Topic: chew on this and tell me whucha think | |
Perhaps you blame God for decisions you made with your life?
Perhaps you unconciously are angry at Him ,also ? I’m neither angry nor looking to blame someone. Finger-pointing isn’t my style. I’m just making the observation that the Bible if full of lies. “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” – Jesus Christ This statement is a lie, pure and simple. Clearly the man lied if he actually said this. My mother was a very strong believer every time she prayed she would tell me that she trusts God and believes that he will answer the prayer. She continued to have that faith her entire life even though none of her prayers were ever answered. Besides, on pure logical grounds the mythology can’t be true. I’ve heard many people claim that they believe that God answered their prayers concerning the obtainment of a Job. Well, the problem with that idea is that in order for God to answer that prayer God would need to rob the free will of the job interviewed and force them to chose a certain person. But WAIT!!! That flies in the fact of the idea that God can’t stop rapists before they act because he would be interfering with their free will. What??? God can rob a job interviewer of free will to get someone a job, but he can’t rob a rapist from the free will to rape your daughter???? Clearly the whole story is bogus and can’t possibly be true. You want to associate anger with this. Perhaps because deep down inside you know that you would be angry if all-of-a-sudden you realized that an intervening God isn’t possible in the world as we know it. You probably would be angry, but trust me, you wouldn’t be angry at the non-existent God. You would realize at that very same moment that you had been duped into believing in a mythology and you would be angry with the people who backed it up and sold it to you. People like yourself, who keep pushing it even though they know in the middle-middle of their hearts that it can’t possibly be true. The beautiful thing is that there is another picture of God that does make sense. A perfect picture of God. One that has no flaws whatsoever. So once you realize that you’ve been duped by a mythology it doesn’t mean that you’re faced with atheism. There are better pictures of God to be had. Much more perfect pictures of God. Let’s face it, there is nothing perfect about the biblical picture of God. It’s a picture of a God who a mass murderer at ever turn of the page. It’s a picture of a God who told people to stone each other and to murder their unruly children. It’s a picture of a God who is so in love with blood and guts that he sent his own son to be butchered by men just so he could have an excuse to forgive them. It’s a picture of an extremely sadistic demon who doesn’t even know the meaning of the word love. It’s a picture of a God who is so egotistical that he’ll cast anyone into hell who doesn’t bow down and worship him. It’s a story created by the medieval minds men. It’s their story. It’s their obsession with blood and guts, not any supreme being. The supreme creator of this universe couldn’t’ possible be as unintelligent as the biblical stories makes him out to be. It’s clearly the mythology of men. If I harbor any anger at all, it’s toward the idiots who made this crap up in the first place and ruined humanity. |
Heaven and Hell are entirely man made concepts. They're probably the same place (if you can define them as places) and the only difference between them is what the individual takes with them when they go there.
everyone chooses what they do. You cannot say a person is not free just because they dont live in america. They have the choice to live where ever they want - where there is a will there is a way. Are you NEW....I work and minister in third world we have Egypt for example if I am wearing my cross around my neck...I get spit on....called dirty....And I have been trying for more then 10 years to get my friend Nadia to this country to "be free" I think it might be wise to research other countries freedoms and America's no comparison.......get a clue. |
Perhaps you blame God for decisions you made with your life?
Perhaps you unconciously are angry at Him ,also ? I’m neither angry nor looking to blame someone. Finger-pointing isn’t my style. I’m just making the observation that the Bible if full of lies. “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” – Jesus Christ This statement is a lie, pure and simple. Clearly the man lied if he actually said this. My mother was a very strong believer every time she prayed she would tell me that she trusts God and believes that he will answer the prayer. She continued to have that faith her entire life even though none of her prayers were ever answered. Besides, on pure logical grounds the mythology can’t be true. I’ve heard many people claim that they believe that God answered their prayers concerning the obtainment of a Job. Well, the problem with that idea is that in order for God to answer that prayer God would need to rob the free will of the job interviewed and force them to chose a certain person. But WAIT!!! That flies in the fact of the idea that God can’t stop rapists before they act because he would be interfering with their free will. What??? God can rob a job interviewer of free will to get someone a job, but he can’t rob a rapist from the free will to rape your daughter???? Clearly the whole story is bogus and can’t possibly be true. You want to associate anger with this. Perhaps because deep down inside you know that you would be angry if all-of-a-sudden you realized that an intervening God isn’t possible in the world as we know it. You probably would be angry, but trust me, you wouldn’t be angry at the non-existent God. You would realize at that very same moment that you had been duped into believing in a mythology and you would be angry with the people who backed it up and sold it to you. People like yourself, who keep pushing it even though they know in the middle-middle of their hearts that it can’t possibly be true. The beautiful thing is that there is another picture of God that does make sense. A perfect picture of God. One that has no flaws whatsoever. So once you realize that you’ve been duped by a mythology it doesn’t mean that you’re faced with atheism. There are better pictures of God to be had. Much more perfect pictures of God. Let’s face it, there is nothing perfect about the biblical picture of God. It’s a picture of a God who a mass murderer at ever turn of the page. It’s a picture of a God who told people to stone each other and to murder their unruly children. It’s a picture of a God who is so in love with blood and guts that he sent his own son to be butchered by men just so he could have an excuse to forgive them. It’s a picture of an extremely sadistic demon who doesn’t even know the meaning of the word love. It’s a picture of a God who is so egotistical that he’ll cast anyone into hell who doesn’t bow down and worship him. It’s a story created by the medieval minds men. It’s their story. It’s their obsession with blood and guts, not any supreme being. The supreme creator of this universe couldn’t’ possible be as unintelligent as the biblical stories makes him out to be. It’s clearly the mythology of men. If I harbor any anger at all, it’s toward the idiots who made this crap up in the first place and ruined humanity. As put by according to abra the god in his own mind.....hmmmmmm and don't judge.....full of judgement. |
Ah irony...
Although I do not always agree with Abra's conclusions, he has made quite the valid point. One which I assure you will be completely avoided by those who believe in this omni-god of Abraham...
Too bad it is a little off topic... Absolute power does not necessarily negate "freedom"... within a civilized society, the morals and ethics should be of the benefit of the greater good though... The safety and well-being of the members of a civilized and fair society should be of utmost importance... therefore, rules must be applied. |
(she walks into the thread and sits down. Bailiff: “You may now be seated.” Judge Feral Speaks,... As put by according to abra the god in his own mind.....hmmmmmm and don't judge.....full of judgement. She slams her hammer down to make it official. Bailiff: “ALL RISE!” Feral gets up and walks out of the thread. But what she failed to realized is that nothing Abra had stated was any kind of judgment on anyone. It was merely his observations concerning an ancient mythology. Yet she somehow took this as an opportunity to pass judgment on HIS CHARACTER as an individual person. This is precisely what Christianity does to people. It makes them judgmental of other individuals. |
You best go back and read.....your whole post is judgemental......down to the last period......
You best go back and read.....your whole post is judgemental......down to the last period......
Judgmental against what? A mythology? Do you even have a clue that they only reason we call Greek religions 'mythology' is because the Christians proclaimed it so. Just read the history of Greece sometime. So it's ok for them to go around denouncing everyone else's religion as mythology whilst proselytizing their own beliefs? Christians (historically speaking in terms of humanity) are the most bigoted judgmental group of people to ever walk the face of the planet. They’re proselytizing methods, campaigns and crusades have been quite underhanded and in many cases based on outright lies. Christians think nothing of lying for the sake of proselytizing their religion. Is that judgment on my part? Nope, it’s HISTORY Feral. Plain and simple truth. Nowhere in my post did I past moral judgments on any individual. I don’t judge the morality of individuals. To say that Christianity is a myth is not a moral judgment on anyone. As far as I know there’s nothing immoral about being a myth. |
Even most Christians will tell you there are different parts of the bible that are contradictory. I don't understand why any Christian would pretend there aren't. It's easy enough to explain. That's why there was abrogation.
Even with Abrogation though, I still don't believe the bible is the end all be all of what was, what is, and what will be. For the most part there are so many different translations (and something always gets lost in translation,) interpretations, doctrines, sects, and what have you, that the only way to really get the end all be all would be to go to the source. Since that isn't very likely, I'll stick to what I do know. |
Edited by
Wed 03/26/08 02:54 PM
The Bible is clear. Read it.
Hell is for angels, not man. Jesus will judge all men on works. Those indwelt with the the Holy Spirit are judged already. Heaven is a big place with innumerable souls. The Church of Jesus Christ is but a small part of the whole. Those that choose to be absent , will be. Those that say they are Christ's and are not indwelt with the Holy Spirit are deceiving themselves and others, but not God and not Jesus Christ. pseudo-christianity, that. God is not mocked. I have said this numerous times and yet it appears that people are not listening to the truth. Read it all for yourself before coming away with high- minded and erroneous judgements about the message from hearing others and not proving the scriptural authenticity of the remarks that are inclining one to believe otherwise. And yes, no man approaches the Father except through the Son, Jesus Christ. But by no means does that infer that heaven is shut to those that are not Christ's. It just means that they are not the Household of God. Christ is the judge of man. All men. Christians are a peculiar people, in truth. We are made to be conformed to the image of Christ, the Son of God, and adopted in and inheriting fellowship through the relationship made possible by the Holy Spirit in answer to Jesus' call on our lives to be apprehended to the things of God for His name's sake. Baptism is the answer of a clear conscience towards God. What is misunderstood are these pertinent truthes. Read it and see for yourself. Take no one's word for it unqualified. Not even mine. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The Bible is clear. Read it. What is misunderstood are these pertinent truthes. Read it and see for yourself. Take no one's word for it unqualified. Not even mine. ![]() ![]() ![]() Bingo. Great advise Wouldee. The Best EVAR..... ![]() |
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Wed 03/26/08 03:59 PM
The Bible is clear. Hardly. If it were clear, it wouldn't require endless study. |
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Wed 03/26/08 03:57 PM
do do do
Nothing to see here. ![]() ![]() |
people are brainwashed! This is so funny. Can it possibly be real? ![]() ![]() It's a skit. |
The Bible is clear. Read it.
Hell is for angels, not man. Jesus will judge all men on works. If the Bible is so crystal clear on these things then why would a very large number of clergy (a majority I would dare to venture) disagree with your conclusions above? Clearly something is unclear. ![]() |
well.......I did chew on may , or may not like what I came up with. Each and every person has choices they make every day. (I can admit I am not perfect) But, the choices that I do make.........I am happy with. If, I can help someone in their life, to better them...I will help. I have found that good Bible study helps me. How about you?
well.......I did chew on may , or may not like what I came up with. Each and every person has choices they make every day. (I can admit I am not perfect) But, the choices that I do make.........I am happy with. If, I can help someone in their life, to better them...I will help. I have found that good Bible study helps me. How about you? Yes I found that studying the Bible very closely can help you get out from under that ridiculous fairy tale. |
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Wed 03/26/08 06:07 PM
The Bible is clear. Hardly. If it were clear, it wouldn't require endless study. it is clear. I picked it up in 86 and read it cover to cover. Then I read it again,just like i would with Alan Watts, or Shakespeare or Calculus. Or the Contractor's Law Reference Book. To get what I missed. But I didn't missit. It said, "get the Holy Ghost". Of all it said, it said, Get the Holy Ghost. PERIOD> That is all it says. I prayed til I got it. Still got it. Ain't giving it up. SIMPLE> this is a carpenter talking. And, yeah, I sold LSD before it was illegal. Used it too. Smoked pot with Janis Joplin often at Marx Meadows in the City at Golden Gate Park when the Grateful Dead used to give free concerts. I was barely a teen. SO WHAT? mid sixties..... Perhaps I am demented, eh? NOT. In my right mind. When I was a child, i gave up childish things. Made myself a millionaire in Construction before I was 30. Sober as a judge at the time, and not religious either. I was bored, and sitting in my beautiful English Tudor home in Orinda, Ca. by the cobblestoned creek, near the lake, just over the hills from the Bay. Had a good life. I read it. Twice. then I applied it to my heart and sought this invisible God. He answered me. end of story. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Good for you Wouldee.
![]() Just goes to show how smok’in pot with Janis Joplin can do wonders. ![]() |