Topic: The Name
wouldee's photo
Fri 03/07/08 05:04 PM
Edited by wouldee on Fri 03/07/08 05:13 PM

The problem is the scriptures have some corruption in them. Everyone says Yahshua is my example. If that is true then do it. That is all I am saying. But all the non sence that they do is written at the end of the book. Yahshua kept the old testament laws. People have been made to believe Yahweh made a mistake. No man made it. That is why Yahshua came so we could have life. Throwing out the old testament allows people and preachers to make it say what ever they want. Do you know what preachers mainly learn in school? Finanses. now that a hard one to believe. They are learning like the church is a corporation or something. They have something to sell.The NT can easily be proven that the OT is still in force except for sacrafices. I worked in electronics for a long time. The 1st thing I learned was ohms law. then i went on to a few more years of advance training. But i always need ohms law. I could not say well i have learned power thereory so i do not need ohms law. It is the same with the scriptures the NT is higher learning with the spirits help. Thats all...Blessings....Miles

Jesus instructed and approved of His disciples plucking corn and eating like David on the Sabbath eating the shewbread in the temple because they were hungry, Miles.

No sin there and he broke the law or not?

Get over yourself.

You can't be selective with what you want to believe and discard the rest and speak the truth, Miles.

You are your own oxymoron.

Matthew 12:1-8.....Mark 2:23-28....Luke 6:1-4.

Me and the kids are going racing tonight.

peace out!

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

yzrabbit1's photo
Fri 03/07/08 05:41 PM

It says here that the old has fault in it...

Hebrews 8:6-7
But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises. For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 03/07/08 06:23 PM

You qoute something I had not said anything about here. You are right. Yahweh said today choose life or choose death. Mercy always triumps. And the birds of the fields have nests but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head. Clearly Yahshua and his disciples were poor.
Do you know where picking the corn came from. The law. Name calling is showing me how much you hate the name and everyone else here.It is said you will be hated for my name. Here are the scriptures that made it lawful for yahshua and his disciples and David to eat on the sabbath or not.

Lev 19:9-10

9'When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not wholly reap the corners of your field, nor shall you gather the gleanings of your harvest. 10 And you shall not glean your vineyard, nor shall you gather every grape of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger: I am Yahweh your Elohim.
NKJV Blessings....Miles

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 03/07/08 06:26 PM
David read what I have written not being angry. I did not say i was judging. Thier is a judgement i can do but not to the outsider. I said speaking the truth is not judging. If you feel judged by me have a long talk with Yahweh and see what he says...Blessings...Miles

Donnar's photo
Fri 03/07/08 07:58 PM

Mt 1,23 Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel, which means "God is with us"

The angel appearing to Joseph regarding Marys pregnancy is the one who spoke this to Joseph.

no photo
Fri 03/07/08 08:25 PM


You qoute something I had not said anything about here. You are right. Yahweh said today choose life or choose death. Mercy always triumps. And the birds of the fields have nests but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head. Clearly Yahshua and his disciples were poor.
Do you know where picking the corn came from. The law. Name calling is showing me how much you hate the name and everyone else here.It is said you will be hated for my name. Here are the scriptures that made it lawful for yahshua and his disciples and David to eat on the sabbath or not.

Lev 19:9-10

9'When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not wholly reap the corners of your field, nor shall you gather the gleanings of your harvest. 10 And you shall not glean your vineyard, nor shall you gather every grape of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger: I am Yahweh your Elohim.
NKJV Blessings....Miles

I guess you missed the memo...wouldee and I are not the same person.

You are going to hell. Blessings...spider

Sorry, that was my imitation of you. Ha Ha! Is good ja?

creativesoul's photo
Fri 03/07/08 08:29 PM

Miles, I respect and love ya man!!! flowerforyou


spider...that was pretty darned funny...laugh

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 03/07/08 11:57 PM
YHWH translated by the scribes to LORD in the OT is found more than any other word or name in the OT. Over 6900 times Yahweh was inspired or directly told to be put in. Why people want to believe in a name that can not or will not save them is beyond me.. If you really believe thier is no name under heaven by which man can be saved. The i would study and find out where and what these names are. Be sure in your conviction. Not just it says so in my bible. Prphecy the lying pen of the scribe.Or my preacher says so. yahshua said follow a prophet and recieve a prophets reward follow me and recieve eternal life..Blessings..Miles

wouldee's photo
Sat 03/08/08 01:23 AM
Edited by wouldee on Sat 03/08/08 01:43 AM

It says here that the old has fault in it...

Hebrews 8:6-7
But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises. For if that first covenant had been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the second.



the old covenant was brought about by the children of Israel cheating on their husbandman with a strange woman (god) after he had freed them of slavery and bondage through one man ( MOSES )willing to listen to him for the advise as to how to pull off such a deliverance since the rest of them had shut the Lord aout completely ; to the man.

The love affair started when Moses took a break and walked upo a mountain alone while the children had their orgy with their strange woman (god).

But the Lord, not willing to divorce himself from them because of his promise to their father, Abraham, did the next best thing. He took them to divorce counseling. Thus the law...the Old Covenant.

When they had thoroughly and completely accomplished being obstinately distant and shewed their faithfulness towards having completely removed the LORD from their hearts and minds in the things that he had given them for reconciling the marriage, he visited them as one among their own to see if they knew him or knew him not.

This would mean Jesus.

They, sufficiently, displayed that they did not know him, even in their presence among them.

Then was the law and the burden of his marriage to them annuled.

But for the children of Abraham's sake, he made a new marriage offer and incuded whoso ever in the world, seeing that Israel had mingled his seed, (which holds the inheritance of the promise made to Abraham), and with all of mankind the marriage proposal was thus tendered, for Abraham's sake.

This change excluded not a one of the children of promise and also extended the hand of Abraham's promise to all.

Whosoever will, come.

He had warned them by giving himself the name EL_SHADDAY. It means literally, in English. GOD ALMIGHTY.

shadday comes from shadad and shiddah comes from shadad.

whereas shadad means 'burly' and figuratively..'powerful(pass. impregnable).

and shiddah means a wife(as mistress of the house)

they are all three written as almost identical in the Hebrew language, but for a slight jot or tittle, they are the same word in general appearance and reference.

This is first expressed in Genesis17:1.

"and when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD (JHWH) appeared to Abram, and said unto him,I am the ALMIGHTY GOD ( EL SHADDAY); walk thou before me, and be thou perfect."

Please, Rabbit, no rabbit holes chasing the meaning of prefect here. It is not what it seems. Stay with me now.

At this time in the history of this people, Abram is not getting his name changed to Abraham yet, there is no Israel yet, there are no children yet, and there is no law yet and there is no other covenant than this one to Abraham when he was still called Abram.

EL SHADDAY sounds eerily close to the 'God of the wife.'

Now then...

The Church is called the bride of christ...there is the marriage supper of the lamb (christ and the Church in heaven),

the Lord is referred to as the husbandman......

the first miracle of Jesus turning water to wine at a wedding....

the parable of Jesus depicting the invitation to a wedding to those strangers on the street because the invited guest had not rsvp'd or attended the ceremony and guests were desired and expected to show up for this marriage as witnesses.

It goes on...

Midrash? The figurative is the deeper meaning found through the literal?

Iam assuming much upon your understanding of things Jewish, Rabbit.

Can you begin to see the why of the picture you have sought answers to?

Read the rest of the Bible a-z to see the continuity of such an allegory and qualification for like metaphors and parables as well...,,they tie the whole together quite nicely.

Not all of it comes across in English.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

wouldee's photo
Sat 03/08/08 01:30 AM

YHWH translated by the scribes to LORD in the OT is found more than any other word or name in the OT. Over 6900 times Yahweh was inspired or directly told to be put in. Why people want to believe in a name that can not or will not save them is beyond me.. If you really believe thier is no name under heaven by which man can be saved. The i would study and find out where and what these names are. Be sure in your conviction. Not just it says so in my bible. Prphecy the lying pen of the scribe.Or my preacher says so. yahshua said follow a prophet and recieve a prophets reward follow me and recieve eternal life..Blessings..Miles

and the Jews translate JHWH as HASHEM...self existent or eternal has been changed to 'wealthy' in Jewish OT.

HASHEM means appropriate:wink: for an example of this from their own mouths. Especially in refuting verse 10 of Isaiah ironicbigsmile

Are you Jewish, Miles?

Rattle their cage, too!

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

anoasis's photo
Sat 03/08/08 01:41 AM

you have no knowledge even of the feeling that god be and what he look like as you have not met god and have only your minds ideas of who he is, what he is, and why he is what he is.....just tell me these simple truths and i will denounce my god truth and serve your god of self saving effort, good deeds and condemnation.....???

I am confused. Are you saying that YOU have "met god"? What exactly does that mean?


Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 03/08/08 02:02 AM

Heb 8:7-12

For if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second. 8 Because finding fault with them, He says: "Behold, the days are coming, says Yahweh, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah — 9 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they did not continue in My covenant, and I disregarded them, says Yahweh. 10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says Yahweh: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their Elohim, and they shall be My people. 11 None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, 'Know Yahweh,' for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them. 12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more."
Apperently your bible leaves out in verse 8 finding fault with them. Not Yahweh. This also is a prophecy of Jer.

Notice also this New covenant what he will do...

Heb 8:10
0 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says Yahweh: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their Elohim, and they shall be My people.

He will write them on thier HEARTS and PUT my LAWS in thier MINDS

He is speaking of giving us the Holy spirit. He is not saying only NT Laws.He says MY LAWS.

That is given freely so they would understand the meaning .. The Spirit of TRUTH. Nothing done away except the contract. Yahshua when he offered up himself as a spotless lamb of Yahweh, Allowed Israel and all who would join her to be free from thier maraige. This is how we can have the maraige supper of the lamb.Everyone understood the law was in force. All the Apostles and yahshua kept it. Acts 21 is a real good example they did. I believe all the scriptures as they were to be written. They did not use JHWH they used YHWH and when they saw those letters and vowel points they said Hashem which means The Name out of being afraid of disobeying the 3rd commandment.

Here is a good one for you as you do like to use J-hovah. The Je no one is sure where it came from. But if you look up the definition of hovah. It will tell you it means mischief, rebel,ect. I do not believe Yahweh would refer to himself as that or accept any worship from that name as it is what satan/Helel is.

The promice of marriage came with the giving of his body and blood at the passover meal.. Then he said I will not drink this with you again untill i do with you aknew. When this happens this is the Marraige supper of the lamb.

He said to remember his death. To take the emblems each year at passover.. not easter and thier was no sunrise service ever done by any disciple.

wouldee's photo
Sat 03/08/08 02:37 AM
Edited by wouldee on Sat 03/08/08 02:42 AM

Heb 8:7-12

For if that first covenant had been faultless, then no place would have been sought for a second. 8 Because finding fault with them, He says: "Behold, the days are coming, says Yahweh, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah — 9 not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they did not continue in My covenant, and I disregarded them, says Yahweh. 10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says Yahweh: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their Elohim, and they shall be My people. 11 None of them shall teach his neighbor, and none his brother, saying, 'Know Yahweh,' for all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them. 12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more."
Apperently your bible leaves out in verse 8 finding fault with them. Not Yahweh. This also is a prophecy of Jer.

Notice also this New covenant what he will do...

Heb 8:10
0 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says Yahweh: I will put My laws in their mind and write them on their hearts; and I will be their Elohim, and they shall be My people.

He will write them on thier HEARTS and PUT my LAWS in thier MINDS

He is speaking of giving us the Holy spirit. He is not saying only NT Laws.He says MY LAWS.

That is given freely so they would understand the meaning .. The Spirit of TRUTH. Nothing done away except the contract. Yahshua when he offered up himself as a spotless lamb of Yahweh, Allowed Israel and all who would join her to be free from thier maraige. This is how we can have the maraige supper of the lamb.Everyone understood the law was in force. All the Apostles and yahshua kept it. Acts 21 is a real good example they did. I believe all the scriptures as they were to be written. They did not use JHWH they used YHWH and when they saw those letters and vowel points they said Hashem which means The Name out of being afraid of disobeying the 3rd commandment.

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh


you guys use HASHEM so no Jew reads in English the verse in John 8:58 and then sees the same thing said in Exodus 3:14.


The same that you do.

half truths and protectionism is a lie, Miles.

Engendering fear for approaching the Lord or calling on His name is power and control over the individual.

No lies.

Quit the charade and admit the scrpitural truth that Jesus is JHWH or ( as you now are apt to change it to avoid addressing it in your fears)YHWH and they both declare that they are "I AM" in Exodus 3:14 and John 8:58.....

MILES!!!!!!!the reason you avoid these two passages is because they make you caese and desist from using the new testament to teach your falsehoods as truth when these two passages clearly refute you and your lies about what the truth is in the New Testament.

these two simple scriptures destroy your doctrine and that means you must stop or stop calling the New Testament the Word of God and that it says Jesus is not JHWH as you wish to impose on it.

By your admission, it is true, but by your sleight of hand you ignore the simplest of things that make your own lies testify of your false teachings.

unbelieveably arrogant and foolish.

I guess now you will stop teaching out of the New Testament until you repent and do the law or something, eh? Or what ever it is that you do?

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

Here is a good one for you as you do like to use J-hovah. The Je no one is sure where it came from. But if you look up the definition of hovah. It will tell you it means mischief, rebel,ect. I do not believe Yahweh would refer to himself as that or accept any worship from that name as it is what satan/Helel is.

The promice of marriage came with the giving of his body and blood at the passover meal.. Then he said I will not drink this with you again untill i do with you aknew. When this happens this is the Marraige supper of the lamb.

He said to remember his death. To take the emblems each year at passover.. not easter and thier was no sunrise service ever done by any disciple.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 03/08/08 09:15 AM
Ok Wooldee I have answered you right now. tell me this is a lie, can you?

"HaShem" - (both and neither masculine nor feminine and absolutely no plural); the word means, literally, "The Name," and it is the way that Jews refer to G-d when not in a Prayer or Torah Reading or Torah citation context. The reason is that the Torah forbids us from pronouncing the four-letter Name of HaShem in other than ritual contexts, and even then using only certain Names (other than the four-letter one, known as the Tetragrammaton) that embody characteristics, such as A-donai, E-l, E-lohim.



hayah OT:1961, "to become, occur, come to pass, be." This verb occurs only in Hebrew and Aramaic. The Old Testament attests hayah about 3,560 times, in both Hebrew and Aramaic.

Often this verb indicates more than simple existence or identity (this may be indicated by omitting the verb altogether). Rather, the verb makes a strong statement about the being or presence of a person or thing. Yet the simple meaning "become" or "come to pass" appears often in the English versions.

The verb can be used to emphasize the presence of a person (e. g., God's Spirit — Judg. 3:10>), an emotion (e. g., fear — Gen. 9:2>), or a state of being (e. g., evil — Amos 3:6>). In such cases, the verb indicates that their presence (or absence) is noticeable — it makes a real difference to what is happening.

On the other hand, in some instances hayah does simply mean "happen, occur." Here the focus is on the simple occurrence of the events — as seen, for example, in the statement following the first day of creation: "And so it happened" Gen 1:7. In this sense, hayah is frequently translated "it came to pass."

The use of this verb with various particles colors its emphasis accordingly. In passages setting forth blessing or cursing, for example, this verb not only is used to specify the object of the action but also the dynamic forces behind and within the action. Gen 12:2, for example, records that God told Abram: "...I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be [hayah] a blessing." Abram was already blessed, so God's pronouncement conferred upon him a future blessedness. The use of hayah in such passages declares the actual release of power, so that the accomplishment is assured — Abram will be blessed because God has ordained it.

In another set of passages, hayah constitutes intent rather than accomplishment. Hence, the blessing becomes a promise and the curse a threat (cf. Gen 15:5).

Finally, in a still weaker use of hayah, the blessing or curse constitutes a wish or desire (cf. Ps 129:6). Even here the verb is somewhat dynamic, since the statement recognizes God's presence, man's faithfulness (or rebellion), and God's intent to accomplish the result pronounced.

In miracle accounts, hayah often appears at the climax of the story to confirm the occurrence of the event itself. Lot's wife looked back and "became" a pillar of salt Gen 19:26; the use of hayah emphasizes that the event really occurred. This is also the force of the verb in Gen 1:3, in which God said, "Let there be light." He accomplished His word so that there was light.

The prophets use hayah to project God's intervention in the future. By using this verb, they emphasize not so much the occurrence of predicted events and circumstances as the underlying divine force that will effect them (cf. Isa 2:2).

Legal passages use hayah in describing God's relationship to His covenant people, to set forth what is desired and intended (cf. Ex 12:16). When covenants were made between two partners, the formulas usually included hayah Deut 26:17-18; Jer 7:23.
One of the most debated uses of hayah occurs in Ex 3:14, where God tells Moses His name. He says: "I am [hayah] that I am [hayah]." Since the divine name Jehovah or Yahweh was well-known long before (cf. Gen 4:1), this revelation seems to emphasize that the God who made the covenant was the God who kept the covenant. So Ex 3:14 is more than a simple statement of identity: "I am that I am"; it is a declaration of divine control of all things (cf. Hos 1:9).
(from Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, Copyright © 1985, Thomas Nelson Publishers.)

The I of John 8:58



ego (
<END GREEK>, NT:1473) is the nominative case of the first personal pronoun. The pronoun, "I," however, generally forms a part of the verb itself in Greek; thus luo itself means "I loose," the pronoun being incorporated in the verb form. Where the pronoun ego is added to the verb, it is almost invariably, if not entirely, emphatic. The emphasis may not be so apparent in some instances, as e. g., Matt 10:16, but even here it may be taken that something more of stress is present than if the pronoun were omitted. By far the greater number of instances are found in the Gospel of John, and there in the utterances of the Lord concerning Himself, e. g., 4:14,26,32,38; 5:34,36,43,45; 6:35,40,41,48,51 (twice), 63,70; instances in the Epistles are Rom 7:9,14,17,20 (twice), 24,25; there are more in that chapter than in any other outside the Gospel of John.

In other cases of the pronoun than the nominative, the pronoun is usually more necessary to the meaning, apart from any stress.

For k'ago (i. e., kai ego), see EVEN, Note (6).
(from Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, Copyright © 1985, Thomas Nelson Publishers.)

The Am of John 8:58


NT:1510 eimi
I. eimi has the force of a predicate to be,
1. to exist
a. passages in which the idea of the verb preponderates, and some person or thing is said to exist by way of distinction from things non-existent: Heb 11:6 b. Hence, equivalent to to live: Matt 23:30 c. equivalent to to stay, remain, be in a place: Matt 2:13,15 d. equivalent to to be found, Luke 16:1,19 e. when used of things, events, facts, etc., einai is equivalent to to happen, take place: John 12:312. equivalent to pareimi, to be present; to be at hand; to be in store: John 2:33. estin with an infinitive, it is impossible: Heb 9:5
II. eimi (as a copula) connects the subject with the predicate, where the sentence shows who or what a person or thing is as respects character, nature, disposition, race, power, dignity, greatness, age, etc.
1. universally: Luke 1:182. eimi, as a copula, indicates that the subject is or is to be compared to the thing expressed by the predicate: 1 Cor 9:23. Hence, einai, getting an explicative force, is often equivalent to to denote, signify, import, Matt 13:37-39,19 f,22 f4. a participle without the article serves as the predicate, being connected with the subject by the verba. so as to form a mere periphrasis of the finite verb
<START GREEK>a<END GREEK>. with the present participle is formed -- a periphrasis of the present: 2 Cor 9:12
<START GREEK>b<END GREEK>. with the perfect participle is formed -- a periphrasis of the aorist (imperfect (?)): een hestoos, Luke 5:1
<START GREEK>g<END GREEK>. once with an aorist participle a periphrasis of the pluperfect is formed: Luke 23:19 b. so as to indicate continuance in any act or statec. to signify that one is in the act of doing something: John 1:9 d. the combination of einai with participle Matt 19:22 e. to be found, to be present, to stay, Mark 5:55. I am he must have its predicate supplied mentally, John 18:56. Of the phrases having a pronoun in place of a predicatea. tis eimi, ei, estin, a formula of inquiry, used by those desiring -- either to know what sort of a man one is whom they see, or what his name is, John 1:19 b. to be somebody (eminent): Acts 5:36 c. what does it mean? what is the explanation of the thing? Luke 8:9 d. houtos, hautee, touto estin followed by a noun
<START GREEK>a<END GREEK>. is so employed that the pronoun refers to something which has just been said: Matt 7:12
<START GREEK>b<END GREEK>. the pronoun serves as the subject, which is defined by a noun that follows, and this noun itself is a substitute as it were for the predicate: 1 John 5:47. The participle joined to a substantive or an adjective, has the force of an intercalated clause, and may be translated since or although I am, thou art, etc.8. Sometimes the copula stands at the beginning of a sentence, to emphasize the truth of what the sentence affirms or denies: Luke 8:11
III. eimi joined with adverbs
1. with adverbs of placea. where? to be, be busy, somewhere: ekei, Matt 2:15 b. with adverbs of distance: Rom 3:18 c. Whence? to be from some quarter, i. e. to come, originate, from: pothen, Matt 21:252. with adverbs of quality; to be thus or so, to be such; absolutely, Matt 13:49
IV. eimi with the oblique cases of substantives or of pronouns
1. to pertain to a person or a thing, denotes any kind of possession or connectiona. of things which one owns: Luke 4:7 b. of things which proceed from one: 2 Cor 4:7 c. to be of one's party, be devoted to one: 1 Cor 1:12 d. to be subject to one; to be in his hands or power: Matt 22:28 e. to be suitable, fit, for one: Acts 1:7 f. to be of a kind or class: 1 Thess 5:5,8 g. with a genitive of quality: Heb 10:39 h. with a genitive of age: Mark 5:422. eimi with the dativea. it is mine, ours, etc., I, we, etc., have: Luke 1:7 b. to be something to (or for) someone, Acts 9:15 c. to be to one as or for something, to pass for etc.: 1 Cor 1:18 d. to be, i. e. conduce, redound to one for (or as) something 1 Cor 11:14 fe. will come upon, befall, happen to, one: Matt 16:22 f. Acts 24:11
V. eimi with prepositions and their cases
1. to come from, be a native of: John 1:44 (45)2. eis ti
a. to have betaken oneself to some place and to be there, to have gone into Mark 2:1 b. to be directed toward a thing: 1 Peter 1:21 c. to be for, i. e. conduce or inure to, serve for 1 Cor 14:22 d. In imitation of the Hebrew haayaah followed by lª-, einai eis tina or ti stands where the Greeks use a nominative Matt 19:53. ek tinos,a. to be of, i. e. a part of anything, to belong to, etc. 1 Cor 12:15 fb. to be of, i. e. to have originated, sprung, come, from Luke 23:7 c. to be of, i. e. proceed from one as the author Matt 5:37 d. to be of, i. e. be connected with one; to be related to, Gal 3:12 e. to be of, i. e. formed from: Rev 21:214. en tini,a. with the dative of place, to be in,
<START GREEK>a<END GREEK>. properly, Matt 24:26; Luke 2:49, etc.; on the surface of a place
<START GREEK>b<END GREEK>. things so pertaining to locality that one can, be in them or be surrounded by them, 1 John 2:9,11 b. to be in a state or condition Luke 11:21 c. to be in possession of, provided with a thing Phil 4:11 d. to be occupied in a thing John 2:23 e. a person or thing is said to be in one, i. e. in his soul: thus, God (by his power and influence) in the prophets, 1 Cor 14:25 f. en too Theoo einai is said:
<START GREEK>a<END GREEK>. used of Christians, as being intimately united to him, 1 John 2:5; 5:20
<START GREEK>b<END GREEK>. used of all men, because the ground of their creation and continued being is to be found in him alone, Acts 17:28 g. with a dative of the person to be in Matt 27:56 h. with the dative of the thing, is (contained, wrapped up) in something: Eph 5:185. eimi epia. tinos, to be on: Luke 17:31 b. tini, to be at Matt 24:33 c. tina, to be upon one: Luke 2:406. eimi kataa. tinos, to be against one, to oppose him: Matt 12:30 b. kata ti, according to something: Rom 8:57. meta tinos,a. to be with (i. e., to associate with) one: Matt 17:17 b. to be (i. e. to cooperate) with: Matt 12:308. eimi paraa. tinos, to (have come and so) be from one: John 6:46 b. tini, to be with one: Matt 22:25 c. tina (topon), by, by the side of: Mark 5:219. pros tina
a. toward: Luke 24:29 b. by (turned toward): Mark 4:1 c. with one: Matt 13:5610. sun tini,a. to associate with one: Luke 22:56 b. to be the companion of one, to accompany him: Luke 7:12 c. (to be an adherent of one, be on his side: Acts 5:1711. eimi hupera. tinos, to be for one, to favor his side: Mark 9:40 b. tina, to be above one, to surpass, excel him: Luke 6:4012. hupo tina
a. to be under (i. e., subject to) one: Matt 8:9 b. to be (locally) under a thing: e. g. under a tree, John 1:48 (49)
VI. As in classical Greek, so also in the N.T.
eimi is very often omitted

to go, John 7:34,36
(from Thayer's Greek Lexicon, Electronic Database. Copyright © 2000, 2003 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights reserved.)
John 8:58 is not even listed as Yahshua saying it. That really puts things in doubt. I would think with all the other references that John 8:58 would have been a main theme

If you take the very first definition of am in that passage it is saying it means something that exists that was non existant..Was Yahweh Non Existant at any time? Problem huh? The son had to come after the father. So the I Am refering himself to Ex 3:14 would be to say I was in the Bush but I am not the father. Exactly what Yahshua said over and over.


John 7:16-18
6 Yahshua answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. What wooldee who is this it is not his doctrine?

17 If any man will do his will , he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of Yahweh, or whether I speak of myself. This is what I said of myself. Again Yahshua says I am not speaking my own words,huh?

18 He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him. I do not speak of myself!!!!

John 9:36-39

36 He answered and said, Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him?

37 And Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, and it is he that talketh with thee.

38 And he said, Lord, I believe. And he worshipped him.

39 And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.

Acts 10:42-43
And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained by Yahweh to be Judge of the living and the dead. 43 To Him all the prophets witness that, through His name, whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins."

Now how can you ordain yourself to be a judge?

That is a strange way you believe….

Acts 17:30-31
Truly, these times of ignorance Yahweh overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, 31 because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead."

By the man he ordained. The Apostles understood exactly as I do. But the time of Ignorance Wooldee has passed. It is time for you to truly repent of spreading a lie and doing the devils work for him.

2 Tim 4:1-5
I charge you therefore before Yahweh Yahshua our Messiah our Master, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: 2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

I believe that says it all what has/is happening today. Do not fight me. If you fight against a servant of Yahweh it is as you are fighting Yahweh himself. Do not I warn you in all Love. To think about what you are saying and doing.

May Yahweh Have Mercy and Open up The Gates of Heaven for His Glory….Miles

davidben1's photo
Sat 03/08/08 10:25 AM
Edited by davidben1 on Sat 03/08/08 11:01 AM

you have no knowledge even of the feeling that god be and what he look like as you have not met god and have only your minds ideas of who he is, what he is, and why he is what he is.....just tell me these simple truths and i will denounce my god truth and serve your god of self saving effort, good deeds and condemnation.....???

I am confused. Are you saying that YOU have "met god"? What exactly does that mean?


if you have a friend/god/love, and another come up and say to your friend/god/love that they are a bad person, but you know your friend/god/love and that they are AWESOME, will you not turn to the one that accuse them and say.....LEAVE THEM ALONE, THEY ARE GOOD? I KNOW THEM AND YOU DO NOT.....but since you love your friend and the accuser, will you not defend the friend/god/love and and turn to the friend/god/love and try with all effort to convince them they see not your friend so that all can become friends....

wouldee's photo
Sat 03/08/08 12:22 PM

Ok Wooldee I have answered you right now. tell me this is a lie, can you?

"HaShem" - (both and neither masculine nor feminine and absolutely no plural); the word means, literally, "The Name," and it is the way that Jews refer to G-d when not in a Prayer or Torah Reading or Torah citation context. The reason is that the Torah forbids us from pronouncing the four-letter Name of HaShem in other than ritual contexts, and even then using only certain Names (other than the four-letter one, known as the Tetragrammaton) that embody characteristics, such as A-donai, E-l, E-lohim.



hayah OT:1961, "to become, occur, come to pass, be." This verb occurs only in Hebrew and Aramaic. The Old Testament attests hayah about 3,560 times, in both Hebrew and Aramaic.

Often this verb indicates more than simple existence or identity (this may be indicated by omitting the verb altogether). Rather, the verb makes a strong statement about the being or presence of a person or thing. Yet the simple meaning "become" or "come to pass" appears often in the English versions.

The verb can be used to emphasize the presence of a person (e. g., God's Spirit — Judg. 3:10>), an emotion (e. g., fear — Gen. 9:2>), or a state of being (e. g., evil — Amos 3:6>). In such cases, the verb indicates that their presence (or absence) is noticeable — it makes a real difference to what is happening.

On the other hand, in some instances hayah does simply mean "happen, occur." Here the focus is on the simple occurrence of the events — as seen, for example, in the statement following the first day of creation: "And so it happened" Gen 1:7. In this sense, hayah is frequently translated "it came to pass."

The use of this verb with various particles colors its emphasis accordingly. In passages setting forth blessing or cursing, for example, this verb not only is used to specify the object of the action but also the dynamic forces behind and within the action. Gen 12:2, for example, records that God told Abram: "...I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be [hayah] a blessing." Abram was already blessed, so God's pronouncement conferred upon him a future blessedness. The use of hayah in such passages declares the actual release of power, so that the accomplishment is assured — Abram will be blessed because God has ordained it.

In another set of passages, hayah constitutes intent rather than accomplishment. Hence, the blessing becomes a promise and the curse a threat (cf. Gen 15:5).

Finally, in a still weaker use of hayah, the blessing or curse constitutes a wish or desire (cf. Ps 129:6). Even here the verb is somewhat dynamic, since the statement recognizes God's presence, man's faithfulness (or rebellion), and God's intent to accomplish the result pronounced.

In miracle accounts, hayah often appears at the climax of the story to confirm the occurrence of the event itself. Lot's wife looked back and "became" a pillar of salt Gen 19:26; the use of hayah emphasizes that the event really occurred. This is also the force of the verb in Gen 1:3, in which God said, "Let there be light." He accomplished His word so that there was light.

The prophets use hayah to project God's intervention in the future. By using this verb, they emphasize not so much the occurrence of predicted events and circumstances as the underlying divine force that will effect them (cf. Isa 2:2).

Legal passages use hayah in describing God's relationship to His covenant people, to set forth what is desired and intended (cf. Ex 12:16). When covenants were made between two partners, the formulas usually included hayah Deut 26:17-18; Jer 7:23.
One of the most debated uses of hayah occurs in Ex 3:14, where God tells Moses His name. He says: "I am [hayah] that I am [hayah]." Since the divine name Jehovah or Yahweh was well-known long before (cf. Gen 4:1), this revelation seems to emphasize that the God who made the covenant was the God who kept the covenant. So Ex 3:14 is more than a simple statement of identity: "I am that I am"; it is a declaration of divine control of all things (cf. Hos 1:9).
(from Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, Copyright © 1985, Thomas Nelson Publishers.)

The I of John 8:58



ego (
<END GREEK>, NT:1473) is the nominative case of the first personal pronoun. The pronoun, "I," however, generally forms a part of the verb itself in Greek; thus luo itself means "I loose," the pronoun being incorporated in the verb form. Where the pronoun ego is added to the verb, it is almost invariably, if not entirely, emphatic. The emphasis may not be so apparent in some instances, as e. g., Matt 10:16, but even here it may be taken that something more of stress is present than if the pronoun were omitted. By far the greater number of instances are found in the Gospel of John, and there in the utterances of the Lord concerning Himself, e. g., 4:14,26,32,38; 5:34,36,43,45; 6:35,40,41,48,51 (twice), 63,70; instances in the Epistles are Rom 7:9,14,17,20 (twice), 24,25; there are more in that chapter than in any other outside the Gospel of John.

In other cases of the pronoun than the nominative, the pronoun is usually more necessary to the meaning, apart from any stress.

For k'ago (i. e., kai ego), see EVEN, Note (6).
(from Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, Copyright © 1985, Thomas Nelson Publishers.)

The Am of John 8:58


NT:1510 eimi
I. eimi has the force of a predicate to be,
1. to exist
a. passages in which the idea of the verb preponderates, and some person or thing is said to exist by way of distinction from things non-existent: Heb 11:6 b. Hence, equivalent to to live: Matt 23:30 c. equivalent to to stay, remain, be in a place: Matt 2:13,15 d. equivalent to to be found, Luke 16:1,19 e. when used of things, events, facts, etc., einai is equivalent to to happen, take place: John 12:312. equivalent to pareimi, to be present; to be at hand; to be in store: John 2:33. estin with an infinitive, it is impossible: Heb 9:5
II. eimi (as a copula) connects the subject with the predicate, where the sentence shows who or what a person or thing is as respects character, nature, disposition, race, power, dignity, greatness, age, etc.
1. universally: Luke 1:182. eimi, as a copula, indicates that the subject is or is to be compared to the thing expressed by the predicate: 1 Cor 9:23. Hence, einai, getting an explicative force, is often equivalent to to denote, signify, import, Matt 13:37-39,19 f,22 f4. a participle without the article serves as the predicate, being connected with the subject by the verba. so as to form a mere periphrasis of the finite verb
<START GREEK>a<END GREEK>. with the present participle is formed -- a periphrasis of the present: 2 Cor 9:12
<START GREEK>b<END GREEK>. with the perfect participle is formed -- a periphrasis of the aorist (imperfect (?)): een hestoos, Luke 5:1
<START GREEK>g<END GREEK>. once with an aorist participle a periphrasis of the pluperfect is formed: Luke 23:19 b. so as to indicate continuance in any act or statec. to signify that one is in the act of doing something: John 1:9 d. the combination of einai with participle Matt 19:22 e. to be found, to be present, to stay, Mark 5:55. I am he must have its predicate supplied mentally, John 18:56. Of the phrases having a pronoun in place of a predicatea. tis eimi, ei, estin, a formula of inquiry, used by those desiring -- either to know what sort of a man one is whom they see, or what his name is, John 1:19 b. to be somebody (eminent): Acts 5:36 c. what does it mean? what is the explanation of the thing? Luke 8:9 d. houtos, hautee, touto estin followed by a noun
<START GREEK>a<END GREEK>. is so employed that the pronoun refers to something which has just been said: Matt 7:12
<START GREEK>b<END GREEK>. the pronoun serves as the subject, which is defined by a noun that follows, and this noun itself is a substitute as it were for the predicate: 1 John 5:47. The participle joined to a substantive or an adjective, has the force of an intercalated clause, and may be translated since or although I am, thou art, etc.8. Sometimes the copula stands at the beginning of a sentence, to emphasize the truth of what the sentence affirms or denies: Luke 8:11
III. eimi joined with adverbs
1. with adverbs of placea. where? to be, be busy, somewhere: ekei, Matt 2:15 b. with adverbs of distance: Rom 3:18 c. Whence? to be from some quarter, i. e. to come, originate, from: pothen, Matt 21:252. with adverbs of quality; to be thus or so, to be such; absolutely, Matt 13:49
IV. eimi with the oblique cases of substantives or of pronouns
1. to pertain to a person or a thing, denotes any kind of possession or connectiona. of things which one owns: Luke 4:7 b. of things which proceed from one: 2 Cor 4:7 c. to be of one's party, be devoted to one: 1 Cor 1:12 d. to be subject to one; to be in his hands or power: Matt 22:28 e. to be suitable, fit, for one: Acts 1:7 f. to be of a kind or class: 1 Thess 5:5,8 g. with a genitive of quality: Heb 10:39 h. with a genitive of age: Mark 5:422. eimi with the dativea. it is mine, ours, etc., I, we, etc., have: Luke 1:7 b. to be something to (or for) someone, Acts 9:15 c. to be to one as or for something, to pass for etc.: 1 Cor 1:18 d. to be, i. e. conduce, redound to one for (or as) something 1 Cor 11:14 fe. will come upon, befall, happen to, one: Matt 16:22 f. Acts 24:11
V. eimi with prepositions and their cases
1. to come from, be a native of: John 1:44 (45)2. eis ti
a. to have betaken oneself to some place and to be there, to have gone into Mark 2:1 b. to be directed toward a thing: 1 Peter 1:21 c. to be for, i. e. conduce or inure to, serve for 1 Cor 14:22 d. In imitation of the Hebrew haayaah followed by lª-, einai eis tina or ti stands where the Greeks use a nominative Matt 19:53. ek tinos,a. to be of, i. e. a part of anything, to belong to, etc. 1 Cor 12:15 fb. to be of, i. e. to have originated, sprung, come, from Luke 23:7 c. to be of, i. e. proceed from one as the author Matt 5:37 d. to be of, i. e. be connected with one; to be related to, Gal 3:12 e. to be of, i. e. formed from: Rev 21:214. en tini,a. with the dative of place, to be in,
<START GREEK>a<END GREEK>. properly, Matt 24:26; Luke 2:49, etc.; on the surface of a place
<START GREEK>b<END GREEK>. things so pertaining to locality that one can, be in them or be surrounded by them, 1 John 2:9,11 b. to be in a state or condition Luke 11:21 c. to be in possession of, provided with a thing Phil 4:11 d. to be occupied in a thing John 2:23 e. a person or thing is said to be in one, i. e. in his soul: thus, God (by his power and influence) in the prophets, 1 Cor 14:25 f. en too Theoo einai is said:
<START GREEK>a<END GREEK>. used of Christians, as being intimately united to him, 1 John 2:5; 5:20
<START GREEK>b<END GREEK>. used of all men, because the ground of their creation and continued being is to be found in him alone, Acts 17:28 g. with a dative of the person to be in Matt 27:56 h. with the dative of the thing, is (contained, wrapped up) in something: Eph 5:185. eimi epia. tinos, to be on: Luke 17:31 b. tini, to be at Matt 24:33 c. tina, to be upon one: Luke 2:406. eimi kataa. tinos, to be against one, to oppose him: Matt 12:30 b. kata ti, according to something: Rom 8:57. meta tinos,a. to be with (i. e., to associate with) one: Matt 17:17 b. to be (i. e. to cooperate) with: Matt 12:308. eimi paraa. tinos, to (have come and so) be from one: John 6:46 b. tini, to be with one: Matt 22:25 c. tina (topon), by, by the side of: Mark 5:219. pros tina
a. toward: Luke 24:29 b. by (turned toward): Mark 4:1 c. with one: Matt 13:5610. sun tini,a. to associate with one: Luke 22:56 b. to be the companion of one, to accompany him: Luke 7:12 c. (to be an adherent of one, be on his side: Acts 5:1711. eimi hupera. tinos, to be for one, to favor his side: Mark 9:40 b. tina, to be above one, to surpass, excel him: Luke 6:4012. hupo tina
a. to be under (i. e., subject to) one: Matt 8:9 b. to be (locally) under a thing: e. g. under a tree, John 1:48 (49)
VI. As in classical Greek, so also in the N.T.
eimi is very often omitted

to go, John 7:34,36
(from Thayer's Greek Lexicon, Electronic Database. Copyright © 2000, 2003 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights reserved.)
John 8:58 is not even listed as Yahshua saying it. That really puts things in doubt. I would think with all the other references that John 8:58 would have been a main theme

If you take the very first definition of am in that passage it is saying it means something that exists that was non existant..Was Yahweh Non Existant at any time? Problem huh? The son had to come after the father. So the I Am refering himself to Ex 3:14 would be to say I was in the Bush but I am not the father. Exactly what Yahshua said over and over.
flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

WRONG. Here is John 8:58. "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am."

You have reduced yyourself to continue your lie. Foolish man you are, Miles

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

John 7:16-18
6 Yahshua answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. What wooldee who is this it is not his doctrine?

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile
Jesus is speaking of His Father, whom he has and is and will always speak for, Miles.

You are just blind

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

17 If any man will do his will , he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of Yahweh, or whether I speak of myself. This is what I said of myself. Again Yahshua says I am not speaking my own words,huh?

18 He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him. I do not speak of myself!!!!

John 9:36-39

36 He answered and said, Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him?

37 And Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, and it is he that talketh with thee.

38 And he said, Lord, I believe. And he worshipped him.

39 And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind.


flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

Being the Living Word of the Father puts this right there with everything I am saying and He says it best for Himself in verse 37. HE IS GOD!!!! there is no other , Miles. you deceive yourself. The truth is in your face and you still don't see it.
flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

Acts 10:42-43
And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained by Yahweh to be Judge of the living and the dead. 43 To Him all the prophets witness that, through His name, whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins."

Now how can you ordain yourself to be a judge?

That is a strange way you believe….

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile
NO...You can't ordain yourself. But you do it every day, Miles.

But that's because you don't know what you believe. More about your erroneous VINES later.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

Acts 17:30-31
Truly, these times of ignorance Yahweh overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, 31 because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead."

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

YUP! That would be Jesus Christ whom you say is not yahweh, but who in fact is Yahweh. AND Jesus is the one raised from the dead. You are still blind tweisting the truth that is in front of your blind eyes, Miles.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

By the man he ordained. The Apostles understood exactly as I do. But the time of Ignorance Wooldee has passed. It is time for you to truly repent of spreading a lie and doing the devils work for him.
flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

What are you talking about? You are the one that doesn't see it. And I keep showing it to you. JHWH, your yahweh, is Jesus.

Yet, you insist that the truth is a lie.
Something is taslking to you in your thick skull and trying to tell you that you are in error, Miles. It is not telling you that I am in error, it is telling you that you are in error. If I was in error, He would tell me, not you. IT IS YOU BEING TOLD THAT YOU ARE IN ERROR in your head and heart and BY ME AS WELL. The two of us agree that you are not getting it.


you are really dense and arrogantly proud of your self righteousness so much that God cannot even set you straight. Liars cannot hear truth, Miles and the father of lies has deceived you well and seared your conscience. REPENT...means renounce, Miles. Do so and live and then sit down and be quiet!!!

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

2 Tim 4:1-5
I charge you therefore before Yahweh Yahshua our Messiah our Master, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: 2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

I believe that says it all what has/is happening today. Do not fight me. If you fight against a servant of Yahweh it is as you are fighting Yahweh himself. Do not I warn you in all Love. To think about what you are saying and doing.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

As before, and now, I put the 'bold ' on your remarks and show you with the very thing that you quote, that Jesys is Yahweh.

What foolishness is this that the very thing I keep telling you is the very thing that you deny, yet you insist on quoting scriptures that defend whaT i AM SAYING AND EXPOSE YOUR OWN LIE THAT Jesus and Yahweh are not the same in your unterpretation. God is still warning you to understand, Miles, not teach me what I already know and have been teaching you. NOW GID IS ATTEMPTING TO TEACH YOU THE TRUTH BY SHOWING YOU THES SCRIPTURES THAT REFUTE YOU, and ypou are piblicly refuting yoursefl while accusing me of some negligent error.

GET A GRIP, Miles.

Sit down and be quiet. You are confused to the core. Refresh yourself and start over and quit the charade.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

May Yahweh Have Mercy and Open up The Gates of Heaven for His Glory….Miles

wouldee's photo
Sat 03/08/08 12:32 PM
Edited by wouldee on Sat 03/08/08 12:37 PM
Now then Miles.

Strong's Concordance says HASHEM means wealthy, and that is all that is said about it.

Whatever you are quoting from is another Jewish twist of the word HASHEM to excuse it.

It doesn'e take THAT many words to translate one simple word like HASHEM!

Your evasiveness defends the deplorable use of distracting anyone from the point being made.

HASHEM is not, JHWH is and JHWH is Jesus bu the very book that has your attentions by the throat and is wringing your neck while you publicly wrestle with it and others here in these threads tesifies against you.

Your attempts at transference suggest you need a doctor. A psychiatrist can't even help you as long as you continue in this charade of being enlightened by God to misappropriate the scriptures.

You are a claassic example of why psychiatry and the gospel are in the business, Miles.

One works and the other doesn't work, but they both are trying to save you from yourself.

Blind eyes see nothing .

Blind hearts lead blind eyes astray.

Look over the ones that have twisted your emotions and taught you their lies and your lies will cease.

It is as simple as using your brain, which you say of yourself is huge!


flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile
You are unteachable , Miles.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 03/08/08 12:35 PM
I put it plain and you twist it. You call Yahshua a liar because you keep the commandments of man and not the commandments of Yahweh. I will pray for you. Blessings...Miles

wouldee's photo
Sat 03/08/08 12:41 PM
Edited by wouldee on Sat 03/08/08 12:44 PM

I put it plain and you twist it. You call Yahshua a liar because you keep the commandments of man and not the commandments of Yahweh. I will pray for you. Blessings...Miles

perfect, Miles.

Now listen to it.

That was God talking to you.

That was for you, Miles.

God talks for Himself.

You have heard it, now apply it to your heart and sit down and be quiet and know that He is God and learn of him again without twisting the scriptures any more.

He just offered His hand to you to correct the error. Do not miss the opportunity to remain in the grace and mercy He just put in you.

All is forgiven by God in the Word spoken to your heart already by it being spoken at all!!!!!!!

Sit down and rest in Him.

Have a good day, Miles.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 03/08/08 12:49 PM
when you put your hand to the plough you do not look back