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Topic: Is it Worth It?
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Thu 03/27/08 11:16 AM

laugh No it doesn't. There are consequences, good or bad, for every choice you make of your own free will.

so when God does anything is it catogorized as being good or bad? ...a God can do no bad or good a God just does ..anything a God does there will be no consequesnces for his/her actions and that iswhy only Gods have "Free Will"

Speed through a red light. No cops? Still a bad choice but you aren't getting a ticket...... this time.drinker

"Zapchaser" these are laws of soceity they are there to keep you from committing evil and there will be consequenses if you break these laws that's why you only have "Free Choice" ...God can speed through a red light and nothing will happen ..that you have "Free Will" is a hoax ...

Zapchaser's photo
Thu 03/27/08 12:29 PM

laugh No it doesn't. There are consequences, good or bad, for every choice you make of your own free will.

so when God does anything is it catogorized as being good or bad? ...a God can do no bad or good a God just does ..anything a God does there will be no consequesnces for his/her actions and that iswhy only Gods have "Free Will"

Speed through a red light. No cops? Still a bad choice but you aren't getting a ticket...... this time.drinker

"Zapchaser" these are laws of soceity they are there to keep you from committing evil and there will be consequenses if you break these laws that's why you only have "Free Choice" ...God can speed through a red light and nothing will happen ..that you have "Free Will" is a hoax ...

Uh........ yeah. Good luck with that.drinker

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Thu 03/27/08 03:08 PM

laugh No it doesn't. There are consequences, good or bad, for every choice you make of your own free will.

so when God does anything is it catogorized as being good or bad? ...a God can do no bad or good a God just does ..anything a God does there will be no consequesnces for his/her actions and that iswhy only Gods have "Free Will"

Speed through a red light. No cops? Still a bad choice but you aren't getting a ticket...... this time.drinker

"Zapchaser" these are laws of soceity they are there to keep you from committing evil and there will be consequenses if you break these laws that's why you only have "Free Choice" ...God can speed through a red light and nothing will happen ..that you have "Free Will" is a hoax ...

Uh........ yeah. Good luck with that.drinker

Funches..... you have a "free will" to post here..right?
I mean, no one is twisting your arm and FORCING you to post here ...right?

Same with God.. He won't twist your arm either..God gave you a free will to choose ...either to believe in Him and Who He says He is...or not.
Your choice.....:smile:

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Thu 03/27/08 03:50 PM

Funches..... you have a "free will" to post here..right?
I mean, no one is twisting your arm and FORCING you to post here ...right?

no I have a choice to post here and I can't post anything I want to because the site have laws and that pesty report abuse button and has moderators which can ban me from the site ...but God can post anything he wants to and it's nothing the moderators can do about it because God has "Free Will" and is not under the jurisdiction of the laws of physics that contols the moderators and this site

Same with God.. He won't twist your arm either..

if God doesn't twist your arm then what is that threat of hell if you don't follow God and remember God did flood the whole planet last time people didn't follow him ..sounds like arm twisting to me

God gave you a free will to choose ...either to believe in Him and Who He says He is...or not.
Your choice.....:smile:

the choice is you better follow God or you are going to hell ..and that "MorningSong" means "No Choice"

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Thu 03/27/08 07:32 PM

Lax... are you listening to GOD......or...
are you just listening to RELIGION .....
Big Difference....

Cause religion will make you feel GUILTY for doing something you really want to still do..and will try to make you give up something.

But with God
you won't feel guilty, cause God won't try to make you give up anything,
unless you WANT to,and not because it is expected of you.

Actually, when you let God in, you don't HAVE to give up anything..... cause when God comes in, a lot of old desires just simply fall away, and get replaced with new desires, when you ask God in.

You are not forced to stop living, and are suddenly now sentenced to a life of drudgery and boredom, simply because you now asked God into your life, now Laxlaugh laugh ...

Actually, quite the opposite.... the walk with God is exciting....problably for the first time in your life......when you ask God in.
It's NOT a life of drudgery at all.

Heck... go Get around some spirit filled youth of today..on FIRE for God....and see.

In fact, the youth of today ARE going to be used mightily of God....they are that generation God spoke of... ..and no ..they aren't gonna be just a bunch of dead religious folks walking around either...Amen?
Listening Fax?
Cause this post is especially for you....

But again....make sure you are listening to GOD and NOT religion.
Religion will bind you up...but God sets you free.flowerforyou

You must have your own personal "religion" then. You keep saying "Listen to God not religion" So then, I guess you do not believe that the Bible is the word of God.

Religion is based on the Bible and they make the claim that the Bible is the word of God. Some how you have managed to separate the two and formed your own belief system.

So how do you listen to God? Is it the voice in your head or is it the feeling in your heart? I know that you are not seeing and talking and listening to any real being standing in front of you. So the suggestion to "listen to God" sounds more like what Abra is saying when he says "Listen to your heart."


no photo
Fri 03/28/08 12:09 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Fri 03/28/08 12:42 AM

Lax... are you listening to GOD......or...
are you just listening to RELIGION .....
Big Difference....

Cause religion will make you feel GUILTY for doing something you really want to still do..and will try to make you give up something.

But with God
you won't feel guilty, cause God won't try to make you give up anything,
unless you WANT to,and not because it is expected of you.

Actually, when you let God in, you don't HAVE to give up anything..... cause when God comes in, a lot of old desires just simply fall away, and get replaced with new desires, when you ask God in.

You are not forced to stop living, and are suddenly now sentenced to a life of drudgery and boredom, simply because you now asked God into your life, now Laxlaugh laugh ...

Actually, quite the opposite.... the walk with God is exciting....problably for the first time in your life......when you ask God in.
It's NOT a life of drudgery at all.

Heck... go Get around some spirit filled youth of today..on FIRE for God....and see.

In fact, the youth of today ARE going to be used mightily of God....they are that generation God spoke of... ..and no ..they aren't gonna be just a bunch of dead religious folks walking around either...Amen?
Listening Fax?
Cause this post is especially for you....

But again....make sure you are listening to GOD and NOT religion.
Religion will bind you up...but God sets you free.flowerforyou

You must have your own personal "religion" then. You keep saying "Listen to God not religion" So then, I guess you do not believe that the Bible is the word of God.

Religion is based on the Bible and they make the claim that the Bible is the word of God. Some how you have managed to separate the two and formed your own belief system.

So how do you listen to God? Is it the voice in your head or is it the feeling in your heart? I know that you are not seeing and talking and listening to any real being standing in front of you. So the suggestion to "listen to God" sounds more like what Abra is saying when he says "Listen to your heart."


Jeannie.... I most definitely believe in the Bible...flowerforyou
And Christianity is based on the word of God ( the Bible).
And all the many different christian religions,or denominations all ,believe in the Bible also.

BUT SOME christian religions put you under BONDAGE to their religious doctrines... that's what I was referring to....
I am not saying the different christian religions don't agree that Jesus is Lord..they all DO..but still...SOME denominations still put you under religious bondage to some of their doctrinal differences....and to their denomination.
And I believe that can bind one up in religion....even if again, the religion does still believe in Jesus as Lord...which again, they all do.

In other words, sometimes we need to make sure we are not just caught up in religion,and nothing more.

God is about a personal relationship, not a religious relationship.....meaning....some people can go to church all their lives....and never have a personal relationship with God at all.

Meaning.....there are people who think, that by just going to church, they automatically become christians...simply bcause they are a member of a certain christian denomination.

Sorry, that does NOT make a person a christian..just because one is a member of a christian religion.

What makes a christian a christian ,is becoming born again , by accepting Jesus into one's heart and believing on Him.

THEN , if one is born again, they can belong to any christian religion they choose ...doesn't matter..as long as Jesus lives in their heart...and the Word of God is being preached in the church.

Becoming born again by accepting Jesus, is what gets one saved....not just being
a member of a certain church denomination.
THAT'S what I was referring to here, Jeannie.

Even though I am a nondenominational christian, there are christian BELIEVERS in EVERY denomination.... baptist , catholic ,lutheran, methodist ..whatever ...who are also truly born again .

BUT by the same token, there are also others ,who are only warming church pews...who don't know Jesus in their hearts at all....but feel all they need to do ,is just be a member of a local church , and they are automatically saved......and yet,they have never invited Jesus into their hearts ....at all.
And that does not make them a christian.
All They have is just religion then....nothing more.

Hope this helps clarify what I meant, Jeannie.flowerforyou

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