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Topic: Panthiest
creativesoul's photo
Wed 03/26/08 03:31 PM
Yeah, I personally think every 'Godly' and married woman should speak to other men in sexually provocative ways also...

After all, it is only flirting...

Hell with it, throw out the study guide and make up your own...


Abracadabra's photo
Wed 03/26/08 03:42 PM

Personally, I think every Godly christian married woman should have a stripper pole in her bedrooom , for her husband to enjoy. :wink:

Would be a lot more happy campers on the home front...speaking of husbands that is.....and they probably wouldn't have a need to be looking elsewhere , either.flowerforyou

You guys must be writing your own Bibles. I don't recall seeing that in mine.

Christianity today is not the same thing it was back in biblical times. I guess it's becoming "Designer Christianity" today.

Maybe I've been away from the church too long. I didn't realize that the religion has changed so much in recent years.

Next think you know they'll be condoning Sodomy and Givememora.

Prayers will be conducted whilst performing oral sex. The whole shebang.

Poor Noah built the ark for nothing. We were already there a long time ago! And God decided to flush the toilet on us and start over. Oh well, they say that history repeats itself I guess. bigsmile

wiley's photo
Wed 03/26/08 03:49 PM
Edited by wiley on Wed 03/26/08 03:57 PM
Honestly I don't think half of them know what it says. Given all the contradictions in it, that isn't at all surprising though.

Here are some: http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/jim_meritt/bible-contradictions.html

no photo
Wed 03/26/08 04:31 PM
Next think you know they'll be condoning Sodomy and Givememora.

Prayers will be conducted whilst performing oral sex. The whole shebang.

laugh laugh laugh laugh happy

I understand the givememora, and whenever I received oral sex I usually did utter something like... "Oh God.... thank you god...
...or something like that. You could have a point here Abra...

:tongue: blushing

no photo
Wed 03/26/08 04:45 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Wed 03/26/08 04:47 PM

Honestly I don't think half of them know what it says. Given all the contradictions in it, that isn't at all surprising though.

Here are some: http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/jim_meritt/bible-contradictions.html

True, but it really doesn't matter what it actually says what matters is what you interpret it to mean. It is symbolic and ambiguous.

The people who take it literally word for word and try to live by it are they themselves in for a world of pain and cruelty.

If they believe I am a witch because I read Tarot Cards, they are stifled by the law because they are not allowed to burn me at the stake. This can be very worrisome for some of them. They worry that I will corrupt their husbands or their children with my naked ritual under the moon and my casting of evil spells upon them.laugh laugh

I am thinking (and hoping) that most Christians have actually come out of these dark ages and no longer abide by or practice the cruelty of the old testament. The ones who still dwell in the darkness, in my opinion, are in the grip of years of mind control put upon them by the "bad" guys,(I don't like the word "evil") mostly the underground catholic die hards who still wish they could kill heretics like they used to. They still exist.

But one should not define himself by what he believes because beliefs are only temporary in the face of infinity. They change all the time.

For me, none of it even matters. It really doesn't. This is where I find peace and love.


creativesoul's photo
Wed 03/26/08 05:24 PM
From my perspective, pantheism is contingient upon the consideration of a 'God' being first...

If a 'God' was first, being the only thing in existance, then 'God' would have to have used itself to create anything, because 'God' was all that existed.

That would ultimately render 'God' indivisible...

Therefore all things are of 'God'...

Short and sweet...


wiley's photo
Wed 03/26/08 05:26 PM

no photo
Wed 03/26/08 09:39 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Wed 03/26/08 10:24 PM

Personally, I think every Godly christian married woman should have a stripper pole in her bedrooom , for her husband to enjoy. :wink:

Would be a lot more happy campers on the home front...speaking of husbands that is.....and they probably wouldn't have a need to be looking elsewhere , either.flowerforyou

You guys must be writing your own Bibles. I don't recall seeing that in mine.

Christianity today is not the same thing it was back in biblical times. I guess it's becoming "Designer Christianity" today.

Maybe I've been away from the church too long. I didn't realize that the religion has changed so much in recent years.

Next think you know they'll be condoning Sodomy and Givememora.

Prayers will be conducted whilst performing oral sex. The whole shebang.

Poor Noah built the ark for nothing. We were already there a long time ago! And God decided to flush the toilet on us and start over. Oh well, they say that history repeats itself I guess. bigsmile

Abra...WITHIN the confines of Matrimony, sex is a very Beautiful .
God created sex ..and it should be beautfiful and exciting as possible between 2 people.
So...there is nothing new or "designer" going on here atall.....cause God already "designed " sex to be beautiful.

But sadly, too many christian women are so busy doing God's work, that they fail sadly , at neglecting their husbands in the bedroom.
And are quite a bore.
Cause they are way too busy at church. And that is NOT the way God
meant for a christian marriage to be.

God wants godly women to serve God, but to ALSO be there for their husbands too.
And that means making the bedroom as exciting a place for her husband, as possible....stripping poles included if neccessary.flowerforyou .

NOW, IF a woman is SINGLE?
Well.... then that's
a different story entirely.

A single woman
should walk in holiness and purity.
And wait to have sex
Until marriage.

But last I heard, there aren't any perfect walking christians out there ...married OR single.

None of us have arrived, and we all are still growing and learning as Chrstians.
And God isn't done perfecting ANY of us yet.
And No one is perfect but God.

And because no one is perfect, it is not our place to judge another.
We each need to only judge our own walk...and get that in order...and usually when we get our own walk up to par, we will find we have no need to judge another's walk..atall.

no photo
Wed 03/26/08 10:24 PM
NOW, IF a woman is SINGLE?
Well.... then that's
a different story entirely.

A single woman
should walk in holiness and purity.
And wait
Until marriage.

I don't think I would agree with that little rule. laugh
Is it one of the commandments?

Is sex between two consenting adults, (both unmarried) mentioned in the bible anywhere as a sin?

The reason I say I am against it is that we are sexual creatures by nature. If I were required to be married, in order to enjoy sex with someone, that would bind me to him via matrimony which is man's law.

Marriage is a contract between a man, a woman, and THE STATE.
(If you want to believe God is in there somewhere, be my guest.)

I don't believe in the bondage of marriage where THE STATE is concerned. Government is already too involved in my life. A woman looses certain rights when she gets married. A man can abuse her and no one will help her. But if she was not married to that man, they would arrest him. This happens all the time.

I don't abide THE STATE or THE CHURCH sticking its nose in my personal life.


wiley's photo
Wed 03/26/08 10:47 PM
Marriage is a barbaric custom if you ask me. But that's the subject for a different thread.

no photo
Wed 03/26/08 11:12 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Wed 03/26/08 11:30 PM
The bible "appears" to be just a bunch of rules and commandments to a nonbelever, and understandably so..and naturally, one would not expect a nonbeliever to follow or abide by those words..

But to a believer, following God's Word becomes a love walk....and not about following a bunch of commands out of christian duty at all.
Religion does that...

Religion beats one over the head with a bunch of rules or commands.
True christianity follows and obeys God's word, out of an act of love.
A WANT to.
That's the difference.

So lets say for instance.....we have a Christian single woman walking in holiness to please God, cause she loves God...and not cause religion tells her to.
See..she does so out of love...It is a choice, not a command.

So Jeannie..not to worry......since you are not a believer ,you will not be beaten over the head with the Word, or judged by anyone here, if you choose not to walk in holiness.laugh

But lets say , Jeannie....one day you DO get saved...and become a christian... well.... then you will WANT to walk in holiness...to please God...and no one will even have to beat you over the head to walk that way....laugh laugh it will just come naturally for you to do so..cause you simply love the Lord.and want to please Him.

Personally, in my own life, the more time I spend with God, the more I want to walk in Holines with Him. But it is a choice for me....religion isn't telling me I HAve to do this.. I choose to walk this way.

Christianity is a LOVE WALK with God ..and not a religious walk with God...or of HAVING to follow a bunch of rules and regulations, or else.
No....religion does that.

Christians abide in God's Word ..simply cause they LOVE God.
Pure and simple.
flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 03/27/08 09:21 AM
So Jeannie..not to worry......since you are not a believer ,you will not be beaten over the head with the Word, or judged by anyone here, if you choose not to walk in holiness.laugh

But lets say , Jeannie....one day you DO get saved...and become a christian... well.... then you will WANT to walk in holiness...to please God...and no one will even have to beat you over the head to walk that way....laugh laugh it will just come naturally for you to do so..cause you simply love the Lord.and want to please Him.

I am not a believer of your Bible nor a follower of your dogma or religion, but I am a very holy and spiritual person who practices unconditional love, right discrimination and conscious will (conscious freedom of choice). I take responsibility for my thoughts and actions completely. I don't look to some religious authority to anoint me, forgive me or die for my transgressions. (I will die for my own sins, thank you.) I don't live my life to please some unseen personality or deity. My deity is part of me and I respect myself and my life. I don't need commandments because I make my own choices.

You sound a little "holier than thou" if you ask me. Oh well.


no photo
Thu 03/27/08 11:44 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Thu 03/27/08 12:02 PM


You sound a little "holier than thou" if you ask me. Oh well.


Oh dear....I can see now.... after re-reading my post, how that impression might have come across that way....sorry Jeannie...:(
no..don't believe in this holier than thou stuff...cause we are ALL special and unique and beautiful in God's eyes,Jeannieflowerforyou

Actually ,about walking in purity though ....there are multitudes presenting their lives to the Lord like I mentioned in my post before..... spirit filled beleivers are walking this way....on fire for God today.... youth included....but I know you live a pure lifestyle too, Jeannie.....so again, please know...I did not mean to come across that way...flowerforyou

Christianity is beoming more and more a Love walk today..and not a religious walk anymore.....shackles are being broken...denominational walls are tumbling down...as we all are coming together in One Accord......with high Worship and Praise for our Lord..... as it should be.....with everyone loving everyone...and not looking at our differences.flowerforyou

But when we do walk in that higher walk, we also desire to keep and present our bodies pure before the Lord also...that's all I meant here, Jeannie.flowerforyou

ALL I can pray is that the body of Christ will continue MORE AND MORE ... to become the way God intended for us to be...on Fire for God..all in One Accord...walking In Love with one another....Amen...Amen...and Amenflowerforyou flowerforyou

creativesoul's photo
Thu 03/27/08 11:54 AM
huh On Fire for 'God'????huh

Poor word choice if you ask me.... and always has been...

Burning is what results from being on fire...


no photo
Thu 03/27/08 12:05 PM

I walk the love walk everyday. I have noticed when I am feeling joy and happiness and love, I attract many friendly people and find myself surrounded by love and friendliness.

but if I am in a hurry, or in a bad mood or have any other attitude other than love for everyone, I walk alone, and no one seems to come near.

People are attracted to real love and real joy. No matter what faith you belong to, they feel it and are attracted to it. That is the love walk.

You will attract loving people to you when you radiate love.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

I think people are saving themselves by learning to radiate love and compassion outward. It is love, real love that will move you to God IMO.

no photo
Thu 03/27/08 12:09 PM

huh On Fire for 'God'????huh

Poor word choice if you ask me.... and always has been...

Burning is what results from being on fire...


Why is that a poor choice? Fire is a symbol of great creativity and energy and spirituality, even in my tarot cards. Fire will only burn you if you are in the body. If you are in spirit, it will energize you. Its just a symbolic expression.

magic2nite's photo
Wed 05/14/08 08:17 AM

I also knew a mathematician who had mathematical proof that God existed. He gave me the formula but of course I am terrible at math, so it was meaningless to me. I think I still have it here on my computer somewhere, but it would take an act of God to find it.


bigsmile OMG this is so funny and kind of zen koan at the same time. We all have the proof on our internal computers, but we have trouble with the sacred language of it, and it would take an act of our own divinity to upload it (or download it, as the case may be) from inspiration to knowledge!

As merely-five-sensory beings may never be able to accept inspiration as a source of truth, only empiricism as a source of truth, they may never seek poetry from a tree, or walk in the certainty of their own divine power.

And yes, Abra, I am claiming my own divinity, and yours too.

My evolution: Polytheist to Pantheist to Happy Animist! I still see truth in all of it. . .
Blessed Be!
Peace of "I",

no photo
Wed 05/14/08 08:34 AM

ok...maybe I'm not seeing the right thing then. is there a term for someone believing in christian beliefs but thinking others are encompassed? not sure if that makes sense or not...i guess incorporating christian and other beliefs together

is there a term for that (and don't say crazy or confused lol)

I have tried very hard to make a connection between the Christian story and pantheism. I have a good imagination and i include aliens in my world view.

If you are a fundamentalist Christian you see only one way. You would not accept my world view which embraces pantheism.

For me, pantheism is simple, and quantum physics supports it. We are all connected, yet we are each individuals with individual personalities and points of view.

What is important are the individual point of view.

Where religion comes in, including Christianity, is that it is part and partial of our spiritual evolution through our many incarnated lives in the lower density worlds.

All religions take mankind on a path towards obedience to a higher authority, which like when going to school, is somewhat necessary.

Earth, I believe, began as a life experiment where seeds were planted and allowed to evolve with the help of advanced beings.

Christianity repeats a story of a crucified savior which is has been told throughout the history of the planet. I am not sure what the meaning of this story is, but I am not going to discount it as being meaningless. It may have something to do with establishing religion and worship in a purposeful manner for the evolving humans on earth. There may be some truth to the events. I have yet to connect them to my other picture I can only hold that idea as a possibility.


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