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Topic: Married men !!!!!!!!!!!
TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 01/03/07 01:46 PM
SO true CCP its just finding the ones that really and truely want a one
on one relantionship.

Sluggo's photo
Wed 01/03/07 02:01 PM
Take it for what it's worth but CCP hit the nailon the head. I was in
the Navy for 6 years and had approximately Six changes to living
situations since Sailors are always moved to different duty stations. It
ALWAYS seemed to me that there were ALWAYS those guys that were married
and just couldn't keep it in their pants: No matter how they tried it
just seemed that when the wife was gone out they'ed go... Not all men,
but the ones that did WERE repeat offenders.

Funny side note, the guys that did cheat...Whenever they seemed to have
gotten it under control something Dogmatic would happen and when we got
back into port it turned out that the wife was banging someone else
while they were gone... Isn't life Sweet at times...lol

no photo
Wed 01/03/07 02:06 PM
wow Sluggo agreed with me * I think I shall faint*

Sluggo's photo
Wed 01/03/07 02:19 PM
Do you want me to perform Mouth to mouth to bring you back around or
would that be pushing it...lmao

no photo
Wed 01/03/07 02:31 PM
heh that would be pushin it lol

no photo
Wed 01/03/07 03:10 PM
I thank they do it because they think they can arranget AH if you ask
me:) Seen them ashame to admit been with some of them now I want to do
right and I thank I find the right single sweetest kind hearted guy I
know for me:)Yes he still holding on and hanging in there LOL

Bammer464's photo
Thu 01/04/07 08:58 AM
I cannot speak for every guy, but for myself I did not..My wife did, 3
different times..Bammer

Morena350's photo
Thu 01/04/07 08:59 AM
what did you do? did you droped her like a bad habit?

Morena350's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:04 PM

SheNerd's photo
Tue 05/01/07 08:08 PM
I will never understand this one myself. IMHO, if you make a commitment
to someone then you need to honor that commitment, be it marriage or a
LTR. Either that or break up with the OP and THEN play the field.
Otherwise, someone always gets hurt and IMHO it is cruel to hurt others
for no reason.

SheNerd :)

mnhiker's photo
Wed 05/02/07 09:14 PM
I think it's the 'grass is greener' effect.

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 05/02/07 09:33 PM
Humm actually think it is for the excitement of it just to see if they
can get away with it or not lolbigsmile

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