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Topic: Dr. Phil is it true?
Peccy's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:32 AM
Perhaps he is one of the most renowned people of our time by being in touch with his feminine side. Don't get me wrong, some of his advice is excellent.

But then, as with all Talk show host trying to please an audience, you have the other part of him that's not so appealing, especially to menfolk.

I've personally seen him rant on and on about men where his cure calls for nothing short of castration.

Here's a hint dude, your male, you are breaking the male set of unsaid rules with your underhanded "menstruation" loving tactics.

You're supposed to be on the male's side, not undermining things we hold dear.


caponeog's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:35 AM

tanyaann's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:35 AM
Dr. Phil is a quack!! He wasn't a good practitior when before he gave up his practice. Both him and his dad are nut jobs and sure have never been giving a license to practice! :tongue:

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:35 AM
Didn't he have three failed marriages?

hellkitten54's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:35 AM
His show is starting to remind me of any other talk show like Maury.yawn

Hgirl's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:37 AM
What's wrong with 3 failed marriages, I've had about 23.

tinabelle's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:39 AM

His show is starting to remind me of any other talk show like Maury.yawn

...the minute dr phil breaks out with the "was it born a man or a woman" drag show...i'm so done with him !!!huh

Peccy's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:39 AM
Edited by Peccy on Tue 03/11/08 09:40 AM

What's wrong with 3 failed marriages, I've had about 23.
Surprised you're not on his show with him telling the nation how everything was the man's fault.

lilith401's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:41 AM
Peccy~ I got to draw the line somewhere. "Dude" is my vernacular and underhanded version of "tool".. If you call Dr. Phil a dude that hurts.

I like Dr. Phil. He reminds me of: me! laugh

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:42 AM
My point is he is in no position to give out advice, he can't keep his own life together. I'd be better off getting advice from the brick wall across the street...

adj4u's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:42 AM
Edited by adj4u on Tue 03/11/08 09:43 AM
dr phill is the new jerk

kinda like th one that strarted the do not punish kids guy

use positive reinforcement

well positive reinforcement is great

but it is no substitute for discipline

just look at the state of the under 25 crowd

that have parents that believed him

or used it as an excuse to be a lazy parent

Jill298's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:42 AM

His show is starting to remind me of any other talk show like Maury.yawn
all he needs are paternity tests and he'll be all set

davidben1's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:45 AM

Perhaps he is one of the most renowned people of our time by being in touch with his feminine side. Don't get me wrong, some of his advice is excellent.

But then, as with all Talk show host trying to please an audience, you have the other part of him that's not so appealing, especially to menfolk.

I've personally seen him rant on and on about men where his cure calls for nothing short of castration.

Here's a hint dude, your male, you are breaking the male set of unsaid rules with your underhanded "menstruation" loving tactics.

You're supposed to be on the male's side, not undermining things we hold dear.


if anything is truth it will contain both the wisdom of a female and a male, so will be able to love/relate to BOTH sides, and make peace, not ****ing war!

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:46 AM
Dr.Phil is some annoying,unrealistic pompous wind bag.Winning of the hearts & minds of the majority is his concept 4 success w/likeness,appeal,ratings,etc.As if he's some role model giving out advice so lavishly.Please!look @ his prev. personal life.Next he'll be looking 4 a political candidate seat.(lmao)noway

coco56's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:46 AM

His show is starting to remind me of any other talk show like Maury.yawn
all he needs are paternity tests and he'll be all set

hey jill nice glasses bigsmile

Peccy's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:47 AM

Peccy~ I got to draw the line somewhere. "Dude" is my vernacular and underhanded version of "tool".. If you call Dr. Phil a dude that hurts.

I like Dr. Phil. He reminds me of: me! laugh
I still think he has a menstrual cycle, fine I'll call him Dudette

Jill298's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:47 AM

His show is starting to remind me of any other talk show like Maury.yawn
all he needs are paternity tests and he'll be all set

hey jill nice glasses bigsmile
tybigsmile I just got them

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:47 AM

I like Dr. Phil. He reminds me of: me! laugh

Please don't say that in my presence. It puts a horrible spin on my sexual fantasies that I may not recover from.

lilith401's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:51 AM

I like Dr. Phil. He reminds me of: me! laugh

Please don't say that in my presence. It puts a horrible spin on my sexual fantasies that I may not recover from.

:heart: I love you, too!:heart:

How's that working for ya?:wink:

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:55 AM
Yup.. Just as I feared. In my mind you are a tall, portly, mustached, bald guy with your voice... I'm gonna need some therapy now... Drugs, some electro shock..

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