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Topic: Is it Worth It?
laxviking57's photo
Wed 03/26/08 08:27 PM
Edited by laxviking57 on Wed 03/26/08 08:28 PM
To put your faith in a God that you have no proof exists? I mean you have faith and to the religious faith is enough! But what if it all ends and your souls final resting place is just wandering around? Would you still be happy with the life you did, or do you think there are things you've not done do to fear of God that you would like to do?

I'm not even going to express my thoughts on God but will assume i'm a God Fearing Christian(Roman Catholic at that) and I can say I do everything I want to do... If the church looks down upon it f*ck em... I mean i'm not out killing or raping or anything like that but I take the saying live like you were dyeing litterally....

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 03/26/08 08:30 PM
glasses Human History speaks for itself and answers your question, and the answer, my friend, is yes.glasses

no photo
Wed 03/26/08 08:31 PM
there is no pity in sin city......

azrae1l's photo
Wed 03/26/08 08:32 PM
i don't believe in god so i couldn't answer you....

for those that do believe in god i would assume their gonna say it is or they wouldn't be doing it.....

laxviking57's photo
Wed 03/26/08 08:32 PM

glasses Human History speaks for itself and answers your question, and the answer, my friend, is yes.glasses

Ok, mirror how about I change the question... you admit to doign what you want...that is good.. but i feel 99% of people do what they want but most hide it because i guess there is this feeling that if other people don't know god won't find the real thing is how many others will admit to it?

brimstone's photo
Wed 03/26/08 08:35 PM
Study religion...instead of religious doctine. The answers are there. Never give your brains to someone else...the Romans had an old axiom that went something like this..."if a man be mislead...let him"

sweetpea1970's photo
Wed 03/26/08 08:42 PM
hi laxviking

Totage's photo
Wed 03/26/08 08:43 PM
Is it worth not to believe and later find out that it (what you did not believe) was true?

no photo
Wed 03/26/08 08:45 PM

To put your faith in a God that you have no proof exists? I mean you have faith and to the religious faith is enough! But what if it all ends and your souls final resting place is just wandering around? Would you still be happy with the life you did, or do you think there are things you've not done do to fear of God that you would like to do?

I'm not even going to express my thoughts on God but will assume i'm a God Fearing Christian(Roman Catholic at that) and I can say I do everything I want to do... If the church looks down upon it f*ck em... I mean i'm not out killing or raping or anything like that but I take the saying live like you were dyeing litterally....

Lax.. Faith in God , will Come AFTER you ACCEPT and BELIEVE in him FIRST.
When you ask Jesus into your heart, to be your Lord and Saviour....and MEAN it?
That's when you really put your FAITH in God.. cause your born again spirit lets you know that you can TRUST in God.
LIke a little child trusts in Daddy..and in everything Daddy says.....same with a born again child of God.

You will no longer wonder about needing proof.. you born again spirit will just KNOW.....without a shadow of doubt...cause something truly happens in your spirit when you are born again.
YOUR spirit bears witness with GOD's spirit, when you are born again.
And because of the WITNESS in your spirit, you won't NEED any further proof.

Your spirit simply will JUST KNOW..that God is Who He says he is.
Cause He will be living in your heart.

neanderthalDave's photo
Wed 03/26/08 08:48 PM
how do you even know you have a soul?
what if this is it?
This is all you get,when you die its all over so make the most of it.

no photo
Wed 03/26/08 08:55 PM
When you come to God and put your Faith in Him, even with no proof whatsoever..God WILL HONOR your Faith, and make himself Known to you ,Lax.

But coming to God must first be an act of Faith from the HEART, not just the head.
When coming to God comes from the heart, God makes Himself known to you.
You are not left in the dark.

But God will not reveal Himself to you, til YOU take that step of Faith, first....and believe like a child.

Then God will also takes a step.
But He waits on you to take that first step..cause God will never force you to do anything .

Zapchaser's photo
Wed 03/26/08 09:06 PM

When you come to God and put your Faith in Him, even with no proof whatsoever..God WILL HONOR your Faith, and make himself Known to you ,Lax.

But coming to God must first be an act of Faith from the HEART, not just the head.
When coming to God comes from the heart, God makes Himself known to you.
You are not left in the dark.

But God will not reveal Himself to you, til YOU take that step of Faith, first....and believe like a child.

Then God will also takes a step.
But He waits on you to take that first step..cause God will never force you to do anything .

Yup, what she said. You have free will to do whatever you want laxviking. Good luck.drinker

no photo
Wed 03/26/08 09:20 PM
But Lax, you can't come to God by Faith, and ask Him into your heart, because of what I, or anyone else tells you to do..

You have to do it for YOU..when YOU are ready....and MEAN It.
And God will do the rest.

WanT to know God?
Ask Him to become Real to you.
And He Will.

wouldee's photo
Wed 03/26/08 10:32 PM

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 03/26/08 11:41 PM
Is it worth not to believe and later find out that it (what you did not believe) was true?

This is probably why about 99.9% of all Christians believe.


They've been taught that to not believe is a free ticket to hell. So they believe out of fear.

So sad. frown

no photo
Wed 03/26/08 11:58 PM

Is it worth not to believe and later find out that it (what you did not believe) was true?

This is probably why about 99.9% of all Christians believe.


They've been taught that to not believe is a free ticket to hell. So they believe out of fear.

So sad. frown

Lax...either God is telling us the truth in His Word...OR..God is lying.....

Which do you think it is, Lax.....

Don't go by what "doubtng Thomas Abra " says here ..or anyone else, fro that atter.
You look into your own heart, Lax....

Lax...when God is dealing with your own heart..listen when the Holy Spirt is nudging you....
but don't let that opportunity when God knocks, pass you by.....
you may never have a chance again.
Cause We never know what tomorrow will bring..listening?

And no.. this is not me trying to scare you or something, Lax.... this is just something the Holy Spirit actually is putting on my heart for you .....
and that is...
IF God is dealing with you, Lax, then Listen ..and ask Him in. Today.
Don't wait til Tomorrow..cause tomorrow may be to late.


Abracadabra's photo
Thu 03/27/08 12:15 AM
I’ll tell you this Lex,...

You can’t go wrong following your heart. If you heart tells you one thing and the Bible tells you something else. It’s the Bible that’s lying. I guarantee it. flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 03/27/08 12:50 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Thu 03/27/08 12:59 AM
Lax... are you listening to GOD......or...
are you just listening to RELIGION .....
Big Difference....

Cause religion will make you feel GUILTY for doing something you really want to still do..and will try to make you give up something.

But with God
you won't feel guilty, cause God won't try to make you give up anything,
unless you WANT to,and not because it is expected of you.

Actually, when you let God in, you don't HAVE to give up anything..... cause when God comes in, a lot of old desires just simply fall away, and get replaced with new desires, when you ask God in.

You are not forced to stop living, and are suddenly now sentenced to a life of drudgery and boredom, simply because you now asked God into your life, now Laxlaugh laugh ...

Actually, quite the opposite.... the walk with God is exciting....problably for the first time in your life......when you ask God in.
It's NOT a life of drudgery at all.

Heck... go Get around some spirit filled youth of today..on FIRE for God....and see.

In fact, the youth of today ARE going to be used mightily of God....they are that generation God spoke of... ..and no ..they aren't gonna be just a bunch of dead religious folks walking around either...Amen?
Listening Fax?
Cause this post is especially for you....

But again....make sure you are listening to GOD and NOT religion.
Religion will bind you up...but God sets you free.flowerforyou

tinabelle's photo
Thu 03/27/08 12:59 AM

the faithful have proof that God exists.

...and yes. it is certainly worth it.

no photo
Thu 03/27/08 01:05 AM

how do you even know you have a soul?
what if this is it?
This is all you get,when you die its all over so make the most of it. has a spirit ,soul ,and body.......
but when man dies in his body, his spirit still lives on...somewhere....either with God or cut off from God.

But the spirit lives on, regardless...
Hope this helps....flowerforyou

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