alexmcave's photo
Sat 02/02/08 08:09 AM
Love does not have to hurt but it often seems to. When you listen to the music of love you will hear it telling stories about the pain and sorrow of unfulfilled love. Someone left, someone cheated, or someone died and left someone sad and alone. Love is such a strong positive emotion that it is inevitable that there will be some pain associated with it at some time. This is Nature's law of opposites. For every force there is an equal and opposite force to hold it in balance. As much as our love would soar as a bird on the air, there is gravity to bring it back to earth…sometimes falling but usually gliding.

Passion, is a bird on wing in the thin air of the highest sky without a net. Passion is blissful delight. It's exciting, thrilling, and we feel so alive. You remember your first love and you always will while those that follow diminish in the distance and fade in the past.

First love and passion unlock so many feelings that it's hard to describe them all: euphoria, peace, tenderness, tingling, jealousies, and complete connection are but a few. Passion is a sweet anesthesia that blinds us to anything that might come between us. Love, in the passion stage, holds a power for that moment that can overcome everything.

When judgment is replaced with passion, people tend to make different decisions than they otherwise would. You dated and maybe even married that person even though you sensed that there were major differences between you. You somehow thought that they weren't important or that they would change. Then you realized, when the passion wore off as it always does, that maybe things weren't as great as you thought. That realization and the following break-up were hard. It hurt. It seems as though love always hurts.

The truth, however, is that love does not hurt but it is the falling out of love or not having love that really hurts. And the higher you are, such as in the heights of passion or the tower of a long-term love, the harder the fall. A break-up, divorce, death, or abandonment are some of the most painful experiences of life because we miss our love so much.

We all need two things in life 1. To not be alone or feel alone, and 2. To be appreciated and loved for whom we are. Love brings us together and loneliness reminds us that we are missing something in life. You may not even understand it but the forces are there. We seek fulfillment in the love of others when we often need to love ourselves just as much.

"Love is the passionate and abiding desire on the part of two or more people to produce together conditions under which each can be, and spontaneously express, his real self: to produce together an intellectual soil and an
emotional climate in which each can flourish,
far superior to what either could achieve alone."

Fade2Black's photo
Sat 02/02/08 08:11 AM
Ya .. but it hurts SOOOOOO good :wink: :heart: smokin

doesnt_play_well's photo
Sat 02/02/08 08:11 AM
Well said my friend......well said.drinker flowerforyou drinker

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 02/02/08 08:13 AM
Did you write that? it is so beautiful! How can someone so young understand such deep things? You have a gift for feeling and writing! God Bless!

lcjw's photo
Sat 02/02/08 08:15 AM
True love:

If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don't love, I'm nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate. If I speak God's Word with power, revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day, and if I have faith that says to a mountain, "Jump," and it jumps, but I don't love, I'm nothing. If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don't love, I've gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I'm bankrupt without love.

Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
Love doesn't strut,
Doesn't have a swelled head,
Doesn't force itself on others,
Isn't always "me first,"
Doesn't fly off the handle,
Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn't revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.

davidben1's photo
Sat 02/02/08 08:17 AM
how can love hurt less it was filled with expectations of what it could do for me, as if it were real love, it was never about the giver, but the reciever, so than how can it hurt if it be real prognosis....fake self motivated love hurts.....real love doe NOT. So than maybe we could learn frojm yesterday instead of continuing down a road with no answer.....if love does not hurt, what would and could this tell society as a whole.....we got something wrong!

lcjw's photo
Sat 02/02/08 08:20 AM
Well said David!

doesnt_play_well's photo
Sat 02/02/08 08:22 AM

how can love hurt less it was filled with expectations of what it could do for me, as if it were real love, it was never about the giver, but the reciever, so than how can it hurt if it be real prognosis....fake self motivated love hurts.....real love doe NOT. So than maybe we could learn frojm yesterday instead of continuing down a road with no answer.....if love does not hurt, what would and could this tell society as a whole.....we got something wrong!

Real love doe hurt. Ever been in love. I'm only 18 and I can speak from experience. Just becasue I'm young doesnt mean i dont know. You can stand away from fake love. You can just tell your self its not real and ultimately it hardly effects you. But in real love you hold your heart on you sleve. You give everything that you are to be something someone else wants. What do you do if you can never fully become that person. If because you are not there version of "perfect" or yoor, then you are not good enough. True love does hurt and I stan by that......If they forget to call forget and anniversary or your birthday fake love wouldn't mind, but real love would cry.

no photo
Sat 02/02/08 08:31 AM
love doesnt hurt but rather the lack or loss of it that hurts ..smokin

aphroditiegirl80's photo
Sat 02/02/08 08:42 AM
I think that real love, true love, whatever you want to call it is out there and it is not the act of loving that hurts. On the contrary the act of loving is a joyfull bliss!! It is how human nature twists love to make it something fleeting. Human nature is to be insecure in our feelings, it is to doubt and not trust and expect,forget and become complacent, it is truly ourselves that make love hurt...we let human nature get in the way of what real love is...
think about when you first get together with someone and everything is lisin to the person you are with, they make you laugh, you enjoy eachothers company to the fullest, you try to remember everthing that other person has told you, you spend every dime on that person to show them they are the most important person to you, you drop off of the face of the planet and neglect friends or family for that person and you are happy doing it!!! Why?? Because you are unwilling to see anyhting that human nature makes you see....that is why I say it is not love that is the effect of human nature and how it corrupts our perseption of love that is painful!!!

alexmcave's photo
Sat 02/02/08 08:47 AM
well even though i wrote that i dont agree love does hurt cuz i love someone who cant love me back and it hurts so what do i do i do everything that i can to make tehem love me but it still doesnt work makes me hurt even more drugs other girls and killing urself wont even work cuz even if they dont love u back they do care and if you do something stupid it will hurt them. so do u wana hurt the ones u love f u c k no well i dont but i did so s h i t happens but why cant i just move on and get a new gf what did this girl to do me. really?????

aphroditiegirl80's photo
Sat 02/02/08 08:59 AM
you are young yet...i know the feeling, I love the father of 2 of my kids with my whole heart and he can't or won't love me back...but yo know what it isn't the love that hurts!!! it is the facte that she is refusing your love that hurts!! And after you cut ties and leave her to stew in her own to will get better but you have to be able to cut those ties totaly!!! cause untill the noose around your heart severs compleatly it still chokes and holds you and you are not free to give your heart to someone else!! The only way to move on is to let go!! i have had to do it and now here i am!! easier said than done I know, but it is 100% nessicary!! And untill you do you can never truly love someone else not even yourself...

davidben1's photo
Sat 02/02/08 09:53 AM
Ok....such passon about love does not hurt, lol.....not saying the amount of love we have does not leave us withering in the dust from pain at times, lol.....but the soooner we admit we do not give selfless love the sooner all pain from life can go away....we are not born with unconditoinal love as many would say, as often it is thought that a child has when born and it becomes lost over time and experience.....not so, for even a child one could make to act out in hate if they are not told that they are here also to learn, not be good, but learn everyday how to love unconditionally by experience, and that not one is left out, and each learn in different ways, and each we meet are our if we keep getting the same type teachers, what are we not seeing within ourself, that the mind keeps taking to itself the same things over and over.....the law of the universe is the human mind and how it work.....nothing on the planet exists that we have made that we did not first think, then speak, then create....we each create our own universe whether we want to or are able to admit.....sound bad to many, but on the other side of acceptence of this lie NO PAIN, as one has taken the courage that well up whenever truth is spoken and said all that they are themselves, become vulnerable and said their faults and not allowed the mind to control as a harsh taskmaster any longer.....just me thoughts

thatonegirl05's photo
Sat 02/02/08 09:55 AM

Love does not have to hurt but it often seems to. When you listen to the music of love you will hear it telling stories about the pain and sorrow of unfulfilled love. Someone left, someone cheated, or someone died and left someone sad and alone. Love is such a strong positive emotion that it is inevitable that there will be some pain associated with it at some time. This is Nature's law of opposites. For every force there is an equal and opposite force to hold it in balance. As much as our love would soar as a bird on the air, there is gravity to bring it back to earth…sometimes falling but usually gliding.

Passion, is a bird on wing in the thin air of the highest sky without a net. Passion is blissful delight. It's exciting, thrilling, and we feel so alive. You remember your first love and you always will while those that follow diminish in the distance and fade in the past.

First love and passion unlock so many feelings that it's hard to describe them all: euphoria, peace, tenderness, tingling, jealousies, and complete connection are but a few. Passion is a sweet anesthesia that blinds us to anything that might come between us. Love, in the passion stage, holds a power for that moment that can overcome everything.

When judgment is replaced with passion, people tend to make different decisions than they otherwise would. You dated and maybe even married that person even though you sensed that there were major differences between you. You somehow thought that they weren't important or that they would change. Then you realized, when the passion wore off as it always does, that maybe things weren't as great as you thought. That realization and the following break-up were hard. It hurt. It seems as though love always hurts.

The truth, however, is that love does not hurt but it is the falling out of love or not having love that really hurts. And the higher you are, such as in the heights of passion or the tower of a long-term love, the harder the fall. A break-up, divorce, death, or abandonment are some of the most painful experiences of life because we miss our love so much.

We all need two things in life 1. To not be alone or feel alone, and 2. To be appreciated and loved for whom we are. Love brings us together and loneliness reminds us that we are missing something in life. You may not even understand it but the forces are there. We seek fulfillment in the love of others when we often need to love ourselves just as much.

"Love is the passionate and abiding desire on the part of two or more people to produce together conditions under which each can be, and spontaneously express, his real self: to produce together an intellectual soil and an
emotional climate in which each can flourish,
far superior to what either could achieve alone."

You didn't write that?ohwell

alexmcave's photo
Sat 02/02/08 10:02 AM
nope some of it got it from a friend.

thatonegirl05's photo
Sat 02/02/08 10:04 AM
Oh, I typed "does love hurt?" on google, and that was the first thing I got, haha. Strange!

alexmcave's photo
Sat 02/02/08 10:13 AM
yea a friend sent that to me in a email and i thought i would post it so he must of got it from there

davidben1's photo
Sat 02/02/08 10:30 AM
The greatest evil that keep mankind from love.....his own mind feeling sorry for himself! That heart does not know feeling sorry, rather it thinks of others and how we treated them, but the mind....ooh, thats another story all together.....the human mind is the only thing that has ever committed murder out of so called love.....LIES are what is gotten from the mind, just a half-truth, and we see it more everyday.....but then if we know we are here to learn to master the mind, not listen to it, but understand ourself, how the mind and heart work together and what think purpose instead of action, reaction....and to do this is to answer back to the mind the WHOLE truth, and our mind can be tamed and mastered, and the infinite love can be created.....even the infinity sign is made if one trace the path of the blood within our very veins to the mind and then the heart and back......maybe a clue that we need to connect our hearts and minds together to work in have a continual flow of positve flowing love energy is POSSIBLE....NO PAIN....but if one believes pain is correct will not the mind even trick us into seeking and finding it again and again and again....will not the mind lead us.....seems the biggest obstacle is that humans think the ind is WHAT they are, but this was never so....the mind give statements, and our heart provide the logic or other side of the coin.....perhaps if we realize our heart and mind is like two sides of the coin, and we are in the MIDDLE of the coin...we are the coins essence or being....the two sides there to give both sides of truth, the dark side and the light side, the night and day, rain and sun.....we are only one sitting in the middle between two great things as if in a chair, and the two great things are things of all bad truth and good truth....the mind whispering a one thing the heart another.....they are no longer conflicting and tear us apart as they can do if we see how they work together to make us into something that is MORE than just a body.....BUT WE HAD TO HAVE BOTH TO LEARN ALL OF BOTH....not one here would even have a comprehension of night less we has seen DAY.....just me

Peacekeeper101's photo
Sat 02/02/08 11:00 AM
Ohhh yes, love hurts. Coming from someone that has to spend over a year apart from the person I love, I can tell you for sure, love hurts. But all of the pain is worth it to see that beautiful smile on her face, or to hear that happy goofy laugh of hers. To see the sparkle of love and contentment in her eyes when I hold her...

Love hurts, but it's a pain worth bearing.