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Topic: Dr. Phil is it true?
lilith401's photo
Tue 03/11/08 11:44 AM
As much as Dr. Phil has strayed from the average every day issues into those of contention and popularity, truth is he does do great shows on mental illness and addiction.

That, we cannot have enough awareness of. He does not glamorize it, he provides real and accurate information. For this, I will always admire Dr. Phil. I try to ignore the rest.

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 11:47 AM

Dr Phil... is, by anyone's estimation, at a minimum ~ grandiose, at times. I've seen him on late night T.V. and in other situations. I've only watched two episodes of his program, both of which I was sitting next to lilith, on her couch. I believe I fell asleep halfway through at least one of them.

Despite all that.
If he calls people out who blame their own failings on others? Who act like 6 year olds trapped in 40 something year old bodies.. Then him and I probably have something in common.
So.. I would not be so quick to assassinate the guy's character as some men have, here. In fact.. If I felt insulted or offended by anything the man says.. I would wonder why I felt emasculated by a television personality.

davidben1's photo
Tue 03/11/08 11:50 AM
Edited by davidben1 on Tue 03/11/08 11:52 AM

As much as Dr. Phil has strayed from the average every day issues into those of contention and popularity, truth is he does do great shows on mental illness and addiction.

That, we cannot have enough awareness of. He does not glamorize it, he provides real and accurate information. For this, I will always admire Dr. Phil. I try to ignore the rest.

I spoke not about him as an individual that i do not admire, and very much do and even love the man as there is love in his eyes and his intent i know is good, but that does not mean that if i sat with him i would not tell my opinion, and believe that he is all the man he is would see merit in it, as it is plain to me that the hardest thing in life is for one to admit they are wrong, so loving help would make it as easy as possible, not as hard as possible by shaming in public, to make his show worth seeing and provide drama.....take them to a private room and they each will be free to be vulnerable, which is the first step to admitting the truth.....the whole shows premise in this way is flawed and teach others to do the same.

davidben1's photo
Tue 03/11/08 11:54 AM
Edited by davidben1 on Tue 03/11/08 11:55 AM


Dr Phil... is, by anyone's estimation, at a minimum ~ grandiose, at times. I've seen him on late night T.V. and in other situations. I've only watched two episodes of his program, both of which I was sitting next to lilith, on her couch. I believe I fell asleep halfway through at least one of them.

Despite all that.
If he calls people out who blame their own failings on others? Who act like 6 year olds trapped in 40 something year old bodies.. Then him and I probably have something in common.
So.. I would not be so quick to assassinate the guy's character as some men have, here. In fact.. If I felt insulted or offended by anything the man says.. I would wonder why I felt emasculated by a television personality.

So.. I would not be so quick to assassinate the guy's character as some men have, here. In fact.. If I felt insulted or offended by anything the man says.. I would wonder why I felt emasculated by a television personality.

you believe not in yourself man, so you believe not in anyone else that speak, and think they are as you. Your own wisdom would tell you the simple truth, if you listened to yourself instead of your agenda to impress the ladies or lady.

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 11:58 AM
Do yourself a favor davidben..Let it go. I have no contention with you. Nor will I let you bait me into one.

Bottom line here:
It is better to be thought a fool. Then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

tinabelle's photo
Tue 03/11/08 12:01 PM

dr phill is the new jerk

kinda like th one that strarted the do not punish kids guy

use positive reinforcement

well positive reinforcement is great

but it is no substitute for discipline

just look at the state of the under 25 crowd

that have parents that believed him

or used it as an excuse to be a lazy parent


davidben1's photo
Tue 03/11/08 12:05 PM
so why if you have valid points do you not defend them, as this is the only way that truth can be clearly known.....perhaps you care not for the truth, but only to cover your own lack thereof....it is the premise the USA is founded upon....it is the basis of all libertys we have, and every freedom we enjoy......to stand up for your own truth is the only way to find truth.....then if you see another be more correct, you add to your arsenal of truth, as is not truth the only guide we have to happiness, and not despair....so it indeed is ones only defense against their own misery....is not that the very reason something like NAZI HITLER GOT AWAY WITH WHAT HE DID.....THE PEOPLE NOT QUESTIONING AND BELIEVING IN THEMSELF, and thinking because it is held up as fmaous and power it be true....so yes, i question everything i see, even television celebs.

tinabelle's photo
Tue 03/11/08 12:07 PM

Amen to the 'stop being a lazy parent' part.

dr. phil is pretty in your face, calling you to task.
i like that. he's alright with me...

just to clarify...bigsmile

davidben1's photo
Tue 03/11/08 12:09 PM

Do yourself a favor davidben..Let it go. I have no contention with you. Nor will I let you bait me into one.

Bottom line here:
It is better to be thought a fool. Then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

what is wise that call another a fool.....appears you yourself do all you say others do....so it appears it is not over till you turn tail or admit the truth.

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 12:10 PM

Amen to the 'stop being a lazy parent' part.

dr. phil is pretty in your face, calling you to task.
i like that. he's alright with me...

just to clarify...bigsmile

Thank you for trying to bring it back to topic.

...and agreed. As much as I have a distaste for him, I can appreciate his method.
Especially since the people he tends to work with insist on shaming themselves in a public arena. In my limited experience watching...All he seems to be doing is pointing out the obvious, in public.

davidben1's photo
Tue 03/11/08 12:11 PM
this was never about contention with you, rather contention from you, and this your own heart will sear into itself, as you have forced this issue even when you yourself know your own heart.

lilith401's photo
Tue 03/11/08 12:14 PM

Amen to the 'stop being a lazy parent' part.

dr. phil is pretty in your face, calling you to task.
i like that. he's alright with me...

just to clarify...bigsmile

Thank you for trying to bring it back to topic.

...and agreed. As much as I have a distaste for him, I can appreciate his method.
Especially since the people he tends to work with insist on shaming themselves in a public arena. In my limited experience watching...All he seems to be doing is pointing out the obvious, in public.

Exactly.... but people listen to him. He has sound clinical judgment though... when it comes down to it.

davidben1's photo
Tue 03/11/08 12:17 PM
Edited by davidben1 on Tue 03/11/08 12:22 PM

Amen to the 'stop being a lazy parent' part.

dr. phil is pretty in your face, calling you to task.
i like that. he's alright with me...

just to clarify...bigsmile

Thank you for trying to bring it back to topic.

...and agreed. As much as I have a distaste for him, I can appreciate his method.
Especially since the people he tends to work with insist on shaming themselves in a public arena. In my limited experience watching...All he seems to be doing is pointing out the obvious, in public.

as you say he point out the obvious, so these be things all can see, so why any need to point at them.....it is much more valuable to point out the unseen and not so obvious....try to find that within yourself as it is there, and no matter how many you find that agree with you, it change not the truth.....how does a strong man help the weak by making them believe they are even more weak......a strong man can help the weak and they do not even know they were touched.

but one that think he is strong and is not will have to be made weak to help him.....why i proclaim my ignorance....is anything what it proclaim, but rather the opposite, just because it prolaim it be the only reason that wisdom elude anything....so what is it so sad to be ignorant....i rather enjoy it.

tinabelle's photo
Tue 03/11/08 12:23 PM

as you say he point out the obvious, so these be things all can see, so why any need to point at them.....it is much more valuable to point out the unseen and not so obvious....try to find that within yourself as it is there, and no matter how many you find that agree with you, it change not the truth.....how does a strong man help the weak by making them believe they are even more weak......a strong man can help the weak and they do not even know they were touched.

but we've spent so much time lately trying to justify what we do and say-finding clever words and reasoning, that the obvious has fallen out of fashion and been replaced by 'psych-speak', which
helps us avoid the true reasons and results.
the v8 head slap realization comes in restating the obvious.

davidben1's photo
Tue 03/11/08 12:24 PM

as you say he point out the obvious, so these be things all can see, so why any need to point at them.....it is much more valuable to point out the unseen and not so obvious....try to find that within yourself as it is there, and no matter how many you find that agree with you, it change not the truth.....how does a strong man help the weak by making them believe they are even more weak......a strong man can help the weak and they do not even know they were touched.

but we've spent so much time lately trying to justify what we do and say-finding clever words and reasoning, that the obvious has fallen out of fashion and been replaced by 'psych-speak', which
helps us avoid the true reasons and results.
the v8 head slap realization comes in restating the obvious.

as a man wish so shall he get....glad you like V8

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 12:25 PM

Exactly.... but people listen to him. He has sound clinical judgment though... when it comes down to it.

I wouldn't know. I'm not a clinician. You are much closer to that level then I have ever been.

I do know that in my experience, both personal and in crisis management with others on a professional level. People tend to respond favorably to someone giving them a shiny surface to view their reflection. Sometimes that shiny surface can be pretty brutal. It takes what it takes though.

PS.. Has anyone ever felt like you have a rabid chihuaua attached to their pant leg? That's how I feel now. Any suggestions?

davidben1's photo
Tue 03/11/08 12:30 PM
PS.. Has anyone ever felt like you have a rabid chihuaua attached to their pant leg? That's how I feel now. Any suggestions?

Only ignorance cannot show merit in it's own point if debated, and need to use childish insults to hide.......so i guess i have no choice but to use sticks and stones can break my bones, but ignorance can never hurt me.

davidben1's photo
Tue 03/11/08 12:31 PM
If we ever met my friend, you would profess me to be your best friend in less than 15 minutes. flowerforyou flowerforyou

lilith401's photo
Tue 03/11/08 12:32 PM
happy I'm so sorry.... I cannot stop myself.

I think it already has. Hurt you. Really. No unkindness intended. happy

davidben1's photo
Tue 03/11/08 12:34 PM

happy I'm so sorry.... I cannot stop myself.

I think it already has. Hurt you. Really. No unkindness intended. happy

You only just assume you know who I am, and you do not. Your still cute no matter how much you try to be mean. All kindness intended flowerforyou

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