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Topic: I need help....Any advice?
countrybumpkin2u's photo
Tue 02/26/08 03:18 AM
Ok you had a relationship for over 5 years.
He is an acoholic.
Very Abusive , so ya kick his ass out...

He come to pick up the child you share.
He wants sex, kiss, anything...
you turn him down...
and OF COURSE now your nothin but a whore...
What do ya do now?

FireFairyGirl's photo
Tue 02/26/08 03:20 AM
restraining order, full custody of the kid...because there is no telling what he could do to them... if he is very abusive...why would you let him take the child in the first place??

hellkitten54's photo
Tue 02/26/08 03:21 AM
What do you mean? Screw him. You did the right thing, I hate men that verbally abuse.

boneyjoe's photo
Tue 02/26/08 03:22 AM
bur u luv melaugh laugh laugh laugh

Sexyklp4U's photo
Tue 02/26/08 03:23 AM

restraining order, full custody of the kid...because there is no telling what he could do to them... if he is very abusive...why would you let him take the child in the first place??

i agree..someone who drinks alot shouldnt be able to care for a child..i would fight this..take his ass to court, get a restraining order if u have too
hope it gets better for yaflowerforyou

Jim519's photo
Tue 02/26/08 03:24 AM
Say Thank you for the good times you had and say goodbye, never look back......

Pretty cut and dry

countrybumpkin2u's photo
Tue 02/26/08 03:24 AM

restraining order, full custody of the kid...because there is no telling what he could do to them... if he is very abusive...why would you let him take the child in the first place??

You actually think I would ALLOW him to leave with her???
Now really....Do I look that crazy?huh

Goofball73's photo
Tue 02/26/08 03:25 AM
You take him to court, and get half of everything he owns....even take half of his pet goldfish.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Seriously, you just ignore the dude and move along. I know that is easier said than done, but he only degraded you like this cause you wouldn't give him what he wanted. I am sure he will contact you soon and say some crap line about how he didn't mean what he said. Oh....and this apology line is another attempt for a kiss, hug, sex, etc.

Sexyklp4U's photo
Tue 02/26/08 03:31 AM

You take him to court, and get half of everything he owns....even take half of his pet goldfish.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Seriously, you just ignore the dude and move along. I know that is easier said than done, but he only degraded you like this cause you wouldn't give him what he wanted. I am sure he will contact you soon and say some crap line about how he didn't mean what he said. Oh....and this apology line is another attempt for a kiss, hug, sex, etc.

this is true..and this is just the Alcohol talking..until he stops drinking and is willing to change, he'll be like this..i know, been there, done that..dealt with alcoholic people..unless they want the help, noone can help them..
just stay away from him..if he get aggressive or anything, call the cops, get a court order, etc

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 02/26/08 03:32 AM

restraining order, full custody of the kid...because there is no telling what he could do to them... if he is very abusive...why would you let him take the child in the first place??

You actually think I would ALLOW him to leave with her???
Now really....Do I look that crazy?huh

First of all get a lawyer in my state if the Man has no history of Physical or Sexual Abuse he still has rights to the child , if you have documentation of his abuse of you , you can get supervised visits where he has to pay a court moderator to supervise his visits... 2ND seek some counceling other than the forum ,, honey you can't live with someone that is sick and not get a little sick yourself .. this way you will have someone to bounce your ideas thoughts ect off of .. Please make sure she is trained in Domestic Violence Counceling, 3RD always always make sure you have a safe plan - incase he comes over drunk or gets stupid that you and your children have an escape plan - this included copies of id's extra keys to the car birth certificates couple of changes of clothes in case you need to flee to safety immediately .. God bless if I can be of any other assistance please don't hesitate to contact me via email..

laurieannk367's photo
Tue 02/26/08 03:34 AM
He's going to put you down, to make himself feel better about his own short comings. Try and I know its hard, i'm still going through it, to not let him get to you. I kicked him out after 10 yrs of alcoholism and 10 yrs of verbal abuse. Its hard but hang in there and go apply for full custody of your child. He's an alcoholic so you don't have to get a lawyer. I did it all on my own. Or you can go to legal aid in your state.
Take care, ever need to vent, i'm here, and I know what your going through first hand.


livelife68's photo
Tue 02/26/08 03:42 AM
Edited by livelife68 on Tue 02/26/08 03:44 AM
Get a restraining order. Your dealing with an abusive alcoholic. very unpredictable. Do not trust him. Get legal help if you need it. Do everything in your power to protect yourself and your child. Seek help yourself if you need it counseling, or alanon.

Jill298's photo
Tue 02/26/08 03:49 AM

Ok you had a relationship for over 5 years.
He is an acoholic.
Very Abusive , so ya kick his ass out...

He come to pick up the child you share.
He wants sex, kiss, anything...
you turn him down...
and OF COURSE now your nothin but a whore...
What do ya do now?
you never talk to him again unless its specifically regarding the child and nothing more

Jill298's photo
Tue 02/26/08 03:53 AM
has he never done anything to your child? any kind of abuse?

countrybumpkin2u's photo
Tue 02/26/08 04:01 AM

has he never done anything to your child? any kind of abuse?

No he has never even yelled at her.
HOWEVER I believe that a child can be abused just from what they wittness or "hear".... He always use to like beat me when she was asleep or wasn't home..

But i got his ass back one night....BIG TIME ...thats the night he left.

countrybumpkin2u's photo
Tue 02/26/08 04:02 AM

restraining order, full custody of the kid...because there is no telling what he could do to them... if he is very abusive...why would you let him take the child in the first place??

You actually think I would ALLOW him to leave with her???
Now really....Do I look that crazy?huh

First of all get a lawyer in my state if the Man has no history of Physical or Sexual Abuse he still has rights to the child , if you have documentation of his abuse of you , you can get supervised visits where he has to pay a court moderator to supervise his visits... 2ND seek some counceling other than the forum ,, honey you can't live with someone that is sick and not get a little sick yourself .. this way you will have someone to bounce your ideas thoughts ect off of .. Please make sure she is trained in Domestic Violence Counceling, 3RD always always make sure you have a safe plan - incase he comes over drunk or gets stupid that you and your children have an escape plan - this included copies of id's extra keys to the car birth certificates couple of changes of clothes in case you need to flee to safety immediately .. God bless if I can be of any other assistance please don't hesitate to contact me via email..

Thank you Shoes!!!flowerforyou
I will more than likely take you up on that offer ..ifun ya don't mind.bigsmile

Jill298's photo
Tue 02/26/08 04:03 AM

has he never done anything to your child? any kind of abuse?

No he has never even yelled at her.
HOWEVER I believe that a child can be abused just from what they wittness or "hear".... He always use to like beat me when she was asleep or wasn't home..

But i got his ass back one night....BIG TIME ...thats the night he left.

since he has been abusive to you, you should seek a restraining order ASAP. No one has any business putting their hands on you like that, ESPECIALLY in front of their kids.

countrybumpkin2u's photo
Tue 02/26/08 04:03 AM

bur u luv melaugh laugh laugh laugh


laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
I sure do Boney!!! I LUV YOU !!!bigsmile

shoes4rhon's photo
Tue 02/26/08 04:03 AM

restraining order, full custody of the kid...because there is no telling what he could do to them... if he is very abusive...why would you let him take the child in the first place??

You actually think I would ALLOW him to leave with her???
Now really....Do I look that crazy?huh

First of all get a lawyer in my state if the Man has no history of Physical or Sexual Abuse he still has rights to the child , if you have documentation of his abuse of you , you can get supervised visits where he has to pay a court moderator to supervise his visits... 2ND seek some counceling other than the forum ,, honey you can't live with someone that is sick and not get a little sick yourself .. this way you will have someone to bounce your ideas thoughts ect off of .. Please make sure she is trained in Domestic Violence Counceling, 3RD always always make sure you have a safe plan - incase he comes over drunk or gets stupid that you and your children have an escape plan - this included copies of id's extra keys to the car birth certificates couple of changes of clothes in case you need to flee to safety immediately .. God bless if I can be of any other assistance please don't hesitate to contact me via email..

Thank you Shoes!!!flowerforyou
I will more than likely take you up on that offer ..ifun ya don't mind.bigsmile

Absolutely Please doll your safety and the safety of the child is and should be the priority ... prepare for the worst hope for the best and I will be praying for you .. laugh

countrybumpkin2u's photo
Tue 02/26/08 04:05 AM

restraining order, full custody of the kid...because there is no telling what he could do to them... if he is very abusive...why would you let him take the child in the first place??

You actually think I would ALLOW him to leave with her???
Now really....Do I look that crazy?huh

First of all get a lawyer in my state if the Man has no history of Physical or Sexual Abuse he still has rights to the child , if you have documentation of his abuse of you , you can get supervised visits where he has to pay a court moderator to supervise his visits... 2ND seek some counceling other than the forum ,, honey you can't live with someone that is sick and not get a little sick yourself .. this way you will have someone to bounce your ideas thoughts ect off of .. Please make sure she is trained in Domestic Violence Counceling, 3RD always always make sure you have a safe plan - incase he comes over drunk or gets stupid that you and your children have an escape plan - this included copies of id's extra keys to the car birth certificates couple of changes of clothes in case you need to flee to safety immediately .. God bless if I can be of any other assistance please don't hesitate to contact me via email..

Oh yea, I do have multi..ids and sscard...
I have it at my friends house tho...I thought it would be safer there. Is that ok?
And I have places to go ..if we need to.

He is afraid of my family.

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