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Topic: Soul mates ? please define for me...
AllenAqua's photo
Fri 02/29/08 06:47 AM
I really don't understand that term... Is it something that you already are?, or something you become?

mry's photo
Fri 02/29/08 06:51 AM
Well I think we already are inside but dormant until we find our match...huh huh huh

hellkitten54's photo
Fri 02/29/08 06:52 AM
Have no clue, not sure if they really exist.flowerforyou

Danette_Giavanna's photo
Fri 02/29/08 06:53 AM
I believe there is someone for everyone..It's when your not looking you will find them..I found mine just by checking my email on myspace, which is something I never do..I think about what would of happened if I never checked my email..i would not be getting married next year when he comes home from iraq...

no photo
Fri 02/29/08 06:53 AM
Edited by ddn122 on Fri 02/29/08 06:54 AM
i think you can have many soul mates...out increases the odds that you will "bump" into at least one of them

Starhawk's photo
Fri 02/29/08 06:57 AM
Pink Floyd Said it best....Two lost souls swimming in A Fish bowl year after year.....

davidben1's photo
Fri 02/29/08 07:00 AM
One that you wish bliss upon the MOST irregardless of what it personally cost you.....uncondtional love it has been called.....buried deep below a thousand layers lay the answers to it all...our own hearts. Paul McCartneys new album describes learning of it all.....our own mind/self preservation will always keep us from uncondtional love....the GREAT ADVERSARY....our hearts contain the love that change the universe in front of our very eyes, once we change each our universe around is not to not see the faults of others, but rather something that kicks in and say I don't give a **** and it don't matter, she/he does not leave my heart no matter how much I try to ingnore, lol

shoes4rhon's photo
Fri 02/29/08 07:01 AM

I really don't understand that term... Is it something that you already are?, or something you become?

I think if memory is correct that plato coined this idea .. that at one time we were in different form then something happened and it split us and we are always looking for that other half to complete us but I could be wrong it is early ...

Silntstrnger's photo
Fri 02/29/08 07:02 AM
my question is, how do u know if u find ur soulmate?

davidben1's photo
Fri 02/29/08 07:03 AM

Pink Floyd Said it best....Two lost souls swimming in A Fish bowl year after year.....

nother brick in the wall.....each brick that is there between all that WE when we see what matters tear down one at a time....kinda like what happens here in the forums....each disagreement lead to love, but our minds say disagreement is bad, lol....Pink Floyd was trying to tell us how to get OUT of the fish bowl and swim the oceans free!

AllenAqua's photo
Fri 02/29/08 07:03 AM

One that you wish bliss upon the MOST irregardless of what it personally cost you.....uncondtional love it has been called.....buried deep below a thousand layers lay the answers to it all...our own hearts. Paul McCartneys new album describes learning of it all.....our own mind/self preservation will always keep us from uncondtional love....the GREAT ADVERSARY....our hearts contain the love that change the universe in front of our very eyes, once we change each our universe around is not to not see the faults of others, but rather something that kicks in and say I don't give a **** and it don't matter, she/he does not leave my heart no matter how much I try to ingnore, lol

wow... and here I was just willing to settle for someone that I can accept & understand, who gets me too...drinker

no photo
Fri 02/29/08 07:04 AM

Pink Floyd Said it best....Two lost souls swimming in A Fish bowl year after year.....

I'm tired of this puny fish bowl, I'm ready for the aquarium! laugh

AllenAqua's photo
Fri 02/29/08 07:04 AM

I believe there is someone for everyone..It's when your not looking you will find them..I found mine just by checking my email on myspace, which is something I never do..I think about what would of happened if I never checked my email..i would not be getting married next year when he comes home from iraq...

Congrats on your upcoming marriage...wtg & thanks for the replyflowerforyou

shoes4rhon's photo
Fri 02/29/08 07:05 AM
"Plato wrote in his Symposium that humans have been looking for their soul mate ever since Zeus cut them in half. In his mythic story, Plato describes a world where there were men, women and people who were both men and women. Apparently, humans began discussing how they could climb up to heaven and replace the gods. The gods were upset by this and discussed what should be done. The simplest solution would be to destroy mankind, but Zeus came up with a better idea. He suggested cutting all human beings in half. This would serve two purposes. First, it would immediately double the number of people making offerings to the gods. Second, it would weaken the humans, so they would not be able to carry out their plan. Zeus' idea was accepted, and the humans were all divided into two. Naturally, the humans were upset at this, and Zeus decided to enable each half to have intercourse with their opposite, symbolically creating a whole. Consequently, the males sought their female half, and the females sought their male half, allowing them to reproduce.

AllenAqua's photo
Fri 02/29/08 07:06 AM

my question is, how do u know if u find ur soulmate?

excellent questionflowerforyou

AllenAqua's photo
Fri 02/29/08 07:07 AM

i think you can have many soul mates...out increases the odds that you will "bump" into at least one of them

I sure hope you're right because my clock's a drinker

shoes4rhon's photo
Fri 02/29/08 07:09 AM

i think you can have many soul mates...out increases the odds that you will "bump" into at least one of them

I sure hope you're right because my clock's a drinker

Why the pressure doll ??

davidben1's photo
Fri 02/29/08 07:09 AM

my question is, how do u know if u find ur soulmate?

If one drive down the road looking inward for what the mind says to get or have, every turn is missed and we go off the road, but to look at what is best for others lead us to the greatest love we seek.....this the mind will fight against like a cornered shrew, and threaten to eat your face off if you don't listen, but it is a lie.....our heart whisper each second, but the mind hollar with a bullhorn....which be true...the mind say you hurt me, the heart say i love you will make each go past the mind, and that one you will wish bliss upon with no concern for yourself.....we can only get there by seeing as wise ones what is STEALING from us!

AllenAqua's photo
Fri 02/29/08 07:12 AM

"Plato wrote in his Symposium that humans have been looking for their soul mate ever since Zeus cut them in half. In his mythic story, Plato describes a world where there were men, women and people who were both men and women. Apparently, humans began discussing how they could climb up to heaven and replace the gods. The gods were upset by this and discussed what should be done. The simplest solution would be to destroy mankind, but Zeus came up with a better idea. He suggested cutting all human beings in half. This would serve two purposes. First, it would immediately double the number of people making offerings to the gods. Second, it would weaken the humans, so they would not be able to carry out their plan. Zeus' idea was accepted, and the humans were all divided into two. Naturally, the humans were upset at this, and Zeus decided to enable each half to have intercourse with their opposite, symbolically creating a whole. Consequently, the males sought their female half, and the females sought their male half, allowing them to reproduce.

Hmmmmm... Very interesting, thanks flowerforyou

AllenAqua's photo
Fri 02/29/08 07:13 AM

Pink Floyd Said it best....Two lost souls swimming in A Fish bowl year after year.....

I'm tired of this puny fish bowl, I'm ready for the aquarium! laugh

Same here hon, it's still kind'a scary huh...flowerforyou

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