Topic: The Name
wouldee's photo
Fri 03/07/08 12:05 PM
Edited by wouldee on Fri 03/07/08 12:10 PM

Spider here is a big problem with what you quoted. I understand why you would think that. If you go to the Hebrew it will say for one Yahshalom Yahweh's Peace. Every adjitive given as a name has Yah before it. Just like when yahshua comes back his name will be Yahziccanu.. What does that mean.You do not realize how much corruption went into the English bibles at least. Because high men in high places wanted it to stay that away. Just a king had that put in thier when 28 times it is the word pasha for passover and 1 time Easter. Who won out. Yahweh always when defining himself to the people Yah is in front of the rest of the name. Shalom...Miles

look in the hebrew for those words and prove me wrong.

By your own admission you are adding names to the list, Miles.

Are you really that blind?

You still make no sense, especially in your defiance of the deity of Christ. As well, you are avoiding how the everlasting Father is explained away.

Clearly, by your acknoledgement JHWH just became the everlasting Father in Spider's quote.

I would think that to be of grave concern to you to not overstep and dare to affirm in likeness to JHWH.

That is the core of your pseudo-christianity.

You make no sense.


no photo
Fri 03/07/08 12:20 PM

Spider here is a big problem with what you quoted. I understand why you would think that. If you go to the Hebrew it will say for one Yahshalom Yahweh's Peace. Every adjitive given as a name has Yah before it. Just like when yahshua comes back his name will be Yahziccanu.. What does that mean.You do not realize how much corruption went into the English bibles at least. Because high men in high places wanted it to stay that away. Just a king had that put in thier when 28 times it is the word pasha for passover and 1 time Easter. Who won out. Yahweh always when defining himself to the people Yah is in front of the rest of the name. Shalom...Miles

look in the hebrew for those words and prove me wrong.


yeled = For unto us a child
yalad = is born,
ben = unto us a son
nathan = is given:
misrah = and the government
sh@kem = shall be upon his shoulder:
shem = and his name
qara' = shall be called
pele' = Wonderful,
ya`ats = Counsellor,
gibbowr = The mighty
'el = God,
`ad = The everlasting
'ab = Father,
sar = The Prince
shalowm = of Peace.

No "Yah" anywhere in that verse. Did your really think you could just pull that out of your a** and I wouldn't call you on it?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 03/07/08 12:20 PM
Yahshua said do not be supriced when they hate you for they hated me first. As they did all the prophets that i sent. You are in good company. Yahshua said me and my father are 1 he testifies of me. Speaking of 2 witnesses. He did this through the Holy Spirit.I do this through the Holy Spirit. I do not care if no one wants to believe what I say. I speak the truth and my father who is in heaven knows this. If no one wants to do any research and see if i am wrong then thats up to them.I have been very quite for a long time now but you woke me up. Anyone who would tell someone they do not have the Holy spirit is saying Yahweh is a liar.Because he gives and has mercy on whoever he wants. I would never tell anyone that. I will tell those who spread falsehood and are good at twisting the scriptures to thier own deestruction as was said about pauls writings. I am tired of it and now I am speaking mainly to you and spider. Everyone else I have no problem with.. Tell me this have you ever had anyone tell you why on Pentecosts Cloven Tongues of Fire Was on them? I have never heard anyone explain it's meaning. But Yahweh showed me as he does all the time. As I said before The Hilla incedent in Iraq last feb. I was telling people what i was seeing and saying they are lying and that gunships were firing on the people. 15 minutes later CNN broke in with a special news.The guy was saying thier is a press blackout and gunships ar all over. 169 people died around 200 seriously injured. Yet you could not hardly find any news reporting it. The next day a reporter from CNN said it happened down that away. They are making me stay 2 miles away. Why? Does making the news stay 2 miles away remind you of anything in this country. So see I am confident in my beliefs. You can not prove any of them wrong.But I can Yours.. Wake up... Blessings...Miles

creativesoul's photo
Fri 03/07/08 12:22 PM
One is one... any more than one is not...

One, when in truth, does not need to validate such truth.

Man's writings confuse man only, the truth remains the same.

The truth is the only single thing, of which there is just one.

The truth is one, more than one there is not.

If we could comprehend it, we would.

no photo
Fri 03/07/08 12:25 PM
Edited by Spidercmb on Fri 03/07/08 12:27 PM

One is one... any more than one is not...

One, when in truth, does not need to validate such truth.

Man's writings confuse man only, the truth remains the same.

The truth is the only single thing, of which there is just one.

The truth is one, more than one there is not.

If we could comprehend it, we would.

Seriously, the Yoda-speak thing isn't working for me. I have a 138 IQ and I have no idea what you are saying most of the time. Sometimes you post clearly, more often you post badly written parables in an attempt to sound wise. You remind me of "The Sphinx" from Mystery Men.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 03/07/08 12:45 PM
1 thing i have never denied the diety of Yahshua. I would like to see where i said that.You can not understand just like the pharasees could not and the Jewish people stick with it today.Spider i do not know where you got that but it looks like strongs definitions of the adjectives. That is not looking at the hebrew context. Sure each one of those words can come up seperately but you need to dig deeper. If i get time i will do it..blessings...Miles and spider your iq.. good for you. but 138 is on the very low end of being in Mensa if you can.I do not believe that qualifies for the top 2% of the people.

creativesoul's photo
Fri 03/07/08 12:48 PM
spider, why would you claim that I post in an attempt to sound wise?

no photo
Fri 03/07/08 12:51 PM

and spider your iq.. good for you. but 138 is on the very low end of being in Mensa if you can.I do not believe that qualifies for the top 2% of the people.

What prompted that? I'm not in MENSA and I am not applying... Do I have to be in the top 2% of people in the world to understand what CreativeSoul posts? My point was that I'm not a stupid person and I usually can't make heads or tails of what CreativeSoul is saying.

s1owhand's photo
Fri 03/07/08 12:52 PM
creative - because you are wise?! laugh

i am in singular agreement with you on this one.
when there is one, that is enough. there is no need to name One.
it is sillyness.

names offer a means of identification of things for humans - so we know we are talking about sky and not earth or water. but as far as God is concerned it is utterly meaningless.

davidben1's photo
Fri 03/07/08 12:53 PM


Shalom.. I do not get on to anyone but those who spread lies and I can prove it. Now tell me did Yahshua get on to the common folk? What did he have to say to the pharasees who was telling the people what was right and what was wrong? Vipers. But yet he said they sit in Moses seat. Do as they say not as they do. Now was the NT written then? Are we not to follow the messiahs words? Why was Stephen stoned to death? Why did they hold thier ears? Answer them and you may know more about me..Blessings...Miles

you have answered not one point i have written, but seek to blow smoke up the arse by random acts that have no meaning when they are taken alone......who be the messiah other than truth, as it was written that in the beginning was truth god, so than we are to follow truth, and the ****ing truth is simple and not complicated, as it was said only to become as defenseless as a child could see not a child subject to all the adults that rule over can be beaten or has no power of it's than stephen was stones we see standing against religion.....but nothing that stand against religion in this time shall be stoned all is made known and so than all power is in the hands of the weak now, and why they were made to be weak for a time, so that they would not hurt the weak but flatten the ones that claim strength, as any that know god know he said all strength be given by him....there is never a need for the truth to be discussed in big swelling terms that free nothing and make nothing happy.....AS THE TRUTH SHALL MAKE MEN FREE......FREE THINGS ARE HAPPY.....FREEBIRD....ROCK N ROLL SAVE MORE SOULS THAN ANY BIBLE SCRIPTURE....why.....because they have lived the pain and then see when it is taken away by the truth....that nothing is evil and make itself do evil, only not belief in itself make men to commit hurtful acts to another....MADONNA'S LIKE A PRAY CONTAIN MORE WISDOM THAN ALL THE SCRIPTURES WHEN JUST REPEATED....WHY WAS SHE RAISED UP....WHO RAISED HER UP AS A BEACON TO BE HEARD THRUOUT THE LAND....SATAN....THAN THE ONE THAT THINKS SO IS GUILTY AND BECOME SATAN THEMSELF......TO JUGDE IS TO BE JUDGED......TO FREE IS TO BE FREED.....the truth can easily be seen if one remove the left and the right and look at the total sum of actions and then the whole truth or purpose can be seen and it is never a bad the nt you say that "all things work together for GOOD.....why does something need to say ALL less it included more than just good, as all men think and know good work for good, but only truth can see how bad work for good too.......night and day.....cold and it not apparent that both are needed for a point of reference.....i answer these things in full disclosure as i know that you wish to be free from your fear of hell that does not even exist except as right under our feet now, so than we see we are already in hell, but you see not that as apparently you have never weeped or nashed your teeth because of your failures....and would explain why you condem all and try to take back to where we all as civilization must leave and will i tell you these things not to condem you but because if we go to love and peave amoung all then we leave this place of fear as a nation and scociety, and all that hold to fear will be the last, never LOST, just last, and i wish for all to be first ahead of then do you tell men they are not free.....this scriptutre itself alone make what u say then UNTRUTH! I do know who you are or i would not care to take the time to write.....and what of all i have written in the past, you have said nothing.....rememeber my friend, SATAN COME AS A ANGEL OF LIGHT, SO GOD COME AS A ANGEL OF DARKNESS, OR BAD, OR ****.....when the truth be unveiled all will see plainly that each evil act that was committed was only all trying to be what they were before they got here, and these minds misunderstood the things of only imagiantion, the lives each had lived in past lives, and so each only misunderstood their own thoughts and doubted each their own motive and then thought they were bad and so acted as what the mind said to do......what ones as yourself have said each is evil, as to say antyhig be lost in the context of religion say toanother they sahll ascend to the pit, and this it was said by your OWN bible DO NOT DO! if you do than you do so becasuee you do not see the whole truth, and if any do not see thanit only be because they seek to save themselves, and therefore the truth stay hidden in plain site till the day each say in the heart i know nothing.....all have been taught was lies or i would be happy, as it was said only the way of a transgressor is HARD....and so then we see whom shall be found as guilty......all that condem that have not crossed the river out of fear.....cain was smacked down only because he brought his good works, just as you instruct me to do, and any words that try to use FEAR to save are FALSE! Who is the messiah......LOVE......nothing treat its own child good becuase it fears.....PLEASE...nothing is faithful to a lover because it has to be out of fear.....PLEASE......if so than it is false, and will fall to the ground in despair as all men that do these things will do by there own doing, and why truth never need to condem anything except what try to purpose fear.....that is why jesus condemed the religious and whom put him to death and the same spirit try to put each loving thing to death and bind......truth shall never!

davidben1's photo
Fri 03/07/08 12:55 PM

1 thing i have never denied the diety of Yahshua. I would like to see where i said that.You can not understand just like the pharasees could not and the Jewish people stick with it today.Spider i do not know where you got that but it looks like strongs definitions of the adjectives. That is not looking at the hebrew context. Sure each one of those words can come up seperately but you need to dig deeper. If i get time i will do it..blessings...Miles and spider your iq.. good for you. but 138 is on the very low end of being in Mensa if you can.I do not believe that qualifies for the top 2% of the people.

what man has given himself his own brain?

no photo
Fri 03/07/08 01:00 PM

spider, why would you claim that I post in an attempt to sound wise?

That's my opinion. "The truth is one, more than one there is not. " That's just silly. "The truth is one..." one what? "more than one there is not..." That's not even english. It's like taking magnetic words and throwing them against a refrigerator. Are you typing your thoughts or writting the sequel to Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

"And the Lord spake, saying, 'First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once at the number three, being the third number be reached, then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.'

davidben1's photo
Fri 03/07/08 01:03 PM

spider, why would you claim that I post in an attempt to sound wise?

That's my opinion. "The truth is one, more than one there is not. " That's just silly. "The truth is one..." one what? "more than one there is not..." That's not even english. It's like taking magnetic words and throwing them against a refrigerator. Are you typing your thoughts or writting the sequel to Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

"And the Lord spake, saying, 'First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once at the number three, being the third number be reached, then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.'

i totally agree laugh laugh u are wise

davidben1's photo
Fri 03/07/08 01:05 PM
Edited by davidben1 on Fri 03/07/08 01:06 PM

spider, why would you claim that I post in an attempt to sound wise?

That's my opinion. "The truth is one, more than one there is not. " That's just silly. "The truth is one..." one what? "more than one there is not..." That's not even english. It's like taking magnetic words and throwing them against a refrigerator. Are you typing your thoughts or writting the sequel to Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

"And the Lord spake, saying, 'First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once at the number three, being the third number be reached, then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.'

i totally agree laugh laugh u are wise

i have not laughed so hard in sometime.....this thing that tell you this truth is wisdom and is ALL truth and wisdom....drinker drinker

davidben1's photo
Fri 03/07/08 01:10 PM


Is there one here at JSH that stands with you arm in arm and is the equal of your beliefs?

I will accept that as answer for your flock.

Let others speak of your testimony.

Speaking on your own behalf is suspect.

Surely, there is one that is one with you, somewhere.

Let it be established in the mouths of two or three, Miles.

humility is in order.

Make sense.

see miles....each thing is god in itself and knows the truth and all life is just the path that make one know it instead of hear it to drive there instead of another giving directions.....nothing form the memory better than to drive....even a passenger cannot rememeber the way as well as when one has driven themself. stop trying to make ones to think they are driving off the road, but rather show each when they think so themself how they are not.....

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 03/07/08 01:32 PM

Sorry i did not read it properly i suppose. I have been very busy on here.

1st the word g-d created the world is a falsehood. That hebrew word id Elohim. This is plural. 2 subjects.

Speaking about seeing Yahweh. Yahshua proclaimed only himself has seen him and the word says no man has seen Yahweh and lived.

The 2 or 3 witnesses does not have to be. Yahshua said him and his father testifies of him. This being through the Holy Spirit. He also said the master is not greater than his servant. This all being said is you can speak,preach the word and you need no witness. If Yahweh is with you. How do you know. They will speak the words as Yahshua spoke them and do as he did. That is why I keep the whole bible.

Judging. Is it against Yahshua to Judge?Lets say you see a murder and the police come and ask you did you see anything. You say yes I saw him shoot him. Now did you judge him? No you spoke the truth. So speaking the truth is not judging Yahshua will do that. Blessings...Miles

creativesoul's photo
Fri 03/07/08 01:50 PM
We are all entitled to our opinion, no matter if there is truth in it... or not.

This post of mine has been used to validate, by another, how they perceive. Perceptive faculties lie within one. The capabilities of one's perception are determined by how one places value on what is being experienced.

When one gets so wrapped up into the technicalities of why they believe as they do, the focus lies on the technicalities of why, not what. When 'God' is being described by words that cannot possibly capture the reality of what the truth is, and those words are claimed to be the truth, the focus is on that description of what the truth is. The focus is on the words, not the truth...

Words make an attempt to accurately describe one's thoughts about why they believe what the truth is.

Remove your words, and the truth will remain... Remove the truth and nothing remains...words are not truth

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 03/07/08 02:08 PM
The problem is the scriptures have some corruption in them. Everyone says Yahshua is my example. If that is true then do it. That is all I am saying. But all the non sence that they do is written at the end of the book. Yahshua kept the old testament laws. People have been made to believe Yahweh made a mistake. No man made it. That is why Yahshua came so we could have life. Throwing out the old testament allows people and preachers to make it say what ever they want. Do you know what preachers mainly learn in school? Finanses. now that a hard one to believe. They are learning like the church is a corporation or something. They have something to sell.The NT can easily be proven that the OT is still in force except for sacrafices. I worked in electronics for a long time. The 1st thing I learned was ohms law. then i went on to a few more years of advance training. But i always need ohms law. I could not say well i have learned power thereory so i do not need ohms law. It is the same with the scriptures the NT is higher learning with the spirits help. Thats all...Blessings....Miles

davidben1's photo
Fri 03/07/08 02:49 PM
Edited by davidben1 on Fri 03/07/08 02:52 PM


Sorry i did not read it properly i suppose. I have been very busy on here.

1st the word g-d created the world is a falsehood. That hebrew word id Elohim. This is plural. 2 subjects.

Speaking about seeing Yahweh. Yahshua proclaimed only himself has seen him and the word says no man has seen Yahweh and lived.

The 2 or 3 witnesses does not have to be. Yahshua said him and his father testifies of him. This being through the Holy Spirit. He also said the master is not greater than his servant. This all being said is you can speak,preach the word and you need no witness. If Yahweh is with you. How do you know. They will speak the words as Yahshua spoke them and do as he did. That is why I keep the whole bible.

Judging. Is it against Yahshua to Judge?Lets say you see a murder and the police come and ask you did you see anything. You say yes I saw him shoot him. Now did you judge him? No you spoke the truth. So speaking the truth is not judging Yahshua will do that. Blessings...Miles

damn dude, you answer not any point that i have answered of yours, but rather bring up new ones that keep one chasing the say what one sees is not bad....yes, i see a man stab another....a fact....a proof....a when speaking of things believed these are not seen with eyes, so the two realms cannot be mixed together until each one by itself is say what another believes is to judge.....i say you are wrong as i do not live by laws of anything other than the truth in me, as is this not the faith that was spoken of that you believe in.....job was said to have wisdom and had not a bible to qucik look up a was written that the laws of god would be written on the hearts of man, and that this is where god or love if we look at another and say what it beleive is wrong we see not both sides of the coin of good and bad, and therefore show we ourself see no wisdom.....if one say to another the act one does that cause them heartache, and then give in the next sentence the cure or medication or truth to fix it, then when the person come and say truth has made me happy we know that we have found the cure or truth, and this cause one to believe the more in truth or SOLUTIONS....not pointing out bad actions without the meds to go with it.....THE WHOLE PICTURE OF WHAT YOU SAY AND KNOW NOT JUST THE a half be incomplete and then be a lie....

davidben1's photo
Fri 03/07/08 02:57 PM

We are all entitled to our opinion, no matter if there is truth in it... or not.

This post of mine has been used to validate, by another, how they perceive. Perceptive faculties lie within one. The capabilities of one's perception are determined by how one places value on what is being experienced.

When one gets so wrapped up into the technicalities of why they believe as they do, the focus lies on the technicalities of why, not what. When 'God' is being described by words that cannot possibly capture the reality of what the truth is, and those words are claimed to be the truth, the focus is on that description of what the truth is. The focus is on the words, not the truth...

Words make an attempt to accurately describe one's thoughts about why they believe what the truth is.

Remove your words, and the truth will remain... Remove the truth and nothing remains...words are not truth

awe....miles bring out much in everyone here, and his purpose is evident, and good, and the more i respect i learn of all......the truth is always first a thought, that make a word, and then an action.....all actions follow this flow one would have to see is logic and simple.....if the thought is incomplete, then the word, and then the action.....