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Topic: A "scientific" question
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Wed 02/06/08 10:57 AM
Edited by Spidercmb on Wed 02/06/08 11:01 AM
I have a question, which I would like to direct at those who are scientific minded.

First, some background on my thought process. If God appeared before the UN and supplied full documentation explaining each and every miracle described in the Bible, science would have to still deny that God exists and develope theories to explain what happened that day before the UN council. If we discovered that a copy of the entire Bible was written in 1,000 foot tall flaming letters on a planet a billion light years away, science would have to find a way to explain this that couldn't include God. I know that some find this notion comforting, but I find it disturbing. I see this mentality mentioned many times in Revelation, where the people will ignore all of the miracles happening around them and continue to deny God's existance.

My question is this: Would your personal observations ever make you reject accepted science and instead embrace the Bible?

Scinn's photo
Wed 02/06/08 11:03 AM
Me personally...probably not. There are so many things we don't understand that could explain events that happen. I suppose it falls under the category of "the world is flat" no "the world is round". We're still thinking on a flat plane, when science is trying to show us that it's 3D. But I don't think it has anything to do with a God, just things bigger than we are that we don't understand yet.

neanderthalDave's photo
Wed 02/06/08 11:05 AM

I have a question, which I would like to direct at those who are scientific minded.

First, some background on my thought process. If God appeared before the UN and supplied full documentation explaining each and every miracle described in the Bible, that science would have to still deny that God exists. If we discovered that a copy of the entire Bible was written in 1,000 foot tall flaming letters on a planet a billion light years away, science would have to find a way to explain this that couldn't include God. I know that some find this notion comforting, but I find it disturbing. I see this mentality mentioned many times in Revelation, where the people will ignore all of the miracles happening around them and continue to deny God's existance.

My question is this: Would your personal observations ever make you reject accepted science and instead embrace the Bible?
Im more science then faith,but thats because it can be if u can show me god not through a so called miracle,but real proof.yes I will believe

davidben1's photo
Wed 02/06/08 11:08 AM
My question is this: Would your personal observations ever make you reject accepted science and instead embrace the Bible?

If god is truth, then would we see each man look thru his eyes of what he has only SEEN, and the bible which you quote and believe in clearly says that every man is blinded to truth for a reason and a time to purpose something good. Like can a child see what a grown up then it becomes apparent that we could never be allowed to see all the truths of a grwon up god until our minds were shaped and ready.....but timing also is controlled by god, so then what can go wrong....the biggest thing i ever seen in reveleation was where it said truth hearing and sight was controlled by god....just me

davidben1's photo
Wed 02/06/08 11:14 AM

Me personally...probably not. There are so many things we don't understand that could explain events that happen. I suppose it falls under the category of "the world is flat" no "the world is round". We're still thinking on a flat plane, when science is trying to show us that it's 3D. But I don't think it has anything to do with a God, just things bigger than we are that we don't understand yet.

wow girl, you have eyes that see more, as god himeslf said god was truth, life, and way.....and said there were many the one true god can only be total truth, if if anything ever come in contact with god or total truth then would not that God be big enough to convince beyond a shadow of any doubt that what was said was true and not just fiction....

davidben1's photo
Wed 02/06/08 11:20 AM
so sorry, hope i haven't offended anyone.....just think it's not fair that so many ideas about god are pumped out all over by so called people in the know, but they always use fear tactics, and how can that be all the truth is all....end of religious discussion for me, lol.....yes, seems it is a sensitive topic, lol

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 02/06/08 11:26 AM
Thier is know doubt thier is good in science. Romans 8:28 tells us al things work for the good of those who Love Yahweh.. Science Yahweh created. We just should use it for good. If it questions your belief system. Then study to show yourself approved. In doing so Yahweh has increased your knowledge by the very things you may disagree with...Blessings...Miles

yzrabbit1's photo
Wed 02/06/08 11:36 AM

I have a question, which I would like to direct at those who are scientific minded.

First, some background on my thought process. If God appeared before the UN and supplied full documentation explaining each and every miracle described in the Bible, science would have to still deny that God exists and develope theories to explain what happened that day before the UN council. If we discovered that a copy of the entire Bible was written in 1,000 foot tall flaming letters on a planet a billion light years away, science would have to find a way to explain this that couldn't include God. I know that some find this notion comforting, but I find it disturbing. I see this mentality mentioned many times in Revelation, where the people will ignore all of the miracles happening around them and continue to deny God's existance.

My question is this: Would your personal observations ever make you reject accepted science and instead embrace the Bible?

I don't think science says anything about god. It just tries to discern what are the physical properties of our universe. So I think they would start to study the things you mentioned to get to the bottom of their physical reality. Science does not try to go beyond that.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 02/06/08 11:39 AM
science and intelligence of that sort do not try to convert you. They are straight foward with thier beliefs/thereorys and truths. Yahshua said for us to open up our eyes and see what is before us. Whether it be for good or for bad. The decievers are the ones to stay away from. Those who want to draw you into thier own. Some promicing riches other health other damnation if you do not do as they say. Some even go so far as to tell you that you can not understand the scriptures .That only they can and they will tell you what they mean. Denying that the spirit has been given to all men. These are the ones to question, the ones to show thier hipocracy. Satan hides as an angel of light. Seducing you to the point they he must be right. How do you think Jim Jones got so many people to follow him? Blessings...Miles

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Wed 02/06/08 11:51 AM
it's a rhetorical question at best.
Kinda like the old "if you were in a plane crash in the mountains, would you eat the dead to survive" kinda thing.
One cannot TRULY answer that question until they are in that situation.
In order for the question to be relevant to the person you're asking, they would have HAD to experienced something other than what they consider the norm.

no photo
Wed 02/06/08 11:58 AM
Milesoftheusa and yzrabbit1,

Neither of you came close to answering my question. If you believe in "Science" and reject the supernatural, would you ever accept your own experiances over science? Science cannot accept the supernatural as an answer, but at what point could you accept the supernatural as an answer in your personal life? For instance: If God appeared before you, chastised you, blinded you and then a Christian minister restored your sight, would you believe in God?

I'm not saying "REJECT SCIENCE!" I'm saying "Science rejects the concept of God". Supposedly, science is neutral on the subject, but that's clearly false. Science must reject any answer that includes God. Don't think for a second that I'm saying you have to reject science to accept God, I'm saying sometimes the answer is "God did it", but science rejects that answer. Even if you had evidence for God's existance...for instance, God standing right in front of you, holding the sun in one hand and the moon in another, science is forced to deny God's existance. Science only includes naturalistic causes, not supernatural.

At what point will the scientific minded person accept supernatural causation?

no photo
Wed 02/06/08 12:00 PM

it's a rhetorical question at best.
Kinda like the old "if you were in a plane crash in the mountains, would you eat the dead to survive" kinda thing.
One cannot TRULY answer that question until they are in that situation.
In order for the question to be relevant to the person you're asking, they would have HAD to experienced something other than what they consider the norm.

No...It's just a rhetorical question. I don't expect an answer from most people, I expect them to think about what I posted.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 02/06/08 12:07 PM

If we discovered that a copy of the entire Bible was written in 1,000 foot tall flaming letters on a planet a billion light years away, science would have to find a way to explain this that couldn't include God.

I think your premise here is all wrong to begin with.

Science isn’t out to denounce the existence of a God. That’s not the purpose of science. Science just accepts observations as truth.

You give a hypothetical situation of evidence that supports a particular religion. But no such evidence has even been observed. On the contrary, all the evidence that has been observed is in direct opposition to the doctrine of Christianity.

The earth is not the center of creation. The earth is not a mere 6,000 years old. Evolutions did occur and mankind has not always been on this planet within 6 days of its creation. The earth has been here for billions of years before man came onto the scene. Mankind could not have been responsible for death or an imperfect world because the world was dog-eat-dog long before man came onto the scene and there is no evidence to suggest that it was ever ‘perfect’. Also, there is no geological evidence of a single world-wide flood having ever occurred, and such an event would go against every observation of physics. It would have indeed needed to be miracle that went beyond anything that has ever been observed to occur in the real universe.

The reality of the situation is that observations simply don’t verify the religious doctrine.

It seems to me that the answer is simple. The stories were made up and clearly aren’t true.

What other conclusion could possible be as reasonable? After all, we have plenty of examples of other stories written by men that we have also concluded can’t possibly be true. No one is arguing for Greek mythology for example. Christianity hasn’t been singled out. It’s just one of many myths that have been shown to be false. Why people can’t accept this is beyond me.

Why cling to mythologies that have been proven to be false? Why not move on with your life and look to things that are real?

I'm not saying "REJECT SCIENCE!" I'm saying "Science rejects the concept of God".

That’s not true. Science will accept anything for which there is evidence.

As I said above, science has shown that specific religious doctrines can’t possibly be true. That’s not rejecting the idea of a God. It’s just showing that one particular picture of God turned out to be a lie.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Wed 02/06/08 12:12 PM
A lot of people and i do not know about science that is putting alot of scientists in the bunch. So i do not know. I know it would not matter what was being done miracles ect. Thier would be probally alot of sceptics. It would be no different than when Yahshua was on earth. They would not accept him. They would of had more reason to believe he was really performing miracles then than now.I mean just look at whats on your TV and you can see what society is being groomed for. sorry i guess it seemed like you were refuting science. My apologies....blessings...Miles

yzrabbit1's photo
Wed 02/06/08 12:13 PM

Milesoftheusa and yzrabbit1,

Neither of you came close to answering my question. If you believe in "Science" and reject the supernatural, would you ever accept your own experiances over science? Science cannot accept the supernatural as an answer, but at what point could you accept the supernatural as an answer in your personal life? For instance: If God appeared before you, chastised you, blinded you and then a Christian minister restored your sight, would you believe in God?

I'm not saying "REJECT SCIENCE!" I'm saying "Science rejects the concept of God". Supposedly, science is neutral on the subject, but that's clearly false. Science must reject any answer that includes God. Don't think for a second that I'm saying you have to reject science to accept God, I'm saying sometimes the answer is "God did it", but science rejects that answer. Even if you had evidence for God's existance...for instance, God standing right in front of you, holding the sun in one hand and the moon in another, science is forced to deny God's existance. Science only includes naturalistic causes, not supernatural.

At what point will the scientific minded person accept supernatural causation?

I don't think this answer will be any better but....

( I do not think that science rejects the concept of God)

for the sake of the mental calastetics I will work with your information. If God did those things I would not look at it as science. I would look at it as religion. Some type of other worldly phenomonon that had nothing to do with science.

no photo
Wed 02/06/08 12:22 PM

That’s not true. Science will accept anything for which there is evidence.

Science is based on naturalism. If the evidence cannot be tested against a natural standard, then it is rejected. What I said is completely true. If God suddenly appeared to everyone in New York City, Science COULD NOT accept that God appeared to those people. Another theory, based on what we understand about the natural universe, would have to be devised.

I think it's incredibly dishonest to take a single sentence out of context from my post and comment upon it. I explained why science rejects the concept of God. Science doesn't directly reject the concept of God, but science cannot accept any answer that includes the supernatural, even if it's the ONLY answer. In that way, science rejects God.

Scinn's photo
Wed 02/06/08 12:28 PM

wow girl, you have eyes that see more, as god himeslf said god was truth, life, and way.....and said there were many the one true god can only be total truth, if if anything ever come in contact with god or total truth then would not that God be big enough to convince beyond a shadow of any doubt that what was said was true and not just fiction....

You just totally lost me with that. God? Gods? "Truth" "Total truth"...I'm not exactly sure what all you were saying. But again, wouldn't be. I like science, it's concrete and proven. And, like I was saying before, we don't know everything...we're still learning new things...but it's through science that we are accomplishing these things. Sometimes it takes awhile to prove the earth is round, but eventually we evolve. I don't see how that has anything to do with a particular god, since it's world wide these things are accomplished and lots of different religions. Religion can not be proven...hence religious debates that accomplish nothing. It's like putting a liberal, a republican and a democrat in a room together and asking them to prove why they, and only they, are correct. There's a lot of talking...but it all goes nowhere.

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 02/06/08 12:42 PM

Science doesn't directly reject the concept of God, but science cannot accept any answer that includes the supernatural, even if it's the ONLY answer.

This is where you make your mistake.

How can you know that something is the ONLY answer?

Al that science says is, “What a minute, maybe we can find another explanation”. And then they usually do.

Besides, science isn’t against religion. There is no official scientific proclamation that states that religions can’t be true. All science is concerned with is explaining what we obverse.

Science isn’t a religion. Why talk about it as though it has anything to do with religion?

Many people, like yourself, are upset with science simply because science has made observations and explanations that contradict what your religious doctrines have claimed. Science isn’t out to disclaim your religious doctrines. Science just reports what has been observed to be true, and offers explanations that make reasonable sense.

Science doesn’t pit itself against religion. Religion pits itself against science.

If it weren’t for science we’d still be living in the dark ages with no cures for disease or anything.

The scientific method has been the most productive method of thinking that mankind has ever devised.

If we just sat around and assumed that God is responsible for everything we make no progress at all.

seymourmike's photo
Wed 02/06/08 12:45 PM

Abracadabra's photo
Wed 02/06/08 12:48 PM
By the way, there’s nothing atheistic about science.

Many scientists are very religious people. Many are even Christians. Many are pantheists which is a religion even if Christians don’t understand it. Some are atheists.

But science in general does not require atheistic attitude.

I’m a pantheist. I believe in God. I’m a scientist too.

The simple fact is that there is nothing in science that denounces pantheism. So from my point of view science is in perfect harmony with God.

All science does, as far as I can see, is try to discover how God does things.

Science is in perfect harmony with my religious beliefs. flowerforyou

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