Topic: Interacial Dating???? | |
Hey, in the dark everyone is the same
I see everyone as equals in my book...there are good ones and bad ones in all far as dating outside my race.....done it before and will do it again. Of coarse you get the little comments and stares...but if you can get over that....all is good
I hate the fact that PEOPLE even Bring up ANY racial walls.
WE "ALL" should be PAST color and BAD racial slangs. Judge men and women for "WHO" they are, NOT WHAT "YOU" THINK THEY ARE! LOVE, PEACE, and Be YOU!! Love yourself and KNOW that YOU can't PLEASE eveyone, so ya just gotta PLEASE YOU! |
I take my women like my coffee.........bitter. 2 criteria -consenting -adults . I think I've dated every background but Eskimo and there's still time....but don't like the cold. Why is Eskimo at the bottom of your list? |
I think interracial dating is nothing more then a mote point. There is no reason why two races can't date live together and have a wonderful life. My family is one huge melting pot, and we all love each other dearly. Though I do tend to like white guys funny how that played out.....Peace and free love!
I have no problem at all with interracial dating..matter of fact most of the dating I have done was outside my race..but I didn't go out SEEKING interracial relationships..relationships shouldn't be about skin color it should be about who you click with and who treats you better.
<<<<<< I wouldn't give him up for anything in the world and if anyone has a problem with it they can kiss my rosy red ass.
<<<<<< I wouldn't give him up for anything in the world and if anyone has a problem with it they can kiss my rosy red ass. very cute kid War |
<<<<<< I wouldn't give him up for anything in the world and if anyone has a problem with it they can kiss my rosy red ass. i'd rather just eat HIM up; he's flat-out ADORABLE. |
I never have, since I was married for a lonng time, but do not think it should be a factor.
I just want a guy thats gonna be good to me..He could be green with pink polka dots for all I care..lmao
I dont have a problem with it at all. As long as you treat me the way I like to be treated, I dont care what color your skin is
why does everyone avoid me because im green then.!!! lol is it the nuclear plant or what.?!!! lmao
I'd have to draw the line at dating another Welsh girl.
not for me. even though a few people think i am a mexican since i am tanned so hard.
not for me. even though a few people think i am a mexican since i am tanned so hard. |