Topic: Seperation of Church and State
yzrabbit1's photo
Thu 03/13/08 10:05 PM

Well some people are trying to say only the framers can talk about religion. that is no true. We make the laws of this country

Seriously... are you on crack or something? Nobody said anything even remotely close to that.

You keep going on and on over the same thing about Jeffersons letter. It does not make any diffrence what Jeffreson intended. It is law now. In 1942 it became law and now it is part of who we are as a country. So no matter how much you would like Jefferson to be the last person to speak on that. He isn't Today the laws change for the better.

wiley's photo
Thu 03/13/08 10:06 PM

Well some people are trying to say only the framers can talk about religion. that is no true. We make the laws of this country

what thread are you reading....NO ONE said that

Wiley keeps going on and on about the framers and how THomas Jefferson never meant that. It dosn't matter because it is part of our laws now.

Um....ok. If you say so, Goldilocks.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 03/13/08 10:06 PM
ok you actually respond to people or just pick and chose whatever serves your purpose at the moment?

yzrabbit1's photo
Thu 03/13/08 10:07 PM
Edited by yzrabbit1 on Thu 03/13/08 10:07 PM

ok you actually respond to people or just pick and chose whatever serves your purpose at the moment?

Go back and look I responded to you

wiley's photo
Thu 03/13/08 10:08 PM

Well some people are trying to say only the framers can talk about religion. that is no true. We make the laws of this country

Seriously... are you on crack or something? Nobody said anything even remotely close to that.

You keep going on and on over the same thing about Jeffersons letter. It does not make any diffrence what Jeffreson intended. It is law now. In 1942 it became law and now it is part of who we are as a country. So no matter how much you would like Jefferson to be the last person to speak on that. He isn't Today the laws change for the better.

Yeah. News flash rabbit. The Supreme Court doesn't make law. That would be Congress. All they can do is strike down bad laws. Try learning how government actually works before inserting foot in mouth.

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 03/13/08 10:10 PM

ok you actually respond to people or just pick and chose whatever serves your purpose at the moment?

Go back and look I responded to you

actually you haven't been responding to anything i've said to you.

NO ONE forces anyone to say the pledge....which you babbled on about earlier and now you are blowing over your views from earlier with totally different ones

yzrabbit1's photo
Thu 03/13/08 10:12 PM

Well some people are trying to say only the framers can talk about religion. that is no true. We make the laws of this country

Seriously... are you on crack or something? Nobody said anything even remotely close to that.

You keep going on and on over the same thing about Jeffersons letter. It does not make any diffrence what Jeffreson intended. It is law now. In 1942 it became law and now it is part of who we are as a country. So no matter how much you would like Jefferson to be the last person to speak on that. He isn't Today the laws change for the better.

Yeah. News flash rabbit. The Supreme Court doesn't make law. That would be Congress. All they can do is strike down bad laws. Try learning how government actually works before inserting foot in mouth.

Well just to help you out before I go to bed. If the supreme court says that prayers cannot be said in schools. That becomes the LAW of the land. Second my statement above say's "WE" make the laws. In that I was referring to the democracy.
Don't sweat it. It's late.

Good Night

wiley's photo
Thu 03/13/08 10:15 PM
Edited by wiley on Thu 03/13/08 10:28 PM

Well just to help you out before I go to bed. If the supreme court says that prayers cannot be said in schools.

Try re-reading that. That is not what the Supreme Court said.

They said and I quote "the Court determined it unconstitutional by a vote of 6-1 for state officials to compose an official school prayer and require its recitation in public schools, even when it is non-denominational..... "

Translation: It is illegal for the school officials to require the recitation of a prayer in public schools. The school receives tax money from the Federal Government. If they are forcing kids to pray that would be an instance of a Government institution establishing religion. It is not illegal for kids to pray in school on their own.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit apparently.

adj4u's photo
Fri 03/14/08 04:47 AM
ok here is a thought

if the state must be separate from religion

should not the laws that are not malicious in nature

but are born from religious theory be struck down

where does it say anything against prostitution thus laws prohibitng it should be struck down

before it became a christian issue

thus spitzer should not resign nor be charged


where other than religious theory is homosexuality wrong

therefore all these amendments against civil union should be struck down

this is a far and reaching issue if you want it to be

drinker drinker drinker

adj4u's photo
Fri 03/14/08 04:51 AM

Well some people are trying to say only the framers can talk about religion. that is no true. We make the laws of this country

Seriously... are you on crack or something? Nobody said anything even remotely close to that.

You keep going on and on over the same thing about Jeffersons letter. It does not make any diffrence what Jeffreson intended. It is law now. In 1942 it became law and now it is part of who we are as a country. So no matter how much you would like Jefferson to be the last person to speak on that. He isn't Today the laws change for the better.

Yeah. News flash rabbit. The Supreme Court doesn't make law. That would be Congress. All they can do is strike down bad laws. Try learning how government actually works before inserting foot in mouth.

Well just to help you out before I go to bed. If the supreme court says that prayers cannot be said in schools. That becomes the LAW of the land. Second my statement above say's "WE" make the laws. In that I was referring to the democracy.
Don't sweat it. It's late.

Good Night

actually the united states is not a democracy it is a republic
and is moving away from that as well into fascism

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Fri 03/14/08 06:33 AM

I can give you an easy example of where I was forced to pray. As a first grader I had to say the pledge of aligence and in there it say's "under god". Do you think a six year old has the ability to stand up to all of that power structure?

Actually that is not a prayer. You are not attempting to communicate with a deity or god. You merely state that our nation is under God. At no point do you pray.

to an atheist you are forcing them to admit that there is a God. That is the govt supporting religion.

First, I , a non-believer do not see "Under God" in the pledge as any kind of threat to me in any way. Nor does it turn my stomach, cause me to be ill, scar me for life or in any way harm me. It does not force me to believe anything. First and foremost you are pledging to be loyal to your country. If you do not believe in that, don't do it. But you have no right to stop others from doing it. If you don't feel loyalty to the United States, most of us would rather you live elsewhere. Besides, we have much larger issues that need our attention than this drivel.

Secondly, the Constitution states and here is the full text from the document:

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

See the part where you can not prohibit the free exercise there of?

Michael Newdow can go jump in a lake too.

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Fri 03/14/08 06:37 AM

Well some people are trying to say only the framers can talk about religion. that is no true. We make the laws of this country

Seriously... are you on crack or something? Nobody said anything even remotely close to that.

You keep going on and on over the same thing about Jeffersons letter. It does not make any diffrence what Jeffreson intended. It is law now. In 1942 it became law and now it is part of who we are as a country. So no matter how much you would like Jefferson to be the last person to speak on that. He isn't Today the laws change for the better.

As to the Supreme Court, they have done many things over the last several decades that are beyond their scope. I suggest the book "Men In Black" Mark Levin as reading for anyone that believes in the US constitution, its control over our government and the power enumerated to each branch. This branch of the government has seized unto itself much more power than it was granted.

yzrabbit1's photo
Fri 03/14/08 07:39 AM
Edited by yzrabbit1 on Fri 03/14/08 07:49 AM

Well just to help you out before I go to bed. If the supreme court says that prayers cannot be said in schools.

Try re-reading that. That is not what the Supreme Court said.

They said and I quote "the Court determined it unconstitutional by a vote of 6-1 for state officials to compose an official school prayer and require its recitation in public schools, even when it is non-denominational..... "

Translation: It is illegal for the school officials to require the recitation of a prayer in public schools. The school receives tax money from the Federal Government. If they are forcing kids to pray that would be an instance of a Government institution establishing religion. It is not illegal for kids to pray in school on their own.

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit apparently.

I have said this a dozen times in here.

Everyone say's that this ruling put an end to prayer in schools. Of course no one thinks we are talking about someone praying quietly inside there own head. The ONLY thing I have been talking about is the Govt. forcing people to recognize a god. Such as saying the "under god" in the pledge. Or saying a prayer at the start of school that led by the teachers. These things are illegal. Just as that separation of church and state is important to me. So is the separation that protects a kid with a Bible from being stopped from reading the bible at his lunch hour. Or some kid sitting on the playground discussing Allah with his friends from being stopped from discussing him. The law is just as important in both directions. There has never been a time on here when I have ever said that anyone should not be able to pray by themselves.

The only people that think that all prayer is threatened in school is Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson. Even they do not really believe it they just know it works people up and makes them money.

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Fri 03/14/08 08:00 AM

The only people that think that all prayer is threatened in school is Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson. Even they do not really believe it they just know it works people up and makes them money.

Yes just those two and all of the other Americans that think the way they do. Millions of them last count. But you over ride the rest of them because you have the high moral ground here.

80%+ of Americans, I cant recall the exact number now, when polled claim they attend church at least once a year. Again, I am not one of them. But I think it speaks volumes as to what most Americans believe.

yzrabbit1's photo
Fri 03/14/08 08:12 AM

The only people that think that all prayer is threatened in school is Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson. Even they do not really believe it they just know it works people up and makes them money.

Yes just those two and all of the other Americans that think the way they do. Millions of them last count. But you over ride the rest of them because you have the high moral ground here.

80%+ of Americans, I cant recall the exact number now, when polled claim they attend church at least once a year. Again, I am not one of them. But I think it speaks volumes as to what most Americans believe.

Show me proof of this statement that Millions of Americans think that kids cannot pray silently in there heads at school.

wiley's photo
Fri 03/14/08 10:20 AM
Edited by wiley on Fri 03/14/08 10:23 AM

Everyone say's that this ruling put an end to prayer in schools.

Who is everyone? The ruling says nothing of the sort. In this thread, you are the only person saying that this is what the ruling said.

Dragoness's photo
Fri 03/14/08 10:33 AM

The only people that think that all prayer is threatened in school is Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson. Even they do not really believe it they just know it works people up and makes them money.

Yes just those two and all of the other Americans that think the way they do. Millions of them last count. But you over ride the rest of them because you have the high moral ground here.

80%+ of Americans, I cant recall the exact number now, when polled claim they attend church at least once a year. Again, I am not one of them. But I think it speaks volumes as to what most Americans believe.

I know people who claim to be religious and are not, they are not even sure that there is a god but they are afraid of being judged so they say they are publically.

But that is besides the point if there are just 5 Americans who are not practicing religion and they are not willing to have their children have to pray in school then respect is due them. If people want their kids to pray in school they have parochial schools just for that purpose. Any government run schools should not cater to one religion. If teachers run prayer then the prayer style or god in reference will be one god over another or others and this is discriminatory and disresp;ectful of other religions, or those who do not practice a religion.

yzrabbit1's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:17 AM

Everyone say's that this ruling put an end to prayer in schools.

Who is everyone? The ruling says nothing of the sort. In this thread, you are the only person saying that this is what the ruling said.

You continually pick out the one small sentence in my whole paragraph that does not represent my point. It is this type of deceptive word manipulation that the right is famous for. Be brave enough to represent my true point, and post my whole statement.

Jura_Neat_Please's photo
Fri 03/14/08 11:59 AM

The only people that think that all prayer is threatened in school is Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson. Even they do not really believe it they just know it works people up and makes them money.

Yes just those two and all of the other Americans that think the way they do. Millions of them last count. But you over ride the rest of them because you have the high moral ground here.

80%+ of Americans, I cant recall the exact number now, when polled claim they attend church at least once a year. Again, I am not one of them. But I think it speaks volumes as to what most Americans believe.

I know people who claim to be religious and are not, they are not even sure that there is a god but they are afraid of being judged so they say they are publically.

But that is besides the point if there are just 5 Americans who are not practicing religion and they are not willing to have their children have to pray in school then respect is due them. If people want their kids to pray in school they have parochial schools just for that purpose. Any government run schools should not cater to one religion. If teachers run prayer then the prayer style or god in reference will be one god over another or others and this is discriminatory and disresp;ectful of other religions, or those who do not practice a religion.

I am not advocating school prayer. But if you want to, go ahead is my take on it. It does not cause me harm. It didn't when I was in school either. To make it required in a public school would be wrong, as an option, I could care less.

My whole point in jumping into this conversation started with the subject of the Pledge Of Allegiance and "Under God". I fail to see where this hurts anyone at all. You also have the option not to participate in it.

I am also arguing that nowhere in the CONSTITUTION does it say you cant pray in school or anywhere else and nowhere is the phrase "Separation of church and state" in that document or any of its amendments. Though its touted over and over as if it is.

And again, anything that the Supreme Court has ruled that strays from the original Constitution is moot, should be voided, tossed out, repealed et al. They have zero business writing law on any subject. It is not their role.

These are my only points in this.

wiley's photo
Fri 03/14/08 12:50 PM
Edited by wiley on Fri 03/14/08 12:50 PM

You continually pick out the one small sentence in my whole paragraph that does not represent my point. It is this type of deceptive word manipulation that the right is famous for. Be brave enough to represent my true point, and post my whole statement.

Why bother? It's blatantly obvious you're just talking out of your ass.