thatonegirl05 "Yours to discover."
35 year old woman from Cambridge, Ontario      Looking for friendship Last seen over a month ago
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About thatonegirl05
Alright! Hey, what's up?.. You don't need to ask me to be your friend, or sugar coat messages to me, requesting to be my friend - As long as you seem decent, we can be friends haha. Haha.. here are some FAQ's ;] [If you message me and ask me one of the questions I have already answered, I will ignore the message.. Sorry.] I feel more comfortable talking to someone that has at least one photo of themself posted and I don't think that is too much to ask?.. Even if it's not your main photo, just a photo somewhere in your photos would be nice. No, that's not being shallow, but think to yourself, if the person you're about to e-mail didn't have a photo, would you still be that intrigued to e-mail them? Why are you on this site? Alright, me and my ex-boyfriend had a brutal break-up that took a huge toll on my life.. Right now, I'm just looking to meet some new people to talk to, get to know, and if distance isn't a problem, get a chance to hangout with, if mutual interest is there and just slowly let myself let go of my past. What do you do in your spare time? Lately, between working, volunteering, school and hockey I haven't had too much time to myself or others to go out and do what I like doing. But, when the opportunity arises I love just going out with my friends, havin' a good time.. or even just veggin' out watching movies, listening to music.. Anything that involves being with my friends and family.. I also really love to read and play hockey. What kind of guy do you go for? I don't have a real preference, just certain qualities that I would really like to be there if possible, they would be.. 1. Intelligence. 2. Honesty. 3. Originality. 4. Clean. 5. Family-oriented. As for looks go, I always seem to find myself being attracted to guys with larger bodies. I don't know what it is, but built, thick guys is just very attractive to me. I guess The Mesomorph Body Type would be my preference. But I'm not too picky.. I just find myself more attracted to a body like that. Not even necessarily muscular, just a bigger body, something that makes me feel very safe and protected?.. I hope that makes sense. Do you have any messengers? Yes, I have MSN.. and there is a slim to no chance I will give you my e-mail if you ask me the first time you talk to me. I find that people that get my e-mail right away stop talking to me a lot sooner, than someone that I talk to and get to know first on here. Don't take it personally. :)
Profession: Student / Cashier
Physical Appearance
5' 6"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
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