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Topic: Whats the law..........
Sluggo's photo
Sun 01/07/07 05:59 PM
Kevin, take the $50 and buy yourself a sense of humor (it will be more
use for you, maybe not as gratafying though)

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 01/07/07 06:09 PM
Humm now if you try to beat Sluggo senseless who would we have to keep
others straight in here and hell I just bought all these extra keyboards
at the thrift store too. lmao

Besides in Texas min wage is still what Sluggo brought up $5.15 an hour
and if you wait tables it is like $2.00 an hour plus yer tips.

Hummmm tho funny ya are butting heads with a CPA hummm that has to keep
up with the tax laws in his state.

Kinda like telling a Web designer he don't know what he is doing hummmm

Okay rest my case Sluggo send check # 2 would ya another one down lol

Chuckee's photo
Sun 01/07/07 06:10 PM

heatherrae's photo
Sun 01/07/07 06:11 PM
so sluggo. how do i keep the gov't from seeing the money from my tricks.
he he.
just kidding folks dont get all excited.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 01/07/07 06:14 PM
Humm its call cash on demand and dont claim it as an income lol

Ohhh by the way just j/k

Hummm or put it in the safe at home lol

Sluggo's photo
Sun 01/07/07 06:14 PM
Actaully there are several ways but it's not worth losing my license

no photo
Sun 01/07/07 06:30 PM
i didn't think the federal minimum wage raise(up to $7.25) was even on
the table yet. the last i heard they were planning on bringing it up
when they reconvene with the democrats in power.
michigan has already started the process of raisinf ours to $7.50 but
i'm not sure where kentucky is at with it.

no photo
Sun 01/07/07 06:31 PM
weren't they discussing a way to add a few lines to the tax forms so
that pimps and prostitutes had to file? lol

Sluggo's photo
Sun 01/07/07 06:45 PM
Techinially they do King (All Earned Income is required to be
Reported)...Remember thats how Al Capone eventially got busted (Tax
Evasion)....THAT, they could prove...

unsure's photo
Sun 01/07/07 06:51 PM
Hell I didn't even know what the min wage was, I haven't worked for that
low money for years. I guess I should have known since my son is in high
school...thank god I am in nursing!!

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