Topic: another question | |
I have no problem with smart people having guns under certain restrictions of course but I have a big problem with stupid people having guns, like those parents who leave a loaded gun within proximity of the kids, the abuser who uses his weapon as control over others, the mentally unwell who are not well enough to make decent decisions for themselves, etc.....
The problem here is that those idiot parents sometimes pass the licencing tests, the abuser passes the licencing test, the mentally ill pass the licencing test, etc..... So how do we prevent the idiots from having weapons and the smart allowed to have them? I am all for having a gun, was raised on it, choose not to have one now because I have kids in my house. If I lived alone I would probably have a licence to carry a concealed weapon, and may still do it one day but I will not have one around others who may not be mature enough to treat the gun with the respect it deserves. Also an unloaded gun with the bullets on the other side of the roome will do you no good in the case of a break in. So if you cannot keep it loaded then don't keep one. |
Edited by
Tue 02/19/08 08:34 PM
all of those restrictions are unconstitutional
shall not be infringed who gives the test remember when they used to make you take a test to vote in the south the tests difficulty level depended on your race |
Amendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. |
I have no problem with smart people having guns under certain restrictions of course but I have a big problem with stupid people having guns, like those parents who leave a loaded gun within proximity of the kids, the abuser who uses his weapon as control over others, the mentally unwell who are not well enough to make decent decisions for themselves, etc..... The problem here is that those idiot parents sometimes pass the licencing tests, the abuser passes the licencing test, the mentally ill pass the licencing test, etc..... So how do we prevent the idiots from having weapons and the smart allowed to have them? I am all for having a gun, was raised on it, choose not to have one now because I have kids in my house. If I lived alone I would probably have a licence to carry a concealed weapon, and may still do it one day but I will not have one around others who may not be mature enough to treat the gun with the respect it deserves. Also an unloaded gun with the bullets on the other side of the roome will do you no good in the case of a break in. So if you cannot keep it loaded then don't keep one. A better question might be: Why are the rates of violent crime committed with guns lower in other countries? |
The United States has the highest mortality rate with crimes involving guns...while other countries do just fine with everyone having a gun in hand...I say blame the media, but that's just me.
Edited by
Tue 02/19/08 09:14 PM
United States 29% United States 8.40 -------- Canada 5 Canada 5.45 -------- Germany 7 Germany 4.20 ------- looks like some other contries with A LOT STRICTER gun control have a lot HIGHER rate of usage for murder than the united states for the number of households that own hand guns fix those places b4 trying to take my legal handgun ------- shall not be infringed means you will not limit my ability to own no limit on number no limit on kind if you are of sound mind and can afford it you should be able to own a tank per the constitution not according to the stats on page one 8.4 of 29% =<35% canada 5.4% of 5% >100% germany 4.2 % of 7% >50% per owner rate the us has lower crime |
United States 29% United States 8.40 -------- Canada 5 Canada 5.45 -------- Germany 7 Germany 4.20 ------- looks like some other contries with A LOT STRICTER gun control have a lot HIGHER rate of usage for murder than the united states for the number of households that own hand guns fix those places b4 trying to take my legal handgun ------- shall not be infringed means you will not limit my ability to own no limit on number no limit on kind if you are of sound mind and can afford it you should be able to own a tank per the constitution not according to the stats on page one 8.4 of 29% =<35% canada 5.4% of 5% >100% germany 4.2 % of 7% >50% per owner rate the us has lower crime Switzerland has a higher gun rate per capita than the United States, yet virtually no gun crime. |
United States 29% United States 8.40 -------- Canada 5 Canada 5.45 -------- Germany 7 Germany 4.20 ------- looks like some other contries with A LOT STRICTER gun control have a lot HIGHER rate of usage for murder than the united states for the number of households that own hand guns fix those places b4 trying to take my legal handgun ------- shall not be infringed means you will not limit my ability to own no limit on number no limit on kind if you are of sound mind and can afford it you should be able to own a tank per the constitution not according to the stats on page one 8.4 of 29% =<35% canada 5.4% of 5% >100% germany 4.2 % of 7% >50% per owner rate the us has lower crime Switzerland has a higher gun rate per capita than the United States, yet virtually no gun crime. switzerland issues guns upon reaching legal age more that can defend themselves the less likely someone is to attack them |
Leahmarie as you said in your(Marbury vs Madison)In the final Thrust that no law could be enacted that would be in opposition to the Constitution, Which is what I have been trying to get across from the beginning of this gun control(extra gun laws)(restrictions) discussion. I don't want them adding these unconstitutional extra restrictions either.(Marbury vs. Madison) Marbury vs Madison shows that they can not just helter skelter make up all kinds of contradictory laws, just because they happen to feel like it. And if they do make such laws that law is actually non existent because it contradicts and or is repugnant to the highest law of our Country, the Constitution!! Leahmarie,I hope you understand that I am on your side in this gun matter. ![]() ![]() smo...... You do not make yourself clear. Again, your problem is that you get an idea in your head and twist it to suit yourself. You keep throwing Marbury vs. Madison around, but do not understand what it is all about. Read my posts wherein I have explained that decision. |
insert whistling--this is my land--emoticon here
Edited by
Wed 02/20/08 08:56 AM
This whole line of debate leaves out much of the entirety of the questions at hand. All the information available has certainly not been represented.. And some of what has been introduced has been spun in such a way, to fit the writers stance.
Comparing us to Switzerland, Australia or England, and justifying a point by it is either not too well thought out, or well thought out and omitting much of the truth. Comparing South Dakota to Washington DC.. considering the vast differences in lifestyle and available acreage per person ~ Makes about as much sense as saying that sunshine is directly responsible for the suicide rate in southern California... simply because most suicides occur on sunny days there. The biggest question: Where do you think illegal guns come from? Do you think they just somehow materialize out of thin air? That there are places in the woods that manufacture them? Like so many meth labs, pot fields or gin distilleries. Illegal firearms generally start out as legal firearms. On this continent anyway. If I wanted to traffik in guns.. I can't just call up Sig Sauer or Glock and arrange for a drop shipment of hand guns and rifles. I know where to go here in Oregon and purchase a weapon, if I was in the market. Usually the same place I'd go if I am in the market for anything black market or illegal. What I would be purchasing is a once legally owned firearm that was relieved of its owner at some point. How illegal weapons and drugs are distributed is about the only correlation between drugs and firearms there is. How they are obtained is vastly different. So.. this information kind of paints a different picture in the claim that gun control only removes the weapons from honest non-criminal citizens. If there were fewer legal weapons available, there would be fewer illegal ones too! Telling me that my defense is why I should carry and keep weapons is certainly not a convincing arguement either. I have carried and kept weapons. During that time? I found myself in some pretty precarious situations too. Most likely because I was under a false sense of security? Maybe because I was younger and otherwise not too bright? Maybe a combination of the two? Who really knows. All I can tell you is this: I now only use non lethal force to defend myself.. and it has been several years since I have felt a need to actively defend myself. Oddly? That directly coralates to when I decided to lose the weapons of deadly force. There is also evidence available that indicates a weapon in the house increases the possibility of a homicide in your home by nearly 3 times. Suicide by almost 5 times. I detest the age old claim that 'Guns don't kill people. People kill people.' I have met many that have survived a knife attack. Myself included. I have not met near as many that have survived an attack by firearm, in comparison. I really love the argument that owning weapons is a deterent to tyranny too... Really? Most people in Iraq owned weapons... How did that work out for them with Saddam Hussein? It was legal to own weapons in Germany too.. That stopped Hitler? Apparently the gun laws were reduced there too.. in 1938, unless you happened to be Jewish. I am not necessarily for or against gun control. Many of the reasons I've listed above... are the reasons I chose to not have weapons of deadly force though. I am for discussing the topic in its true colors, using the whole truth and from an educated point of view. Resources England Australia Switzerland D.C. Gun Ownership Gun ownership |
Guns are not the only things I would consider using for arms. A crossbow is nice and quiet,and very powerful. I still think those powerful old time bear traps could be useful in some situations
![]() ![]() Main thing is:the right to bear arms shall not be infringed.(It is the right to protect myself) |
Edited by
Wed 02/20/08 12:39 PM
No offense meant by it Smo, but you might not be helping your side of the argument much. In fact.. I'd say there is a high probability you could very well be the poster child for gun control in this thread, after reading that post.
Chances are though.. you will either become a really bright, short lived 1k watt/3k volt DC light bulb, or do yourself some severe eye, brain and testicular damage. While trying to weaponize your microwave. Which brings me to my next point... Which brings me to my next point.
all of those restrictions are unconstitutional shall not be infringed who gives the test remember when they used to make you take a test to vote in the south the tests difficulty level depended on your race Countries that have some minimum requirements of knowledge actually have a much higher success rate, in how their gun ownership effect their criminal statistics. Switzerland would be one of them... Japan another. Switzerland's law indicates: To obtain a permit to bear arms one also has to pass an examination on the correct handling of weapons as well as a test on legislation on the use of firearms. We also have a few laws in place that I kind of appreciate, and make perfect sense to me. It is a Federal offense to have any firearm in your possession if you have been found guilty of misdemeanor Domestic Violence that has any of these elements. * A current or former spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim; * A person with whom the victim shared a child in common; * A person who was cohabiting with or had cohabited with the victim as a spouse, parent, or guardian; or, * A person who was or had been similarly situated to a spouse, parent, or guardian of the victim. It is a Federal offense to have a firearm in your possession during the term of a Protection order if you are: * a spouse of Defendant/Respondent; * a former spouse of Defendant/Respondent; * an individual who is a parent of a child of Defendant/Respondent; or * an individual who cohabitates or has cohabited with Defendant/Respondent. |
Where the hell do people live that need a firearm for protection ??? I have had my house broken into once while I was here and woke up with a young man standing over my bed and my little dog barked and he ran out .. So chances are had there been a gun in my house .. A he could of used it on me or B there would be one dead kid and my life could/would be wounded.. Killing another human being is something I never want to experiance .. and those that say they have no problem with taking another HUMAN Life scream volumes about our society has a whole ... okay back to being silly ....
Hey Jist my brother from another mother ... ![]() |
Why do people think gun control laws actually prevent violent crimes when statistically violent crimes rise when strict laws are implimented? Thomas Jefferson: "The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes....Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man. Thomas Jefferson's "Commonplace Book," 1774-1776, quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria in Chapter 40 of "On Crimes and Punishment", 1764. sorry i love putting quotes on here... Discuss: ![]() |
Where the hell do people live that need a firearm for protection ??? I have had my house broken into once while I was here and woke up with a young man standing over my bed and my little dog barked and he ran out .. So chances are had there been a gun in my house .. A he could of used it on me or B there would be one dead kid and my life could/would be wounded.. No.. now you're being silly. All criminals are bound by a secret pact. They will not use a weapon they did not bring to the fight, against their victim. If you offer them a beverage and cigarette. They will patiently wait for you to get your weapon and ammunition, unlock the weapon (If necessary), then load and chamber it before they proceed with attacking. The problem is.. We just don't know these people play fair if we are polite. |
It's people that point and shoot the stop it we need to take a few steps back and return to the times when there was always a parent in the house and a neighborhood where people knew each need to be brought up like most of us older folks were where my butt would paid for my mistakes and my parents weren't worried about getting arrested. Neighbors knew me and my family and would be on the phone with my mom if I was up to no good...I couldn't talk back to cops cause I had no rights. In my day no one ever thought of a gun yet most of my friends and I always played with toy guns all the time while we grew I being simplistic?...probably but it worked...
It's people that point and shoot the stop it we need to take a few steps back and return to the times when there was always a parent in the house and a neighborhood where people knew each need to be brought up like most of us older folks were where my butt would paid for my mistakes and my parents weren't worried about getting arrested. Neighbors knew me and my family and would be on the phone with my mom if I was up to no good...I couldn't talk back to cops cause I had no rights. In my day no one ever thought of a gun yet most of my friends and I always played with toy guns all the time while we grew I being simplistic?...probably but it worked... Either that or we can give them all magnetrons out of household microwaves to play with. Even if they don't light themselves up.. The prolonged radiation exposure will make them sterile in hardly any time! |
Where the hell do people live that need a firearm for protection ??? I have had my house broken into once while I was here and woke up with a young man standing over my bed and my little dog barked and he ran out .. So chances are had there been a gun in my house .. A he could of used it on me or B there would be one dead kid and my life could/would be wounded.. No.. now you're being silly. All criminals are bound by a secret pact. They will not use a weapon they did not bring to the fight, against their victim. If you offer them a beverage and cigarette. They will patiently wait for you to get your weapon and ammunition, unlock the weapon (If necessary), then load and chamber it before they proceed with attacking. The problem is.. We just don't know these people play fair if we are polite. I think that everything went like it should have .. I called 911 and made coffee while the officers came .. Scarey yes .. but no harm no foul ,, personaly my stuff can be replaced .. I have nothing material worth dying for .. my daughter another story .. but both of us were safe and just a little shaken up .. could this story have had a different ending absolutely .. but I did not provide the gun to the criminal... Besides the whole law of attraction philosophy makes me think that if you promote violence then maybe you are escalating it ... ![]() ![]() |
It's people that point and shoot the stop it we need to take a few steps back and return to the times when there was always a parent in the house and a neighborhood where people knew each need to be brought up like most of us older folks were where my butt would paid for my mistakes and my parents weren't worried about getting arrested. Neighbors knew me and my family and would be on the phone with my mom if I was up to no good...I couldn't talk back to cops cause I had no rights. In my day no one ever thought of a gun yet most of my friends and I always played with toy guns all the time while we grew I being simplistic?...probably but it worked... How about just placing Value on all human life ... regaurdless of what we judge them to be ?? |