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Topic: Am I un american?
toastedoranges's photo
Thu 01/31/08 02:19 PM

There is a new report out that estimates that 1 million Iraqis are now dead due to our "Liberation" one million dead, truly Bush and gang are not just war criminals but monsters as well.

what's worse, all the depleted uranium. cancer ratios have shot up in that nation

madisonman's photo
Thu 01/31/08 02:25 PM
We need war crimes trials applying the Nuremberg laws.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 01/31/08 05:23 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Thu 01/31/08 05:23 PM
kinda funny how most of the iraqis are actually thankful for us....

madisonman's photo
Thu 01/31/08 06:03 PM

kinda funny how most of the iraqis are actually thankful for us....


madisonman's photo
Thu 01/31/08 06:05 PM

kinda funny how most of the iraqis are actually thankful for us....

By Amit R. Paley
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, September 27, 2006; A22

BAGHDAD, Sept. 26 -- A strong majority of Iraqis want U.S.-led military forces to immediately withdraw from the country, saying their swift departure would make Iraq more secure and decrease sectarian violence, according to new polls by the State Department and independent researchers.

In Baghdad, for example, nearly three-quarters of residents polled said they would feel safer if U.S. and other foreign forces left Iraq, with 65 percent of those asked favoring an immediate pullout, according to State Department polling results obtained by The Washington Post.

Another new poll, scheduled to be released on Wednesday by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, found that 71 percent of Iraqis questioned want the Iraqi government to ask foreign forces to depart within a year. By large margins, though, Iraqis believed that the U.S. government would refuse the request, with 77 percent of those polled saying the United States intends keep permanent military bases in the country.

The stark assessments, among the most negative attitudes toward U.S.-led forces since they invaded Iraq in 2003, contrast sharply with views expressed by the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Last week at the United Nations, President Jalal Talabani said coalition troops should remain in the country until Iraqi security forces are "capable of putting an end to terrorism and maintaining stability and security."


Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 01/31/08 06:18 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Thu 01/31/08 06:20 PM
i speak personal experience.....oh btw most people that want us out are iranians and syrians

madisonman's photo
Thu 01/31/08 06:20 PM
How nice but all iraqi opinion polls disagree with your personal opinions.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 01/31/08 06:22 PM
guess u believe everything you see on tv

Chazster's photo
Thu 01/31/08 06:23 PM
No only the things he sees on tv that make american look bad. laugh

madisonman's photo
Thu 01/31/08 06:26 PM

guess u believe everything you see on tv
the article I posted was a poll submited by the washington times. You are free to find your own poll that suports your personal opinion but I dont think you will find that the iraqis are happy we are there. there may be a small majority of colaborators who make a personal profit who are greatful but the vast majority as all polls indicate wish america to exit Iraq as well as the majority of americans who feel the same way.........democracy is great we should try it sometime

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 01/31/08 06:29 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Thu 01/31/08 06:31 PM
funny thing is if we pulled out right now the same people would hate us for doing just that....this includes the americans

pulling out + unsecure boarders = retarded

Chazster's photo
Thu 01/31/08 06:30 PM

madisonman's photo
Thu 01/31/08 06:33 PM
Edited by madisonman on Thu 01/31/08 06:33 PM
There are a million dead iraqis who can thank us for there liberation. imagine the mass graves that will make. Now if you factor in those who have died from disease and malnutrition directly related to our actions I think the word genocide could be used.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 01/31/08 06:37 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Thu 01/31/08 06:38 PM
hmmm....i guess sadam never let anybody go malnurished or untreated from disease. your precious "polls" were originally in favor of us going over there. War is hell, get the eff over it.

toastedoranges's photo
Thu 01/31/08 06:42 PM

funny thing is if we pulled out right now the same people would hate us for doing just that....this includes the americans

pulling out + unsecure boarders = retarded

opinion does not equal fact

Drivinmenutz's photo
Thu 01/31/08 06:44 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Thu 01/31/08 07:31 PM
not opinion, educated guess.....a well educated guess from a tactical perspective

sorry yall, i may not understand why we originally went over there, sometimes, like everyone else, i wonder what we are fighting for....don't get me wrong. This is a tragedy as all wars are, im just letting you know that we may be making a bigger mistake if we pull out now.

NotConanObrien's photo
Thu 01/31/08 09:59 PM
Well, since you're asking, you might be a LITTLE bit un-American if you're only outraged that the guy you voted for didn't win. As if the CIA never roughed people up in previous administrations, there were no economic cycles, and recessions could seriously be considered the result of tax cuts.

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