Topic: Wally World
izzie's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:43 PM
ok heres the thing...
ive will have been with the company this coming august.. i started as a cashier, i worked my azz off... and next week i will celebrate my 3rd year as an assistant.. you do the math...

im 26, no college education, and am a single mom of 4 kids...
you tell me where else i could have achieved what i have anywhere else with no education out of highschool..

thing is... walmart rewards hard work... i worked HARD!!!! but i enjoy my work.. and that enthusasim and drive has paid off for me.

i treat my associates with dignaty and respect every day.. and they respect me for it,
do i always like my job??
nope.. but then again.. honestly,,, do you??

but i am greatful for walmart. they gave me the chance that no one else would..

pennyg281's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:43 PM

5 years and you're only just now going to break 10 dollars an hour?

yep. never had a write up, have good attendance, never had a below ageravge evaluation, I'm cross trained in several departments, and make less than $10 an hour

izzie's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:44 PM
heres a question... what is the minimum wage in your state??
state to state minimum wages differ, and in some states $10 is really quite alot..

I still work their, and I don't think they pay very well at all, they reduce hours all the time, keep staffing to an absolute minimum, some days I cover 3 departments. But I need my job, the area I live dosen't have much to offer. I will be with Wal-mart 5 yrs in june, and after my yearly eveluation, I'll break the $10 an hour mark

Why would you stay there for 5 years making less than $10/hour then? Even if there isn't much to offer, there's got to be at least one job you're qualified for that pays better, right? Or are you simply not qualified for a higher paying job?

ashley061885's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:45 PM
wal mart always has too many people in line and not enough cashiers

izzie's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:46 PM

i fill like it kills small markets but i still can't get tires and bread at the local market. So i like it.
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

itsmetina's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:46 PM
self check out?

texasrose9's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:47 PM

wal mart always has too many people in line and not enough cashiers

That's true. I hate to wait in long lines myself.

texasrose9's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:48 PM

5 years and you're only just now going to break 10 dollars an hour?

yep. never had a write up, have good attendance, never had a below ageravge evaluation, I'm cross trained in several departments, and make less than $10 an hour

I see from your profile you live in Cleveland, Texas. That's a small town with a population of what? Is it rural?

ashley061885's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:48 PM

self check out?

those things always mess up...item doesnt weigh up or remove unscanned item from basket....i didnt put anyhting in the basket!!! lol dont like it but it comes in handy if i only have like one or two items

pennyg281's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:53 PM

heres a question... what is the minimum wage in your state??
state to state minimum wages differ, and in some states $10 is really quite alot..

I still work their, and I don't think they pay very well at all, they reduce hours all the time, keep staffing to an absolute minimum, some days I cover 3 departments. But I need my job, the area I live dosen't have much to offer. I will be with Wal-mart 5 yrs in june, and after my yearly eveluation, I'll break the $10 an hour mark

Why would you stay there for 5 years making less than $10/hour then? Even if there isn't much to offer, there's got to be at least one job you're qualified for that pays better, right? Or are you simply not qualified for a higher paying job?

Unless I trsvel at least an hour a day, their isn't much in the area. I like working in the same town I live. I appreciate all that Wal-mart has done for me, But Just my opinion, they could pay their employees better. I've tried several times to move up, but It hasn't happend . I stay becasue I know it'll put food on the table, and I know at my age (37) and education leval (some collage), I wouldn't want to try to start over some where else at $6.50 or $7.00 an hour.

wiley's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:55 PM

heres a question... what is the minimum wage in your state??
state to state minimum wages differ, and in some states $10 is really quite alot..

I still work their, and I don't think they pay very well at all, they reduce hours all the time, keep staffing to an absolute minimum, some days I cover 3 departments. But I need my job, the area I live dosen't have much to offer. I will be with Wal-mart 5 yrs in june, and after my yearly eveluation, I'll break the $10 an hour mark

Why would you stay there for 5 years making less than $10/hour then? Even if there isn't much to offer, there's got to be at least one job you're qualified for that pays better, right? Or are you simply not qualified for a higher paying job?

Unless I trsvel at least an hour a day, their isn't much in the area. I like working in the same town I live. I appreciate all that Wal-mart has done for me, But Just my opinion, they could pay their employees better. I've tried several times to move up, but It hasn't happend . I stay becasue I know it'll put food on the table, and I know at my age (37) and education leval (some collage), I wouldn't want to try to start over some where else at $6.50 or $7.00 an hour.

Considering the minimum wage in Texas looks like $5.85/hr, I doubt an employer would be willing to pay much more than that to start. Unless you got a degree.

wiley's photo
Sat 03/15/08 12:07 AM
And just so you know, I've worked a job that required a 3 hour commute each way. And that was before I had my car. It all depends on what you are willing to do to earn what you think you should be making.

izzie's photo
Sat 03/15/08 12:11 AM
i drive an hour each

gives me converting time.. from mommie to work and work to mommie. lol
laugh laugh laugh

FireOfThePhoenix's photo
Sat 03/15/08 12:16 AM
Well to fill in some of the confusion of hiring employees just to cut hours, I'm a retail manager for a company besides wal-mart....and especially during the Holiday season, you alway way over hire to ensure that you have enough people to cover every shift imaginable and for the sick calls etc. But each indivicual stores has a plan set of what sales are suppose to be like for the day, week, month etc, and an alotted amount of hours to work with, if the sales aren't happening in the store, you still have to make the payroll for the store, thus hours are cut.

There are reasons why a lot of it all looks like BS, but once you walk a mile in your manager shoes, or dealt with some of the more pissed off customers during the really have no idea what sort of BS Management puts to from customers, employees and corporate office

izzie's photo
Sat 03/15/08 12:18 AM
ill drink to that..
drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

Well to fill in some of the confusion of hiring employees just to cut hours, I'm a retail manager for a company besides wal-mart....and especially during the Holiday season, you alway way over hire to ensure that you have enough people to cover every shift imaginable and for the sick calls etc. But each indivicual stores has a plan set of what sales are suppose to be like for the day, week, month etc, and an alotted amount of hours to work with, if the sales aren't happening in the store, you still have to make the payroll for the store, thus hours are cut.

There are reasons why a lot of it all looks like BS, but once you walk a mile in your manager shoes, or dealt with some of the more pissed off customers during the really have no idea what sort of BS Management puts to from customers, employees and corporate office

lulu24's photo
Sat 03/15/08 01:08 AM
i LOVE wal-mart, and i also work there.

granted, i make a third of what i made at my real job...but for unskilled labor, they DO pay well. my store has bunches of long-term associates, many of them being over twenty years...

i have the schedule i need to be able to be with my kids during the evenings and on saturday, and i'm able to have off for doctor's appointments and such...and they are very understanding with my issues with my special kiddos...

yes, i make less money than i used to. however, i definitely don't make less than what the JOB deserves...unskilled, requires no education, and is BY FAR the easiest job i have EVER had...and i do work my rear end off (grocery ICS).

wal-mart also starts people off at a level that is above what other area stores are paying, and wages are set based off of the area's cost of living wage.

i'm also cross-trained for several areas, but being ICS they can't call me, lol...

yaya28's photo
Sat 03/15/08 01:10 AM
I'm a Target snob lol

Engraven_Image's photo
Sat 03/15/08 01:10 AM
Wal-Mart is a scam! Everyday low prices my @ss!laugh

wiley's photo
Sat 03/15/08 01:11 AM

Wal-Mart is a scam! Everyday low prices my @ss!laugh

laugh Darth Bush. Awesome. laugh drinker

Engraven_Image's photo
Sat 03/15/08 01:12 AM

I'm a Target snob lol
I'm an Arrow beautiful!