Community > Posts By > magic2nite

magic2nite's photo
Wed 05/14/08 08:17 AM

I also knew a mathematician who had mathematical proof that God existed. He gave me the formula but of course I am terrible at math, so it was meaningless to me. I think I still have it here on my computer somewhere, but it would take an act of God to find it.


bigsmile OMG this is so funny and kind of zen koan at the same time. We all have the proof on our internal computers, but we have trouble with the sacred language of it, and it would take an act of our own divinity to upload it (or download it, as the case may be) from inspiration to knowledge!

As merely-five-sensory beings may never be able to accept inspiration as a source of truth, only empiricism as a source of truth, they may never seek poetry from a tree, or walk in the certainty of their own divine power.

And yes, Abra, I am claiming my own divinity, and yours too.

My evolution: Polytheist to Pantheist to Happy Animist! I still see truth in all of it. . .
Blessed Be!
Peace of "I",

magic2nite's photo
Wed 05/14/08 07:15 AM
Aloha & Namaste from a fellow newborn!

"O brave new world, That has such people in't!" --Shakespeare

In my old life, I would have never imagined that life could be like this.

Good to see you, Jeannie (Beautiful image, but I appreciated the old Tarot one more).
I wish you Peace Beyond All Understanding,

magic2nite's photo
Wed 05/14/08 06:49 AM
EVERY moment with which we are blessed is a sacred gift. It is OUR JOB to hold that BLISS in our hearts and be overwhelming with LOVE, to create those same moments for others, for the world, for our friends, and especially for our children.
I wish you Peace Beyond All Understanding,

magic2nite's photo
Wed 05/14/08 06:31 AM
Throwing my top hat into the ring!

Anyone feel we should get some meetup events going again in Akron?

magic2nite's photo
Mon 03/10/08 09:33 PM

but it's different when Raymond loves you.... and Michael egged that on....

Raymond, bless his heart, was captivated by you, Lily --
It's impossible to 'egg on' true love. . .


magic2nite's photo
Mon 03/10/08 09:16 AM the by everyone this is an actual IRL friend of mine... well, unless he doesn't want to claim me....

Sorry, been away for a while. I would totally claim you, Lily, perhaps over and over again :wink:. Just tell me when and where. . .


Let My Worship be within the heart that rejoiceth, for behold: all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. --from "The Charge of the Goddess" -Doreen Valiente

magic2nite's photo
Mon 02/11/08 04:25 PM
laugh Abra: love your posts!

Coincidentally, to my knowledge, Abracadabra means, "As I speak it, so it comes to be. . ."

To the original poster: May I recommend "The Four Agreements" (Google search this title for more information). The author's thesis seems to resonate with the vibration of what you originally expressed. . .


magic2nite's photo
Sun 02/10/08 03:29 PM
1. Christians burned alledged witches in Europe, but in Salem, 18 accused of witchcraft were hanged, and one was pressed to death with stones. A dark time in American history.
2. Wiccan Spirituality is not really a large cult. Christianity is a large cult. Wiccan followers make up a medium-sized cult at best, if one must desribe religions as cults.
3. Leah, you have great potential, which some psychics and people in tune with such things are pointing out to you. It's like having IQ. You have an ability and affinity with natural forces, which you could train to use or choose to ignore, and that's your choice. If you train, you would find that you had a lot of natural apptitude. Id recommend 'Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft' as an intro, to see if it's for you. .

magic2nite's photo
Sun 02/10/08 02:50 PM
Now that the dust has settled on this thread, I want to weigh in as a dogmatic Rede-quotin', Bucky's blue book thumpin', dirt-worshipin', Post-Gardnerian', magick-wieldin' polyfreakintheist!explode
A Goddess-worshipper, that is. . .:tongue:

But I'm not a fundie, OK?:wink:
