bit older, she becomes quite okay with Nila.
No way of knowing, it's fortune telling.

In any case, we'll find out!
It felt like a HUGE relief to have made this decision. Even though I thought it'd be best for the cats, it didn't sit well with me at all.

So total change of heart, and yes, I'm happy with it! I'm nuts about her, obviously otherwise I wouldn't have done this, and she's also very attached to me. That just shows in her behaviour, the way she acts and looks at me etc. etc.

I was also thinking back of the moment I first saw her. The second I looked in the large kitten 'container' back then she look up, straight into my eyes. When I picked her up, she rested her head against my face and even the woman was awed by that.
They say pets choose you, not the other way round. And it felt very strongly she had chosen me.
To then let her go...
I began to feel more and more certain it wasn't the right thing.

So she's staying, hihi.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 08/23/23 05:08 AM

Thank you both.

Thank goodness I still have 1,5 - 2,5 days with her!
It's going to be incredibly tough to let her go.

Maybe you can still visit her once in a blue moon, if who ever takes her lives close by to you?

It's 45kms from me, not very close, but doable. They also said I could so maybe I will do that at some point.

This morning I was about to cancel the whole thing, but gave it another thought, talked to someone about it, and now I'm sticking with the decision. No matter how much it pains me.
It is for the best for both cats.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 08/22/23 01:16 PM
Thank you both.

Thank goodness I still have 1,5 - 2,5 days with her!
It's going to be incredibly tough to let her go.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 08/22/23 05:43 AM
I've decided to let Roosje go to another home.
She's now 3,5 months so still a kitten which makes it easier to find another good home for her as most prefer a young cat/kitten.

I'm heartbroken, totally upset, as I love her to bits. She's the best cat you could wish to have. Totally adorable, loves to cuddle, purrs as soon as she sees me, quite obedient even when it comes to the crunch, highly attached to me, very enthusiastic and happy. She sometimes literally bounces up and down and seems to be able to jump up in the air a bit with all paws off the floor when she's happy, so cute!!
The ideal kitten.
But... it's not working out with my other cat. I've noticed Nila is becoming increasingly reluctant to come indoors, both for food and at night to sleep, and also in between during the day. As soon as she comes in she gets tackled by Roosje who jumps right on top of her and then chases after her.
Nila doesn't even attempt to be the dominant one anymore, she runs away, trying to get away from her.

I've had to let go of one cat years ago because of another younger one. He simply didn't come home at all anymore, not even when it was -12C. It was a very cold winter and he lived outdoors at a then empty campsite on the other side of the village. He caught rabbits to eat.
I feared he'd die, freeze to death, at some point. The campsite owner had helped me bring him back home 2x. I then kept him indoors for a bit but as soon as I let him go out he made a beeline for the campsite.

I don't want it to go that way with my Nila!
I've talked to a number of people about it today and they too had a similar thing with 2 cats. One said, it's okay if it's difficult at first but it should improve at least a bit.
With Nila and Roosje it hasn't improved but gotten worse since Nila seems to be afraid of Roosje and reluctant to come back home. So it's not getting any better, not even staying the same, it's going downhill.

I've asked the vet the other day and she said it's wait and see. Roosje is a kitten AND a calico so yeah, way more fiery than another kitten. I asked if Feliway could help. She said only 5% at best. And it wouldn't change Roosje, make her more docile as she's not doing anything wrong or weird. She's just a kitten, and a calico one at that.
It could only help Nila, maybe, and only a wee bit.
Personally I doubt it'd help much. It's like giving a mild tranquiliser but if you still get constantly harassed it won't do much.
As it is I keep them separate as much as possible which is easy now since it's still summer and Nila is outdoors most of the time. But it won't stay like with winter coming...

I'd put an ad online for Roosje yesterday and someone reacted to it. I was immediately upset, in tears, not knowing what to do.
But it's the best for the cats. Winter is coming, meaning Nila will (normally) be indoors most of the day. That'd mean I'd have to keep Roosje in a separate room all by herself.
She deserves better. No sweet cute lovable pet should have to live like that, all alone in some room. I want the best for her, she deserves it, even though it's going to break my heart as I'm nuts about her.

I'm nuts about both my cats but they don't work together...
They cannot choose so I have to do what's best for them. Keeping both because I'd like that would be utterly selfish and not in the best interest of my cats.
That's one rule I've always had with any of my pets: THEIR interest and well-being has priority over mine since they cannot choose.
But it breaks my heart nonetheless.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 08/21/23 06:13 AM
26C Sunny

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 08/21/23 03:14 AM
For years it has annoyed me, and I've been hoping and waiting for the fad to end: Marvel / comic book movies on people with super powers.
I didn't grow up with these comic books, I'm not a child, and I simply really don't like these movies, can't understand why people waste their money on making them.
Why not make something decent and worthwhile?

It turns out it's not a fad, it doesn't end. It's the new normal.

Then Greg Braden talks about this in one of his vids on YouTube... He addresses a lot of issues that are going on while remaining neutral. He brings the facts and leaves it up to the viewer to decide.

In any case... they -the ones in power- want to enhance our beautiful bodies with chips and technology. Apparently this is a big problem which I found shocking to hear. I thought that crap was still in the future, but it isn't.

If you then have tons of movies and series on having super powers, that are immensely popular, people are used to the idea. Young people and kids even want it! They want to be like their hero Superman, Captain Codpiece, and so on.

That means generations are being brainwashed to be more tolerant, and possibly even accepting of, so called enhancements of the body. Having chips implanted, facial recognition everywhere and so on.

If not mistaken China is a big player in this as well. Wasn't that clip on facial recognition at the pelican crossing that went viral in China?
Monitoring people 24/7, doing something government doesn't want earning you penalty points. Certain amount of points excludes you from getting mortgage, enrolling in study/school, and shops.
Total control.

And what if they can and will influence how you feel and act? Or maybe not feel at all anymore. Living & breathing robots.

But when they -the ones in power- succeed in putting chips and whatnot in our bodies the sky's the limit. Not for us. For them.

So is it cute when you see a child, your child, your grandchild, dress up as superman? Pretending to have super powers, wishing he/she actually had them...
Not cute at all. It means they've already been brainwashed and prepped to at some point be open and accepting of having bodily enhancements that we don't need at all!

The human body is the most perfect 'machine' in existence. I've said that for decades. It's so delicate, so intricate, so perfect when working properly. Unbelievably fine-tuned, capable of so much we don't even know!
Our bodies can easily live to be a few hundred years without aging! That does hinge on living a healthy life-style though. And the Western life-style -brought to us by the ones in power- isn't healthy.
The foods we eat more and more aren't healthy, too much (work related) stress, pollution, etc. etc.
Without all that our body wouldn't age. Not at all!

That doesn't change the fact that we already have super powers and a super body. Greg Braden calls it 'soft technology'.
As it is there's nothing that can top our physical bodies.
Our self-healing abilities are infinite. We have forgotten how to do it, although some still can and even teach how to do it.

In short we don't need whatever creepy shizzel they want to do with our bodies. And we certainly don't need movies on super powers as they are only part of the brainwashing scheme...

Maybe next time you see your (grand) child playing to be superman distract him and at some point talk to them.
We should educate our children entirely differently. They should grow up to know about and cherish the powers of their natural body.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 08/20/23 10:02 AM
25C sun sun sun!
Summer's back, for now :D

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 08/20/23 03:30 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Sun 08/20/23 03:30 AM
And we have another newbie entering the scene to strut his stuff without the slightest inkling of how the forum works, and what the rules are.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 08/19/23 03:03 PM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Sat 08/19/23 03:04 PM

Sounds like a super plan, and I guess you would have to have more than a single deck made/printed?

Thank you!!
And maybe. Not necessarily.
In a way it'd help sales I spose, but in that sense having a book on a spiritual subject could also be helpful and that's another thing I've been thinking about doing for years. I've even started on one but then didn't follow through with it.
A bit in two minds whether or not I'd write in English or Dutch...
I do have a UK publisher but that for a totally different genre (contemporary romance, BDSM romance genre).
I do know a Dutch publisher that would be great. Just as long as I do not have to invest anything myself as I'm not going to do that. Some publishers are like that, forcing you to purchase 1000 copies of your work for instance. Then I gotta try and flog them. And then the publisher's got their initial cost covered.
Not going to happen! That's not how I am going to do things.
But I believe the Dutch publisher I've called 2 yrs ago didn't work that way.

In any case, things to consider for sure!
But I should really finish the 3rd novel in my BDSM romance sequel... Long overdue, hihi.
Doesn't really have my interest anymore, but I do want to get the 3rd and 4th out. Then I'm done with it.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 08/19/23 10:17 AM
The Capture - 2020 - 7,9 IMDB rating
British series, 2 seasons

About a new system used by government (security) called "correction" that's based on abusing & manipulating images & footage from CCTV to get things done that suit government/certain parties.

Quite scary to think this is possible and likely happening and the fact that CCTV is everywhere.

I feel season 1 & 2 should/could be rated separately. Season 1 is okay at first but quickly becomes very long-winded and too much drama. I felt it increasingly difficult to finish and grew quite fed up with it.
Then I decided to watch season 2 regardless, and boy am I glad I did!
It is AWESOME in capitals!
If you've given this one a try and decided it wasn't for you, see season 1 through, bear and grin with it, so you can watch the 2nd one. It helps to know the basics before you start that, not sure if it'd make a lot of sense as stand-alone.

Holy cow, was it good! Whoever wrote that did an excellent job.

In that sense I'd rate season 1 with a meagre 5-6, only because it lays the foundation for season 2.

Season 2 I rate a solid 10+.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 08/18/23 03:28 PM
What does the pandemic have to do with it being difficult now?
I don't see the relevance.

If you want to meet someone online from your area you have to be on a good site with people from your country and/or area.
I'm on a pretty good dating site since a few months now, a Dutch one. I doubt anyone's fake there and if so it'll be a mere few.
I got asked on a date within a week, but we cancelled the day before -mutually, although I mentioned it first- cos of the distance.

And don't put all your eggs in one basket, also do plenty of things in the flesh that allows you to meet people.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 08/17/23 04:22 PM
Thank you, Jaan! Will do :)

OT - Slow Horses -2022 - 7,9 IMDB rating
UK series
With Gary Oldman
2 seasons and 3rd & 4th have been confirmed.

REALLY good! Department of MI5 that's run by the so called losers from MI5. Yet, they do a good job and their slouchy boss is a real good agent.

I'm hooked, can't wait for the next season!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 08/17/23 06:44 AM
My own oracle cards... I've been thinking about that for years. But then I counted the paintings I had and realised I didn't have enough for a deck of 44, the usual amount of cards.
Then another thing... some paintings are landscape, not portrait. These days you do have oracle deck with both types of cards in it, I've got at least one, but don't find it handy.
So that was another obstacle.

Then the other day, when I'd finished my Dreaming of Avalon painting, I suddenly had the solution for both issues.
I have way more paintings in the meantime as I've painted so much this year, so numbers isn't so much of a problem anymore.
But the landscape thing... suddenly thought I could do parts of a painting and have that in portrait format.

Problem solved, and even better as sometimes different scenes in a painting would & could represent different messages!

So instead of having the landscape problem with Dreaming of Avalon I'd for instance use this:

And if I want I can take other parts of the painting as well.
So who knows... might still happen at some point!!
Wouldn't that be lovely?! Having MY images and also my own interpretation :D
Usually people only channel the messages and someone else does the artwork. I can do both myself.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 08/17/23 06:25 AM
Doing this thing in the garden that was supposed to be a quickie. Then there'd be time to do something enjoyable for me.
But then... suddenly it's half past 3?!?! WTH happened??

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Thu 08/17/23 04:58 AM
Sorry to have upset you, hihi.
And it's not that it wasn't good. Not at all! I think it set the tone, played an important rather ground-breaking role. Space travel, meeting alien species, the way they lived, sci-fi itself and so on.
Even Cpt. Kirk's kissing alien woman in a very subconscious way was a message to be totally okay -and even attracted to- other races & species.
A theme that's very contemporary considering refugees and immigrants from other cultures into our culture & countries.

And it created the perfect platform to introduce the Next Generation in the 90s.
At the time I always said that way of life represented what we are headed for. Far less imbalanced patriarchal (not hinging on so much on status and achieving high income anymore), living more from the heart which is why they're exploring and have the desire to meet new ways of life and so on. No more wars on Earth etc.
And I still believe it's what mankind is headed for.

What I did want to point out is how old-fashioned the old Star Trek is. It shows how fast our technical and societal progress is going.
These days it would be totally not done to have women walk around in knickers and a way too short tunic.

In any case, I love most of the ST stuff :D

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 08/14/23 10:11 AM

Hope to see more Avalon/Druid paintings. :heart:

Hi Stormy!
Who knows... smile2

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 08/14/23 10:06 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Mon 08/14/23 10:07 AM

I shall forever love the John Wick movies.

The martial arts alone is breathtaking. Similar to Keanu Reeves. drool

I agree, but last times I tried there were too many flashing & flickering light scenes and my sensitive brain cannot handle that.
I've had epilepsy in the past, although briefly only, and a whiplash and another accident with head injury. All that leaves you extremely sensitive to flickering & flashing light.
When movies resort to go there -often to hide specific things, in the past always related to poor special effects- I will have to switch it off.

I've even had to leave shops because of flickering lights, halogen or TL mostly. When I tell shop attendants/keepers they have to change their lights they look at me as if I'm nuts. Most don't see it.
I've addressed it on a spiritual forum... turns out a great many -if not all- spiritual people have the same problem.

In any case, it's the reason I've not watched the John Wick movies bar for the 1st one. I think part of the 2nd.
I'd love to watch them as I love good martial arts, but if that means having to have my hand in front of my eyes to protect me from the light stuff... Not worth it.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 08/14/23 10:00 AM

Morning Crystal,.

I was really taken with a serial on scifi channel called Outpost..

About blackbloods?

I don't know if you've already seen it..

I'll check it out. Thanks for the suggestion, Jaan!

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 08/13/23 03:28 PM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Sun 08/13/23 03:28 PM
Hijack - 2023 - (mini) series - 7,5 IMDB rating
Probably just one season as the story ends with the last episode.

With Idris Elba

I liked it!

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